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I have no words to say. How could you? I loved you, I would have never hurt you like this. Maybe someday you'll understand because right now you dont seem to give a s#!t about all the pain you caused me, KNOWING you did. I have been good lately, its just today and the other day. But...damn you hurt me...

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Wish I had the balls to send this but sticking with silence


"No I'm not at that gig, I'm dj'ing up the road. Look its taken me 6 months to find myself for the first time in my life, and that's because we broke up, its made me look at what I want from life, and you know what? it's been the best thing that's ever happened to me and i'm actually grateful because this would not have happened if i was with you. I have enough friends now xxx and I've done it on my own 10,000 miles from home without knowing a single person, from suicidal depression to dj'ing live, from having no confidence or self esteem to giving live poetry readings, from being weak to being a ****ing good boxer, from od'ding on crystal meth to training as a drugs counsellor. Like i say, I'm passed caring now and love my new life so delete my number, we have nothing in common anymore and I don't need anymore friends"

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Well D.

Its been almost 5 months now since you kicked me out wanting to find someone to make you happy...After 15 years together and 1 child you could throw it all away for a fleeting moment with your new friend... Well I clebrated my 44th birthday without you or anyone else around...to think we have spent that day the same way for the past 15 years seemed strange... what hurt even more was when you couldn't even wish me a happy birthday even though we spoke twice that day... that was pretty much cold and heartless.... I would have never done that to anyone even someone i didnt care for if we were speaking on the phone.... Well i guess you had more important things on your mind........


like our trip to Argentina that you were spending with your new friend... I have tried to hate you and wish the worse for you but thats not me... I am a better person than that I hope you eventually find what it is that will make you happy... if its more men than you can count I guess i wish you the best.... If its something else I still love you enough to want you to be happy even if it sickens me the way you go about it....


Whatever floats your boat........ You lost someone who would have done anything for you ... died for you or given you anything that you wanted only to be thrown away............I am hurt by your betrayel and your uncaring.... I will survive and thrive i wished it was with you but seeing the type of person you have become you have saved me a lot of heartbreak in the end........

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I treated you like a queen and gave you the world. I was a shoulder to cry on and supported you through all your hard times. You pushed the best person in your life away and now you regret it.


Well too bad, tough ****, you made your bed now lay in it. You don't push away the ones that support you in times of need. You hold onto them as they are the ones that love and support you.


So learn from this mistake with me. There had been a window of time that I reached out to you but you were cold and distant. Our memories were great and my heart was only for you, but how can I ever trust you with my heart again? I can't let you hurt me again.

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God I need to rant about my ex, or even better, rant to him, but on here :o)


What the **** is your problem? Why do you go around telling everyone our business and how you feel that Im contacting you too much (which is the biggest load of bs Ive ever heard!!! Get over yourself!) instead of having the bloody balls of coming to ME and telling me instead? I wouldnt mind but it was YOU who didnt want me to discuss it with others. I love the way that you bend the truth too.

"She keeps emailing me"-yeah, TWICE, for help with uni work, with which you were rude enough to not even say thankyou!!!!

"She should know me by now, she should know that I couldnt deal with her pushing me away" -er.....wtf? I pushed you away because you CHEATED! and then you have the cheek to tell me that its ok, you can deal with me pushing you away, its fine, I loce you, blah blah ****ing blah. Yeah right mate, of COURSE I can read your mind. I dont know you, you lied, you cheated and then you expect me to read your mind. Arnet you the wizzkid of the century! Pffft!!!

You ignore me for ten weeks at uni, as soon as I decide to play you at your own game and blatently ignore you for a change-what do you do? The following week you watch me all of the time (yes, I looked HOT and you KNOW IT!) and even try to strike up some brief conversation-I just dont get you?????? It was like you were searching into my eyes.

Where you upset to see that I was finally getting over you and that I was happy and not moping around after you? DONT PLAY WITH MY HEAD!


I bloody loved you so much its untrue. Ive never taken so long to get over someone. I wouldnt mind but you are the ONLY bf that has treated me so badly and yet my feelings for you are the strongest Ive had. You dont deserve to have me love you so much. Youre a c*nt, there I said it. YOU. ARE. A. C*NT!

