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I Feel So Hurt That I Don't Want To Date Women Anymore

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I been dating this girl in March 2006. Shes been lying to me from day one. She told me she was in love with me, she wants to marry me, i mean everything to her, im the love of her life and all this was bull****. shes insecure with herself, needs approval, she doesn't think shes pretty enough. She told me she only had sex with one guy, her ex-boyfriend with protection. In June..we were in her car and she told me to put my penis in her a little bit to see how it feels. And i said "will i still be a virgin?" and she said yes.


We didn't have protection so i didn't do it. I told my dad about it and my dad told me that my virginity would have been taken away from me if i would have put it in her. THAT WAS A LIE. Later on, she kept pressuring me and pressuring me to have sex with her. I told her im waiting until marriage to have sex. Out of nowhere she says "me and my ex didn't use a condom" THAT WAS A LIE. and she tells me she had sex with another guy with protection. but she told me she had sex with one guy, THAT WAS A LIE. and I found out she didn't use protection with the other guy, THAT WAS A LIE. I asked if she done oral, she said she didn't. I found out she did oral twice with two guys, THAT WAS A LIE. I asked if any of the guys did oral to her, she said once. THAT WAS A LIE. She has never been tested, and think if i could have put my penis in her that night, and found out all of things later, I would have lost my virginity, I probably could have had HIV/ or STD and could have gotten her pregnant.


When i told her i didn't want to be friends with her anymore, she threaten to commit suicide, she said she was going to runaway and kill herself because she lost the guy of her dreams. She saw that she wasn't on my top 8 on myspace and she left a voicemail on my phone saying "im not on your top 8, if you don't from me, get worried" and few minutes later she said she was joking about commiting suicide. THIS GIRL IS CRAZY..to this day, she calls me 10-12 times a day, i can never full trust her, she told me i will never do anything to hurt you. What should i do? do you think she used suicidal to control and manipulate me? does she really love me?

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It could be that she lied to you to make her look good in your eyes because she's so into you that she didn't want to lose you. She might be trying to hook you by her having your kid so watch out.

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I thinks shes crazy.

and she just wants you for a good time, if she has lied to you this much now, she will continue to in the future. She wont actually kill herself, she is just thretening to because shes weird. I dont know if she really loves you, it sounds to me like she is just looking for a good time. Maybe see if you can talk to some of these guys shes been with to see what they think of her?

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You told your dad about it?


Wow, quite the grown up you are. I suggest you don't see this woman until you're ready to behave like an adult. Sure, she lied but look who she has to deal with!


People like you really only work in relationships when you date other people like you. She's too "normal" to be a good fit for you.


Can your father recommend any church friends that won't mind your antiquated notions?

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In June..we were in her car and she told me to put my penis in her a little bit to see how it feels. And i said "will i still be a virgin?" and she said yes.


You need to grow up a little... LOL How old are you? 12 - 13?


You are definitely not ready yet!

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Dude!!! Enema! It sounds like this kid is definitely a teenager, I'd say about 15 and I think it is totally awesome that he talked to his dad about it. With our dumbass government funding abstinence only education he's probably not getting much education at school (I mean, he thought he wouldn't lose his virginity if he had sex) and you know how other teenagers or porn are SUCH a good source of reliable information about sex. If more teenager felt like they could talk to a trusted and knowledgeable adult about this stuff we'd have a lot less problems with all sorts of **** like, you know, STDs being passed though anal sex because it "didn't count" or girls getting pregnant when they thought they were still a virgin because they didn't know how it all works. I think it is a very adult thing to do to seek out this sort of information from a trusted source.

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Guest: " What should i do? .... does she really love me?"



Dear Guest, I'm assuming you're very young -at least, under 18 (or no more than, or somewhere, thereabouts.)


To answer the top two of your questions right away, -no, I can't imagine there's love involved between you, and certainly not the mature, or lasting kind.


Why? -there's just not enough experience with relationships between the two of you to fill a teaspoon, yet (and I'm even taking into consideration whatever foolish sexual experiences she -and you- have either done, or thought about doing.)


Sure, you're probably hurt, and feel as if you can't trust the opposite sex -but look, it's really only *her* you can't trust, not the whole gender.


Sounds to me, like you need to just cut her loose; I don't see too much of a great loss (she's not offering that much.)


Take some time ( few weeks should do it; a weekend ballgame, if you're lucky!) and let her fade into the past.


Don't worry about her "wellbeing" -she'll have no trouble peddling what she's freely giving out to some other poor, unfortunate guy, and keep your eyes (and ears) out for someone who suits you better -and who keeps her past boyfriends out of the conversation and knows how to keep her panties on for more than a couple of dates.


As for the issue of whether or not she'll kill herself if you never speak to her again -well- don't loose any sleep over that, either; the most she's likely to pull is swallowing more aspirin than anyone usually takes for a headache, and wind up puking in the toilet.


(An act of a spoiled, foolish brat, seeking attention.)


But I don't really see any of that happening (as per the info from your post describing her usual manipulative behavior.)


I only see silly, immature threats coming out of her to pressure you to get things swinging in the direction *she* wants them to swing.


Give her *nothing* -and back way the heck off.


You can do better.


Most people can.






P.S. And remember to say "Thanks!" to your dad for being such a great, and understanding, and open guy. You could do alot worse!

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This one is simple... ditto what Riobikini said... and for the record, I just passed the 50 year mark... they come like that in all age groups... just keep your eyes and ears open. There are great, good hearted women out there who will accept you for yourself... just roll with it. It's not the whole gender, just one bad apple...

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In June..we were in her car and she told me to put my penis in her a little bit to see how it feels. And i said "will i still be a virgin?" and she said yes.


You need to grow up a little... LOL How old are you? 12 - 13?


You are definitely not ready yet!


Im 19, I was 18 at the time.

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