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damn, i should have added "you disgust me" to the letter.


if i see you, that's what i'm going to say to your face.

"you disgust me and you make me sick"

god, i hope i never see your lying face again.

and i can't believe i forgot all that maple syrup...sh*t!

f*ck! i hate you.

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I guess I don't really have anything to say to you right now really. Just writing here to distract myself from the fact I cant talk to you. NC is hard, but talking to you is harder.


I really can't believe you just started dating someone new right after we broke up. Thats insulting. If you were having problems, why didn't we talk? Why didn't we break up sooner? Why hold onto me until you found someone new? That was so mean of you.


I hate that you have no friends and no social life, so you probably stayed with me to keep you from being lonely, and as soon as you found someone to follow around all the time you left me. Ouchouchouch.


You've set me free now, from this relationship I always felt conflicted in... each day I am thankful I'm out. But I cant get over you replacing me so easily. Honestly.

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its day 7 NC for me, but u called me again 2day...

this time u didnt leave a voicemail,

and I honestly dont know wut 2 think.

U called when I was crying so hard,

its weird how u always call when I'm hurting the most...

u must be wondering y I havent answered the last 2 times u called,

God 4give me if I'm ignoring him when he's prolly calling about our daughter, but this is sooo unfair 4 me.

I'm not ready to see u, talk 2 u...

y do u keep calling me? if u wanna see our baby so bad email me.

I was doin so good the last 6 days and now u call again...

i miss u soooo much

our daughter misses u too...

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This is the 2nd weekend apart from you and I am finding it so hard.


I was doing ok until I saw you online at our forum last night and then I started to miss you. Sure I could drive over to your house right now and you'd want to be back together but I just can't do that.


I am angry that you haven't bothered to contact me in any way at all since the breakup. Yeah everyone kept telling me you just didn't feel the same about me as I did about you. I don't get why you would stay with me for 4 years if you didn't feel the same about me?


I'm sure you read about me having the MRI but you didn't care. I guess everyone was right and you didn't really care.


Your whinging self-pity posts ticked me off too. That constant negativity really got on my nerves after awhile. No matter what good happened in your life, you just couldn't appreciate any of it. How do you think that made me feel?


Yeah I know I ended it with you. I'm glad I did. I didn't want to waste more years of my life being that girl that hung on for years and years to someone who wouldn't even live with me. I'm top quality and you know I am way out of your league and won't have a problem finding someone else.


I guess I believe all your self-pity at one time. Poor downtrodden, mistreated guy who never had anyone to love. If you had a girlfriend you would treat her like gold. If a girl would just give you a chance. Yeah, well I did give you a chance and sure you were great at first and then I found out you just weren't capable of sustaining a relationship. You mood swings and your hot cold just about drove me nuts. Plus later on finding out how cold, unemotional, self-absorbed, and selfish you really were.


I guess I should have realized how damaged you were and left.


You were just dragging me down.


Then the lies that I caught you in. Each lie I caught you in just chipped away at the trust I had for you. Sure you thought you got over on me with the lies but just because I didn't say much, doesn't mean it didn't affect me.


The time when you blew me off for a week and lied about your computer crashing and written a mean email to me telling me I was needy and how you didn't need anyone in your life etc. only to find out that there was nothing wrong with your computer as you were emailing your relatives on those days it was supposedly crashed.


The email that told me how dare I be upset about the relationship and how dare I worry about it ending when in the same email you were stating reasons you were thinking about breaking up.


The few minutes it would have taken to send a kind email didn't matter as you sure found the time and effort to send me a mean email twisting things around on me.


You don't know that I know you lied about that but it sure damaged things.

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Hi honey


It's me, the guy you said you loved and were looking forward to spending many more happy years with in the future. the guy you were hinting at not so long ago to ask you to marry you.

Since I saw you a week ago I've begun to realize that we truly are over. It is sad because we had something really special in the beginning. I don't know where that went, I honestly don't. Did it fade after the honeymoon period? I know you checked out slowly over a period of a couple of months, and are probably moving on well without me. We never should've gone on that holiday together, it was awful, I could feel how distant you were. You said that I showed you that you could be loved - I was the first person to really love you. Maybe that's why you went out with me? But did you ever really love me back? I always tried to do right by you babe, but so often all you could think about was yourself and your daughter, it was never really "us". I was made to feel like I was just there to help you guys out. Every sacrifice had to come from me. I felt that and it made me start to resent you. You weren't prepared to make any compromises, and yet you wanted me to give up so many things to come and live with you. I think the only reason you wanted to live with me at all is because you wanted someone to help with the difficulties of your daily life, to solve your problems for you, to ease your financial burden, and to make you feel safe in that house with your daughter. What about my happiness? It's like you couldn't afford to use any of your energy to consider me because you were so worried about making sure you got what you wanted for the two of you. I can understand how important that was, and I offered help wherever I could. But what about us?