Yes, Im saying all of this because Im hurt, angry, upset, and most of all scared. **** scared that Im never going to have you in my life again. **** scared that nobody will compare to you. People that read this may be disgusted that Im wasting my time on such a loser, but youre my loser, or you WERE my loser. :o(


I really did think that we had a deep understanding of each other, an understanding that I valued and thought it would carry us through the darkest of nights. But no. You proved me wrong. You wont let me learn from my mistakes like I let you learn from yours. Its not fair dude.


I am sorry for ALL of the hurt I caused. I honestly cant apologize enough can i? Do you not think that I have paid for my actions? Crying every morning when you are not next to me. Crying when Im at my most fragile because I need you there to comfort me. Crying because I made the biggest mistake of my life. Crying because you are not here to share my happiness. Crying becuase every other mother funker seems to be getting a shot at a second chance and Im not. This is my punishment!!!


I wouldnt mind if you were just a fling or a 3 month thing, but we built up alot in our relationship. You wanted us to try for a baby for gods sake! I put my trust in you for a second time, I WANTED this to work. I honestly did. I thought our love was strong and that you really did love me, but I must have been wrong.


You wait, I will have a hot and hard-earning man by my side within no time at all. Ive got one lined up. Remember Dave? Yeah, that man. Looks like I will be cruising around in his saucy lil soft top this summer. Hell I might even be going on holiday with him. You obviously dont want me anymore so at least I can be with someone who DOES want me.


Oh and what was it you said at the beggining of the relationship? We will always talk about our problems, even if we argue we will discuss in detail to see if we can over come it. If I fall out of love with you then I will always try to find what it was I feel in love with you for.............. You really are full of **** arnt you. To think that I honestly believed all of that. I thought your words were true. You really have let me down and yourself down. Shame on you C.D.J.


I know that you will never contact me again. I was going to send you a heart felt apolgy but I suppose there is no point as you dont want to hear it. Ive had three months to analyise every wrong move that I made. I was selfish at times, immature and to niave. I didnt know how much I was hurting you, but as I now experience what its like to be completely shut out by the one you love I know that I will NEVER do it again. We both suffer from communication problems and now I cant even talk to you as a friend. Im too scared of being rejected by you.


You have hurt be big time. I will never trust you with my heart again, no matter how much I want us to be back together. I cant trust you to not throw our love away so easily. Yes I mucked up, yes I made a mistake and yes, ulimately I would love to try again. Buts its never ever going to happen.


Thats makes mes sads squidges. :o(

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I treated you like a queen and gave you the world. I was a shoulder to cry on and supported you through all your hard times. You pushed the best person in your life away and now you regret it.


Well too bad, tough ****, you made your bed now lay in it. You don't push away the ones that support you in times of need. You hold onto them as they are the ones that love and support you.


So learn from this mistake with me. There had been a window of time that I reached out to you but you were cold and distant. Our memories were great and my heart was only for you, but how can I ever trust you with my heart again? I can't let you hurt me again.



God, you could be my ex. See above. lol!

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I'm right back where I was five months ago when things started to turn sour. I can't stop thinking about how much you hurt me. You say you're sorry. You're only saying it to make yourself feel better. You're not sorry at all. That's why you keep defending your behaviour. That's why you keep telling me I shouldn't be hurt, because you didn't mean it. Well if you didn't mean it, why did you say it in the first place? You can stop getting angry at me, because I don't respond to that behaviour. I don't listen to people who try to put down my opinions because they don't care. Just because I'm shutting up doesn't mean you've won. It means I give up, because I refuse to be treated like sh*t. I deserve better. You don't even try to understand me. You just want me to shut up and take what you're saying, and agree. I'm not going to compromise my feelings, and who I am to be with someone who doesn't respect me, who doesn't validate my feelings. what little respect I had for you is disappearing very fast. if you don't man up, I'm walking. and this time I won't come back.

