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I'm channeling Joan Jett from her younger years... it's getting clearer now... I can hear her...





















she says she want her hairstyle back!

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Well, I've lasted another week with little, to NO contact from you. I've been doing OK so far. I had my ups and downs. I've been careful to not mention our separation to your friends that I occasionally talk to. But yesterday, and this morning, I spoke to two of them. I didn't initiate the conversation, but when you came up, I let them know that we were separated. They were shocked, to say the least. But I don't care anymore. F*ck it. Why should I even care about your "reputation" and whatnot? Yeah, you have told me that our business is none of your friends, AND family's business. I know your only reason for saying that is because you don't want word getting around the workplace, especially since you're fu*king your boss. I bet you'll get a pretty hefty bonus this year. And I'm sure your coworkers won't appreciate how your 'boss' divies up this years bonus amongst your department. Your grandmother knows. She's known for awhile now. But I think she's not going to say anything to you until you bring it up.


Hope you have a nice secret getaway w/ that wench during xmas break. She's such a F'd up mother for leaving her family during the holiday. Of course I'm just assuming she's going to meet you up in SF and have no solid proof that she's meeting you there, but why would you only buy a one-way ticket? Who else would you drive back down with, but her? Whatever, F*ck you and f*ck her. It's hard for me to hate you. It's not like me to hate anyone. I'm just extremely disappointed in you and in us. I'm sorry I couldn't love you the way you needed to be loved. But at the same time, you didn't love me the way I needed to be loved. Only difference is, I never gave up on us. I still had hope for us. I never allowed myself to get close to anyone else. I'll be leaving your xmas gift with the receptionist to give to you. I can't/don't want to see you face-to-face. It'd hurt too much. I'm not ready.

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Hi J,


I wrote you a huge meaningful letter and got nothing back, Where the **** is your heart? Somewhere hidden - in the crack of your ass? you disgust me in every way and I can't wait until the day I get over you! All this pain for an immature jackass like yourself, You don't deserve the attention that I give you! I'm done sending you messeges I don't care anymore, Happy 3 years Anniversary on the 23rd I know you'll be waiting on a messege then but your not getting one.



I hate you.




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I feel so confused right now.

I dont know what to do about this situation anymore. I really dont. You say you want to be my friend but you dont. You say you care about me so much but where were you when I was crying and praying to God for a miracle to take my pain away? How can you tell me i mean so much to you and that you'll ALWAYS be there when in the time i needed you the most YOU WERENT THERE! YOU DIDNT care! :( you....You lied to me about the dumbest thing. How could you? I mean YOU?? And I'm torn between what to think of you...i don't want to believe you have become this cold person who doesn't care about me...i can't...God knows it's hard to fall in love with your head and your heart and with you i had that...i have left you alone and you called once...i dont know if i should even try for us to be friends...you were a part of me and letting go of you is extremely hard...i want to make the right decision, the one that would hurt less and i dont know if erasing you out of my life completely is the right one...because after all you were my best friend and now whenever something happens to me, i wish i could reach out to you for comfort...when i look back at everything we were, this makes no sense...and what's worst is that i dont want to let go...for God's sake, i feel like having you out of my life would do me more harm than good...because lets do the math...for the past two years where was i all the time? WITH YOU!!! You showed me so many things I never knew, we both introduced each other to new things in life...esp. you to me since you had more opportunities...you treated me like a princess..i had NEVER in my life felt the way i felt when i was with you...and i feel like letting go of you, im stuck in this cold cold world alone :( But i can't be your friend right now....because im still in love with you. Maybe someday our paths will cross again...Or maybe we'll both fall in love with other people :(

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I'm leaving in a couple hours.

Going back home to see my family.


I'm going to literally be half way

Across the world from you.


It feels so wierd. It's not like

I'm in your life whatsoever

Anymore, so there is no difference


I haven't felt this sad for a while.

Part of me daydreams about what

It would be like if you came with me.


God I miss you so much baby


I'm going to be thinking about

You through the whole 12 hour

Flight.. I know it.

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I missed your call this afternooon. Not on purpose. I just didn't hear my phone ring. Although, if I did see your call, I probably would have ignored it anyway. I wonder what you were calling about. To see how I'm doing, maybe? Or some stupid **** regarding you needing some stuff that you left here? Or to ask me why I told your friends that we separated (assuming they confronted you about it)? It must not have been that important since you didn't leave a message.


Today has been a good day. I went most of the day without thinking of you; up until I saw that I missed your call. Then you ran in and out of my mind through the rest of the night. Shame on you. Stop doing this to me.

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You call me hard and mean because you told me to sod off!! and i did just that. Remember I told you that I would leave you alone and never look back if 1) You ever told me that you're done with me.

