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Thank you for the gifts. It was nice seeing/talking to you this morning. It's been awhile. A little over 2 weeks, I think. I've missed your hugs; it felt good. You didn't want to let go. I've missed your smile. You looked a bit tense or nervous. I was able to see it in your eyes that you were hurting. I felt it. As much as it hurts, I know this separation is for the best for the both of us.


You seem to be trying so hard to spend time with me. You just emailed me asking (again) if I had time to drop you off at the airport and that you'll pay me. You don't have to pay me for anything. I'm sorry. I've realized that this is what I need. Time to myself. Time to collect my thoughts and emotions. As much as I would like to, that half hour we spent together this morning was enough.


I hope you have a safe trip. Merry Christmas.

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merry christmas.. the only time of the year we're supposed to be nice to each others...

anyways.. i take back every mean and nasty thing i said. many times i was influenced by my anger, but i'm sure you know that.

even tho you hurt me, i shouldn't have hurt you back. i'm so sorry, i can't even begin to explain. i should've gone NC when you started being rude to me and cheated on me.. i'm sorry for insulting you. i hope your new bf is treating you well. take care.

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Hey B,


I hope everything is well. You broke my heart and started dating some guy not 3 weeks later. In your mind we had split up over 2 months before that but you wanted my graduation gift and someone to help you move. You chose to drop me like a bad habit and pick up a guy who is 10 years older than you and he's a bartender. You chose to pick up a 2 time felon. You will never be treated as well as I treated you but I do wish you the best during this holiday season. I am going to enjoy the massage on Dec. 26th that I bought for you for valentines day last year that you still haven't even used. You have yet to see me since we broke up a while back and unfortunately I love you unconditionally and would be there at your beckon call at the drop of a pin. Hope you have a wonderful holiday and peace be with you and your family.



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merry christmas


I was contemplating sending you a text today, but then I realize you don't deserve it you know my number


Hope you and your family have a good christmas

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Hey Ex,


I just found your posts and I want you to know that I know and fully understand the following:



"You lost the best man you'll ever know."


"I haven't lost a damn thing."


"Not another ****ing word out of you."


"I've had enough."


I'm disordered.






I'm a cheater.


"There is no "us" any more. You're on your own."


I'm a mess.


I destroyed my family.


I have "ZERO friends".


I'm all alone now.


I like to talk ****.


I'm a 100% failure in real life.


I'm a little piggy! Oink oink oink!


You'd rather die alone than with me.


"You might WISH you had some form of redeeming quality but you, princess, as absolutely delusional."


"There is no hope for you and there is no hope for us."


"I've had enough and I am not coming back."


"I understand you are sick."


"You are, sadly, damaged."


"STFU for once in your sorry life."


"You are a bully and ALL bullies are really, deep down in sde, scared little people. Bully=coward with a big mouth."


I'm a "disordered psychopath".


"You? Don't care."


"You are disordered, you are dysfunctional, and you get no sympathy for me."


"I don't like you. I don't love you."


"You are disordered, abusive, cowardly, and nothing but a phony."

Your 'tired of being attacked for who you are, what you are, what you've done before I ever knew your name'.





I just wanted to acknowledge that I have heard/read and understand every one of your words and then some.


I will now STFU.

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What the hell just happened?


The last 3 months are a blur. My mind is incapable of processing this situation.


I trust your happiness with f8cker is outweighing the extreme pain I am feeling.


Gotta keep the universe in balance.


You are the worst thing that's ever happened to me.

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Dear Ex,


I'm very sorry for everything I have ever done/said that has hurt you! I mean that from the absolute core of my being.


I wish you health, love, peace and happiness. Truly.


Me - yeah ME

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So I just sent you a txt that says

Mr xxxxxxxx

Merry xmas. I wish you all the love, blessings and warmth this holiday season brings.


I don't know if you will reply or not. Either way I really don't care. I have a love/hate thing for you but that won't stop me from wishing you a happy holidays. I miss you more than words can say. There i said it.:laugh:

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Thanks for posting all of my problems and telling me what an absolute piece of **** I am right here on the forum that I have been a member of for 1 -1/2 years!


I have been in NC with you. Other than visiting your myspace I have left you alone. No words from me. Nothing!


I know that I mistreated you and was abusive to you in that relationship! I, at times, was a complete jackass. That is part of the reason that I chose to walk away. As I have said before....it is not fair to you. I do not have the right.


Yes, I cheated on you. I cheated on my ex. I broke my family up. These are the absolute biggest mistakes I have ever made. I'm human. I'm fallible. I ****ed up! I know!


Here's a bit of enlightenment from me to you...what you chose to do with it is your choice. You can choose to not believe it. You can choose to blame me. Whatevah but I 100% believe this to be true....


You have been abusive too. Both of us have abused each other! Our relationship was VERY, VERY unhealthy for the both of us! You don't need to hear what is wrong with you and I don't need to hear what is wrong with me.


Neither one of us has any right to rip each other to shred's. EVER!