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Its been along time, I wish you well and thank you because I am more clued up now about life, men, me. I am more determined, I earn more money, I smile and have more fun, travel more which as you know was one of my biggest passions. I have my moments, but these moment are not about you they haven't been for a very long time now. The only reason am posting this is too give others that are stuggling (as I once was) that there is indeed light at the end of the tunnel.

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It's only been 16 days since you broke up with me. You know I still love you, still care about you, and would still love to be with you someday. But seriously--you've got some major issues, kid. Yeah, literally, you're a KID! Twenty-one years old and you're acting like this? That's pathetic. You're beginning to turn into a jerk too. How did this happen? This wasn't you even three weeks ago.


You called me "creepy" a few days ago because I told you how I felt for you--that I still loved you and cared for you. How is that creepy? I think it's only creepy to someone who has some serious emotional problems and is too afraid to seek any help (yeah...what happened to that? I know you haven't seen that counselor yet--the one you've been saying you'd see for the past two months).


You think since the breakup that I've been going downhill. Sure, I miss you, I still wish I had you. But guess what honey? I've lost nearly 8 pounds since the breakup! Amazing, since I couldn't even manage to lose HALF A POUND while we were together! I made an 85 on a test today--did you think that since you broke up with me right before I had all these major tests coming up that I was gonna flunk out? Well, I guess I proved you wrong! I've got too much in life going for me to let your insecurities and emotional problems get in the way right now. Oh yeah...I'm also getting out of the house more! I'm walking more! I'm talking with my friends more!


So, as you can see, I'm not going downhill. I don't know if this is what you thought would happen...but it isn't. I still check your Myspace/Facebook status' from time-to-time, just to check up on ya. Some of those status' are really weird and make no sense...I wonder if you're going psychotic, or if you just think you're being funny? Whatever it is, I think you're going downhill faster than I am.


I hope you seek some help soon, because I honestly think you need it. I'm not gonna be your friend either--at least not until you can be "normal" again. So, farewell, enjoy that life of "loneliness and solitude" that you wanted, because I know it wont be for long! :rolleyes:

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Ok i'm now starting to get back to my normal self. . . its been since September'08 when you tore my heart out but i'm finally starting to be able to let it go for good.


I realise i'm much better off without you in my life, i've made a load of new friends and i have a a lot of women that are interested in me, i've spent my time since you dumped me bettering myself.


Now all i wanna do is overcome my fear of seeing you and then i'll be totally free of you, this is all i want is to be free of you

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I f*ckin hate you, you're an idiot. I haven't had a date since I met you. Not f*cking attractive. Sometimes I fear you ruined me.


I hope someone f*ckin breaks your heart you moron.

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God, you could be my ex. See above. lol!


I hope not :) I didn't cheat. She was afraid and pushed away.

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<txt>I miss you, you three timing dishonest pain in the ass. What is with that? I want so badly for you to pull your head out of your ass. It has been 2 weeks and I think you are with someone else already. It amazes me that you have so little respect for me and yourself. Cheating for MONTHS. Who the hell do you think you are. I feel the love I have for you getting pissed on over and over again. It is ripping me apart to feel so disrespected and unloved by someone who I tried to give love. It hurts unbelievably badly. It will turn to hate I suppose.What a friggin waste. Oh and piss up a rope.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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hey whore, and i say that with no bad feelings ;-)

366 days NC... YEAH BABY... and i'm in a new relationship and business is doing better... YEAH~!~!~!~!~!~!~


couple more months and i won't remember, , i can't wait!!!


STRANGE... i always wondered why you were proud of yourself for leaving... now i understand eitherway, later , see you in the future.


ps, you've cheated on all your boyfriends

you had one abortion

your only 21



your love life stat's are not looking to good :-)

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Well let's see.We broke up mutually.It was for the best.Then you missed me.I missed you too.so we slept together a couple of times.That was good.


All of a sudden, you decide you don't want to talk anymore.that's fine, i wasn't helping by sending you sexy texts...but you didnt have to reply to them did you.'i just had to stop doing it myself' in your words....hmm.


