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ok im 14 years old and am very wrapped up in my 17 year old cousin.this started about january .my dad came down to visit me and my younger brother .i was cool with this . then my dad told me we were gonna be staying with my aunt for a week .when we got there (i havent seen my cusuin since i was about 3 or 4 ) so we were loading all our junk into the house .my dad started talking to some guy who i though was absolutly adorable ( he only looked about 16 maybe 15)so knowing me i was started flirting with him yeah .

he was sorta flirting back. so about two minutes into the the flirt fest .my wonderfull daddy told erick to help us out ..oh my god i was soooo mortified.so yeah that night i was standing in the kitchen when erick walk up behind ,me and pokes me in the ribs (wher i happen to be very ticklish) i started laughing my head off...ok it was kinda funny.ok so the next two days he was either in school or hanging with his friends(on the second night after my dad gave me a kiss good night erick did ).on the third day he went to town with us it was pretty fun .i guess we did all the fun thing my brothers got to play in the park while me my dad and erick hung out by the skateboard park.then we ate and yada yada yada.one the way home we called my aunt turns out the power had gone out .so we went and got some pizza for dinner wich took about 2 hours to order.. om man it was great all these cute guys were way overwhelming .then about 9-o-clock we headed home it was about a 15 minute ride so i was nice and relaxed .erick fell asleep on my shoulder .very very weird .well we got home unloaded all our junk. watched my dad and step mom get drunk sent the little kids to bed and .sat down on the couch at that point my cousin was still sober and me very very hyper.so i started flirting with him again .we started out by watching cars .haha erick said hed never seen it before .so i was all curld up in a ball like right next to my cousin (it was cold )i started tickling him .. my dad went to bed .. it was just me and my cousin he started tickiling me and i him .like two minutes into the tickle fest .we stoped tickling each other .(i was getting really horny) i turned around he had my wrist so i coudent tickle him any more .thats about how it all started im gussing he was horney too .i could feel his hard on through his pants ...i thought to my self great just great. so me being horney i kissed him i was goin for the forehead but ended up getting his nose.he laughed at me i told him i couldent help it hes all yeah then hes all but wait ( i knew this was coming ok u see my dad is not my birth daddy soo thats what i told eric.)he relaxed a bit let go of my wrist slid it down my arm and onto my hips.omg i was wayyy horny by then.he was soo cute just laying there so i was watching tv then i turned around he was all dazed over hehe...so i kissed him but he didnt let me pull back he held me there .. wehn he did let me go he had this goofy little smile.i was laughing at him when he pulled me into another kiss.my goodness,. i was very dazed too we ended up making out for the next half hour or so...he but what sucked is the rest of the week he ignored me.so we left i got a little hug.we went home i was still stuck on that night. but since then i got a boyfriend .a cute one .so like 3 weeks ago my dad came down again we stayed at my aunts house again (i started dating my boyfriend in febuary)so i was standing in the kitchen with my dad when erick comes in he gave me a really sqeezy hug...so about 2 nights into the visit i was on the computer and he asked me to show him some pics of me on my myspace .i was like ok.i showed him i got pics of my bf on there he asked who he was .. i told him then he walked off to go watch a move i got bored turned off the puter watched the whole movie .my dad and step mom went to bed .my aunt went to bed all that was left was me him and his friend we my feet me and erick were laying on the couch(at diffrent ends its one of those two piece couches) my feet were cold so i slide my feet under a pilliow and eric slid his feet behind me so i moved my feet between his legs and every time i moved my feet he opend his legs so i could get more comfy.then his friend look over and says "ooh god eric ..damn" eric ha a huge hard on lol...so we watched jackass about half way through eric scooted next to me so we were cuddling .then his friend fell asleep agin i was getting horney .we made out big time!!man .. i cant belive i did it again but that i did it while i had a boyfriend ...help me out here....




please be nice im not big on rudeness


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