It wasn't 100% unhealthy though. There was a fortune in beauty in us too. This is the part that is hard to let go of. We BOTH have excellent qualities and we are BOTH good people.


WE are just not good with each other.


We both deserve the opportunity to get it right. There has just been too much damage in our relationship. If you're looking to blame, I will take it.


I am begging you your forgiveness! Please try to let go of your hatred of me.




If not for me, then do it for you. I did not intentionally set out to treat you like ****. I ****ed up! I loved you like I have never loved anyone!


Why it ended up like it did, I will never know. It is too complicated to try to understand. Maybe over time I will come to understand.


You can continue to rant and rave in this forum or any others that you see fit. I am just going to stay away from them. It doesn't help me at all.


I'm going to just try to find peace on my own.


I now go back to NC. I won't even visit your myspace. I promise.


I wish you health, peace, love and happiness. Truly.



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g, only thing I wanna say is that falling in love with you and believe you loved me back is the biggest mistake in my life, and after all those years, it only comes out that you never loved me for any tiny little period, all in your mind is just him. Ok, I surrended, your not forgetting him is my fault, your breaking up with me is my fault, your sadness is my fault, all your having encountered difficulties are all my fault. So, I am the mistake, are you satisfied? You are too perfect to describe, miss. perfect, with your kindness to anyone excluding me, with your care to anyone excluding me, with your love to anyone excluding me, I am just trying to persuade myself that given time, you will love me, but finally you showed your "mercy" and threw me away like a piece of crap. I wouldnt wish you happiness that you didnt deserve. I wouldnt love you any more that you didnt deserve. I would hate you from now on, which you deserve. Let's say, let the god punish you in your own way. And I would never ever get close to you kind of human beings again, you are too horrible to get close to.

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surviving you

I cant believe how much of an idiot I was

You are no good for me

I deserve so much better

your eyes and your smile haunt me still

how could you just lead me on like you did


I would kill to talk to you , but I have too much pride to ever try to contact you , I hope every day to see a text from you , and every day that I dont it hurts, but it also hurts less and less every day

soon you will be gone from my head, I really look forward to the day when hearing your name or thinking about you does nothing to me

I dont hate you , but I cant stand you either , live a good life , I hope you find someone that cares as much as I still do , and I hope I find someone that deserves and appreciates me

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so i think, maybe you leaving me was a good thing. well not i think. it was. i'm glad i'm not in an abusive relationship anymore :) i'm glad you broke us up before things got worse... i'm glad because i've finally met someone else ... someone who perhaps i think i was supposed to be with.


perhaps i was with you only to fill the time between finding who i was really supposed to be with. perhaps.


however. i'm ... happy. and i dont care about you anymore. i miss our friendship. but i know that its not possible to ever have that again. so on that note, i dont care that you threw that away. because i can see how you value important people in your life through those actions alone, and i hope you'll come to terms with that one day.


good luck healing yourself, and your issues in your life. please dont abuse the next girlfriend the same way you abused me.


<3 your ex

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I want to call you and tell you I miss you. Tell you I had a nice time with you and that I can't wait to see you again. I want to tell you that there is a point and I want to take small steps towards whatever may come. I want to say I forgive you. Tell you that something can happen, given time. But... I can't say these things to you. You need to say them to me. I need to know you're going to be consistent and stay. My heart is an open book, and although you can't "read me" it's ok. It's all ok because honestly, if you keep coming around, the pages will start writing the story and it will be yours to read.

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Hey, I feel guilty about yesterday even though I shouldn't. I kind of wanted to see you yesterday, but everyone thought it would be awkward. So he didn't go pick you up. I am sorry you had to wait and to be only disappointed. I had no objections to letting you come hang out. I told them I didn't care if you came or not. I thought you would of been with your new bf. How come you weren't with him on christmas? It's been so long since we were close. And I know we arent like that anymore. But I couldn't help feeling sad that you got stood up. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I asked them to chill a week ago. Even though it doesn't matter, I still don't want you to be mad at me. Sorry

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Why did you do this to me. What we had was so pure. I am so angry at you. You were my everything. You were my life. You were my love. Why couldn't we have worked through our problems together? Or is that just a delusion. F*ck you. You are a vile person. I shouldn't love you.

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Dear M,


I know we never dated. Regardless, I wanna tell you one thing.


Grow some balls.


Just tell me what's up instead of running away, you spineless coward. I miss my buddy, yes, I actually miss you. Doubt you miss "your friend" you always "cared" so much for, being afraid you'd lose me.


Way to go you.



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dude where the hell are you, haevn't heard from you in about a year, i still remember, the more i do things, the more distant the relationship seems in my mind.


still feel like apart of me is missing though, goes away each day..

in time i won't remember, but thats going to take a few more months.


well thats it...

screwed up 2008 big time, 2009 will be different.

merry christmas

happy new years


later whore

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Why did you leave me? You said you loved me more than anything in the world. You said I was the love of your life. And when I asked you last if you still loved me, you said "You're making it really difficult j". So hurtful. I've cried and cried and cried. And you haven't shed a tear.