Well, I was willing. I was willing to make a commitment to you. I sat you down and told you that, no matter what came along, good or bad, whatever you were going through, whatever life threw at us, - I would stick with you. I wouldn't leave you. Because I really love you and I layed it on the line. Does it make me weak in your eyes? I handed you all the power, put the ball in your court. Did I make it too easy for you? When did you lose respect for me? I don't even know if you've been honest with me lately, you keep so much inside, and often just say things that you think I want to hear All the nice compliments you make; but you still always say that the split was a good thing.

Well you've hurt me. You've horrified me. You know I have nobody around me, no family, and most of my friends are in different countries. You are the one I needed most, but you became the one I can't talk to anymore about any of this. I still miss you. It's been a week since that horrible meeting we had last sunday, and slowly I am feeling better, but it's very up and down.

So how are you doing? Are you seeing anybody? Of course i don't want to know, but you must be feeling pretty attractive now after all the confidence I've given you. That was my 'use' in your life. Now you've got a new job, all your Tony Robbins books, and your self-satisfaction.

Congratulations, you lost a really special person when you left me. You may be feeling pretty smug now, and that this outcome was 'meant to be', but I think one day you'll realize what you gave up, but unfortunately I know that by then it will be way too late. It almost is. Your chances are running out already. If you called me now to reconcile I probably would, but I'm getting stronger, getting my self-esteem back any way I can.

I don't know if I'll ever see you again, and that does make me sad and disappointed that I couldn't somehow rescue this. But I know it would never be the same again. Have a good life.

You have been loved.

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This message is to me, not my ex.


Well SELF, You came out of it alive. You were so messed up for a long time. Look what happen because of this female.


You were so messed up focusing on her you let everything slip away.


Now you are pass due on your rent, your bills are catching up to you.


You have to work harder now, you don't have her in your life anymore. She left you. For whatever reasons she's gone now.


So right now, focus on yourself, take care of your bills, try and make some money and keep pushing forward. It will get better in time, look you already came out of the worst. All you have to do now is contiune to build and everything will fall into place.


As about your whoring ex female, well she's a whore. You made a bad pick. Be smarter next time and you'll be OK. Watch out for signs she's cheating on you though, females are good liars. Talk and communicate with your partner if you see she's upset. Try and be attentive to her needs.


Good Luck and I can't wait to see whom you pick next as your girlfriend.


One last thing,

In all honesty I am unsure if the ex will contact you again.

Chances are she won't. She's too stubborn. In the unlikely event you run into her, just be cordinal, say hello and keep walking.

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hey bubs.

what can i say that hasn't already been said? i desperately miss you. it's not even that i miss the sex or the companionship or the kissing or the fondling or anything like that anymore. i just miss YOU, the lightness you brought to my life. everything feels so heavy now, if i concentrate too much i feel like i can't breathe. outwardly, i'm putting on a brave face but inwardly it's not getting any better. i skirt around it, i put it to the back of my mind, i make my days busy and i make myself tired enough not to have to deal with it even in my dreams, but the pain is there and it bubbles to the surface every now and then. and it is immense. each time i feel like giving in and talking to you, i remind myself of what i felt when you told me you didn't feel the same, when you told me you didn't want to try anymore and how i see that as a huge betrayal considering all i gave to you, all the love, all the life.

it's so ****ing stupid, i just want to TALK to you. nothing more! just talk, but i know i'll be disappointed with anything you say. and if it's just joking around, i'll feel even more miserable because the jokes and the laughs aren't innocent anymore, the pain and memories attached to them hurt too much for me to be able to really enjoy anything you say.

i can't let go of the hope. i really can't. i know i should, i know it's best for me, i know i need to, but i can't. not completely. we're in different countries now and i can't give it up! i am some kind of hopeless, it's pathetic. i feel like if i work on myself, make myself happy then somehow, some way, you'll find happiness with me again. i don't want you to find it with anyone else.

i don't know what else to say. this is all stuff i've said before but i need to say it again because it builds up inside until i feel like i'll burst. remember when i used to say i was bursting with happiness? "banana pancakes" playing in your car and the windows down on sunday morning as we went in search for an adventure. god, i miss those days so much.

i'm not ready to stop loving you.

