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And just like that...you were gone.


Today was hard. It was hard because it was good. We had a nice time. We both said so. It felt comfortable. There's nothing comfortable about packing up the last of your things, but just BEING together felt comfortable.


I was able to stay diplomatic today. No pleading, begging, or attacking. It was nice as we both seemed to really enjoy one another's company.


I have to say you surprised me right off the bat by walking in and giving me a hug. That threw me off. The additional 5-6 hugs over the next couple of hours were tough to read. We both know there's still something there. Apparently you just can't find it in yourself to try again. It's sad, really.


It was awkward when you brought up me meeting someone new. How to answer that? I HAVE met other people. I need to move on with my life. I don't WANT to, but you're giving me nothing to wait for...nothing to hold on to.


I don't know why you had to say that we'll be in touch and that you still really care about me. I don't want to hear that. I told you that's not enough. Probably shouldn't have. It's the only time I really gave into my urges all afternoon.


Why did you have to continue to talk about how you wished it would have been different?! It can be different. You just don't want it to be anymore. Why did you keep talking about all of the good times and how you wished we would have done this or that? We should have, and could have.


You know you're always going to be a huge part of my heart. I just have to protect myself now. I do love you, but I can't keep being rejected by you.


I hope you come around. I hope it's soon. I just know that we can make it if we both really want to. If not....good luck.

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It was great seeing you today, however the experience was shortlived. I don't really know how to say this, but here goes...


It has occured to me that for one reason or another, I'm not the subject of your thoughts anymore. Whilst I don't fully understand it, I'm at the point now where I have no choice but to accept that you have no interest in rebuilding what we had together.


I have tried so hard to push you out of my mind, but it seems like the harder I try, the less I succeed. I want you to know that I have made this decision not because I don't care about you, but because coming second best in your life just hurts more than I can take.


I love you with all of my heart, I probably always will. I truly wish you all the best for the future and hope you get everything that you wish for.


Take care of yourself. Goodbye.

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Tell me this, just answer this one question honestly for me please. Do you sometimes still think about us? Wonder how it could have been had you tried to make it work between us instead of jumping into someone else's arms? Because I do, every hour of every day. And that's better than a few weeks ago, when it was every minute of every day. Then again, I'm not sure I want to know our answer to that question. Whatever you answer I probably won't be able to believe you. I miss you so much, but miss you less every day. Maybe I'll finally end up missing you as much as you seem to miss me, which is to say not at all. I'm so eager for that day to come! At least I trust that day will come, while the day you'll admit to me you made a terrible mistake and want us back together is so improbable... Well, back to work now. You're studying with him, rewarding each other with physical gratification after each lesson learned, and I'm studying with my friends, who I don't feel like physically gratifying at all!

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Today would have been our anniversary - 8 years. Instead you are marrying someone you met 6 months ago and she is pregnant. How will I ever recover from this? How will this worthless feeling ever go away? I miss you today. I will give myself today to mourn...tomorrow is fresh. Tomorrow is new. I will start moving on tomorrow. For real.


I wonder if you miss me or anyone who you so suddenly cut out of your life. You don't talk to anyone anymore. Don't you miss people? Whatever. Not my problem anymore. I guess.

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Today would have been our anniversary - 8 years. Instead you are marrying someone you met 6 months ago and she is pregnant. How will I ever recover from this? How will this worthless feeling ever go away? I miss you today. I will give myself today to mourn...tomorrow is fresh. Tomorrow is new. I will start moving on tomorrow. For real.


I wonder if you miss me or anyone who you so suddenly cut out of your life. You don't talk to anyone anymore. Don't you miss people? Whatever. Not my problem anymore. I guess.


Aww confused, my heart broke reading this. Don't look at it anymore. You can't be doing that to yourself. Trust me you will heal. I thought I would never get over my love dying in my arms of cancer but I did it , lots of loneliness and pain but I am a better person for the experience of surviving, you will be too I know how much it hurts. Don't look

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I'm really struggling tonight as he hasn't even called to see how I am. I know he doesn't care but still am berating myself for finishing with him and not talking to him about how I feel. I know tho that the reason I did this was because he is so cold and unapproachable. I had to let him go and now I miss him.


