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first love


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my first love was about 7 years ago when I was 16. His name was Jason .i and he are both married now but i still think about him from time to time. you could probably say it was puppy love but i still have not forgotten about him after 7 years. my parents were very strict and conservative when i was in high school and he was the complete opposite


my parents found out that we were getting more involved so we moved and i never saw him .....until i was on the internet one day and i found out that he lived about 45 min away from me. i met with him and found out that he was married and had two children. i myself am married but sometimes i wonder about what could of been. nothing happened that day but we kept in touch for about a week


and then he stopped calling. i guess he is doing what is best. sometimes i wonder what could of happened if we were not seperated. am i crazy?

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my first love was about 7 years ago when I was 16. His name was Jason .i and he are both married now but i still think about him from time to time. you could probably say it was puppy love but i still have not forgotten about him after 7 years. my parents were very strict and conservative when i was in high school and he was the complete opposite my parents found out that we were getting more involved so we moved and i never saw him .....until i was on the internet one day and i found out that he lived about 45 min away from me. i met with him and found out that he was married and had two children. i myself am married but sometimes i wonder about what could of been. nothing happened that day but we kept in touch for about a week and then he stopped calling. i guess he is doing what is best. sometimes i wonder what could of happened if we were not seperated. am i crazy?

No you're not crazy!!! If you two didn't really break up and were kind of forced apart, I think that it's only natural to feel the way you're feeling. You didn't get any closure in the relationship so you wonder "what if?"


But knowing that he's married and you also being married, I think it would really be best for you to cut this relationship off. Are you happy with your marriage? If you are then maybe you shouldn't wander into forbidden soil. Did you tell your husband about this contact with your ex? It's really important to be open and honest. If you're hiding this from your husband, then you should ask yourself "why?" If you're having problems in your marriage, then you should fix them. It's not a good idea for you to look for an escape. And the realationship with the ex might just be one. Not only is it dishonest where your husband and the ex's wife are concerned, but it makes your life more confusing and probably invites more chaos than any of us would like to welcome into our lives.


The most important thing is to look into why you are so curious as to the "what-if's" of an old relationship. And also it's important to maintain an honest and open relationship with your husband.

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