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Dear J


sorry I confuse you. I won't contact you anymore. All I wanted to do was see how you were doing. Then the conversation quickly got into deep waters. What's up with that? how can i want to still talk to you when you are living with some guy? cuz i'm totally messed in the head is the right answer.

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two weeks today. Two weeks ago we were in the park talking, cuddling, flirting.. You asked me to wait until you finished work and we could talk some more. I waited about 3 hours in that park and then you finished and said you just wanted to go home. We got on the tube, we hugged, we kissed and we didn't say goodbye (you didn't want to).. You got off the tube and that was the last time i saw you.


We haven't spoken since. I told you that i need to get over you, i told you that i'd be here for you if you so ever required. I left it nice. You said you'd be there for me too, but that's ball and you know it.


I see your facebook page and i see what you're up to in your life. You seem to be perfectly happy, with all your new friends and many parties. Do you ever think of me? You told me that you start to miss me after a couple of weeks and now is that time. Will you contact me? will you just send a simple text enquiring how i am? just show that you actually do care, just once.


I was good to you babe, you know that. I put up with a lot of your ****, when i should've walked away. I didn't i love you too much. If i was ever moody it was because of the way you treated me. The way you had to keep ****ing around with your ex, the way you were always so secretive about everything.


We never had a chance as you never fully commited to us and yet i sit here still pining for you. When i dumped you that time, you begged for me to take you back and that you would change.. But you didn't. You just got worse, took control and left me in the kerb, crying and miserable.


I'm still miserable now, i'm still missing you. but it won't last forever and i hope to get over you sooner rather than later.


You were a sexy bitch babe, you loved it when i ****ed you and i hope you never find that connection again. you don't deserve it one little bit. You're a bastard!

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This is complete crap...it's been about 3 months now. I still miss you dearly even after all the rationalization. I don't know why I keep holding on and it is really getting annoying. I can't seem to grasp the idea that we won't ever be together again, oh well, I guess that is my problem and not yours. It's probably because two of my friends got dumped by their gf's and now one is married to her and the other is engaged. Well, I guess we'll see what fate will bring.

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Monday will be three weeks of NC and I am better for it!! Especially how you acted the last time we spoke. You attempted to make me feel bad... I will admit that I was acting silly, but I am still upset with you how much of a coward your a$$ is! As good as I was to you, I deserved way better!! I deserved a proper goodbye instead of a goodbye on the phone and 360 miles of airwaves between us.


I can't wish you the best at this time. Maybe in the future I will wish you all the happiness, but not today. I feel you will come back around after I continue NCing you and I hope you are smart enough to figure out I WAS EXCEPTIONAL to you in ever way from romantic gestures to making love to you like NOBODY ELSE!!!!


In time you will know what you left behind. In time you will find I was perfect to you! I still love you like there is NO tomorrow and that is something that will never stop!!! I miss you badly and hope you are thinking of me!!! I desire that this is hard on you as it is on me!!!!!


You will NEVER hear from me again unless you work hard to get in touch with me.

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It has been 1 year since our relationship ended. I never expected us to be here after the way we started. I don't think I have ever felt so happy w/someone. And you were making plans for us 6 months down the road after only the first few days of being together. I was surprised by your actions, but I felt the same.


As suddenly as our relationship started, we developed some communication issues. When you suddenly started to pull away, I became very nervous that I was losing you. I did not know what to do. I admit I tried too hard. I am sorry you took my suggestions as ways that I was trying to change you or that you were not good enough. I was just trying to make things work between us. Nothing more and nothing less.


For 365 days I have tried to forget you. I wake up, and you have been in my dreams. I go to work, and I get through the day. When I go for long bike rides, I think of the fun times we had...and the times we will never have again. The one escape I had is now a reminder of lost opportunities w/ you...thanks for that.


When you told me you had not spoken to your parents for a year, I knew you would hold a grudge. For some reason I held out hope that you would reconsider us...but I knew that was very unlikely.


As I move forward, the only thought I have these days, "is that I hope you are happy".

