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Hi, I have been really trying the last couple of days to get over you.. Its funny to me how you try and play me like im some kind of fool.. in a way i am a fool for letting you do this to me.. I cant just hang up with you and not think of you anymore unfortunatly i think of you every sec of my day and it suck with no end.


I thought you were going to change and let us be us.. You know the saying if you dont let go of the past you wont be happy in the future its so true and the more and more as the minuets turn into days and the days turn into weeks and the weeks turn into months I am realizing that i dont need you like i thought i did.. why cant i stay thinking that.. I have really tried these last days to have absouutly no contact with you.. Is it working H*ll no why>??? Cause im an idiot.. I pick up the phone to have a shi*ty conversation with you to feel the same shi*ty way you like to make me feel..


THen back to day 1... ARRHHHHH i cant do it anymore..




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I woke up today crying. It was because of a dream I had and you were in it. I was snuggling you so good. Then I woke up

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I still don't understand how you could leave me and be with someone else so easily. You used to call me all the time, needed me so badly, always wanted me to come comfort and console you. All the times I had to rescue you.


Sorry I wasn't the "bad boy" you wanted in the fall, then the "old soul" you wanted in the spring. Do you even know what the hell you want?


Wasn't my love and patience enough? Why did you have to push and push and push until I became as miserable and distant as you? You did it so you could have an excuse to leave me because when you met me I was way to good for you to run away from. But you refuse to just be happy! You always had to be miserable no matter what. So wear me down until you can say "He neglects me, he always picks at me!" and then it's OK in your sick little mind for you to cheat then run off with someone new.


I am also quite annoyed that you went from an ice-queen to a raging nympho as soon as you moved on. You are gonna kill that old man. I guess you got over those deep rooted childhood issues that made you deny sex with me for years pretty quick huh? Nutjob!


I can't wait until he dumps your ass and you call me crying in the middle of the night.

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I love you. I will always love you. I will wait for you. I'd rather be alone than with anyone besides you.

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I can't even begin to understand how I will deal with being without you. I'm so used to having you near, sleeping by you, kissing you, talking to you.

I've fallen for you harder than anyone babe.

I wish things could be different, but I guess you lack the will to work through the difficulties of a real relationship. You also lack the ability to be honest.

I'm a firm believer that everything that happens in our lives, happens for a reason. Right now, I can't see that reason.

I miss you, even though I'm angry and feel used.

I just want to be with you right now.

I love you babe.

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Hey, darl,how are ya! Hey, listen, can you remind me why I miss you? Or is it my furniture?!

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I hope you're talking to YYY.


YYY: Your apartment smells very badly of cat-ass.


Ex-GF: Your newest cat pees on itself and now reeks like an incontinent elder.

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I woke up today crying. It was because of a dream I had and you were in it. I was snuggling you so good. Then I woke up
This is frighteningly familiar. Oxytocin leaves destruction in its wake.
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Your apartment smells like a cat's ass.

Dear XSO-

What BiAxident said. Seriously, do something about that. Also do yourself a favor and don't ever skip a shower you are not one of the people who can get away with it. BLEH. Grrrrooooossss. Only because I care.


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Your bull**** lie about your flight being canceled or rescheduled or whatever the **** your story is, is ridiculous.

Uh listen man... I saw on the news that lots of flights in the US were really delayed and canceled because of storms. I'm just sayin...

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Ok, I just looked it up online. Her flight is scheduled to arrive on time. I hate her.

I just didn't want you to be upset over nothing. You only hate her because you love her. You should tell her off.

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I wanna choke the ****ing life out of you.


You should try not to make any kind of physical threats, even if they're not aimed at her, even in this thread.


You know, as OJ should have, that the best revenge is a life well lived without your ex. I try and focus on this as part of my healing, and i think it's helped.

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**** you for saying we are on better terms now and we'll see eachother sometime this summer. What the eff is that suppost to mean. quit seeing that 18yr old THATS WHAT THAT MEANS pedophile

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Why do I still cry over you? Especially after how you abused me with your drinking for years, then ran out to cheat on me with the kid next door THE VERY NIGHT I told you to get some help or it was over?


Why did you string me along for 6 months until you found a daddy figure to take care of you? Why do you sleep with him every night and never would with me?


Is there anything I can say or do, any smell, any song, any words or photos of us that will make you cry and realize the love that you threw away when you left me? You used to be so emotional, why does nothing get a response from you now?


I hated how you cried all the time, but now I would do anything to hold you while you sobbed.


I miss you so much.

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I don't know why I miss you. I miss certain things like how the way you looked at me. I want to call you but I know that it's not a good idea. I wonder if you still think of me and if you are truly happy.


I know I shouldn't care, but I do at times. I had a dream the other night of you. It made me sad. Do you ever get sad? I miss your smile. I miss snuggling you.


I wonder if you've truly changed. I wonder how you treat your family. I wonder a lot of things.

