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People always cautioned me about you. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but you finally exposed how full of **** you really are. Despite the hurt, I feel free now that the real you has been exposed, and I never did anything malicious to bring it on, just try to give you your space and be good to you. It's inevitable that you will mean nothing to me, and I know your wicked ways will bring hell for you again.

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I hate how you rant and rave about how i can't let go, "why can't she accept its over and move on?"


Yet you are still checking up on me...who is the one who can't let go?


I hate how you still can't accept me for who i am because you think everything i talk about and write about and believe in all comes down to you...Well here is your lucky day, this IS all exactly for you to read. Enjoy, feel important because the poor sad little girl is writing about you.

Get over yourself!!! you are full of holes. sad sad holes that show right through you! The last time i saw you i saw right through you, you are NOT as strong as you say you are, and you are NOT over it, and you do care. Who are you trying to kid? You have gone completely over the top with 'being over it' You cant see past your own anger, hurt and pain..


Just because i have a fond memory of you, or miss something from our friendship and talk about it (i don't have any problem with being honest, ) DOES NOT mean i want to know you, see you or even talk to you. I am deeply angry with you , for completely closing your heart, and mind and becoming so grotesque about this break up. For treating me like this centries A bomb.



You are such an immature, far from appealing, bitter, resentful women. ]


I would have nothing more to do with you for you are exactly opposite to what i admire in a person.


You disgust me.

and you have hobbit teeth, lets not forget youre morbidly obese.


If you walked past me today i would hold my breath

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Dear N,


Monday will be the first birthday in over 7 years that I haven't sent you a card, given you a present or wished you well.


You'd think 2 years after we'd parted ways this would be easier, but alas it's not. You were the love of my life and those 6 years we spent together have etched themselves into my heart and soul. I will never forget you.


I know you'll never read this, but I had to say something, somewhere to acknowledge you.


Happy Birthday N, May your life be filled with all the joy the world has to offer and all the love you long to find. You're a one in a million.


I wish things had ended differently for us.


Take care.



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The supposed "problems" you've had dealing with other people in your life, I get it now. It's not that people treated you bad, it's that they were also responding to your ******* behavior and you coming along and giving me a one sided story. I can't believe i fell for your whole act like if you're this nice person who people treat like crap. Your actions show just how self centered and downright cruel you are. I tried so hard to do right by you, to try to understand the way you felt, and you were there stuck in your own little world and ended up hating me for doing those things. You act like because I can't be flawless, that all of a sudden I was some villain in your life. I always acknowledged when I did wrong, and what did you do, downright ignore me when I complained about things you did. I see now how people get stupid when they fall for someone, and though the process of getting out of it hurts at times, I am so happy to finally be free of you.

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I know we talk on the phone every once in awhile..

but it is not the same..


I want you back in my life entirely...

I wanted to marry you ...you promised me all that.

We had our wedding songs picked out...we had our childrens names picked out.


I know I tell you how much I miss you..

but do you really know???

I miss you and love you..with ALL MY HEART AND SOUL.


I dont want anybody else but you.

You are my soul mate. I know you are.

Please come to realize this.

We had the most wonderful times together..and I know you know that..we have talked about it.

WHY DID YOU DO THIS??? Why do we have to live apart???


I wanted nothing more than to be with you for the rest of our lives.

I love you.


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I've been thinking about you all day today. I want to pick up the phone and call you so badly.


You have moved on. You are in love with someone new.


So why can't I seem to let you go? Why do I still have a part of me that feels we are destined to be together? Why do I keep picturing my future with you in it?


I still love you. And I can't even put into words how much it hurts.

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I find it hard to believe that you have not read my email or seen my text message from last week.


You who are addicted to your crackberry. What is wrong with you? What is with this insulting hot and cold behavior? How are we supposed to maintain a professional relationship when you keep blurring the boundries?


Why does our relationship only work one way? Your way. Why can't I get close to you, but you can get close to me whenever you want?


