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Post here instead of contacting your ex!


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You stupid stupid stupid sob!!

I see you have profiles up in all three sections of lavalife!

Wow!! This is the guy who told me that he wanted to focus on himself and get help and get better!!! This is the guy who cried at our counselling session!! And you put your ****ing profiles up in lavalife saying that you are looking to date or possible long-term if you meet the right person?!??!

Whatever. I'm sooooooooo done with you!! You are a mofo sob!! I hope you rot in hell!!!

**** you!!!

You just lost the one person who loved and cared about you!!

You are such a ****ing liar!!

I just wasted two years of my life with a goddamn loser!

You make me sick!!

You are pathetic!!!

You are a disappointment!!!

I knew you were lying to me and you told me i was imagining ****!

You told me you weren't ready for anything like that - casual or otherwise!!

**** you!!!!!!

Jesus christ if you ever thought you had a chance with me later on you completely blew it!!!

You need more than anger managment counselling!! You are going to have a sad sad sad life!

God, and to think i was feeling bad for you and was going to support you through all of this!!! This is what i get for being a nice person i guess, eh??


You are a first rate prick r.s.o.!!!

Now i know how your ex felt - you did the same thing to her, didn't you?? She wasn't the problem was she?!? You were the problem weren't you?!??


Well you are someone else's problem now!!!

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i wish i could be angry with you and mean it. sometimes, i wish you had cheated on me or been a ****ing jerk to me so i could hate you and move on. but you didn't, and i can't. you were nothing but considerate and kind and loving, right until the end. even when you ended it, you were there and sat it out through my begging and sobs, and told me gently that you didn't feel what had once been there anymore. i know i was awful, clingy, attached, angry, mean, and unhappy those last couple of months of our relationship - but when i said hurtful things, i didn't mean them. i never did. i was angry with me, hateful of myself, not of you. i know that you found it all too much, that i was too stressful for you when i shouldn't have been, when i knew how much you already had on your plate and how much you were struggling to keep up with med school and keep a relationship with me going well.


it didn't work, and i will always be sorry for that. i can honestly say that i truly loved you and if i could go back, and know that the ending was in sight, i would still have been with you anyway, because the memories i have with you can't be replaced. all i would change is my behaviour at the end - i know that was a big factor in your decision, and in how your feelings changed and i am so so sorry. i'm sorry for all the begging i've done since, that i couldn't be graceful and accept your decision. i've always known you were apprehensive of being in a relationship at this stage in your life, when your total concentration was needed elsewhere, and i feel terrible that i proved you right and therefore lost you.


i'm sorry i can't be friends right now - i know it hurts you that you can't spend time with me, but all that does is give me hope for us in the here and now, and you've already told me flat out that even if you liked me again, you don't want a relationship until you finish med school, and that is 3 years from now. it's too hard for me. i'm sorry i can't cope and that i'm going home because of it, far from you, but i don't want this to be the end for us. i need time to get over you and then i can rebuild a friendship and if that is all you ever want from me, i love you enough to be able to deal with that.


i know that you want me in your life, that i am your best friend and that you love me, you'll miss me. it's what will get me through the days until i feel ready enough to speak with you without it hurting so much like it does now. it comforts me to know that one day, far from now, i will see you and speak with you again in person, that we will either be happy with other people or find happiness with each other again - that this pain that i know you feel as much as i do will not last. i am shutting you away for now, from my thoughts, from my life, but it is not forever. what's a couple of years in the grand scheme of life? nothing. everything will be okay, and i know that now. thank you so much for everything you ever did for me, for loving me and showing me what it means to love.

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i just got your message to call you back, you ****ing prick!

**** you!

i'm not even going to give you a god damn explanation! you are NEVER going to hear from me again!!

you aren't worth ANY MORE of my time!

my girlfriends suggested that i call you or write you a letter and tell you how disappointed i am in you and how i can't be friends or maintain a relationship with someone who lies to me - and can't trust you! - then my mom and another girlfriend suggested i just cut the cord and be done with you - no explanation whatsoever. you aren't worth it!

i kinda like that idea MUCH better!

then i'm in the driver's seat you YOU WILL HAVE NO IDEA why i'm not communicating with you anymore - YOU WILL NOT HAVE CLOSURE!


**** you! i hope you lead a pathetic miserable life. i know one day i'm going to read about you in the newspaper..i just hope it's yourself you hurt and no one else!


you are a pathetic excuse for a human being...




