smoochie Posted March 9, 2008 Share Posted March 9, 2008 Mr. R. even though we were only together a few months, you were able to make me trust you and believe you really wanted me. You made me feel like I was special to you and you were a man of your word. I thought you were really righting all of the wrongs you have committed in your past and I tried to encourage you. You no longer want me. Everyone says you did me a favor but I just don't feel that way. I still want you to want me in your life...even as a friend. Are you what I really want in a man, not really. But I still think about you every day. Sometimes I feel like I don't have the right to feel this way since we were only together officially for three months but friends for seven. Why do I allow myself to be consumed with the fact you may be with another girl? You have made it quite clear YOU DO NOT WANT ME!!! I swear I have to get that point clear in my mind. Why wouldn't you want me? Are you happier because I would have tried to do better. I know you have issues and they have absolutely nothing to do with me, yet I still like you. I still think I would forgive you if you just apologized. I got a big boost when you tried to start an argument with me last week when I showed up at the event. I took that as you still cared some or at least wanted me to interact with you. I felt even better when I didn't fall for it and blew you completely off. A week later, I feel like crap again because you still haven't called me or tried to reach me. I may see you again tonight. I know you aren't dumb enough to try to talk to me again. Or maybe you have stopped caring enough to want to say anything to me. Do I really want to go? Yes. Would I rather you not be there...I think that would be best, but a part of me wants you there. I want to be able to show that your presence means nothing to me. God please help me get over this. I pray that You remove my feeling for him and lessen my thoughts about him until I think about him no more. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. Link to post Share on other sites
MissTiss Posted March 11, 2008 Share Posted March 11, 2008 sedona said: If you want to be with me, then all you have to do is feel that you want to be with me, tell me you want to be with me, and show me that you want to be with me. And then we'll meet and talk and be together. It doesn't have to be so hard. We can have so much fun together! Just open up yourself to me. I won't hurt you. How can this be such a hard decision? Why do you have to keep your distance when you know how much you like me and how much you could love me? Is there really no time left in your life for me? You have work, the gym, your dog? And you have to keep your house clean? I hope you enjoy your clean house in 20 years' time when you're sitting in it in front of the TV all alone. I can't call you. You know how I feel. You have to make the first move and tell me that you want me to be part of your life and that you want to be part of mine. Not just as friends, but as a couple. What are you waiting for!?!?! Stupid cell phone. Hate it when it's silent. I could've written this. Link to post Share on other sites
Issues & tissues Posted March 11, 2008 Share Posted March 11, 2008 (edited) Hi D, I must say, you looked really swell yesterday afternoon - liked the new haircut and clothes and looks like you have been working out too. Though, I can't quite figure out why you dropped by my place yesterday afternoon. Could it have been that you had really missed my love and friendship since you left me six weeks ago or that you have finally come to your senses and realized that the grass really isn't greener on the other side? No? Thought not. Or maybe you felt bad for cheating on me and lying to me and thought I finally deserved an apology? No? I guess I should know better. The apology thing just isn't you. Oh wait a minute...was it to show off your trendy new look and to rub in how much happier you are now without me? I couldn't help noticing your new footwear. Designer by any chance? Perhaps it was to criticize the way I do my hair and dress and to remind me how old and frumpy I look especially since putting on those few extra pounds over Christmas? You said that you knew some really nice people but that you could never be their friend because of the way they looked. Interesting how you made a point of how you only wear designer clothing nowadays and that you spend all your money on grooming and looking after yourself. How are the Calvin Klein boxers by the way? Now, you wouldn't want some grubby blonde ripping those off before you even got a chance to wear them, would you? Well, what can I say? You look great! I'm sure you and your new gucci-laden friends must look the bees knees at the trendy nightclubs and casinos you say you hang out at these days. In fact, I almost didn't recognize you yesterday afternoon. You see, one of the things I loved about you was the way you used to appreciate people for their kindness and generosity, their humor and artistic talent, the good things they did or said or simply for the color they brought to your life. Now you judge people for being poor, sick or for not being conventionally attractive. I feel sorry for you. What a miserable world you must live in! I see in people something far more beautiful than the clothes they wear or the clubs they hang out at. I see love, warmth, hope, compassion, empathy, friendship - things that your new found wealth cannot buy. Oh how drab and dull your world must be underneath all that Gucci and Gabana apparel - a world of plastic manequins void of any color or personality. I hope you find your 'soul' mate - only let's hope she doesn't sell her soul for a D&G handbag. Edited March 11, 2008 by Issues & tissues Link to post Share on other sites