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Loss 4 words

Dear EX, (name ommited to protect the uncommited)


So how's your life going ?? Hope that it's all funa and glamrious without me in your life....oh what is that? You never were really commited ?? Who'd a thought! See, when you tried to call me after i broke up with you via email, you decided that your phone actually works and that you wanted to talk to me....sorry i missed it...(NOT!) i was busy moving on in life and not being hindered by you any longer....what was that? You cared about me....hahahaha! That's funny, becasue if you did you'd of returned my phone calls instead of ignoring me for 2 weeks...that's alright, i'm better without you and yes, I'm over it....

Have fun with you young co-workers....i'm sure that you'll do all right becasue after some time, they'll move away and never have to deal with you....


Oh, BTW, i look back and i see that i was lying to myself....

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I think it would be therapeutic to send me that mp3 file and let me upload it on youtube. I'm very curious about what she'd say.

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I was thinking about what she would say too.. I feel for you Y... I hope things get better for you..

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Dear So and So,

I hate you. God I f*cking hate you. I wish you were dead sometimes because at least there would be nothing I could do about not having you around. You have done me so much damage that you will never know. You are too selfish to ever feel pain, all you know how to do is inflict it. Yesterday I realized you have never given me ANYTHING I needed in this relationship. All the rough patches we had when I'd call and you didn't pick up, didn't answer my texts, didn't care. All the months I suspected you were cheating on me that I lost like 30 lbs so fast and became ugly and depressed, and you didn't even notice? What the hell did you ever want from me? You no good lousy cake man. Just wanted a regular girl and a b*tch on the side so you could lie to both of us and make us feel like we were special, like we were the only ones who mattered. I'm glad that you have sex at the ready now, because I don't. I refuse to put myself out there and sleep with whomever just to fulfill a carnal need.


I love you because I can't help myself. I don't know what you did to me or what you do to women in general but you get them to love you and care about you, you suck them in...then leave them high and dry at your will. You're a succubus, all you do is suck the life out of women til there is nothing left. I'm better than you are but I'm just waiting for my heart to catch up to what my mind already knows. I'm soooo much better than you. You may find someone out there of my caliber who is completely devoted to you like I was, but she won't be me. Hopefully your next victim will see the train wreck coming and get out before it's too late.


How did I allow myself to give my whole life to you, all my time, effort, love, every second thinking about you and loving you, and getting almost nothing in return? Talk about a stranded investment.


You selfish f*cking jerk. You deserve whatever you get. I hope someone hurts you the way you've hurt me so one day you'll realize what an a@@hole you have been your whole life. Maybe then you'll change your behavior and be normal. But I'll be long gone by then. Hopefully married to someone who actually loves me, with 2.5 kids and a dog. They won't be your kids or your dog but too bad for you. You lose. Loser.

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Wow. I could have written the exact same thing. With a little more self-hate maybe, but your's is better like that.


You are not alone.



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I dreamt of you last night. I was walking down the street, you softly walked up behind me and embraced me. It was an embrace like I have only had with you, one filled with so much love and care.


Today I miss you. I miss making love with you.


I can't help but think that that embrace was your final goodbye. That it means you are letting go of us.


Everyday I feel your absence grow wider. It used to run deep, now it runs wide.


I hope I get to see you again. I can only imagine it as a beautiful moment.

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wish I would have saw this thread last sunday..... i slipped (grrr)..and to top it, he has not called me back.... i'm hating myself for calling him!

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I miss you. I miss touching your face, the warmth of your embrace, I miss kissing your neck and looking into those beautiful eyes of yours, full of hope, full of trust. I miss talking to you about everything, I miss the dreams we shared, I miss the hope we once brought one another. Most of all, I miss the friend I've had for so long. We were always there for one another, through the misfortune and tragedies that fall on everyone, but we were there to give hope and strength when we needed it. Now that seems to be gone, and I don't really even know why.


I don't know where all of this went wrong, but I know I'd do anything to make it right again. You mean the world to me, and as much as I try to convince myself otherwise, you don't mean any less to me today than you meant to me on the very first day I told you that I loved you. Life is complicated, ours notably so, and all I can dare to hope, is that when things calm down, when we find our way, that we'll miss the friendship, that we'll miss the connection we've always had, and that the paths of life will cross again. I miss you, and deep down in my heart, I know that I'll never meet another woman like you. You could never see it, but you are everything I had ever hoped to find in a companion, in a friend, in a lover. I remember you telling me that same thing.


You told me that this was bye for now, but not forever, that there were things you needed to take care of on your own, things I couldn't help you through. That's a hard pill to swallow, but I trust you, and I respect you enough to do what you've asked. Do what you need to do, take care of yourself, learn to love yourself and see yourself for the wonderful person you are. Know that if you need me, I'll always be there for you and know that I love you, know that I'll always be your friend, that I'll always be the man you came to know and love. I will talk to you, perhaps not soon, but I will talk to you. *HUG*


All my Love,


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No you don't miss each other.


You miss her, but not even the real her but the person you thought she was.


She is not missing you, she would be different if she missed you. It's hard, trust me I know, but it's the truth.

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