(ok that's a little over the top but i'm pissed)

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I hope that someday we can at least talk freely again, I hope that one of these days, I'll be able to walk up to you and not just greet you, but hug you, not look the other way like we do now. I feel like I've lost a friend, and it's left me hurting a lot at times. I want to believe that we can still be there for one another. If ever you need me, if ever you need a friend, you know where I am... Please don't think poorly of me. I don't want you to think of me as a mistake, but as someone who will always care for you and who ultimately put you ahead of himself when you needed him too. I'm always your friend...I'll carry you in my heart forever.

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Why are you doing this to me? to us?


I can't bear this pain anymore.


Its so hard for me to function day to day.


Its so hard for me to get of bed, to pretend that I'm okay, and all the while you're out there, enjoying your life...

Do you think of me?

Do you miss me?

God I miss you so much...

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you've called me at work and on my cell phone again this morning. i'm not answering. i'm not talking to you. i don't want to have anything more to do with you.

just leave me alone.

i hope it's driving you nuts that i'm not calling you back.

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Doubt? **** you, +0N?. seriously....go to hell. YOU doubt ME? i should be doubting you. I offered to take it slow and you couldnt even give me a straight answer. if its no, just ****ing say it. you pansy.

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I hope your show is going well. I thought about you last night, your first night, and i missed not being in the audience to support you.


I miss you today, so much it hurts

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I have been getting so ****ing mad at you today. you suck, you really ****ing do. it makes me more angry the more i think about it. make up your ****ing mind. say no if its no. be a ****ing man. dont act like you care about me. dont act like you're doing this for me....its all for you, you selfish bastard. all you wanted was to have things your way. no room for compromise. DONT YOU ****ING GET IT? WHY DO YOU THINK NONE OF THE RELATIONSHIPS WORK YOU IDIOT!?!?!


for god sakes there are men out there who would ****ing kill to date someone like me. i smoke, i drink, i let you do what you want. i was a great ****ing girlfriend and this is the thanks i get? you're on the the fence???? you're not sure? go **** yourself. i didnt even pressure you. you were the one who wanted to go look at rings. you were the one that freaked yourself out.


you act like my demands are this enormously large task you have trouble doing. all i wanted was to be respected and for you to take some repsonsibility of yourself. not even for me. i dont need you. i can handle myself. i was trying to help you. and you dont even want to do things for yourself. you dont even want to cut the **** with your lazy, good for nothing crack head friends to focus on us. you put me on the backburner for them. you didnt want to get yourself ahead in life. your content with your ****ty job and your college lifestyle. what the hell is wrong with you????So thats what you want? why dont you go sleep with one of them then. im sure theyll let you. You are going to regret this. you really are. and im gonna be long ****ing gone when you do.

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hey whats up.... i am trying to think of something to write but i have no words for you. i think you ignored my last drunk text, i sort of wish i had not of don that now... i think you finally saw how sick i as or had been.


so been officially brokn up about 7 months, but you started moving on over a year ago. I guss its working out, u haven't trid to contact me, not even once.


good luck

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ok u txt me today but I'm getting strong and I won't txt you back. All I did all I sacrifices these years n it's nothing tonyou nothing. You think you can do better haha have fun trying. I'm no longer your rug ur backup u dumped me remember it's what u wanted so go cu d someone else to listen to

Your boring stories n the boringess of what ur doing oh ya u won't. Haha u think u can

find another guy like me who doesn't use u for sex money, was there 24/7. Gave up

talking to all the girls I used to even though I knew them for years ijust because I knew u were jealous gave u my passwords

everything ha u think ull find another guy

like that n now your stupid new crush bought me lunch so nice ya Well Bought u half of your closet shoes clothes. All those pictures n videos you sent tome any other guy from re things u did to me would have put them on the web me nope. You had the bestguy who would do anything for you n then you treatme like garbage

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you called me 4 times at work and on my cell this morning and two times at my moms. i would have thought you'd either leave a messsage or give up. i called you back and told you a 'fake' reason why i called you last night. but i really don't want the weight machine anyways, so that worked out as a good excuse. and you sounded pissed at me because you'd be trying to get a hold of me all night and all morning and i was 'no where to be found' - what do you care, really?? jesus christ. were you concerned about me or just pissed that i wasn't returning your call IMMEDIATELY?? huh??

whatever. so i lied to you this morning - guess what r.s.o. - that's the FIRST TIME i've ever lied to you!

i didn't tell you the real reason why i called and that i was ignoring your phone calls all night and in the morning. and you knew there was something wrong...you kept asking me..so yes, i said that there was but i wasn't ready to talk about it and i would let you know when i'm ready.

well guess what, the letter is going to be in the mail shortly. then you will know. and that will be the end of things.

you've really ****ed up this time. you've lost the ONE person in your life who actually gave a sh*t about you. you are so unbelievable messed up it's not even funny.

you are a liar liar liar liar liar liar liar and hypocrite. you DO NOT take responsibility for your actions! you lie lie lie lie lie!

and this is what it gets you!

an you are looking for another woman already to bring into your messed up life??? how ****ed up and selfish is that??? god, get your own sh*t together before you **** up someone elses life.

christ, i feel so sorry for the next victim. i wish your ex had contacted me to warn me about you.

i'm composing the perfect ****-you letter.

just get the **** out of my life you mofo sob.

thanks for wasting two years of my life.

i hate you.