Why can't I just tell you to f...o...! Because we have to work together once a week that's why and you are in a higher power position than myself.


I can't believe I thought we could be friends.

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I didn't sleep well last night I kept waking, dreaming of you .

I felt you in the arms of another man, I felt sick, I almost called at 3am but didn't.

I made coffee this morning and didn't use your cup,I put that away I read the paper by myself and watched sunday morning.I wanted to talk about all the things in the paper, i wanted to read you your horoscope, it talked about love and snuggling with someone new, mine said not to be a doormat.

God I hate this, even the f'n paper see's better than I do.

I wanted to call and tell you how much I loved and missed you, but you already know. I will not call today no matter how much it hurts because you will not call me. You have moved on , you know how I feel.

It's been three weeks today since you left, how can you quit on me? It was supposed to be forever, not ten years and out.

I am sad this morning, it is raining and I miss you

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Please give me a second chance. Please............ let's try once more and this time it's just us.......... say something.


I know I have to move on at some point but this is so abrupt.........


Just say something........i'm not mad...........please don't be mad anymore and let's give each other a brand new start......please.....

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I just want to keep telling you and reminding you that you are forever loved by ME and that I adore you.

I am a good catch...I took good care of you...

I want to do this again for you... These are the things in life I LOVE to do...

I do not want anybody else....

I want all these things with you!!!


Life just isn't the same anymore. I cannot look at the sky the same...I cannot look at the sun without thinking of you.


I just want you back in my life for good. PLEASE...PLEASE ask me to come live with you or by you again.

This time I would be sure to have a good job lined up BEFORE I moved out there.




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I don't know why it's been so hard to let you go.


I wasn't able to give you what you wanted, and you couldn't give me what I wanted. I know you tried, but we're fundamentally different people with fundamentally different needs and outlooks and approaches to life.


So why did we walk away still wanting each other?


I guess meeting her is probably the best thing that could have happened. It was unhealthy to just exist as we have, and who knows how long that would have gone on.


I didn't feel for you the way I did for my ex-husband. But that was an unhealthy love, it turns out. It was good, but really codependent.


So I've been asking myself lately if I do, in fact, love you. I could never tell you about that, though. I mean, I had 14 months to tell you exactly what you wanted to hear. I had no idea that you harbored any desire for a long-term future or that you still felt that strongly for me. Would that have changed things for me? I honestly don't know.


My ex-husband walked away, wanting someone else. You walked away, wanting me. I think it's just hard to accept that you don't anymore. At least, not on the terms and within the limits of what I can provide.


I do think I love you on some level, I really do. I wasn't lying or making anything up when I said that. I want to talk to you so badly, but there's nothing left to say, is there? And I need to go back to listening to the angel on my shoulder and respect your wishes and your new relationship. And I can't even fault you for getting involved with her. If had met someone I liked - I would have done the same thing. Getting involved with her doesn't show disrespect for me, though it feels that way. But that's my issue, not yours.


I just need to remind myself that reaching out to you means humiliation for me. At some point, I had to accept that my ex-husband was really gone - and you are now, too. We've had so many endings and despite the fact that I want to see you, talk to you, spend time with you, I can't. Last night upset me so much, you don't even know. And it's not fair to you and it sets me back.


I wish I had just let it go and left you with a good image of me. Our second-to-last conversation was so respectful and so kind. And now I've left you with the image of a selfish, bawling, needy baby - something I'm so not. And you were kind enough to put up with it, even though you didn't deserve to have that dumped on you.


I can't keep contacting you to say goodbye thousands and thousands of times.


Goodbye, E. Please get counseling and take care of A. I love you.

