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I'm looking for a song... that says, we shared something special between us, it's time to move on, It's been really hard for me but I think I made it, I'm happy, and You will have a place in my heart. That's it.



Stars - Your Ex Lover is Dead = Good song probably? The bolded part especially I think fits what you're trying to say.


Here are the lyrics (its sung between the girl and the guy in the relationship):



God that was strange to see you again

Introduced by a friend of a friend

Smiled and said 'yes I think we've met before'

In that instant it started to pour,

Captured a taxi despite all the rain

We drove in silence across Pont Champlain

And all of the time you thought I was sad

I was trying to remember your name...



This scar is a fleck on my porcelain skin

Tried to reach deep but you couldn't get in

Now you're outside me

You see all the beauty

Repent all your sin



It's nothing but time and a face that you lose

I chose to feel it and you couldn't choose

I'll write you a postcard

I'll send you the news

From a house down the road from real love...


Live through this, and you won't look back...

Live through this, and you won't look back...

Live through this, and you won't look back...


There's one thing I want to say, so I'll be brave

You were what I wanted

I gave what I gave

I'm not sorry I met you

I'm not sorry it's over

I'm not sorry there's nothing to save

I'm not sorry there's nothing to save...[/sIZE][/sIZE][/FONT]

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There are so few pictures of us, but today I found some from the wedding we went to in Chicago last year. We're on the dance floor, having a great time. Reminds me of the "old" you, the you I loved, the you I trusted. I miss that guy.


It's strange to be back in the dating world. I've kissed someone else now, and it was nice. I don't know if I'll find the same raw chemistry with someone else that we had, but maybe I'll find someone who sees me, appreciates me, and wouldn't think of destroying me the way you did.

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I was a wonderful friend to you. You were not a friend to me, ever, I see that now. I listened to you rant and rage for hours, every other day, about the constant drama you had with your sister, your brother-in-law, your mother and your father, your boss, your co-workers, your 2 "best friends," and each and every person that cut you off on the highway. When I didn't just listen but actually offered a different perspective or a new way to handle your dilemmas, you turned all that anger onto me. You thrived on being in that angry mode, carrying it with you everywhere you went.


I was such a good friend to you. You were not a friend to me. When your sister kicked you out when her fiance finally put his foot down while you were living off of her rent-free, I gave you a comfortable warm bed to sleep in, rent-free, so you didn't have to sleep on a little cot in your storage unit. I prepared great food so you didn't live totally on fast-food, since your storage unit doesn't have a microwave or stovetop. I let you take nice long showers in my home, so you didn't have to stay at work until 9 pm each night so you could sneak around and use the shower there, since your storage unit has no shower. I did all of your laundry so you didn't have to take it to a laundrymat. And then I folded it, all the while unfolding my heart to you.


I was your friend, I made excuses for why you broke items in my home, and for why your primary emotions only consisted of rage, frustration, self-pity and moments of adrenaline-fueled exhileration. I made excuses for your crude behavior and rants to my family, my friends, to the doctors, nurses and security guards in the hospital where I stayed day and night by your side when you were ill. You were never my friend.


You still try and contact me to tell me about the things happening in your life. You try to get me to stroke your ego when good things happen and you try and manipulate my sorrow and stroke your ego some more by feeding into your twisted view of reality when you think people in your life are abandoning you and not recognizing how amazing you are. I will not do this anymore.


I am no longer your friend.


And the amazing thing about this is you probably don't miss me as a friend. Just as an object to control. Oh well. I am not very angry, I have my moments, but not many. How can I expect someone who simply does not have the capacity for normal human emotions, such as empathy, remorse, and love to demonstrate those feelings to me? That would be like expecting a dog to understand that when he bites me when he's been hurt he's betraying me. Carrying around anger at the dog, resenting him and feeling disappointment in him would be ridiculous -- he's just a dog, afterall. As are you.


You are not my friend.

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Yes Sysyphus, friends don't treat you like a nobody!


I'm glad you're being strong, even though you might not feel so strong. And the holidays are a bummer, so many memories...

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I had been doing really well. It has now been six months since we saw each other, and two months since we last e-mailed. I don't know what it is, but for the past week or so, I just can't stop thinking about you. "Maybe it's the weather, or something like that...."


I still wonder how you are, and if you are happy. Do you think you did the right thing? I am trying so hard. It would be so easy to contact you.....just a quick e-mail to find the answer to these questions. But I will not do this. I will post this message here, and maybe it will make me feel better.


Still thinking about you.