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I honestly don't know what to think anymore u kno?

Today you actually called me at 6:35am! that's like the first time ever in all the 4yrs we been together that you actually called me that early...

I was already on my way to work, I didn't hear the call.

My jaw almost dropped when I finally felt my phone vibrating when I got to work... "1 Missed Call" from you, and "1 Voicemail"

I have to admit I was really scared to playback your message.

I waited...

for what seemed like an eternity.

I didn't want to take the chance of breaking down at work, when my job is essential in keeping these patients alive.

So unselfishly, I waited, til my first procedure was done.

I couldn't help but cry as I played back ur msg. I don't know if I'm fooling myself to believe that you actually sounded sad. And considering you called me at that time... are you losing sleep as I have been these past 2 wks? but I have to grip reality here, all you said really was thanking me for letting you spend the day with our daughter on Monday... but I can't help but notice, the tone in your voice. The pauses in between. And it's not like you were alone with her, I was there too, but kept my distance, letting you two have your fun while I watched from a far.

I'm going insane u know. You can't even imagine how hard this is for me.

Everyone says "let him go, you'll be fine, you will forget..." How can I?

Honestly, how? I am raising our daughter by myself, she's starting to talk now, and the one word that kills me that she's been saying over and over eversince she saw you on Monday is like a sharp samurai sword going in and out of my heart... "Daddy! Dadda!" over and over.

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you knkw I felt loke telling you today do I really love as my h as I say I don't know maybe I'm just scared of readjusting my life again. You made me give up all my friends. You made me never go out maybe I'm scared of the freedomi finly have. I feel good today I wrote a hateful letter no I didn't send it but I felt so much better like I got everything negative out therE. U know I have a feeling if were not meant for each other I know God has someone better for me whose hotter more trustful doesn't cre what I wear and lovesme for me. I know ur talking to another guy already n u think it pig to work out haha your the most crankiert spoiled person on this universe it's why I was your first n only good relaiondhip you had. I hope when I do find someone better that u cal me begging for me to take u back n I'll b no. You don't know what u had n I still love u more than I love myself even though u treat me likens stranger n garbage

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This is retarded. Why do I feel like I need your love for validation, when you're willing to give your love to some creep just because of the way he looks? Why am I letting you cut me up and feel like I'll never love again? I hope I get over you and never look back. You f---ed me and you f---ed yourself. A sh*t leopard cant change its spots.

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i've said everything i need to say to you in the letter. i do not need to post on this forum anymore.

i am done thinking about you.

i am done caring about you.

i am done loving you.

i am done with YOU.

my life starts as of now without you.

goodbye r.s.o.

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I've gone over & over in my mind what exactly I'd say to you.

FB gave you an ultimatum -her or the kids? I was blown away you picked her.

I was devastated, you broke our hearts. I thought how anyone could ever feel this kind of pain. It hurt so much. We loved you.

I hate you and it's because you’re such a coward for abandoning your children.

It was hard, caring for the kids, working f/t and finishing up school. I didn't have a lot of money and I rarely got 4-6 hrs of sleep. So whatever I had to do to ensure smiles instead of tears..

I can’t remember how many times they cried for you and it took ever ounce of my being to not say horrible things about you. In my heart I knew it was the right thing to do because they are a reflection of their parents and I could never hurt them. So all I could do was console and tell them that they were soo loved.

Recently I ran into your sister and she told me how bad you’re doing. She begged me to call you /go to your apt. How depressed you've been, losing your job, house, quit coaching, gained weight, the panic attacks and how FB has made your life a living hell!

[FONT=&quot]Is that Karma or what?[/FONT][FONT=&quot]

I want you to feel-live-breathe day in-day out the anguish you've put our children through. You are a fraud -a coward.

I know that you feel trapped like there is no way out. The tremendous quilt you carry in your soul. It will eat at ever ounce of happiness you manage to steal and that happiness will quickly diminish. The resentment you have towards FB has already set in and FB knows. It's not so happily-ever-after is it?



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I cried and cried and cried last night. I don’t know if I have ever cried that much before.