serendip Posted March 11, 2008 Share Posted March 11, 2008 I've been thinking about things I have no desire to meet up with you To be honest I don't see you as a good person I would prefer that you don't contact me anymore Link to post Share on other sites
AvgJoeDoe Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 Ring Ring.. Ring Ring Ring.. Her Phone"You reached ****** please leave your name and number and ill get back as soon as i can.... Me: *Hangs Phone* Quote From Email: "You Know that i can be here as a friend" The Ironi.... Link to post Share on other sites
shadowsfall Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 Hey Y, There are some things I wanted to say before we finally say goodbye. Let me just start out by saying that these past 3 weeks have been the hardest of my entire life. You were everything I desired from day one and now you're gone. You showed me by your inability to pull out that thorn in our relationship how important it really was to you. This is the only sense of closure you have provided me, to realize that I am merely the 2nd choice in your life. I'll never understand why you can't make the decision to leave this person alone and have refused to so long. I thought maybe you cared enough to change that behavior and strengthen what once was a great relationship. Or maybe it's just all too obvious why it's never going to happen. I can honestly say that I HATE what has stood in the way of us going further, and you know what I'm talking about. The entire situation led me through a downward spiral that I never thought possible. It has made me become someone I am not and someone I hate. However, stepping aside from this has made me realize I am not who you see me as. I AM strong, confident, ambitious and most of all a NICE PERSON. Despite all that we've been through I can honestly say that I still love you and always will. However it is obvious we cannot be together anymore because you have proven your decision to me. -J Link to post Share on other sites
dfreeman Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 Hi #######, Seeing you today was a waste of another 10 minutes of my life. So I accidentally took a few of your things when I moved out in a rush to get the hell out of your pathetic angry life - next time spend the f#(kin twenty bucks and buy some new s#!+. I don't need to see your unhappy and angry face anymore. It's bad enough that I have to see you when the buyout closes - stop finding little reasons to e-mail me and see me. I know you are curious to see if I still care about you, but don't you recognize apathy when you see it? Oh, it has been a while since you've seen me and yes, I have lost 20 lbs and buffed-out a bit - don't worry, it was in spite of you and not for you. Please hurry up and find a new boyfriend so you can start f#(kin-up his life and leave me to my new-and-improved one. You were so certain that we needed to be apart - live with it and quit trying to rub my nose in it. I GET IT - I screwed up a lot towards the end and you want me to feel s#1++y about it for a long time. Sorry b1+(#, but I have already forgiven myself for those mistakes and am moving on. Be careful - the next time you call me to come over for some bulls#1+, I might be telling you that I have started seeing someone. Do yourself a favor and just forget about me - we aren't destined to be friends in the future, so you have nothing left to be curious about. Bye! Link to post Share on other sites
tonyeltiger Posted March 18, 2008 Share Posted March 18, 2008 I can't believe the person that you have become. You dump me, say you still love me, that I'm your best friend, that you want to know whats going on in my life, and then you refuse to talk to me? I was under the assumption our entire relationship that you were a mature adult. I see now that I am completely wrong. How could an adult that supposedly loved me simply cut me out of their life without batting an eye about it? And then immediately afterwards jump right into another relationship? You wanted to find yourself. Bah. You wanted to find yourself with this guy. Why did you feel the need to lie? If you would have just been the kind, honest person I mistakenly thought you were, there would have been no problems whatsoever. I wish I could see the look on his face in a year, two, or three when he thinks that you are the one, and you go crazy again and start lying like an immature little girl. I never thought you were so pathetic in my life. You have shown me what an immature, selfish, needy person you are. If you truly wanted to find yourself, I would have been fine with it. But you evidently need a man in your life to validate yourself. So pathetic. I