I know that he can't have faked how happy he was, he was sooo happy yet he chose not to contact me for a whole weekend knowing I would react. I really believe he sabotaged things as we seemed so close. When I spoke to him when I had my scare, he said he thought we were close. I cried and then he told me it didn't matter anyway. I really have never been throught this before and at 42 never thought this would happen to me. I am so submissive but then I get angry and explode. I know this is a problem I need to sort out and I know he made this worse, still I am beating myself up. He can take me or leave me and it hurts like hell

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I miss you.


I love you.


I never in a million years thought we would be here. You with someone else getting married to her, she having your baby and me alone without you. It's only been 6 months. We were getting married but she somehow made you realize that she was your soulmate...not me. You just met her and don't even know her but she has a ring on her finger and my rings are hidden at home.


: (

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How could you do this too me? how can you have such disregard for our relationship? after everything that we have been through, and you went and slept with that little b**** after 2 weeks??

oh, but its okay as you are on the 'rebound' so thats okay for you to sleep with whoever, smoke drugs and drink like theres no tomorrow? yeh i can see how much better your life is now :S


You have hurt me so much and i dont even hate you, which is ridiculous, i miss you so so much and i wish that you would just be you again, why did you change so much?


Why was i not good enough for you all of a sudden?? everything that we had planned to do, everything that we have done and its nothing to you now, im so confused and just wish you would speak to me, i don't miss you as you are now i miss the old you.


When are you going to come back?



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Happy un-anniversay... we should have gotten married a day earlier. Then we could have just said April Fools about the whole marriage right?


sheessh .. go figure. should have known that getting married in a Catholic church the day the Pope died was a bad omen eh?


Why do I picture you having fun, enjoying your new life and freedom with ... ahem... whoever.... while I'm still holding the bag. Still paying for the wedding even.. Why the hell do I still even think about it? I would so love to be further along with moving on... sure I'm getting there but still I wonder how the hell you could have been so cold to me. Man... sucks to actually have a heart sometimes.. You know I have some numbers but can't really face dating just now. Still nursing the smoking craters you left in my heart and head.. I suppose your pretty busy though aren't you? Always were such a flirt.. always wanted the center of attention. You sure knew what to wear, how to move and look at a man to get what you wanted. You were proud of that too... your special work outfits for the big sales meetings with men that showed off your assets.


I'm not perfect but I was there for you. Who supported you all those years? Through all the job changes? Long before we were married I put a roof over your head, food in your belly, love from my heart, moral support to further your career and education. Defended you to friends and family alike.. and you repaid me how? When I was down and needed your support, patience and understanding for a year or two you just ran for the hills. When life was at it's peak of real drama.. when my Mom was dying you added even more drama to it all! So seflish and self-centered... just like they all said you were while I was defending you all those years. Well they haven't said it but I will... They were all right about you! and I was wrong. Now if I can just get that go**amn taste of crow out of my mouth I'll feel a whole lot better. I think maybe it's the self blame for not listening to them eight years ago that's getting to me now. For ignoring all those red flags like they were paper napkins in the breeze... as if just believing you were true would make it so. Yeah... i feel used... duped... sold a bill of goods... by myself.. aaaargh...


I don't want to be bitter... it'lll take time and one day soon I'll be back to the man I was.. open, trusting, strong and sure.. that time will come.


Oh yeah.. that conversation near the beginning of our relationship? When you told me a 'friend' once called you shallow and I said no way??? Well... you ex-friend was right about that too... and why do I get the feeling that it was more than just a friend hmmm?? Just another player in the soap opera you call your life...


So what was real anyway? Did you really have a daughter and did she come about the way you said she did? I never saw a picture or anything, just your strange stories. What of all things you told me was true? I was in such denial of your compulsive lying...

Edited by sumdude
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Hey ex.


Where are your friends now?!


... You so owe me. Big time.


Now I know you'll never really forget about me.



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  • 1 month later...