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The Blue Pill

"December 10, 2008: 18:54


I sit here every night by myself, thinking of you. I ran across some old pictures on my camera today and you look so beautiful. It breaks my heart all over again to know what a wonderful woman I lost. I suppose the right thing to say to you is nothing at all. I’m supposed to let you be happy if I love you right? And you say you are happy, without me. I’m supposed to be ok with that and move on. How am I supposed to do that exactly, after all of the memories we made? I was with you most of my college years. I think about school and all I can remember is you. Spending the night at each others’ houses, hanging out, cuddling, everything. All I see now is you being like that with someone else. You don’t know what it feels like. You don’t know what I’m going through. All I want is to have you back, unfortunately that’s not what you want. I’ve given up. I did everything I could think of to keep you but nothing worked. You’ve made up your mind. So I sit here and smoke. Just puff away and look at your picture. That sounds like a terribly depressing scenario, and it is. I hope you never forget how I feel about you. I’m sure years down the road you’ll remember us but I want you to remember my feelings for you. I told you how I felt, but you didn’t hear everything in this journal, and you probably never will. But just because you didn’t read this yourself doesn’t mean my feelings aren’t there. They are. They are as strong for you now as they ever were, and I don’t even know you anymore. I’ve lived alone in this apartment for 2 months now without you, and I’m still not over you. How many months is this going to take? How many years……. So I guess I’ll just keep writing. 20 pages now. That would have been a horrible writing assignment in school, but it feels like I could write 100 pages to you. I haven’t called you in forever…I wonder how long it will be before I forget your voice? Or the way you smell. Or your wacky attitude. Every night when I lay down for bed I see you next to me, but you’re not there when I put my arm around you; all I feel are the sheets. I’m sorry you weren’t happy with me. I hope you find what you are looking for. I love you. I guess I’ll just sit here and smoke."

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I am writing just to inform you that I am removing you from my friend’s list. This is not out of spite or bitterness, more that I am uncomfortable with you having such easy access to my personal life, as I am sure you are with me. Whilst I would like to be optimistic that one day we could become friends, I’m a realist, and I think we have caused each other far to much damage as it is already, and seeing as my phone has hardly been ringing off the hook, it is unlikely it is something you would like to pursue either


I am not sure exactly how things went so wrong between us, but I know that my temper was certainly not a beneficial factor. I realize I have issues, and I am desperately working hard in therapy to try and counter these. I know you cared about me, probably more than my own parents did, so as such it makes it all the more painful that it was my own anger, and severe depression that screwed things up.


I did love you, but I realize I did not show it in a good way-I needed you more than you needed me, and whilst I curse myself for being weak, we both know there were a number of circumstances that made me that way over the course of the year that you knew me.


I am pleased to see that you have successfully moved on, and I am genuinely happy for you. You deserve a guy who will give you everything you ever wanted and you certainly deserve some happiness after all the horrific events of last year. It’s been 6 months since our blazing row, and I still have nightmares about the whole thing. I don’t know what exactly happened to the nice, caring, long haired, guy you first met, but it wasn’t good and I’ve struggled forgiving myself for it.


It’s a little screwed up falling in love for the first time in the same year that I lost my sister, best friend and my best friend’s brother committed suicide. It’s also screwed up that I sought solace in drugs and alcohol, and found it easier to argue than to love, found it easier to screw things up rather than just be caring all the time, found it easier to dwell in my pain for over a year rather than move on with my life.


I can’t say I’ll ever recover from the death of my sister, or all of the pain I feel from last year, all I can hope for is that each day will get better, and I’ll find the inner strength to forgive myself for my role in her death, for my role in me and you falling out so badly, and for punishing myself unnecessarily hard for things that were outside my control.


You’re help throughout the worst year of my life will never be forgotten, but I realize you’re a different woman to the one I used to know, and I’m a different man. What I am going to do with the rest of my life I’m not sure, travel, write, try and find inner peace, **** knows but it has to be better than last year. You made a monumental impact on my life, but when you got in touch in November I had to scare you away because I was living in a personal hell and had to go through it alone rather than with your assistance. I regret it now, of course, but what’s done is done, and all I can do is try and learn from it as best I can.