2) You cheat on me

3) You ever hit me


Well, you told me that I wasn't ready to marry a man like you. Also that you needed someone more understanding than me. And oh no-one should call you about anything because you don't wanna be harassed by any member of my family. The same people that accepted you, were very nice to you and treated you like one of us. Till today I cannot believe how mean you got. I told you times without number that we didnt have to get married. When you met me the last thing on my mind was marriage! You know this as well. I sometimes wonder if you even have a conscience. All of a sudden me not having a relationship with your mother was a big deal when you don't EVEN have a relationship with her yourself! (except when she's controlling you lot) How hypocritical is that?? And to think I came this close to marrying you. I just keep imagining how miserable my life would have been. Who says the Lord doesn't look out for us? even when we think we know what we want. He knows the beginning and the end so I have him to thank for delivering me from such a horrendous situation.

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You called me again this afternoon at work, but this time I purposefully did not answer. I just let it go to voicemail. What is it that you want? Leave a message if it's important. Even if it's not, just leave a message telling me what it is you're calling for. You KNOW I'm not going to return your calls. Bastard.

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3rd time's a charm, right? Once again you called me here at work. And again, I did not answer, nor did you leave a message to tell me what it is you want. You should know this routine by now. Maybe you're just f*cking with me; trying to get in my head. You know I'm trying to get over you and over us, so you play these f*cking games by calling me to weasel your way back into my thoughts so that I can't forget about you.


Selfish, egotistical bastard.

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Hello D.


well I received your email stating that you needed to be away from me and couldn't be friends at this time... Wow.. its hard to think after 16 years together and knowing each other for 25 you cant even be a friend... its all great and such that you can at least be civil around the kids...... Well dont do me any favors... I am not even going to give you the F-ing chance to be civil..... I will avoid your fat A$$ so you wont have to........ Hows that sound :)........ anyway hope your as miserable as you look....

To be honest I am starting to accept that it is over after all of this....... I have forgiven you for what you said to me but I will never forget !!!


Never !! and thats a promise........ So when your sorry A$$ needs me for something one day I will tell you just what you can do.......... F yourself !!!

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Congratulations. You won. You've succeeded at getting me to think about you; thinking why you didn't call today or whether if you will call me today. I let you win. Damn you.


I guess you figured to not bother calling me anymore since I won't answer your calls. I'm guessing you were calling to see if I accepted your invitation to take me out on my birthday this Friday. I thought better of it and decided that I shouldn't. Trust me though, I really would like to spend my birthday with you, but of course, only under different circumstances. It would kill me to spend the evening with you only to part ways at the end of the night.

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Dear Jerk,


You are a moron. With a very small penis.




I just need to get over this ridiculous feeling whereby I fall to pieces every time I see you, hear you, imagine feeling you... and then I will find myself a guy with a bigger one.


Most affectionately,

Your ex whom you never, NEVER cared about.


P.S. I lied when I said you seemed so confident. I saw ALL your insecurities, you awkward, pretentious, dysfunctional shmuck.

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To my surprise, you did call. And yet again, I did not answer. Call me crazy, but it kinda put me in better spirits. I guess it calms my nerves to know that you're still thinkin' of me.


I'm still not going to return your call unless you leave a detailed message.

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this is the thread I need, haha. I've started a blog, srt of a journal entry to my ex instead of writing. She doenst have the address and never will get it. The emails I did send just cause pain to her which isnt what I want. But I feel a compulsive need to write. Have written enough to fill a book the last few days.


I miss you but I'm still a wreck. You're probably better off without me. I worry so much about you though, you're such an idiot when it comes to guys. Listen to your mother, don't have sex with anyone else till they marry you.

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you told me you were going to text me today to let me know how your OP went, are you okay? did the op go fine, you know i worry, why did you do this to me.


I pray to god that you're okay, and i will tell you this MR, if you are fine (which i hope you are) and you just plain forgot, or didn't care to consider me and stick to your word, you can seriously forget any chance of us being friends EVER!

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Its been almost two months no contact, three since you declared it over. You moved right on to someone else, someone I told you made me feel uncomfortable. Someone you never pushed away. Even if she is better suited for you, I take pride in knowing she looks like she could be your dorky sister. You`ll definitely be her first. You must be really lonely, huh. As messed up as I may be, at least I know I don`t need to jump into another relationship to feel whole. Then again, you have great examples around you.


I miss you every day. I think about all of our good times. You were my first for so many things, as I was yours. I will miss that huge crush I had on you, and for so long! I will miss that train ride home, I will miss our jokes, the love we had. It was really beautiful for a while. I will miss the jacket, the jeans, the long hair. You look so different now. You are different now.


I know that my own problems are a huge part of why we are over. But some of the things you did to me are unacceptable. It makes me ashamed that I still care after what you`ve put me through, and it makes me sick to think I ever hurt you. I don`t believe we will ever talk again. It`s better for both of us. I know I wrote you a note before I left, saying we would be friends again one day if it was meant to be. But I don`t believe it is, and I don`t think you want that. I pray once I heal, I won`t either.