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I come to this site and I read all of the NC situations and I realize I'm certainly not the only one missing someone. And for me, it was, I guess, an EA and I didn't even realize what that was at the time. Small town though, so can't help but see you from time to time which makes me happy for a day or two, then sad. I see the same pattern though for me as for others, ok for a few days, sad the next, barely able to cope, then ok again. It seems like it takes so long from what I read on this site for people to get over past love interests. I'm afraid it will take forever! And it doesn't help seeing your wife around, having her tap my shoulder, say hi and being forced to be polite. She had once asked me pt. blank if I loved you, I lied. How stupid can she be, thinking that I don't like you. But I'm a good actress that way. Doesn't help to see her, will go out of my way to avoid her in future.

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miss you bubs. i don't want you back now though, i want you to grow up. my life is so different now without you, it's weird when it hits me.

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are you thinking about the fact that today would have been our two year anniversary?

i hope you are and i hope you fee like a piece of sh*t

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I don't know what is wrong with me!!!! I cannot get you out of my head this week, especially today. It is driving me crazy. You hurt me so much, but I still can't let it go. I know it sounds totally ridiculous...and I have never in my whole life been like this before.


Maybe I am losing my mind.....

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I don't know what is wrong with me!!!! I cannot get you out of my head this week, especially today. It is driving me crazy. You hurt me so much, but I still can't let it go. I know it sounds totally ridiculous...and I have never in my whole life been like this before.


Maybe I am losing my mind.....


You are temporarily losing your mind. It's like a living bad dream. I know. Yesterday I had what equated to an anxiety attack. I was angry for an hour and wanted express all if to her and at her. I didn't.

I wrote on this forum. I talked to a friend. I went to a concert.

I got a beer and I got a girls phone number. I had fun.

I missed her and was really upset at her, but realized............this is my problem! Not hers! She is done with me.

I am hurting in NC. And thier are people from all over the world hurting here. Face the pain. Hold your head up and be grateful for the things you have!

Tomarrow. Face the pain again, be angry---and then be grateful for your talents and abilities.

The next day, face the pain, call some friends, plan a trip, get an inspiring book to read. Go and talk to a girl/guy you always had a crush on......be confident that they may want to get some coffee or see a movie....start some repor with someone new.

The next day, face the pain, accept that you can't control another person, that they are an individual with a right choose what they want.

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Hey, guess what? I woke realizing that I do not love you anymore nor do I have much respect for you. I really don't care about you or care to hear from you. I guess this is my epiphany. I really hated that word and I even swore to myself that I would never used that word, after you told me you had an epiphany about our relationship. The past is the past. Lets just leave it as that and I have no desire for a friendship with you. I am letting go, but it doesn't mean I won't forget how you treated me and abandon me. You taught me one of my greatest lesson in life and that is enough. So this is a goodbye forever. Bye

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You are temporarily losing your mind. It's like a living bad dream. I know. Yesterday I had what equated to an anxiety attack. I was angry for an hour and wanted express all if to her and at her. I didn't.

I wrote on this forum. I talked to a friend. I went to a concert.

I got a beer and I got a girls phone number. I had fun.

I missed her and was really upset at her, but realized............this is my problem! Not hers! She is done with me.

I am hurting in NC. And thier are people from all over the world hurting here. Face the pain. Hold your head up and be grateful for the things you have!

Tomarrow. Face the pain again, be angry---and then be grateful for your talents and abilities.

The next day, face the pain, call some friends, plan a trip, get an inspiring book to read. Go and talk to a girl/guy you always had a crush on......be confident that they may want to get some coffee or see a movie....start some repor with someone new.

The next day, face the pain, accept that you can't control another person, that they are an individual with a right choose what they want.



Thank you so much for your message...it really, really helps to know that other people understand, and your advice is very, very good. I know it, even though I am feeling a little cloudy...I will get through this.

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Hi, gracie, how r u doing? It has been 6 weeks NC. We've seldom done anything with such great understanding even without discussion. I guess you are busy working at your place, and has been little by little over me. You havent done that well on your ex, but I am pretty sure you will do that weel on me. You said you loved me, but you just couldnt keep our ldr any more. You're tired and dont wanna waste any time on that. Baby, you know how it hurts. At that night, you just kept crying, and I was still the one who had to hold you, comfort you and send you home. It was like you are the one dumped, not me. I didnt even have a chance to give vent to my feelings in front of you. How could person who still loved the other make that kinda decision? Maybe I've never been there, I've never dumped anyone, I couldnt tell what it's like. And after these long 6 weeks, I just hold myself back, keep myself busying doing something instead of thinking about you. But I have to confess, every moment I am doing nothing, everytime I go to bed, I start to think about you. Tears accompany me through the night. I guess you must have been through these before you've finally made the decision. How hard actually is the LDR? We all want it worked. We all make effort. And the happiness is just a few miles away, why did you give up, baby?


