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Uugghhh.....I hate weekends. Everything you're trying to overcome is doubled - the loneliness, the being alone thing. It's like you're trying to move on but you're stuck and have to wait it out.

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u have NO IDEA how much i love u

how much i'm hurting because you're not next to me

and i don't think i'll ever get over u

u were my first love and i don't want to let go of you

God please please please i'm begging you to bring him back :lmao:

so many songs remind me of you and so many places

wherever i'm at, i'm not there because all i can think about is YOU

i can't even move on with someone else

and to be honest, if i knew i was causing so much suffering to another human being, it would hurt me. i don't wish this on anybody. i just need u to be there for me and to hold me :( i love you but i hate u from doin this to me...i don't even know if you're with someone else!



i read your letters today and couldn't stop crying. how could we go from that to this?

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Well im guessing your starting your mid-life crisis. A 18 year old on my -space the things you have to do to get your rocks off!!! She's the same age as your daughter.


Just deleted your number dont come to me!


Or r you just doing it to wind me up!



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Hi, g, I saw you on msn, but I would never show up in front of you ever again. And I happened to find out that you sent your own photos to someone, some guy. I´ve never been jealousy, even we havent broken up, you kept contacting other guys, I am always trusting you. But seems I was completely wrong. You never wanted me. You just use that as an apology, and me as only one victim in this relationship, is the only thing you want to get rid of, when you are tired of me. Do you know how hard I've been trying to keep up with you and get to know you as hard as I can, but you never feel for me or get to know me, you just stick to where you are, because you are beautiful and smart, you are far better than I am. I am uncomparable to you. I guess it will never work out even we are not in a LDR. What you want is not really me, you just want some random one, you have crush on. But all your happiness is related to me since we first met at my 16. I could never forget that scene. Sorry for my weakness, I dare let my tears roll down my cheek, not that many chances. I really hate you, hate the selfish you, hate the growup you, hate all the factors that bring you to the current you. You've said to me that you've changed a lot, I never got that far, but now, I think I get it. And I am sick of it. Stay in NC can only make me more stable, if I ever had a chance to woo to you again, I would pass that, as my uncle said to me, the most beautiful thing is not ought to be seen in a very close distance, stay far away, keep that good image, nothing to lose.

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"because you are beautiful and smart, you are far better than I am. I am uncomparable to you"


Get some confidence. You are better than this kind of self-defeatest lamentation. Seriously dude......

You went out with this beautiful and smart girl so thier must be something good about you that she liked. You will be with someone again.

This isn't Romeo and Juliet.


Hold your head up....and MAN-UP. You aren't some kind of shoe licking nobody! You are comparable to her. You are comparable to anything you want to be comparable to.


You can't let some girl you have zero obligation to turn you into a worm. Have you been married to her? Have you had kids with her?

Obligations do get formed don't get me wrong.....

But talking some girl who F-ed you over like she is gold is bull-sh**.

All you happiness is because of her?

Do you do anything? read, play sports, ride bikes, etc.

She was he only thing that made you happy?! A pretty girl......


"Every man thinks his burden is the heaviest" bob marley


get your act together


A woman does not equal happiness


Thank goodness you have two legs and live in a country that doesn't cane you in public.

Be thankful for being alive.

F this girl bro.

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Its a good thing that you broke up with me. The way you used me, and how i fell for the whole "love you" thing, it just tore my heart to little shreds. Just thought i would remind you of how much my life is screwed up because of you. When we were going out, i had the strangest feeling of love hit me in the face. The first time i ever cared for anyone.


I hope you feel the pain. Its preventing me from letting Anyone good in my life, while allowing the scum of the earth, like you, to just walk right in.

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Ruby Slippers

I missed him tonight. I went to a play with a friend who had an extra ticket, and though I wasn't expecting it to be very good, it was not bad, and it touched upon some of the themes of my recent breakup and made me sad. The guy in the play loved his woman, but he was DUMB and messed everything up. Just like my ex. :p Why did he have to be so dumb?!

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Ruby Slippers
I so want to somehow tell her i don't care about her! How ironic!



That actually made me laugh.

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Ruby Slippers

Oh, reading back, I just figured out this is a thread for what you would say to your ex. OK, let me try again:


Why did you have to be so dumb?!


Why did you even bother moving here if you had no intention of actually being together? The first time I broke up with you, you should have stayed in your town with your elitist band instead of coming here and wasting 10 months of my life.