I know i criticised you and i shouldnt have done that...but i was angry.angry that you couldnt properly understand what made me crack in the end.but the truth is i couldnt change you.people only do that if they want to....


But 2 months on, what gives? We both agreed to NC.I only texted you cos i needed something, and that itself was something important, to do with my finances.YOU then broke it by asking me how i was doing....missing me and all that.If you know it wasnt a good idea to say that then WHY SAY IT IN THE FIRST PLACE? i'm messing with YOUR head?! look at what your'e doing to ME!


What i want to say is, if you really wanted the best for me,you wouldn't have said that.You wouldn't tell me that you miss me if you had any real hope of us both moving on and doing good for ourselves, just like we agreed in the beginning.Please cut the 'i miss you's.' Don't mess with my head too if you want to get on with your life!

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It's hard for me very hard but I know how it is and how it works, I call you, you will get angry, say your busy etc.


I text you I'll get a short little message back and feel guilty as he'll.


You don't know how much I cared about you, everything you said to me was crock and a piece of trash


I'll probably never hear from you again, and I'll never contact you because I did it with my ex fiancée I cH do it with you.


I cried when I was mailing back the stuff you gave me, becUaw it hurts I won't get to see you or your family ever again.


I won't be your friend because I am not a car I don't accept depreciation in value.


I guess you want someone who smokes parties drinks etc and that's cool

All the best

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I got the birthday card you sent me in the mail last week, and I wanted to say thank you. However, I know better. It would've just caused me more heartache, which I can't do again. It was a cowardly attempt at trying to get me to contact you. Have you forgotten it was YOUR decision to end this beautiful relationship? Have you forgotten how I tried to break NC a month and a half ago, and you blatantly hit the ignore button on your cell phone? Well I sure as hell didn't. Don't feed me the "its bad timing" "i need to find myself" bull****. Ive heard it all before, and all it means is you're interested in someone else. Well have ****ing fun. Because I can guarantee that he won't ever treat you as well as I did. I did absolutely EVERYTHING for you and our relationship, and you threw it in my face. So today's your birthday, and I'm sure you're expecting a phone call/text/card. Guess what? It's not happening. I refuse to play second fiddle in your life of absolute selfishness. Our relationship was once about honesty, trust, and mutuality. That died long ago. So I must move on. I refuse to be your "friend". You haven't acted like a friend since we broke up, nor were we friends before we got togehter. I can never be friends with someone who I gave my heart to, had aspirations of spending the rest of my life with, and get kicked to the curb because some other jerkoff gives you some atttention. So here you go you dumb immature bitch. Happy birthday. GFY!

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Contacting her....


WTF? What about all these cards you gave me saying that "we" are the only thing you can count on, and that "we" will be together for a "very very long time" ? What about all that?


You're just giving up on yourself and on us. I can't believe it.....:mad:




This "Spencer" little bitch you keep talking about... he might seem like the perfect one for you now. Maybe he will be for a couple months.. maybe even a year, but you'll go that time realising how much I meant to you, all the stuff we did, that the times WE had won't be able to be had with ANYONE else.



And when you come crawling back to me, asking for me back..... Well, i'll probably agree under some conditions

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i knew you'd do this, try to make me take notice that you were 'happy' with someone else. but really, if you were happy with them, you wouldn't feel the need to try to make sure i see that you were with someone. i'm going to continue ignoring you, you've fast fading and mean less and less every day.

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Hi I miss you


even though I guess you dont miss me.



Okay, well...talk to u later...or well u know...i guess thats a sarcastic sentence since we dont talk anymore..i just dont like the word goodbye

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It's been a week since we've talked. Our last talk didn't exactly end on good notice though, did it?


Why did you have to end something that seemed to be so perfect? Are your cowardly friends and their booze really that much more important than the woman who loved you, put up with your BS, and did everything with/for you the past two years?


Who was there to drive you home when you went blind in your left eye? It sure wasn't your friends. Who stayed up at school for an extra 2 hours every Friday just so you could have someone to be with during that break? It wasn't your friends. Who was there for you when your friend never showed up to that BBQ that he promised to be there for? Well, it wasn't your friends. I've been there for you all along. And now you're just gonna up and leave me to be with these idiots who are obviously not good friends at all?