really hope that one day you realize how ridiculously you treated me in this breakup and come back to ask for forgiveness. I will forgive with time, but I will never take you back. The next time you break up with someone, here's a tip. Be ****ING mature! Don't lie about your feelings or give false hope. How you could look me in the eyes and feed me all the lies you did is beyond me. Oh wait, you didn't. You were so immature that you would only speak to me through e-mail after the initial hope-coated lies. Grow the **** up. I always knew you were a little immature, but you have completely blown my mind. I never expected you to stoop so very low. I truly hope that one day someone treats you exactly like you have treated me so you can truly understand how unfairly you treated someone that gave you three years of their life. So much more I want to say, but I won't. You don't even deserve the time or energy needed to write it. You probably wouldn't even understand it, because I tell the TRUTH. Have a nice life, hope you find some poor soul that will be a complete door-mat for you. Link to post Share on other sites
sumdude Posted March 18, 2008 Share Posted March 18, 2008 (edited) Well, it's been over a year now... the hardest year of my life second only to the year before when my mom passed away. Three more family funerals and now my dad is in really bad shape too... I had to face all that and your leaving me, the divorce all at once. Some days it was all I could do to get out of bed and do what i needed to do but I know I'm strong enough. I guess you ran off when you realized that it wasn't all going to be easy. I feel you saw some of these things coming and didn't want to be there and go through it. At every funeral I had to look to my side and wonder why you didn't want to be there and that you didn't care anyway. I'm far from perfect, I had and have my problems but i always wanted the best and treated you well. We had so much around us, freinds support, people inclyding me who suppoerted you even when they felt you were wrong. Yet you didn't appreciate any of it. Weaving dramaa and always neededing all the attention. Making up those whopper stories to seem more interesting and powerful... sad that you didn't think enough of yourself to know you didn't need to do that. It made believing you and in you harder every day. Still, sometimes I can sort of see why you left..I was a mess there for a while. I am sorry that I wasn't stronger at times I needed to be but sometimes a man slips when times get hard. I still don't know for sure if you left for someone else or not. Everything you did sure made it look that way but what you said was something else. I suppose it doesn't matter now. The anger is fading into embers, for some reason I do still think of you but then again 7 years is a big piece of my life. The way you treated me, the things you would say to me while I still thought we were working things out... did you even mean that or was it just a game? You are very self centered... I think the way you grew up made you that way. You were neglected as a child so you learned to always look after number 1 and only look at things in how they affect you. You always had someone to be angry at... every job there was an enemy.. every social scene there was an enemy.... then it was me. Why all the anger? Part of me does hope one day you'll wake up and realise how you did me and feel some remorse and regret. Part of me hopes one day you'll feel the pain I felt, be crushed as i was.. but why should I still care about any of that now? Who are you anyway? Edited March 18, 2008 by sumdude Link to post Share on other sites
Belkin Posted March 18, 2008 Share Posted March 18, 2008 tonyeltiger said: I can't believe the person that you have become. You dump me, say you still love me, that I'm your best friend, that you want to know whats going on in my life, and then you refuse to talk to me? I was under the assumption our entire relationship that you were a mature adult. I see now that I am completely wrong. How could an adult that supposedly loved me simply cut me out of their life without batting an eye about it? And then immediately afterwards jump right into another relationship? You wanted to find yourself. Bah. You wanted to find yourself with this guy. Why did you feel the need to lie? If you would have just been the kind, honest person I mistakenly thought you were, there would have been no problems whatsoever. I wish I could see the look on his face in a year, two, or three when he thinks that you are the one, and you go crazy again and start lying like an immature little girl. I never thought you were so pathetic in my life. You have shown me what an immature, selfish, needy person you are. If you truly wanted to find yourself, I would have been fine with it. But you evidently need a man in your life to validate yourself. So pathetic. I really hope that one day you realize how ridiculously you treated me in this breakup and come back to ask for forgiveness. I will forgive with time, but I will never take you back. The next time you break up with someone, here's a tip. Be ****ING mature! Don't lie about your feelings or give false hope. How you could look me in the eyes and feed me all the lies you