Ok, bitch, you are seriously ****ing with me hardcore. You realized that you couldn't **** with me anymore when I wasn't in your life, so now you're back. You call me the other night and tell me how much you miss and love me. I'm sposed to pick you up, and you want to keep talking. Now you sporadically call me here and there, and you are always completely wasted. You called earlier, and told me you would call me later, and now I haven't heard from you since! It's like the next day! What the **** is the point of this??? To **** with me??? You miss me SO much, that's why you don't call me? This is so ****ing ridiculous. Really. I want to call or text you SO bad, and ask you what the ****, but if I've learned anything from this mess, it's patience. I will just keep it in until I see you. I'm gonna tell you how you have not only treated me like **** when you broke up with me, but then you beg me back, and treat me like **** again! Forgive me for over analyzing this, but I would think if you really missed me, you would be calling me, not getting completely ****ed up and disappearing. Hmm... Just like it is here... What the **** did you call me for??? It obviously wasn't to show me how much you've changed. This is ****in' it. I was starting to get a little better (at least I was sleeping), and then you ****ing call. You're not gonna do this **** again. If you **** me over AGAIN, I am never ****ing speaking to you again. Of course you don't believe that, because I have let you walk all over me, and always forgive you and love you. Well, believe it or not, I am actually starting to get a little tired of this ****. Yes, really. I think you are being exceptionally cruel to me. Calling me from out of state, teasing me how you want me back, and then just ****ing going out and being a whore again. I know you have gotten laid there. This is really pathetic. I am pathetic. Everyone gets a turn with my girlfriend, and she treats me like total ****. I still wanna see you, but I don't feel so lovey dovey anymore. You are really ****ing pissing me off. I am learning the hard way, but learning nonetheless, that you can not **** with me, if you are not in my life. You need to be removed from my life completely. No friends, no sex, no going to ****, no nothing. You've hurt me worse than I've ever been hurt before, then you call me and be nice, then you ****ing hurt me some more!!!!!! Do you know what ****ing time it is????? Don't you think I should be sleeping????? I know you are not sleeping alone. Well, I am trusting my gut, and it's proved to always be right when it comes to your ****. You are a ****ty, selfish person. I will put up with your bull**** phone crap for a couple more days, then I am picking you up, and then I don't know what the **** I'm gonna do with you! I'm sure you'll get a nice long lecture, that will be a complete waste of my time and breath. I don't know what else is gonna happen, 'cuz you're really pissing me off!!!!!!!! I only have to play this nice guy crap a few more days, and then I finally get to bitch at you in person!!!!!!!! Hooorray!!!!! I've only waited like 2 ****ing months you selfish ****ing bitch.

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Oh. Hi T! Hey, remember all the times when I said no to sex or got a little bit tipsy and couldn't "perform" for you? Remember when you would scream at me until I was a nervous wreck and had to leave the house and sleep in my car in public places? Remember when I'd go quietly into the bedroom when you ranted and raved at me, calling me every name under the sun and generally making me feel "so gooood about myself" and then coming in, slamming open the door and screaming,"are u still here you sl#t?' Remember the night you drove me home, soooo drunk out of your mind and abusive because we got drunk (I'm not a good drinker and he wanted me to keep up with him) and I couldn't stay awake to have sex with u? Do you? Do you remember what you did when you found me asleep, how you got the jug of water out of the fridge and tipped it all over me? Remember that? Remember making me get up at midnight and get dressed so that you could drive me back to Adelaide and terrorize me all the way home, screaming at me about what a disgusting person I am and how everybody hates me? Hmmm? Remember? Remember when we got home you proceeded to take everything that I owned and smashed it and threw it all over my car, damaging it beyond repair? Remember I had to call the cops and they took you away? You came grovelling back a couple of hours later, remember, and tried to keep talking about sexual fantasies!!!??? U know how red your head used to get from taking all of that Viagra and how concerned I used to get???? Well..... F### YOU, HONEY!!!!! I hope your F###### head explodes. I loved you beyond compare. And you abused and mistreated me and my son. ROT YOU FAT PIG!!!!! And your breath stinks!!!

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I'm so sick of your ****. I waited up all ****ing night for you to call. I"m not answering your next ****ing call. Ok, I probably will, but I don't want to. What the **** are your intentions? Were you serious about wanting me back, or are you just ****ing with me? This is ****ing cruel, ____. You are treating me like ****. Still. Why do I play the game? The day you get back, I am done with this ****, one way or another. I am sick of feeling like **** with you in my life, and I am sick of feeling like **** without you in my life. I have to make this **** stop. You are evil.

