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I'm new here and I have a question that maybe someone can help with. See, I've never really gotten romantically involved with someone that I've known for any length of time beforehand. Now that might be happening, and I don't know whether I am just misreading the signs or what! I have known this girl for a couple of years now and we see each other once or twice a week, typically. Slowly over time, we seem to have been getting closer, for lack of a better term. The biggest thing that I have noticed is more frequent and longer eye contact. Anyways, any input that anybody has is well appreciated. :)

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Do you see any red flags, white ferrets, or blue elephants? If not, then just keep doing what you're doing. But, be a little bit sexier.

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Thanks for the quick reply! No I haven't seen any oddly colored anythings, hehehe. So I will do exactly what you recommend. Honestly, it makes perfect sense.

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I hope it all works out for you. Slow and relaxed is usually the way to go. But listen to yourself first, and everyone else second.

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