Please don’t take this as bitterness or anger. I know we were never going to work out, just couldn’t see the writing on the wall-I needed to learn how to look after myself before I could get involved with anyone, and whilst there were times when I wish I could go back, this break-up has taught me some really valuable lessons that will help me have a better life in future.


My sister adored you and so did I, but the circumstances were too ****ed up for things to not end in tears. I am scarred, in fact am crying as I write this, and perhaps its not natural to be still cut up about things this long after, but I’ve always been sensitive and am my own worst enemy when it comes to matters of the heart.


Please try and remember the guy you first met, before all the crap happened, the guy who would have jumped in front of a bullet for you, rather than the argumentative ass hole I became

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I hate you, i love you, i hate you, i love you!! I HATE YOU for lying to me all those times when you told me you loved me! I HATE YOU for lying to me all those times you said you cared! I HATE you for walking out on me and my little girl and leaving us both with nothing but Suffering! I HATE you for only thinking about yourself and YOUR feelings! I HATE that i love you so much! how can we go from everything to nothing? how can we become nothing but strangers to each other?

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Just because I dumped you doesn't mean anything really......


It is just me trying to be strong and make a logical decision with my head that tears open my heart.


How hard it is for me to censor the feelings I feel for you getting stronger over the last year : the passion.........the beauty we shared............the warm feeling of you holding me tightly ........the tears, the laughter, the vivid memories of your clear blue eyes piercing my soul, your lips kissing me passionately


I miss you more than you will ever know and doing no contact with you is so hard and I am so sorry to do this to you....I will talk to you at the end of April my love....if you are still there, These 2 months are just to see what is best for you and me.....Please understand and be there. I love you GM

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I still think about you everyday, i don't want to but i just do, i've realise that i never meant anything to you and that you were always playing about behind my back, how you treated me makes me feel hate and i'm a loving person so this hurts me. I would have done anything for you and you knew this which is why it was so easy for you to play me, i suppose one good thing that has occured from this horrible experience is that i've gained more wisdom which i now use as protection.


I'm now a better person and have made lots of valued friends, i'm positive about my future and i have lots of goals. . . . . i'm sad that you aren't a part of my life anymore but i know that one day i'll be glad you left me, i feel ridiculous that you are still on my mind all this time even after all you did to me, one day i hope to be free.


You are the most self obsessed, messed up girl i've ever met and i actually feel sorry for anyone that gets involved with you. . . you should carry a goverment health warning and guys should be protected from you. . . . I don't feel jealousy when i think of you with another man i feel pity for the poor bastard that you are with, you had such little respect for me that you gave me an infection that you picked up cheating and i think that this is unforgivable!!


Even after how you abused me and even though i feel hate for you i hope that one day you realise the error of your ways and turn your life around for the better.

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why o why o why. never mind hey. was good whilst it lasted. thanks for giving me an insight to who you really are

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The Blue Pill

Dear ******,


My friends are up for a few days, and there is absolutely no way of NOT going to the bars downtown. For the love of god, please be at work tonight, or stay inside. I am not ready to face you and your new boyfriend. I'm not in the right mindset for that YET. I'm only in town for 2 more weeks then I'm moving the hell out of here, so please, don't bump into me tonight.

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You broke up with me for your past 3.5 year relationship with a guy. You said you didn't like him, or want to be with him anymore at the beginning of our relationship. Why did you lie to me and cry when he called you? Why did you leave me behind and cut everything down the middle for him? I have to see you every day at work; you are right under my nose - texting, calling, laughing...probably with him. I'm tore into everything that makes up my soul and heart and it's making me go crazy. I know you were young, and it probably was the dumbest mistake to go out with you, and I hate myself for every putting myself in this situation. Regardless, I'm trying to get over you, but it's so hard. I love (loved) you so much but you dont even care that I exist anymore. Why did you have to be so selfish? Why didn't you tell me you missed him months ago so my heart wouldnt grow any bigger? I'm so depressed and numb in my mind I just want to sit here and cry and tear my hair out. I thought we were soul mates? I thought we were going to build a future together? I thought you would never leave me again like you said?