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Hi Elise,


I have nothing really to say to you. I don't know where we stand. I've been wondering what you have been doing. I know I could just call and ask, but I am not sure if I can handle it yet. I feel no emotions after going through all 5000 of our pictures. We looked so happy, yet I feel nothing. I think I built a protective layer over my heart or something like that. Because I know our memories are precious to me and there is no way I can let go 4 years of my life just like that. I just don't know anymore. What do you think?

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Damn it, Eric. I've been NC for two months now. And not a single peep from you. I hate that. I want to hear from you like everyone else around here seems to be hearing from their exes. So I can reject YOU. So I can stop imagining that your life is beautiful and perfect without me. So I can get some affirmation that you valued what we had, and that you miss at least some of what we had together.


I find it so weird that you have been completely erased from Matt's and Jim's vocabulary. Are they just protecting me? Or have you pulled away from them? Do you miss me, at all? :(


You scared, weak man-child. How is it that I still care? :(

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you dont even deserve my thoughts! slowly but surely i'll forget you! you clearly dont bother, so why should i! now is my time to shine.........

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Hi hon


What you upto this weekend. Oh so your working again, never mind


what me nothing much just going on a yaught to watch the airshow, bit of champagne nothing special


Oh didnt i tell you im going to silverstone next year in the exective suites and staying at the drivers hotel.


Oh well you know what you said about life changes mine sure has!!!!!

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Today I miss you, might even love you. I'd ignore everything you did to hurt me if you'd just call.


I'm strong, but today I am weak. I'd rather have your sh*tty attention than none at all. Oh, you. I have been listening to Bob Marley lately:


*I wanna love you, and treat you right. I wanna love you, every day and every night. We'll be together with a roof right over our heads. We'll share the shelter of my single bed.


*I don't wanna wait in vain for your love.


*Don't worry about a thing. Every little thing is gonna be all right.


And what do you know, the sun has come out. Is that you?


I want you to know that I don't think I can hate you any more. You're a sweet girl with an anger problem and we had some amazing memories together. Thanks for sticking with me. I hope you regret the way you treated me towards the end there. But I think I can forgive you, just give me some time.

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It's weird, my confidence should be rocked to the core, but instead it's soaring. It's like something inside woke up once I gained some perspective. I feel empowered, alive. Something good has come out of this heartache and pain for me. I have found my silver lining. I wish you all the best in life, and I mean that in all sincerity. Chase your rainbows, and i'll chase mine. If she is the right girl for you, then obviously I wasn't. That means there is someone out there who is a better match for me. The universe will bring me what I need in life. I wanted you back, I asked for you back, I got silence. I now simply ask for what I need. Everyday the universe delivers new insights and new lessons. I am being shown a path to something and i'm confident that that path will lead to happiness.


I forgive you. I'm putting that out into the universe, and I hope you feel it! I want to contact you to tell you as much, but I think it would do more harm than good right now. By answering you at all, I hope i'm showing you that my happiness is not on your shoulders, it's on mine. I think you felt burdened with it, but honestly, it was in me all along, I just didn't know.


I have read a million posts about relationships and the usual pitfalls, excuses, etc... I've related something of us to easily 90% of them. We are by no means exceptional. In fact, we're a pretty much textbook combination of grass is greener/fell out of love/committment phobia. We couldn't even manage to be original! We could have worked though, this I know in the pit of my stomach. It's not hope, I don't know what it is. i just 'know'.

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I miss you, i love you, I want to just hold you again, but things change. You walked away so fast, and left me in the past. But all I know is I'll be ok. I thought I couldnt live without you, its gonna hurt when it heals too. I hope you are well, im still in love with you, I always will be. I dont hate you, even after everything you did for me. I feel sorry for you, I was always the one that picked up the pieces when your life fell apart. I hope you are happy with your choice, because slowly I accepted it.

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I'm angry at you today because you chose to give up so many years of a wonderful relationship because you feel you need to date others. You are convinced you can find a better emotional connection elsewhere. I'm angry that you refuse to specifically articulate what is problematic with the relationship because, as you state, you don't want to jeopardize your chances of reconciling with me at a later date. You selfishly think that is more important than allowing me an opportunity for emotional growth for my next relationship. I hope that in the next few months, you will reflect on your actions

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Ring Ringgg.......