I don’t know what I was thinking. What I was expecting. Why did I think that you would call me last night? I wouldn’t have even answered. But I had hoped that you would. Deep down, I thought you would. Expectations. How do I stop these damn expectations?


A stupid phone call 5 days ago that says “you miss me” and I am a wreck. I am so hurt again. I am insanely busy at work today and you are in my thoughts. How did you get back in??? It is all I can think about. I am trying to hold it together and not cry. I haven’t cried at work for five weeks. Why did you say that? Why are you sending me these awful mixed messages? How do you do it? One phone call—just a few words and I feel like nothing has ended and heartbroken all over again.




You ripped open a wound that was still too fresh. I have a mark from the trip we took two months ago. The blister and cuts are gone but there is still a mark. I wish that my heart could heal so fast. I miss you so much today. I don’t understand why you didn’t love me. Why I wasn’t enough for you. I don’t understand why you are so afraid of commitment and so afraid to love people. Why are you so afraid to love yourself.


I feel like lead me on for all of these months and years. Why didn’t you tell me a year ago that you didn’t want to be in a serious relationship? I would have been hurt then but you could have spared me this. You could have been honest about how you really felt. I am starting to wonder if you ever even cared about me or if I was just some “casual” thing to fill some unspoken void. You are such a coward.


Today is _____. I am scared to go without you. I haven’t even been able to RSVP because I don’t want you to know I am going. You promised me when you dumped me that you wouldn’t go but it has been the one last thing in my heart. You should be the one to stay home. I hope you feel awful and depressed about how you treated me. Your actions were cruel. What if I can’t do it without you? I am so frustrated that I feel this way. I am crying again.


I don’t want to be friends. Not now and not in six months and perhaps maybe never. I trusted you to be someone that you are clearly not. I will not be calling you or calling you back. I am done feeling this way. You don’t deserve my friendship. You don’t deserve to know me.

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I almost forgot, the couch and chair that you helped me pick out in June will be delivered on Wednesday. Four more days and finally my house will be new. You won’t be invited over.

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i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. with my whole heart.


i wish i never met you.

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I haven't spoken to u msgex in over 24 hours. I miss u so much, but I got to fight the urge and be strong plus u don't even care. Hoe can I even be friends with a stranger someone I don't know n who doesn't know me. Like you gave me the cards I gave u when u sent away on a trip n member I told u when u coMe back I'll give it to you well your not back yet. I k ow one day you will be though and I'll b able to give it to you.

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You've been calling more frequently the past two days, ever since we saw you on Monday.

And to be totally honest with you, it's really killing me.

Why do you bother calling me?

It's going to be 3wks next week since u broke up with me,

those first 2 wks u never called me, and then now this?

Is it because of our daughter?

but the times you called last night were too late, and you know she's in bed early.

So are you calling to talk to me? or just because of our daughter?

I just don't know why. Our conversation last night was peaceful.

I never brought up "our situation" with the break up, neither did you.

So what is really going on then?

I'm so confused.

A piece of me is hoping youre realizing that you made a mistake throwing everything away and your trying to come back.

But another part of me thinks you are just missing how we used to be and is struggling with letting go like I am with you.

I don't know what to think. I'm just hurting even more now.

Everyone says NC, but how can I? when we have a baby involved.

Sometimes I wish I could just take our daughter away so I wouldn't have to deal with seeing you or talking to you anymore because I can't stand this pain anymore.

But I know in my heart, I can't do that to her.

I can't do that to you either...

she is your daughter, and you are her father.

It's just not fair for me.

I have to dwell in this pain of losing you and I just can't bear it anymore.

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Its so hard not to contact you, i just want to text you, message you, call you and hear your voice i just want to know how your doing, but i cant.


You feel nothing for me, im not but a stranger i just can't be a friend i just can't, i know were meant to be together but u dont see at the moment, so ill just disappear from now from your life, i hope all is going well with you, i wonder do you think of me ever? do i still mean nothing to you?


checks my phone again, oh its so hard i love you so much more than anything

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i doubt you got the letter yesterday so quickly so why did you call me last night and leave me a message to call you? i think probably to tell me about the sale at your work, right? i already knew about it.

why would you call anyways? you knew i was upset about something from our last call and i said that i'd let you know when i was ready to talk about it.

i dunno why you called...i could guess a million reasons but i wont know. and i'll not call you back. and then when you get the letter you'll know why.

it must be bugging the sh*t out of you that i haven't returned your call...and knowing that there is something wrong...and you don't know what.

you'll know soon enough.


the more i think about it, the more you disgust me.



and my fav - you ARE A HYPOCRITE!!!


f*ck off!

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