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Hi. Well, it's true. I'm done with you. I'm sick of you and want nothing to do with you. Ironic since it didn't start out that way.


Let me begin with, you're a selfish, lying, piece of crap! It's always about you and I'm sick of it.


I don't love you!!! Honestly, I don't even like you that much anymore. What's to like? You blatantly lied to me even though you had your stupid reasons. I don't care.


I just don't feel it anymore. My wish is coming true. I am getting over you. I'm thinking about you less and less and there isn't much desire to even talk to you. I said there was nothing left between us and I'm right. Nothing.


I'm not contacting you this week. Leave me alone! Get on with your life without me.

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You are such an idiot. For 3 weeks after we broke up, I didn't hear anything from you. Yeah, I was sad but I was getting over it. I was doing so good at not watching you drive by on your way home from work. I knew yesterday was going to be hard, so I buried my face in a book since there were no customers in the store.


I happen to look up and there you are pulling into the parking lot. I freaked out. What the hell are you doing coming into my store?? You know exactly which days I work and you knew I'd be there. You ****er.


I have wondered why for 3 weeks I've been depressed and haven't been able to get over you. When I've been with other people in the past, I've gotten over them quickly. I figured it out that all of my exes always contacted me after the breakup, but you didn't. For 3 weeks I heard nothing from you and that's why I was so sad, because I felt like I had meant nothing to you.


But since you came into my work yesterday, I feel a hell of a lot better! We had our small talk yes, and I saw your face turn into that sweet shy guy I used to know and love, but this time it didn't do anything for me. I always told you that the only way I could get over you was with not seeing you and having no contact.


But here you are, coming into my work to buy your drink, but you can come in anytime to buy it, you've been coming in on the night shift for the past 3 weeks to buy it. Why did you decide to see me yesterday? Is it cause you miss me? Is it because you want me to be weak and miss you and contact you again? Well now look who's on top. I chased you during our whole relationship and I got fed up with it. I feel so much better now that you came into my work yesterday, and I feel like I'm totally over you. Am I? I have no idea. But I feel like I am. After you left I was shaking so hard and got tears in my eyes, but then they stopped.


It was like, Huh, he came in because he wants me to miss him. And for 3 weeks I did miss you, and now I don't think I do anymore. So thank you for showing up at my work, I could tell you were trying to linger around and wanting to talk. Thank you for stopping in. It made me realize that I'm over you. Just don't make it a habit of coming in again to see me, because next time I'll have to tell you to leave.

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Hi honey


It's me, the guy you said you loved and were looking forward to spending many more happy years with in the future. the guy you were hinting at not so long ago to ask you to marry you.

Since I saw you a week ago I've begun to realize that we truly are over. It is sad because we had something really special in the beginning. I don't know where that went, I honestly don't. Did it fade after the honeymoon period? I know you checked out slowly over a period of a couple of months, and are probably moving on well without me. We never should've gone on that holiday together, it was awful, I could feel how distant you were. You said that I showed you that you could be loved - I was the first person to really love you. Maybe that's why you went out with me? But did you ever really love me back? I always tried to do right by you babe, but so often all you could think about was yourself and your daughter, it was never really "us". I was made to feel like I was just there to help you guys out. Every sacrifice had to come from me. I felt that and it made me start to resent you. You weren't prepared to make any compromises, and yet you wanted me to give up so many things to come and live with you. I think the only reason you wanted to live with me at all is because you wanted someone to help with the difficulties of your daily life, to solve your problems for you, to ease your financial burden, and to make you feel safe in that house with your daughter. What about my happiness? It's like you couldn't afford to use any of your energy to consider me because you were so worried about making sure you got what you wanted for the two of you. I can understand how important that was, and I offered help wherever I could. But what about us?

Well, I was willing. I was willing to make a commitment to you. I sat you down and told you that, no matter what came along, good or bad, whatever you were going through, whatever life threw at us, - I would stick with you. I wouldn't leave you. Because I really love you and I layed it on the line. Does it make me weak in your eyes? I handed you all the power, put the ball in your court. Did I make it too easy for you? When did you lose respect for me? I don't even know if you've been honest with me lately, you keep so much inside, and often just say things that you think I want to hear All the nice compliments you make; but you still always say that the split was a good thing.

