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This girl.

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Hey, I'm very new to this and never ever go on forums like this ever unless I really need it like now.


Well I guess you've had many many posts like this before but here's my story .. I'll tell you a bit about myself first. I am 15 nearly 16 and about 5,5" (small in my year) I am quite slim and athletic. People say I'm attractive and I have a strangely deep voice (some people think I'm 30 over the phone) and am intelligent. I have a pretty good sense of humour, but Iv'e heard people say it's dry, although they usually can't tell... I am telling you this as it may help in you helping me out.


So there is this girl at school who I like quite a lot and I am confident she likes me, but I'm not 100% sure. I really want to find out without asking her because she's the kind of girl that'd I think would deny it, even though she might or I'm just afraid of the truth. So would any of you be able to tell me if this counts for anything?


Well for one, she looks at me quite a lot in my lessons. I sit right next to her in one of my lessons and after the Easter holidays I had that lesson. One of the first things she said to me was that she broke up with her boyfriend, after we asked each other how 'your holiday went'. Then later on we were discussing what lessons we liked and she said she didn't really like many of them apart from this one, as she 'likes the seating plan' is what she said. Theres more evidence to perhaps suggest she likes me which I can't remember right now, but everytime I look at her theres a depth I feel .. I can actually picture her eyes right now. Also during that lesson she asked what my age was (either 15 or 16) .. I didn't quite answer it as I know the answer she would have liked was 16. In some lessons she'll keep looking back at me and then turn her head away again (or so i believe) and this lunchtime I was sitting on the bench with my mate and she was walking by with her friends. I glanced over and thought she may have glanced at me too. So I turned back and when I went to look at her as she was just about to pass me, she was looking at me.


All this may prove something, although I just have a dreadful feeling about it I can't shake off. For one I'm an inch or slightly less shorter than her and I think height matters to her (as it does for some girls). So I'm rather stuck on whats what tbh. Please lend your advice and tell me whats going on.


Thanks very much in advance.

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