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Really weird situation! YIKES!

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Hi, this might be a little long but I really value the opinions of everyone here, and hope you'll read and respond.


A few weeks ago, my boyfriend, Andrew, and I were getting into fights almost every night. When I say fights, I mean, crying and yelling, not just nitpicks. Finally one day he told me he didn't know if it was going to work out for us, that he loved me but he was miserable and so was I. I suggested we take a break. He agreed. He started hanging out with his friend Rob ALL the time...and still does. It's like they're dating or something. (insert rolling eyes)


We took our break for like, a week. When we got back together, everything was perfectly fine. It was like we had never fought in the first place. We stopped pushing issues that didn't matter and it seemed like we fell back in love.


Then, the other day I had the day off, and I hung out with my (not so attractive) friend Tyler all day. Andrew called me from work all day, and I told him I was with Tyler, and Tyler said hi to Andrew and everything, and I would see Andrew after he got out of work. Keep in mind, Ty and I have been friends for about two or three years.


When I went to see Andrew later that evening, he was acting kind of weird and asked me how I thought our relationship was going. I was kind of irked that he asked me, because I didn't want to push those issues anymore. I said it was going fabulous, and when I asked him what HE thought, he kind of shrugged. (!) Then he asked me if Ty had a girlfriend, and I said no. And then he stopped asking about Tyler. (Ty would NEVER put the moves on me!)


Then last night, Andrew and I had plans to go to a movie after he got out of work. He called me when he got out and said he was going to see his friend Rob to hang out for a little while, and he would call me in about an hour. His phone shut off and I didn't get a hold of him all night! (Keep in mind Rob has my number and Andrew was perfectly capable of calling me from Rob's phone.)


I was SO freaked out, because after about seven hours when he TOLD me he would call me back in an HOUR (yeah, I know) I thought he was in an accident or picked up by the police or something. So, at four in the morning, I went to his house and his car wasn't there. Then, I went to Rob's house and his car WAS there, and all the lights were out and the doors were locked. I looked inside (you can see perfectly well into the living room from the outside) and his jacket and shoes were in there but there was no one on the only couch in the living room. I had assumed he would sleep on the couch, but there was no sign of him except for his jacket and shoes. I also knocked and no one answered...you would think if someone was in the living room they would have HEARD me knock.


I went home and he FINALLY called me at TEN this morning. He told me him and Rob went to the bar, and he accidentally got "wasted", and then...get this...he spent the night "on Rob's couch"! (The ONLY couch in Rob's house is the one in the living room!) Part of me thinks he slept with Rob! Rob is the only person that lives there! And there's only one bed, and one bedroom...Rob's.


He was really worried that I was mad at him and told me he loved me, blah blah, that we would go see that movie tonight. We'll see.


What the HECK is going on here? Isnt' this weird?


(By the way, this is definitely not the first time he's stood me up for Rob, claiming to have been "too wasted" to answer the phone.)


Sooo...maybe a little guidance? Has anyone ever been in this situation or does it sound really funny to you?


Thanks you!

Love Elli

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