Well you've hurt me. You've horrified me. You know I have nobody around me, no family, and most of my friends are in different countries. You are the one I needed most, but you became the one I can't talk to anymore about any of this. I still miss you. It's been a week since that horrible meeting we had last sunday, and slowly I am feeling better, but it's very up and down.

So how are you doing? Are you seeing anybody? Of course i don't want to know, but you must be feeling pretty attractive now after all the confidence I've given you. That was my 'use' in your life. Now you've got a new job, all your Tony Robbins books, and your self-satisfaction.

Congratulations, you lost a really special person when you left me. You may be feeling pretty smug now, and that this outcome was 'meant to be', but I think one day you'll realize what you gave up, but unfortunately I know that by then it will be way too late. It almost is. Your chances are running out already. If you called me now to reconcile I probably would, but I'm getting stronger, getting my self-esteem back any way I can.

I don't know if I'll ever see you again, and that does make me sad and disappointed that I couldn't somehow rescue this. But I know it would never be the same again. Have a good life.

You have been loved.



Rafa, I had such a similar situation with my ex-boyfriend. I hope you are feeling stronger. I am, and I just saw him on a date 2 days ago, not even 3 weeks after our break up, but i know I am too good for him, and he was a bad boyfriend b/c it was always all about him. A relationship needs to be two-sided to work. You'll find that, as will I!

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are you happier without me? is this the final decision or are you still trying to figure out what you want? just ****ing answer me, you coward.

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Argh!!! I ran into your colleague walking on _____ Ave. this afternoon. I smiled and politely said hello to her.


What I want to know is WHEN WILL YOU STOP BEING IN MY SPACE???? Almost everyday at work and at home I run into people I know that also know you. People you see on a regular basis. Why you are haunting me?? You made a choice and walked away-- so leave me already.

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8 days did you think of me once?


I still can't get over how cold you Are do you even have a heart?


You don't even have the decency to dump me face to face your a coward. And just because you and your new crush like math and geography does not mean it's going to last all he sees is your fakenes nice and sweet before the real you attention all the time jealous as hell always cranky crying for everything person you are. Your pretty looks will only get you so far



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Don't have much to say to you. Guess I'm posting here to see if theres anything to squeeze out.


Nope. Not much.


Right now I don't really care to talk to you. It feels so good to say that! I honestly do not appreciate you talking to me! Maybe someday, years from now, we can talk frankly or happily... but right now? I am 100% glad to be rid of you. Seems like all you do is complain anyways... sheesh... you have a new girlfriend to complain to, don't use me for that!!

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Today was the hardest for me.

Today is the ONE MONTH mark that you broke my heart

The ONE month mark that you shattered all our dreams,

The day you ended what happiness I had inside of me from the past & future,

The day that seemed to stop time for me, as if I'm suspended in my sorrow.

30 days of endless nights

30 days of barely eating

30 days of non stop crying

when will all this pain go away?

When I saw you last Sunday to bring our daughter to see u at ur work,

I felt so weak in the knees seeing you. I almost fainted.

I could literally feel my heartbeat start to pitter patter slower and slower.

You don't know how hard it was for me to let her run towards you, and for me to walk away and watch from a distance.

I should be awarded for keeping the tears inside, for not breaking down and saying all that's inside my heart.

It numbs me just realizing that ONE MONTH has passed, and it feels like only yesterday when you turned my whole world upside down.

I still love you,

I still wish you were in my life, completely,

I miss you immensely,

And I pray and pray that you will realize what a big mistake this all is.

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I don't even have anything to say to you anymore. I don't think I love you anymore. I guess that is a good thing, but I do cherish those memories. I always thought I knew you and I never thought this would ever happen to us. But it did and I learned a big lesson from it. Next time I will be more prepared and maybe It won't hurt so much. I can't say that I regret having a relationship with you. I have learned a lot from the 4 years. I don't want anymore explanation nor do I want you back. What would I do with you even if I did get you back? You will still be the girl who broke my heart. I am actually content with my life right now. I got used to not seeing you anymore. But I have been wondering if you are the same girl I knew. I hope you haven't change because it would be shame if you did. I always thought you were a wonderful person. I don't think I will ever know why it has to come to this, but I have accepted it. I want you to be happy, but I don't think we can be friends. Because I don't want to disturb you and I don't think I can be just a friend. I hope all goes well for you. And I hope you new boyfriend is not a loser. Make the best of your decision, be happy and don't regret what you did. Because if you do, it will just make this even more ****ed up.