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Still waiting... This is not really convincing me that you want me back. I can't wait to get this over with... The anxiety is INTENSE. I HATE it. You either dog me, or you come back this week. One or the other. Or you come back, and make me miserable. WHY?????????????? Why did you call me????????? Oh yeah, to F with me. You don't want me. You just want to know that I want YOU. Selfish bitch. I am over here on pins and needles dying, and you are getting wasted and laid. Thank you for your compassion. It's not like I'm waiting to hear from you or anything... WTF??? Please stop ****ing with me. This is not nice at all. Why are you being so cruel to me??? You already left me for another man, that wasn't good enough??? It's because I quit calling you, huh? You thought I was gonna keep pestering you like the last guy. Uh huh. I ain't doin' that. You think dogging me or whatever you plan on doing to me is gonna change that??? You are gonna come back to me, and torture me??? I am so damn scared now. I am scared of you. I don't think you are a positive in my life. I must escape. Why are you tormenting me like this??? I'm gonna be REAL surprised if I actually see you at the airport. I'm still trying to figure out how you're gonna dog me. If you stand me up at the airport, don't ever call me again. Seriously. I mean, I have to draw the line SOMEWHERE. Okay, so you cheated on me... Then you lied about it... Then you left me... Then you were a bitch to me... Then you dogged me two times for lunch... Then you don't call me for almost 2 months... I mean, if you dog me at the airport, that's gonna HAVE to be it. It will help me to hate you a lot more, that's for sure. You're best way to make my life miserable (because I know that's what you want), would be to come back, and continue ****ing Mr. Wonderful, and have him texting you all night long, and you being sneaky and all that **** that you do. Yup, that would extend the suffering. If you just leave me, well, it's back to NC. This time I'm changing my damn phone number. I am so pissed right now. Why do want to treat me this way? This is not nice, ____. I love you with all my heart, and you are taking a big **** on it. You said you wanted me back. Just to see if I wanted YOU back??? Is that why??? You want to feel good for one more week??? And then the 2 months after that, that you know I will suffer? What are you gonna do when you don't hear from me for another 2 months??? Call me??? **** THAT. If you really are so cruel as to pull this **** with me - call me and tell me that you want me back, and then screw me again - then I will have no doubts left in my mind that you suck. I am pretty much preparing for this scenario. I just don't see you coming back, and then we magically live happily ever after. Not gonna happen. Even if you do come back, I will look at you with disgust (sometimes), even though I'll try not to. But you're not coming back, so what does it matter? I almost wanna call Mr. Wonderful, and let him know the kind of things you've been saying to me. I wonder if he would care... Please don't screw me over for the 17,887,406th time. I sit here, missing you, typing on the computer to kill more time. I am just counting the damn days. I hate this. You had to call me right at the BEGINNING of your vacation, huh? So I could suffer the whole week, huh? You are cruel. Why aren't you calling? You're with ANOTHER guy??? Does Mr. Wonderful care??? Are you really whoring around??? WHY????????? WHY??????????? WHY????????????

I hate this so much. The minutes seem like hours. The days seem like weeks. I am gonna have all my answers to everything this week. The suspense is killing me. I hate you. What are you telling Mr. W when you call him? The same thing you're telling me, I'm assuming. Sick bitch. Why am I back in your game??? WHY??? I shouldn't have answered. I was so excited to hear from you though. I even screened the message, to make sure it said that you wanted me back, and wasn't just a "hello" call. You are probably wise to that though. You knew I didn't want to hear that ****. You know exactly what I want to hear. Well how about calling me, so I can hear you say SOMETHING. Hello? Are you there? You gonna call me again? Do I get to meet Mr. Wonderful at the airport? What do you have in store for me? Am I just overly paranoid, and you really love me, and want to be with me, but you are just busy getting ****ed up? No. You don't want me. I think you love this guy, and are secure enough with him to **** me like this. Wow. That's scary. Why would you be so mean? Trust me, I've suffered enough. I don't need anymore. I was still suffering when you called me, but at least I felt better than this. Ugh... This is the last time you're gonna **** with me. Call me.

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Dear XSO-

4am. You knew this was coming eventually. I'm sorry. Goodbye.


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What the **** do you want? You texted me Saturday night while I was out on a date. I didn't respond. Didn't think you'd reply anyway by the time I got home. So I replied to you last night, knowing you probably wouldn't. Well...you still haven't replied.


Did you see me at the movies that night or something? I could've sworn I saw your car drive off after I got out. Was you texting me just to see if that really was me in there? What gives? What do you want from me? I'm not your friend anymore, you're not mine. We're ex-lovers, and that's how it's always going to be.