did is beyond me. Oh wait, you didn't. You were so immature that you would only speak to me through e-mail after the initial hope-coated lies. Grow the **** up. I always knew you were a little immature, but you have completely blown my mind. I never expected you to stoop so very low. I truly hope that one day someone treats you exactly like you have treated me so you can truly understand how unfairly you treated someone that gave you three years of their life. So much more I want to say, but I won't. You don't even deserve the time or energy needed to write it. You probably wouldn't even understand it, because I tell the TRUTH. Have a nice life, hope you find some poor soul that will be a complete door-mat for you. Wait, did I post that under another pseudonym? I don't remember doing it, and yet it's EXACTLY what I feel like... Link to post Share on other sites
tonyeltiger Posted March 19, 2008 Share Posted March 19, 2008 hahaha, it's crazy how people will do the same insanely insensitive, down-right mean things over and over again. No matter where they are or what sex they are. People are lying cowards. Really makes ya want to go out and find another doesn't it! *sarcasm* Link to post Share on other sites
Belkin Posted March 19, 2008 Share Posted March 19, 2008 tonyeltiger said: hahaha, it's crazy how people will do the same insanely insensitive, down-right mean things over and over again. No matter where they are or what sex they are. People are lying cowards. Really makes ya want to go out and find another doesn't it! *sarcasm* Well actually yeah, I want to find another one I'll be much more careful this time, my trust will be VERY hard to earn... Link to post Share on other sites
Elena62 Posted March 20, 2008 Share Posted March 20, 2008 Hello again, hello Just called to say hello, I couldn't sleep at all tonight, and I know it's late, but I couldn't wait. Hello, my friend, hello, Just called to let you know, I think about you every night, when I'm here alone, and you're there at home, hello. Maybe it's been crazy, maybe I'm to blame, but I put my heart above my head. We've been through it all, and you loved me just the same. And when you're not there, I just need to hear.... Hello, my friend, hello, It's good to need you so, It's good to love you like I do, and to feel this way, when I hear you say, hello. Hello, my friend, hello, Just called to let you know, I think about you every night, when I'm here alone, and you're there at home, hello...... ********* I'll always love you. Even though I may never be able to tell you again, I meant every single word that I ever said. Nothing can take away the time we shared, the wonderful places we saw together - the miles we traveled the talks we had. The sunrises that were really ours. Nothing will ever take that away from us. My friend, I wish I could say hello! Link to post Share on other sites
LuCidiTy Posted March 20, 2008 Share Posted March 20, 2008 awww, elena! *hugs Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation. ~Kahlil Gibran ugh ... reading this topic is making me cry! but it's ok! i cry most of the time anyway! Link to post Share on other sites
SoStupid Posted March 21, 2008 Share Posted March 21, 2008 hi, its me. I have missed you sooo much. I wish this wasn't how things had to be. I wish we could get along and have things in common, I wish you could keep my interest and treat me the way you know i deserve to be treated. Sometime i think that I just might be able to deal with you and the way you talk to me. Honestly from the bottom of my heart I love you. But i can't live this way no more! I cant be told by you that you love me that you care about me and in the same breath tell me how much you hate me and think im a nasty person. I m done with it. I cant do it anymore. I must let myself go from you. No more contact with you, all we ever do is fight anyways whats the point. I know this is going to be the hardest thing i will ever have to do. Neither one of us are happy and never will be. I am truely sorry. I love you forever take care of yourself. I hope you dont treat the next one like me. Bye! Link to post Share on other sites
SoStupid Posted March 21, 2008 Share Posted March 21, 2008 Good Morning, I was just thinking about you. I had a really really hard time goiing to sleep last night knowing we hadn't talked. I dont understand where our loving, butterflies in the tummy relationship went. I miss you so much, The laughs, the jokes, your kisses and your sexy eyes.. God this is so hard. I dont think i can keep this up. I am going to do my best because i know this is what needs to be. ARHHH i hate it I love you so much please never forget how much you mean to me. oh and if you want to change for yourself...... CALL ME WHEN YOU CHANGE.. ill definatly be there.. bye! Link to post Share on other sites