I am sorry for the pain I ever caused you. You`ll never fully understand what you meant/mean to me. I never got your apology to me. You are a coward, there`s no way getting around that.


I remember once you looked at me and said, "You are the strongest person I know." You are the test that proves this to myself. I wish you no harm. You will always be in my heart, you are apart of my soul. But you also hurt me. So ultimately, well...





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You managed to call my work phone AND my cell phone this morning. In addition to that, you sent me an email asking me to call you. That is not detailed enough. I just want to know what it is you want to talk to me about and THEN I'll decide if it's worth talking to you. I'm going to assume it has something to do with you wanting to take me out for lunch or dinner today for my bday. Not gonna happen, sir. But thank you for the consideration.


I'm still not strong enough to deal with this. I want to crawl back into my bed and cry myself to sleep :(

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You emailed me asking if you can come by to pick up some more of your stuff. That just....burns me up. I don't know why. Well I do. I guess because all I want to hear from you is how you miss me and would want to work things out. But no. You just want to get your sh*t.

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You emailed me asking if you can come by to pick up some more of your stuff. That just....burns me up. I don't know why. Well I do. I guess because all I want to hear from you is how you miss me and would want to work things out. But no. You just want to get your sh*t.

Maybe this is his way of trying to come around and see how you are doing?? You never know:)

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I made sure you had left before coming home yesterday. I didn't want to see you. I'm not ready. Thank you for the little note you left on the dry erase board in my room. I love and miss you, too. You said you hope that one day I'll want to see you again. It's not that I don't want to see you because I do, I just can't.


You called me like 10 times this morning then finally texted me saying you're "just in a bad place right right now because it's my birthday and me not wanting anything to do with you is too much for you to handle". I texted you back telling you to take care of yourself and that I'm not ready and that I love you. I haven't heard from you since. I wonder if you're "ok" now. I wonder if finally hearing from me helped you get through your day. I haven't been able to get you out of my head all day. I'll find myself laying here in bed re-reading the note you left on the wall and I'll have a sudden urge to cry.


This just confuses the sh*t out of me. I'm sure you're confused as to what it is you're doing and what it is you want. I don't know how much of you missing me is due to the fact that you actually miss me or the idea of me. I know you don't do well alone. As much as I would like to, I can't just be your friend right now. I do wonder how different it would be if you and her were able to be together without having to sneak around her H's back. Will you still think of me then? Doubt it....

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Dear Jerk,


You are a moron. With a very small penis.




I just need to get over this ridiculous feeling whereby I fall to pieces every time I see you, hear you, imagine feeling you... and then I will find myself a guy with a bigger one.


Most affectionately,

Your ex whom you never, NEVER cared about.


P.S. I lied when I said you seemed so confident. I saw ALL your insecurities, you awkward, pretentious, dysfunctional shmuck.



hehehe! :)

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Just checked my Facebook before I went to bed last night. I was fine, for the most part. And then I saw someone post that they are going to a certain event. And my memories overwhelmed.


I know you`re probably going. You never pass up an opportunity to go to the city. Of course I now you are going with her, and all your friends. I was the ugly duckling of the group. I never fit in. I know for a fact she does. Considering your prick best friend`s girlfriend and your new thing are best friends. Considering shes everything, emotionally, that I am not.


I remember going with you in the Summer. You bought me two dresses. We drank tea from that place you had been raving about. Are you bringing her there now? We were happy. It is amazing what six months time can do.


I will not contact you. The phone rings, and it is never you. It never will be. You`ve moved on. I just wish it wasn`t so hard for me. You won`t leave my thoughts or my heart. I don`t want you there anymore.

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hey psycho,

just checking to see how well all of the multiple ****s you had lined up when you filed for divorce are working out for you. pretty sure that they have figured you out to be the bitch that you are at the core.

i understand that you've reverted to the party girl stage of your life again.. really.. at 46 years old do you really think that your drunken junk is all that attractive? the plastic facelift has left you looking like a stretched out joan rivers. you might want to also think about getting back to the gym someday and starting another of your thousands of new diets. the picture that i found online of you was not too terribly flattering. your junk peeking out from between the large thighs? not really as attractive as you might have thought at the time that your bf was snapping the picture.

karma will catch up to you in a way that you will never be able to imagine. all of the lies, deceptions, self righteousness, denial, i still see the smirk on your face as you ripped my heart out and spit on it. the ability to take a family and a man that loved you and kick it all to the curb takes a person who is as cold as they come. all of your **** will catch up, your nine year old son is already developing that love / hate relationship with you that you had mastered with your dad. just wait till he is old enough to put the pieces together and figure out who you truly are. that is when it will bury you. i'm sad for you.. your anger will be your partner in the end.

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