I've tried to move on, and every time it seems I'm getting close, you come back. I wish I could find somebody exactly like you with out all the mental problems. Without all the baggage. We got along so well and clicked that it was unbelieveable. You drove me insane, and yet a part of me still wants you back. And I don't know why.


Why did you throw me away like that? I hope the new guy treats you like **** like you said. You know what? Fine, have your jerks. I was the only one who treated you like a human being, and I hope you realize that one day down the road when you're trapped, and you'll see how good you had it with me.

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Ok, so I called you. No answer. I haven't heard from you in almost 24 hours now. WTF? Are you enjoying this? Seriously? Enjoy it while it lasts. I'm done after this week.

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Okay, back to No Contact, or what? What the **** is your deal? Still haven't heard from you... It doesn't look like I'm gonna be picking you up. Okay, so that was a funny joke. Do you feel better now? Yup, I still want you. Well, I did. It kind of gets old being treated like **** again and again. So, yeah, hope you enjoyed the last week of ****ing with me, 'cuz it's gonna be the last one. I'm changing my ****ing number, not that you are gonna call anyway, but someday IF you do, I won't be tempted to answer again. No more of your text messages, either. So I guess you were just too busy to call me today. This is just ridiculous. I called you. You know that I called. You are not calling me back. I know you think you can just pick me up and throw me away whenever you want, and why shouldn't you? I let it happen again and again. I thought I would be strong this time, but you call me from out of state, saying you want me back. If you would've been here, I would've only talked in person. Then you use the rest of the week to suck me back in, and then leave me hanging again. Well, you see, you already did the major damage. I was recovering, slowly but surely, and you had to call and interrupt it. After the week is over, I am just gonna pretend this never happened, and get on my way with recovering. This should actually make it easier. Before, I still had doubts and guilt about my actions in the relationship. If you end up dogging me again, this was nothing but an intentional way to try and hurt me. That's not cool. I really think you purposely called me to **** with me. Not 'cuz you wanted me back, just to see if I wanted you. Well I did. So what are you gonna do in another few months, when you are wondering if I am over you or not? Call me? Nope, don't think so. I'm not answering. Really, I'm not. You only get to use the "I Want You Back" card once, and you chose to use it already. You don't get to do it again. I know I have looked like a pathetic fool in this relationship, but seeing you do something this cruel puts everything in a whole new perspective. I used to question whether you were just messed up or selfish or mean or whatever, but I couldn't ever believe it. Now I am witnessing your wrath with my own pain. You will continue to hurt me as long as I let you in my life. You need to be eliminated from my life. No more. I don't have to listen to how wasted you are, I don't have to listen to you tease me, and I don't have to listen to all your other crap. You go have a nice time with Mr. Wonderful. You called me talking **** about him, but I think you guys are getting along just fine. You must be so comfortable with him, that you are finally able to call me and **** with me, because you are totally over me. You're not leaving this guy. You don't want me. At least you feel better about yourself though now, right? Knowing that one other guy wants you? Don't worry about the past 10 years or anything. I know they didn't mean **** to you now.


Oh wait a minute... You just ****ing called. Well that was a nice, ****ty, short conversation... This whole thing stinks. Now you don't even seem interested, and I don't feel it either. What the hell am I picking you up for? To give you a ride to Mr. Wonderful's? Are you serious? Is that what's gonna happen? You really sounded totally different tonight, as I'm sure I did. I was willing to try this **** though, and you seem to have reconsidered. Huh. So surprised. I just told you this is gonna be it. You are NOT coming back here and stringing me along. This is IT. Wherever you stay the night you get home is your choice. You should be thankful that you even have a choice. I will be thankful when you are completely gone from my life. My family doesn't like you. My friends don't like you. The people here at LoveShack.org don't like you. Mr. Wonderful likes you. Your ****ed up family likes you. Your crap friends like you. There you go. You are gonna make the wrong ****ing decision, yet AGAIN. This time you will have to live with it. You WILL call again, and when I don't respond, you will actually be bewildered. I let you walk all over me time and time again. I even tried to be your friend at the end of the relationship. I'm not the greatest person, but I was a true friend to you. I would have done anything for you. You are gonna piss it all away. You will regret it. You will call leaving messages, crying, begging, pleading, apologizing... I know the routine now. You are gonna chose Mr. Wonderful once and for all, and you will NEVER have me in your life again. NEVER. Not for anything. No sex, no hanging out, no going to stuff, no nothing. NOTHING. I WILL NOT EXIST TO YOU ANYMORE. You know what that's like, right??? You ****ing called me for SOME reason. You got a taste of what life is like without me, and I know you don't like it. That's why you called. But now I'm back in your life, and you don't appreciate me. You are going to live with your choice, ____. There is NO turning back this time.