If you're so terrified of being with someone, why did you pursue me so aggressively? I tried to reject you. Why didn't you just go away? I knew it was a bad idea to get involved with you. I KNEW.


Why did you say all that over-the-top bull**** and pretend it was so real and you were so genuine? You were full of ****. Take your stupid love songs and shove them up your ass! Those songs aren't about me. They're about some vague idea of love you have in your head. You are emotionally retarded!!! How could you possibly understand the concept of love?


I feel sorry for the woman who ends up with you, because I can't imagine you'll ever be happy with one woman. I think you will always want what you don't have, and the woman who's with you will know it and suffer it. I'm glad I don't have to be her.

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Dear ex


Why the hell can't you even spare 5 seconds to tell me that even though we can't be together, you actually miss me?



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I miss you and I love you so much. I think about you all the time. I'm ashamed to admit how much I feel. No one has ever been as close to me as you were. I can't stop every day of the last five years from running through my head on a permanent flashback loop. I can't bear that you're with someone else right now as I'm typing this and I can't make myself accept that it's really true. I truly believed we would grow old together. Where did we go wrong? I know that it was 50 percent me and 50 percent you, but I wish to heaven we could have fixed things before it got to this. I was so blind and so caught up with all the stupid stuff in life that shouldn't have mattered a tenth as much as me and you. I know I need to find the strength to let you go but it's so hard.


PS: In retrospect, I'm kind of amused by how much time we spent discussing how to raise kids that we are never going to have. Can I have those hours of my life back, please?


PPS: We didn't need to spend all that time debating how to keep our families happy with some kind of weird combination Christian/atheist wedding either. Or how to stop my dad from making a speech.


I miss you. I don't think anyone will ever make me laugh like you did.

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G, all my heart is full of deep sorrow, speechless, dont want you to know such kinda "me". I guess no way back now, for both of us. Giving up myself is much easier to be over you. I dont see any hope. I am just a dead man walking.

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i don't know what happen to us


but you did me dirty.... took a while, but i got over it.


you fooled me good.


i guess i finally figured out how I will view you in life.

the whore who tricked me and wanted the money


on another note, i was stupid, i let you almost destroy me, but luckily i bounced back. almost didnt make it....

u almost ruined me.


good thing there was still apart of me alive inside. i was going to throw away everything for you

when it came down to the wire, when i needed u most, u wasn't there.

life is not a game, men are dangerous, i hope you dont have to learn that lesson the hard-way.


i don't know whois fault this was, but ah, u got some deep issues u need to sort out.

i took the time to be by myself and get my mind right after our break

it wasdnt all bad,, i dont remember you anymore though, my mind is erasing/blocking/wiping you.

in time i will have no more words for you. i guess that is what makes me sad



i dont even know why u went exploring.

its all the same thing.

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It's one thing to forget when you really want to get over it. What happens when there's not a single part of you that wants to forget? That's an altogether different, and far more difficult, question...

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I want to tell you how much you hurt me. I want to tell you how mad I am at your immaturity and selfishness. I want to curse you for cheating on me and sweeping this rug out from under my feet.

It has been 6 weeks.


I want to break no contact and show up at your new place. I want to call you and say hi.


I need to come here to avoid doing somehing dumb like breaking NC. You broke it once and I never called you back.

It hurt.


WHere did you go. You were such a big part of my life.


I need words of encouragent.

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Baby I love you so much. I don't know exactly why you stopped loving me back.

I am special, but you forgot about that because there were more important things in your life.


I was ready to marry you. I've never felt like that before about anyone in my life.


Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, .....X 1000000

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G, happy birthday, I appreciated your love for the last three years. Today is a rainy day. I hope the weather of your place wouldnt be that bad. Hopefully you will have a really good birthday celebration without me again. Those memory left to me, I will take to seaside and let the wind take them away. Given time, I will be stronger than before. And I really miss you.

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I know it's over now. But i should say thank you because i've learnt a lot about myself and i'll be better for it in the long run.


I've humiliated myself and at the same time inflated your ego and put you up on the highest of pedestals. I gave you everything and made you feel special and you gave nothing back. Even if i try and call you you ignore me and won't even acknowledge any attempts from me to get things evened out so we can leave things on genuinely good terms.


You probably think you can have me with the click of your fingers and maybe in time you'll miss all the attention and want me to come running to you. Well, you had your chance. I'm moving onwards and upwards, you can find some other mug.


I thought you WERE special and made sure i told you this, i can see now that you're just a human being. You aren't worth me getting myself into such a huge mess over.


Goodbye and thank you.

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