I'm a mess without you and I can't even concentrate on anything except reliving the times we had and what you said to me. I wish you were gone from my mind completely with all the memories that we had. I want to contact you, but you blocked my number...my texts...and you haven't contacted me in over two weeks. How could you say you loved me so much when it was so easy for you to move from me back to him? I know you had a change of heart, but why did you lead my on so much just to satisfy your own needs? I should really hate you right now, but my heart is just in shock and I can't seem to withdraw from you completely. I hope you are happier, and better with him. I hope everything works out for you and I know it will because you are something special. I just wish I wasn't the guy caught in the middle of your last relationship and your new one.

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I want to hold you...I want to kiss you.

I want to feel your arms around me again..

I want to feel safe like I always did.

We had so much planned.

We had a wonderful future planned.




I want us to grow old together like we said we would.




I can tell you a hundred times in email or on the phone..

but is that really enough??



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Why did you have to call me last night??????


Weeks ago I took the time to explain to you that I was going NC -- I told you how difficult it was for me to stay in contact, that we tried to stay friends but that it was too painful for me. You know I still love you -- you know I have been completely heartbroken these last few months -- you know how much it hurts me to hear about her. This was hard for me to tell you and you said you understood. You wished me well.


And yet, you call me out of the blue to tell me you are going on holiday???? WTF? How can you possibly think that I would want to know you are taking your new gf to Mexico? How can you possibly think that this news would not destroy me?


I didn't sleep at all last night after you hung up. Every time I closed my eyes I pictured you there with her. I remembered last year when we went, how much fun we had, how romantic it was, how we made love on the beach, how caring and tender you were. And now I pictured all this happening with HER.


NC has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I almost caved so many times -- but I was doing it! There was actually one day last week that I was almost happy. And now, with one short phone call, you have destroyed that little bit of progress I thought I had made.


I don't want to think you did this on purpose -- that you weren't just trying to screw with my mind -- that you intentionally wanted to hurt me. You always said that I knew you better than you knew yourself -- and I know the kind of man you are -- that even though we're not together anymore, you would never do that. So was this your attempt at being "friends"? Calling me up to catch up? Telling me about your trip?


I can't do this. I still love you and I can't bear to hear about you and her -- I explained that to you.


Please respect my NC -- it is the only hope I have of ever being whole again.

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you know what. whatever. i've seen now how childish you are, that you're just a ****head. i let you in, i sought your approval, i gave to you, i trusted you, and you're just too damn stupid to realize how good i was to you, and too damn weak to make it through a rough patch with me. it's becoming a big laugh now, looking back at the time that i took you seriously.

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I wish i still didnt have to keep calling you about erasing myself from your life, but we shared a place together and things ended so messy I was left to try and get my stuff together and get out as quick as I could.

So now everytime i need to call you to get whatever back, or arrange bills, it breaks my heart to hear your gorgeous voice, and how you talk to me like you did nothing wrong, all sweet and happy to me... you do remember what you did dont you? I do.

I just cant believe its got to this where i have to step on eggshells and timidly ask you for petty things, we used to be so close and talk and share things together, now I get two mintues on the phone with you at work where your always busy..and it just emphasizes the point that you have little or no time for me anymore.

Why are you so nice and freindly to me? Is it coz it doesnt hurt anymore or is it coz you feel so guilty and deep down somewhere you regret and miss me like i miss you?

If you were a cold bitch it would be easier in the long term.

So now i have to wait for your call back, all I want is to speak to you but on the other hand its so hard to hear your voice and picture you as someone who isnt mine anymore and it breaks my heart, over and over.

I ****ing MISS YOU so much and even though you tore my heart out I still love you.

I miss making you a coffee in the morning, I miss kissing you when you come home from work, I miss YOU.

Do you miss me?

Do you love me?


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