I do not mean to be rude or anything but this? Cracked me up!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! I feel the same way !!! LOL!!!! :lmao::lmao::lmao:

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Ok so I had a period of weakness. Well, no more weak moments for me because I went back and read my journals and realized that I was right and honest the entire time, while you were the liar and weak one.


You suck.

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Ok so I had a period of weakness. Well, no more weak moments for me because I went back and read my journals and realized that I was right and honest the entire time, while you were the liar and weak one.


You suck.

You'll get "there" TLB. I promise.
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Since I'm already here


Despite all the bad things going on I am very happy. I smile every day. I sleep well. I feel satisfied. You didn't have the strength to have hope with me right next to you. Funny. I have never seen more clearly in all my life. I was right about being positive and TLB is right. You suck.


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I want you to know that I don't think I can hate you any more. You're a sweet girl with an anger problem and we had some amazing memories together. Thanks for sticking with me. I hope you regret the way you treated me towards the end there. But I think I can forgive you, just give me some time.


Amen Kiz. I feel the same way today although I forgave her anger towards me a couple months ago. It's been 5 months for me almost 6.



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You wouldn't believe how many bad moments I have, thinking about you and missing you. I am embarrassed to admit it to friends anymore but I'm not over you yet. If you're over me and don't miss me and don't ever have pangs of wishing we were still together, then I guess you were right - you never did love me. I guess you just used me for a year. I was a nice soft landing spot until your divorce came through. And that makes you a jerk on top of being a cheater and liar.

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I can't believe I'm still hurting so much. I haven't spoke with you in 23 days and I still miss the happy times we spent together that were just you and me. I know fate brought us together and tore us apart. Some day you'll realize that your mother ruins every special relationship that you have with a lover or close friend like she did with every serious guy you've ever had and any friend of yours that gets too close. The lesson I had to learn is to steer clear of someone with parents like your mom, the lesson that you need to learn is that you will have to stand up to her one day if you ever want to find happiness. I really sucks that we both invested so much time and energy into our relationship to have it torn down to nothing. I also think that when your mom and bro were disrespecting me, that if you stood up for me on a consistent basis instead of letting me go on my own, we wouldn't have had most of the problems that we had. They always didn't like me because I wouldn't approve of them taking advantage of you or me. You even said that we wouldn't have any problems if we moved to Florida close to your dad because your mom wouldn't follow us there. If you were to come back to me today, I wouldn't take you unless you unloaded that extra 200 lbs of worthless crap that you come with..

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Even though I am in NC with you it does not mean I stopped loving you. Maybe one day you will come to your senses.


In a few weeks you will be receiving an anonymous poem in the mail at your job without a return address on it coming from MO-the show me state. Even though we both live in different states, you will be perplexed as you should recognize my handwriting on the envelope even though I tried writing a little different. I hope the poem cuts you to the bone because it is so true of us.


One day you will be back...Just not sure if it will be too late or not for you when you start feeling unhappy in your present, but old before me situation. I promised to take care of you and love you for the rest of our lives. I still back that promise even though I am not taking care of you at this time.....but I would!!!!

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Rise and shine, make you wanna say

Dear God, let me thank you for another day

For livin' life on the edge and I'm tryin' to break it

Tired of duckin' the Feds, but it's a struggle to make it

So this is your day homey, now it's time to shine

If a player's only trickin', you can wine and dine

Stress free from the drama, better go get your ticket

Then come on cause some squares can't lie to kick it

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I'm moving on. There's still a bit of a sting, but the thoughts are starting to ebb, and I feel like the world is my oyster again.

You really missed your chance, honey. I'm sure by the time you realize it, I'll be with someone new anyway :p


Life is moving onward and upward. I feel so much better than I have in months. It's almost like getting over an illness, and perhaps that's exactly what I was. Ill. Too sick to see straight. To wrapped up to see this break-up as not a devastating blow, but as an opportunity for me to meet someone else. Someone I can be more comfortable with and not so strung out.


I'm sure in time I'll be able to thank you for giving me the life experience I had with you, and I'll be able to learn something from all this.


In the meantime I have no hard feelings.

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