You told me that you haven't even thought about us. About the break up. How is this possible when I can't eat or sleep for thinking about it?


When I asked you if you knew what you were doing, you said no.


And you can't just let me go entirely. You say, "Let's see what happens in a couple of months". NO. STOP GIVING ME FALSE HOPE JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T SAY THAT IT'S DONE.


It's my own fault anyways. You've contacted me twice since the break up. I've contacted you every other time. Trying to show you how much I love you and how much I want this. Which is silly. Why do I want to be with someone who I have to convince to be with me?


I know I just need to let go. I am letting you go. There is no hope for us. We are done.


Please let the memories and dreams stop. Please.

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I loved you dearly.


I remember waking in the morning. The light would filter in through the blinds and you beside me. You would always hold me at night, you were the first to ever do that. You were the first I spent time like this with. I remember the sound the white porcelain doorknob would make as I turned it and walked out onto the cold wood floor in the hallway. I remember the sound the staircase made. I can remember the smell and how it felt to be in the house. You left me though. You told me that day in bed it was over. I can picture it in my mind like it was yesterday. I remember walking out your front door and how you just stood there watching me. I remember how it felt knowing you were going to pack and leave. Leaving me to fend for myself and deal with the pain. I had nowhere to go! Do you even take the blame for the losses? I remember how you would email me and call me. I remember the things you would tell me. I didn't think I would ever stop crying. You broke my heart. Congratulations! And now, here you are back. What's going to happen? Have you grown? I grew to forget you. You need to take a stand, and tell me how you really feel. If you don't, you're history because although you're a semi-current event, I can put you right back to the history book.


I loved you. OMG I would have converted for you! I remember meeting you for the first time, I told my parents I met the man i'm going to marry! You left me, you were selfish! And now... i'm quite possible a damn fool for being back here and looking out the peep hole.

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I tried to be nice to you and to make things easier for both of us but when I opened the door you slammed it in my face without reason, repeatedly. Maybe you thought that I was trying to get near you to work things out. Maybe you needed time to heal yourself. I want to make one thing absolutely clear. I never wanted anything but peace and comfort between us afterward. I wanted nothing more than that. I accepted the break up from the moment it happened and only hoped for better things to happen for me in the future. You told me I would get no answers from you about how and why you felt you needed to be so cold and so I will never so much as look in your direction. In fact, I think when we are in close proximity you should not look in mine. If for some reason you feel the inclination to look at me or speak to me it had better be with the intention of giving me an apology and or explanation. Then and ONLY THEN will I even consider mere civility with you. I did nothing to deserve how you have been toward me and I have never been anything but good and honest with you. I do not forgive you for how you treated me after the break up. I guess I am only worth your time if I am f****** you. You never wanted to know me at all. Your interest in me was only as someone could make your life fuller or happier in some way. In other words, you were not interested in me; you were only interested in what I could do for you. You are a fair weather friend.


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Dear Ex,


I'm not mad any more. Very sad but what can I do about it? Nothing. Just ride it out and hope that someday it stops.


I hope you will get some help someday so that you don't have to go crazy worrying about things that should not worry anyone. I hope that you get help and get better and have a good life and can actually feel the love of another person. You couldn't feel mine and thats the way it is but I know that deep down inside you just want the same thing I want- to be loved and to be happy about it and to know, even when they are not with you, that they love you. I hope you get better and stop wrecking your life and breaking your own heart and breaking hearts and minds of people who care about you.


I hope you had a good Christmas with your boys and your family up north.


I hope you can feel, no matter where you are right now and what you are doing, that I'm not angry any more and that I'm doing okay and trying to get back to being all cool and calm and everything that I was when we met. I have a long way to go and I hate this but there is nothing I can do.


I hate the people that did this to you.


I would have carried you on my back if I could have.


I still pray for you every night.






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Are we friends or are you just like the rest of them? Are you hanging around pretending to care for the off chance that you will get in my pants again? I know that you aren't self aware enough to know how you feel let alone discuss it. I'm not angry with you but I hope you understand that I am beginning to get the impression that you don't respect me or my decisions. I need you to know that there is no chance of me getting back with you, there is no chance I will sleep with you. You had more time than I have ever given anyone to step up to the plate and you didn't. You have no right to pout and no right to dump on me everytime you feel a little jelousy. I don't appreciate you ignoring or avoiding things that are important parts of my life because you are still uncomfortable. It's been years since we broke up and we have been friends but if you are still this uncomfortable with me wanting someone else - so much that I can never even mention it... well, I think there is something you need to face. It is unfair that I should have to deal with your fickle friendship. I have not dared hurt you or upset you over my simply dating guys that might not have been around after a few months. Yet, you knew I was dating and trying. I was respectful and now you need to be that for me. You are either my friend or nothing. I need to be able to trust you. I need to know where you stand because I am not going to let a fox into the coup. I treated our relationship with the same respect. Remember? I hope you expected nothing less from me. So, ummm, what's it going to be?


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