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I'm sorry. I'm sorry things didn't work out. I'm sorry that your family is not doing well. They need you. I'm not doing well either. I've always been unhappy about myself. That's why our relationship has had so much trouble. Not because you really needed to improve on anything or needed to do anything. You're still really young, the opportunities out there for you is tremendous. It was because I'm not happy with myself yet. And you had to be around to endure that. I want us to be friends. To be able to hang out and do things together. But I'm still hurt. Very hurt. Everytime, I think about you, it reminds me of how I failed at keeping us together. At how I failed at taking care of my problems while we were together. I just wish that I could do things and change things before it's too late. It's always been like that. I don't appreciate the things that I love until it's actually gone. I'm still very hurt that your love didn't last. That makes me angry. That you couldn't hold on a little longer. If you had just given me some room to myself so I can concentrate on fixing my life... I would have wanted us to be together for good. I love you. I'll always will. This year is being spent on securing myself and improving my individual happiness. And I'm also very much to looking forward to being friends with you again. Hopefully in months... not in years.

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so last time you heard from me was 4 days ago.. not a bleep out of you

i know your busy but ffs you used to worry about me so much.. once you sent police round to check on me.. haha made me laugh but showed you care..

seems you dont care at all now.. maybe you have someone new to care/worry about?

does my head in that i cannot get you out of my head, no matter what im doing..

how can this have turned out this way? you said i was the best thing in your life, never felt love like ours yet you leave.. i did nothing wrong.. ok so the kids argue play up ffs kids do that.. i hate that you left me for this reason..

if you loved me you would want to see me.

we could of worked if you tried a bit harder.. we could have been bf/gf no living together

everything was good with us you said this!


why say u feel like your returning to me.. then cut me out like this?

i hate that your sooo damn busy

i hate that you left me all alone

i hate that i still cry too much over you


summer soon holidays an stuff, cant even think about our holiday without getting upset..

miss you so much x

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It's been really hard not to send you a text or email lately but as you see I am managing. I was doing so well & starting to be happy again. It's been 3 months now since you decided to spill your guts & I have fallen back down. Why did you say all those things to me about how you f***ed up & that you never realized how much you really loved me until then? What purpose did it serve to talk about how much you missed us all & then the talk about wanting to see me for days on end? Why the birthday messages? Why the Easter wishes? And now why the cold?? Slowly you started backing away again. You make no f***ing sense.


This weekend one of YOUR best friends insisted that I come over to a BBq which makes sense considering that his wife is my best friend. Why you guys always kept us apart is beyond me. She is a great person & we are good for each other. He sees that now. Why don't you? Anyway, T came with his new b2b & L & C. It was very bittersweet. I haven't seen the kids in almost a year. They have grown so much. You have no idea how much I love EVERYONE. How much I MISS THEM. It killed me to be cut off from them without a warning. The only thing that would have made the day perfect was you & M & DJ. Found out later that night that J took a pic with me, D, T, & H in it & sent it to you with a note that read "Yeah...could have been like old times but you had to go & move far away. LOL" I'm sure that pissed you off and you will blame me for it but I had nothing to do with it. Can't you see that no one wants to make you mad, just show you what you left behind. The people that love you.


I have seen and heard with my own eyes & ears. Your friends are just about done with you. All your stories are coming back to bite you in the a**. You didn't just walk away from me. You walked away from all of us. Not to be mean but the last time I saw you you looked terrible! I doubt you weight much more than 150lbs. D said that they all know you are miserable but that you won't leave her because she paid off all your bills & ordered you a new Harley. Your conscious has come back with a vengeance & you can't fight it. You feel guilty for using her. We ALL see you starting to self destruct at an alarming rate.


You have forsaken us, you barely get to see your kids now, & you are losing your friends. We all have come to the conclusion that until you get your head out of your a**, we are going to keep our distance because that is what you chose. We are just obliging you. We all hope that you get your life straightened out soon. We love you a**hole.

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