Confused9 Posted March 21, 2008 Share Posted March 21, 2008 Well it's been 2 months since we have spoken and 5 days since I have checked up on you through myspace. I wish I knew what was going on with you and your newlife...but I know it's better that I don't. I think it's cowardly of you to post your news about the wedding and the baby on myspace. You know I the h*ll do you think that makes me feel? We have only been broken up since October and she already knows what the s*x of the baby is. The baby you told me you lost. Why would you tell me that? Why would you say that about a baby you are suppossed to be excited for and love? How dare you!!!! I cant' believe you are getting married. Monday would have been our 8 year anniversary. Instead I am alone and you are getting married and having a baby. I guess you must have forgotten about our plans? We were to get married this year too...I guess for one of us that's still happening but in October I will not be marrying you...but you will be marrying someone in the next few weeks. How you could possibly think this marriage is going to work is beyond me. You don't even know this person!!!! I am so upset that you blamed me for cheating and told me you never loved me. How do you think that made me feel? I was with you for 7 years!!! Oh really did a number on me. I hope one day I can recover. PS you owe me a much better apology than the one you posted on myspace that may or may not be for me. Plus, I am not looking at your page anymore. know how to reach me. PPS I may possibly forgive you for what you did (maybe) but I will never forget it...good luck living with that guilt PPSS You really should pay me back all that money you owe me you cheap f*ck. Link to post Share on other sites
g1976b Posted March 21, 2008 Share Posted March 21, 2008 I guess it's time. Time to be done. Time to give up. I never thought I would. You and I both know there is still something there. Each time we're together I see it in your eyes and we end up doing something you later "regret". I guess you must have the best of both worlds now. You have your complete freedom and yet know I still love you. Why do you tell me you still love me? Why? You can't. The way you act and the way you've walked away from's not possible. I don't want you to love me "like a friend" or a brother. I've got friends. We were not only best friends but partners and lovers. I was going to propose very soon. I'd been ring shopping. You don't "love" someone and do this to them. I'm tired of the roller coaster. It's been 2 1/2 months and you still have stuff in my house. You need to get it out. You need to be out of my life. If you are so stubborn that you refuse to give us another chance at happiness then I need to find it elsewhere. I would wait for you. If you just needed this time to figure some things out and 'find yourself' I would support you and understand. That's not what it is though. You're not showing me that you love or care about me. You're treating me like sh*t. So now I'm stuck. I know I love you, but I can't put my life on hold for "6 months or a year". I'm going to have to start dating. Sometimes I'm excited about it. Mostly I'm worried. I really feel like you're going to come back around and see this for what it is someday. But what if it's too late? I'm going to be stuck having to choose between having HUGE regrets if I don't go back and try again with you, or possibly break another girl's heart. I don't want to do that. Why can't we just give it a go now and know for sure?! I've changed my mind on lunch too. When you come over tomorrow, we'll just pack up your stuff and that can be it. There's no point to doing lunch. We could have a great time and you'll still find a way to be angry with me later and call it a 'mistake'. I don't need that in my life anymore. I'm not satisfied with the scraps you're willing to throw me. I deserve better. You did too, which I understand is why you left. I've made changes in my life and am in a much better spot now. It's unfortunate you don't care to experience that. But now that's your choice and I really do need to start living my life. Yes, I thought that life would be spent with you. But if you're not willing to work on it, I'm no longer willing to pull the weight for the both of us. I do love you. We could be happy, but not until you've changed your attitude. Link to post Share on other sites
LuCidiTy Posted March 21, 2008 Share Posted March 21, 2008 One moment in time that doesn't even begin to weigh on the scale when compared to many years of moments, an entire lifetime even. Funny, or maybe ironic is a better word, how the very thing you might love, admire, and respect in someone can be exactly what takes them away from you. How can anyone find fault in that? Or anger or blame? But it's still sad when things end, isn't it? I didn’t want or mean to fall in love with you, but I did. And to think that I might never see or kiss or hold you again...ah that's a tough one. It's hard to lose someone who was beginning to mean the world to you. Do I miss you? Yeah, I do, and it’s gonna be lonely for a while, but it's getting easier each day. I'm sure now that it takes far more strength to let go than hold on, and somehow, as the moment we shared becomes a faraway dream, I'm finding it. I have to. Link to post Share on other sites