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That was good letter. I can't write anyhting of thaty sort to my Ex yet without cursing. She hasn't changed as a person I'm sure. She still likes the same food, and laughs at the same kind of jokes, and has a certain style of clothes she wears, etc.

What has changed is her feelings for you.

My ex and I started growing apart as our arguments got worse. When she went back home for the summer, I had a feeling that this was it. I was in denial. If you did get her back you would resent her for what she put you through. Thats a fact. This isn't romeo and juliet, or sleepless in seattle. This is real life, crappier than crappy, heartbreak. I was a mess a month ago(a mess!). I was crying to her as she just sat thier on the couch(knowing in her head she had been F-ing someone else all summer). Now she was back, and here I was......a crying,sputtering, dependant, over-caring, dude................that she USED to love. A month later..........after phone calls, text mesages, a few emails. I still didn't get that empathy I THOUGHT I deserved. I felt pathetic.

I can tell you I am not entirely happy right now. I miss her, etc. But by not talking to her or reaching out in any way I don't feel pathetic. I am living my life without her.

This isn't to not bother her(F her and her new man). This is to keep your dignity as an individual. Our ex's are really dignity thieves......that hollow feeling that we feel after thier gone(thats missing pride and dignity).

Get it back

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i am so ****ing mad at you. i still have a lump in my throat and knots in my back. i miss you and i hate this and i cant stand it anymore. i looked at your stupid pictures from your sister's party. you look like ****, love. sorry to say it. i hope you're taking this really hard even if you were the one to walk away.

i hope your slap in the face wake up call happens soon. who knows where ill be.

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Rafa, I had such a similar situation with my ex-boyfriend. I hope you are feeling stronger. I am, and I just saw him on a date 2 days ago, not even 3 weeks after our break up, but i know I am too good for him, and he was a bad boyfriend b/c it was always all about him. A relationship needs to be two-sided to work. You'll find that, as will I!


Hey Thanks NYGal. You are right, we will find it, we deserve it. Somewhere along the line they forgot that we are special. Stay strong!!

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Having a horrible day! My ex's favorite band just got back together and I want to call her so bad. 9 days no contact and I am faltering. All this "strong" talk and I feel like I am going to break.

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"You don't even have the decency to dump me face to face your a coward"


my ex did that to me after a 8 yr relationship.


"Your pretty looks will only get you so far "


do all attractive shy girls do this?


emp. i believe you were dating my ex's twin sister.

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Having a horrible day! My ex's favorite band just got back together and I want to call her so bad. 9 days no contact and I am faltering. All this "strong" talk and I feel like I am going to break.


Sys, I broke yesterday after 4 days of NC and it was terrible. I wanted to talk to her so I called. She talked to me like I was trash and reminded me she was "happy" with her new "friend". Man it hurt... it would have been much better if I had not called... Hang in there...

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Thanks for giving me back to me.

Thanks for letting out of something that was destined to fail.

Thanks for showing me what a true coward you are.

Thanks for saving me a lifetime of pain (In exchange for these past 2 months)

Thanks for showing me your true colors

Thanks for showing me what a weak, non-communicative (sp?) selfish, arrogant, self-absorbed, pompous ass you realy are

Thanks for letting me out from under your controlling spell

Thanks for telling me lies about trusting you, and that you'll love me forever (NOW I'll see evil coming a mile away...)

Thanks for forcing me to see that you had an agenda from day one, and as soon as it got too hard for you, that agenda did not include me

Thanks for making it easier to finally....LET YOU GO!


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Sys, I broke yesterday after 4 days of NC and it was terrible. I wanted to talk to her so I called. She talked to me like I was trash and reminded me she was "happy" with her new "friend". Man it hurt... it would have been much better if I had not called... Hang in there...


It is so hard........9 days and holding. I want to tell her I miss her and that she made a mistake.........and that we should go get a drink somewhere or play pool. She is F-ing some guy from back home and living at a college dorm down here. really having her cake and eating it too.

I'm dating but I miss her terrible. I already made an ass out of myself by calling before NC.............and she treated me like a dishrag!

This sucks

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