ARE WE GONNA BE TOTALLY STRANGERs TO EACH OTHER? COZ I dont really want to see you any more. But you will be the only one in my heart for the rest of my life. I hate your leaving me, but I do love you with all my heart.

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To The Girl I Used To Know,


Where's our happily ever after story now, Princess?


Doing better without you now. I miss what we were. It's scary to think we will probably never share a level of intimacy again further than a short and sweet greeting. I really thought it was meant to be between us.


Your lord...



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Hows it going? Good? Bad?

Who cares!


Flashes of you cross my mind, they're not painful anymore! They're just... nostalgia. Something gone!


Somedays it seems insane to me that you're out of my life, how did it happen so suddenly (though I must admit, it was inevitable). Most days though, this is LIFE! You're gone, and its great! I mean, not that you were terrible or anything but... being single is great, and I have someone sexy to chase after so yesssssssssss.



Okay thats all now.


Kinda sad my cat is dying. Hasnt happened yet though, so I'mma cheer her on for now, be happy and... prepare myself for her death. Why does she have to die so soon after a breakup? Totally lame. But... shes a 20 yr old cat, something had to give. Awww Cleo.

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I'm angry and I wish I could tell you and show you how angry I am.... with YOU!


I was punching the punching bag yesterday and doing pushups.........because I was so angry with this little b&***. She completely screwed me over by doing her best freind all summer and stringing me along while she was away. She moved out of apt...etc.

I am so angry sometimes all I want to do is rip her a new A**hole and make her feel like the no good woman she is.

It drives me crazy.

But then, lucky for me and her, it passes.

And I realize that I can't control what other people do. ONly what I do.

Keep control, don't talk to this perons. If you see them, SMILE! If you bump into them SMILE!

If they call you.........hit the ignore button and have a better day.

LET IT ALL GO IN 10 deep breaths. Appreciate what you have/family/friends/talents.

Make alot of plans and keep yourself busy. Idle time is the devil's playground.


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I'm starting to understand the line in Swingers about "missing the pain". I feel more and more like my own person, that my future is what I make it - without you.


I kind of miss the intense pain I felt because I know I'm truly letting go now. I just find it such a sad thing. I'll miss you. I wonder if we'll ever talk again. Maybe I went pretty crazy post break up, but take a closer look - I'm not to blame.


You told me exactly who you were, and I didn't listen, because you told me you'd never do those things to me. I believed you. I believed that you'd changed. Or maybe that I was different from the others. I always told you, you're too good to be true.


And you were.


The person you claimed to be never really existed, you were just a facade.

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It sucks that I can't blame you because I know that I only have myself to blame. You go about your days innocently with nary a thought of how you treated me. Didn't you even feel some slight shame to yourself everytime you lied to me?

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I miss you today. Work is absolutely insane. People are seriously freaking out. I want to talk to you. I miss talking to you. I am really having a hard day.

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hi, G, how r u doing lately? havent contacted you for really a long time. See what a typical gemini I am, yesterday I just said that I finally gave up but today, I just couldnt help missing and even start writing on my cell phone, expect myself to initiate the contact to break the 7 weeks' ice between us. But I just couldnt finish that txt, everytime I remind myself of the scene of being dumped on that night, the old scar just tears up again. I am still so crazy about you, and I dunno how to handel this. You are always cool about this, but I couldnt. I write "how can i forget beloved" on my msn, hope some friends could see that tomorrow and give me a comfort. But what I really need is even one word from you.


During our LDR, you dont even act so cold to those who insult you. I guess that's why I am being so sad and self abased from the very beginning. And I never mentioned a word about that and just hoped you could handel it well, but actually you never did. what I've said is not to hate you. But I dont really know what else I could say.


I really miss you. Today I could hold back and dont send that txt, but I dunno if I could still keep doing that tomorrow.I hate that I couldnt get back to you and beg you for a second chance, since the distance is so long that its impossible for me to do it myself. I am crying again. Sorry, I miss you so badly, I cant be alive without you.


now I feel a lot better, I could do it all alone. Thank you for being with me for so many years. Auf wiedersehen.

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Tonight I am having a breakdown kinda! Not a huge one, but I just wanna say comebackcomebackcomeback. Obviously, I wont, but every now and then this huge pain creeps up on me and I get completely CRAZY about wanting you back. NC is hard.


Actually, I think more than wanting you back, I want to be over you. I want to find out where I'll be in like... 4 years (only 23 then!!).


I don't really want to marry until I'm 25+. So I have 6+ years to LIVE before I settle down. Despite knowing this, my 19 year old self wants to fight for you with all I have. But... I know that like, a better bet is to move on and not contact you. OY. I mean hell, maybe 4 years from now things can work out, you never know, but right now its not working. Nonetheless, depite knowing better, I want back into my comfort zone! Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


How the hell are you moving on so easily?OY

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