Elena62 Posted March 22, 2008 Share Posted March 22, 2008 LuCidiTy said: One moment in time that doesn't even begin to weigh on the scale when compared to many years of moments, an entire lifetime even. Funny, or maybe ironic is a better word, how the very thing you might love, admire, and respect in someone can be exactly what takes them away from you. How can anyone find fault in that? Or anger or blame? But it's still sad when things end, isn't it? I didn’t want or mean to fall in love with you, but I did. And to think that I might never see or kiss or hold you again...ah that's a tough one. It's hard to lose someone who was beginning to mean the world to you. Do I miss you? Yeah, I do, and it’s gonna be lonely for a while, but it's getting easier each day. I'm sure now that it takes far more strength to let go than hold on, and somehow, as the moment we shared becomes a faraway dream, I'm finding it. I have to. Big hugs!! Link to post Share on other sites
LuCidiTy Posted March 22, 2008 Share Posted March 22, 2008 Elena62 said: Big hugs!! :)hugs back Link to post Share on other sites
sup3rn0va Posted March 22, 2008 Share Posted March 22, 2008 You cheated on me, instead of hating u I forgive you. You selfishly ask me to wait while you go find urself and have fun. You get together with another guy and a few days later tell me that its over. You broke up with him and now you tell me you miss him like hell. You called me inconsiderate, insensitive towards your feelings and went on to use the F word on me so many times. It wasn't my fault that you're in this mess yet i apologise. On the day you cursed at me, I still left you a "cheer up pack" at the step of your door. You only thanked me this morning, 2 days after and you apologise for being snappy at me. But whats the bloody point? Your going down a path of self destruction, u know it, i know it and yet you wanna do it? Are you truly happy now? When will you ever see that I'm the only one who truly cares n gives a **** about you? I am a man and I had to throw my pride n ego back out the window. Despite all the things you've done, I still try and show you care n concern, you treat me so coldly like I was worthless to you. Yet everytime I wanna start walking you pull me back. Why oh why do I still love you or why do I even try? Link to post Share on other sites
0hpenelope Posted March 22, 2008 Share Posted March 22, 2008 Oh, I saw him on AIM. I want to maintain this NC for as long as I'm able and hopefully, for as long as I live. If I was able to do it with those other b*stards, I can do it again. Hey ex, thanks for the memories. Whether or not I'm able to find another love, I know I'll be okay. I'm not going to wallow anymore. I've got friends to keep, classes to pass, and a life to live. "Don't say I'll be okay if you don't keep in touch. If you'll be fine, that's great. But don't say I will be." Uh... you don't want to be okay? I'm confused. How else can anyone be BUT okay? I'm going to move on but that doesn't mean I'm going to date and find someone new like you did. But seriously, as much as I want to know how you're doing, what you're doing, where you've been, etc... I know that the feel-good feelings I will feel once I find out about your status is only temporary. Short-term. I don't want that. NC is the way to be! Link to post Share on other sites
City_girl Posted March 22, 2008 Share Posted March 22, 2008 I would say this and have stopped myself so thanks for this opportunity. Ps, the geese are still in the box and will stay there. I will not contact him ever again. I bought these little flying geese things you wanted so much because I think I loved you. I ordered them the moment my electricity came onagain but you didn't know because you were too busy sorting out yet another weekend away . You let me stay over the first night but the second you offered, not really meaning it. I knew because I know you. I know your ways, your moods because as hard as I tried not to I felt love for you and wanted to see your smile when you realized I tracked down the little things you so wanted. I wanted to give you love and joy but your heart is cold and closed off. I don't want to be with a man and be alone. I spent 9 years grieving for a man who had died and will not mourn the absence of one who is living but whom i cannot reach, it's too familiar and too painful to bear. I finally realzed when you left for your weekend without the little call or text you always made or sent that I was and would only ever be your booty call. I finally decided I don't want any part of this. Now I am stuck withthese God damned geese that I so wanted you to have, so take them. Hang them on your cold white walls of your big cold empty lifeless house which perfectly represents your cold empty heart and your cold empty life.... One day you will remember what you put me through and you will know exactly what I was worth and when you see me I will be all that I can be and more because you never saw me, my strenght, my integrity but you will see it then and you will know. I am going to forget you and let you go, never contact you again because you are not the man I thought you were and you are not worthy of my love ...but you can keep the geese Link to post Share on other sites
Trialbyfire Posted March 22, 2008 Share Posted March 22, 2008 Hello darling, We both went into this with our eyes wide open and have no one to blame but ourselves and our incompatible expectations. Good luck, in whatever path you choose in life! Link to post Share on other sites
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