Soon you will realize. I was your best friend, you were my best friend. Now we're nothing to each other.

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It's been 1 week since we spoke last. I know I'm probably the last person you want to hear from right now, but to be perfectly honest I don't care anymore.

You refuse to meet me in person to explain why you ended things so this is the only way I can say my piece.


I hate you for how you've made me feel these past 2 weeks. I should never have let my guard down and let you in. In fact, I kind of wish I'd never initiated things in the first place...

I'm sure I don't mean as much to you as you do to me but it doesn't change the fact that, frankly, you owe me an explanation. Yeah, we weren't together that long in the grand scheme of things but after months of constantly being together day and night, how can you turn around one day (with no prior warning or signs) and break my world. You must have felt something for me... I met your entire family and we were practically living together for ***** sake! You once told me that being with me was like sleeping with your best friend. In my books, that's a compliment. Your other half is supposed to be your best friend as well as your lover. If you had just spoken up when you first started having doubts about us then maybe we could've talked through things.


I truly believe that if you had had the cojones to just speak up we could've had something amazing but all that's gone.

For the first few days I thought I would take you back in an instant (during my delusional phase of thinking you'd realise you made a mistake) but now I'm not so sure.


Don't get me wrong, I fell for you big time and constantly think about being back with you but I don't know if I would ever be able to trust you again. How would I know you wouldn't just do it again?


You are such a ****ing knob sometimes. It just kills me that you're my perfect man and I don't have you anymore. I long for one final kiss....


I hate you and love you at the same time. How is that even possible?


You want to stay friends but it's not going to happen. You say you love me and care about me yet you won't even meet me in person. You wanted a break from each other so we can get over the initial raw period without one another but when you do make contact I will not be replying.

I can't be around you and I don't want to see you. You are no longer a part of my life and although it hurts so bad to even think about not having you in my life, I have to look out for me.


It might make you feel less guilty about what you did by having me as a 'friend', but there's no way I'm going to put myself through hell everytime I see you just to HELP YOU. No ****ing chance. I have more dignity than that and I'm not going to put myself through it.


Goodbye M, I hope you do change your mind about us so I can rip your heart out like you did to me.

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My dearest E,

My heart breaks for putting you through all of this. You loved me unconditionally, you handed me your heart and I threw it to the ground, shattering it, but unintentionally. But isn't that the definition of being thoughtless? It doesn't matter that I didn't mean to, I should have thought of your feelings before I acted like an ass, no, a jerk-off. You gave me a second-chance and I squandered that one as well. Why should you give me a third chance? So you can risk being made to feel a fool?

I went to my first A.A. meeting today and I all but broke out in tears. I haven't cried in years, no matter how tough life got, I have been stoic in the face of adversity, at least in my not so humble opinion. You carried a torch for me for 26 YEARS, and what a disappointment I turned out to be! Breaking your heart breaks my heart. How many times has it been said that we wish we could turn back the hands of time and do over the wrongs that we have done? History may very well be written in the tears of regret.

I love you so very much and I miss you you terribly. I am fighting back tears as I write this, but who's fault is that? Mine. In my minds eye I imagine us embracing too hard, tears welling up, you pounding my chest saying, "Don't ever do this again!" I fast forward 2 or 3 years, us in the kitchen, laughing about the bad old days, you playfully holding it against me. It has only been 11 days now, yet it feels like 11 months. I hope you are holding up better than me. I hope you shed your last tear for me the last time I upset you.

As if the LDR wasn't difficult enough, I had to make it this much harder, and I know that IF you are weighing whether or not to forgive me, our distance will tip the scales against taking me back. Why should you? You need a man that is close by you, who can comfort you when you need it, someone who lives minutes away, not hours.

Losing your love will haunt me for the rest of my days. No, the way I squandered your pure love will haunt me, on my death bed. I am SO VERY SORRY, E. I dream and pray for your forgiveness, though I know it's not forthcoming. But try to forgive me. I love you and I always will in my heart of hearts.

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