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You skipped class today, and I know why. It's because tomorrow is my birthday...and you felt that if you saw me in class today, you would be obligated to tell me Happy Birthday.


And we will not see each other tomorrow...so I will not get a "Happy Birthday" from you this year. It kind of hurts, but I understand that you're just feeling the guilt of letting go of the best thing that ever happened to you.


I just want you to know that I forgive you. I forgive you for being a coward in the way you ended things. I forgive you for ignoring me completely. I forgive you for saying that you never believed in love to begin with. I forgive you for not telling me Happy Birthday this year.


And, I accept. I accept that you don't love me, and you never did love me. I accept that you don't want to be with me anymore.


You know why I forgive and accept? Because I love you....and I would've been willing to do anything and everything for you, to keep you happy and show you the love that you deserve (or that I thought you deserved...)

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So... I saw your profile pic on facebook today, cause one of my friends forgot to delete you. It totally shocked me and I cried for 10 minutes, now I'm over it...


Except that you looked drunk and happy. Understandable, since it was just your birthday. However, I want you to be miserable. I want you to suffer. I want everyone in your life to tell you what an idiot you are for breaking up with me.


Then, I want you to come over to my house and beg for me back (I realize that's a total fantasy, you don't have the balls to put yourself on the line like that). But still, that's what I want. I want you crying outside of my door, begging for another chance.


All so I can tell you to go **** yourself.

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I don't understand why you are so upset and angry. Your friend told me about what you did before we had problems last year and you're upset? Why are you in denial about this? Still telling people I "laid my hands on you" when you clearly and selectively admit to certain people that you initiated the fight?


I was also really upset to hear what I did when I called our phone company last night to split up our phones. You ran the minutes/texts straight into the ground, and then go get a new phone to avoid paying your share of the charges? 700 extra minutes? 300 extra texts? What was the purpose of this, to sap me of even more money? What the hell is your problem?


Don't worry about it though, I'm not. Our provider saw what you did and they are going to credit me for the past month of your heinous activity on my phone plan. I would have owed them an extra $100 that I surely do not have if they didn't see what you did. They asked me if that's what I wanted; I haven't looked at our account in months fearing I'd start going through your phone calls and texts to see who you're talking to.


I really wish we could both get over this. I am not angry at you anymore for what you've done to me, and I wish you wouldn't be angry at me. I cannot imagine that our son isn't somehow absorbing some of this anger that you and your mother hold towards me. We desperately need to go to couples/post-marriage counseling. I do not want to be your enemy, I do not want to be anything less than your friend and co-partner raising our child.


Whats the worst that could happen? We grow a bit closer because of therapy? We are able to communicate, not be jealous, let go of the past, move forward and be healthy? This would be a win-win-win situation, for you, our child and myself.


I am starting to accept that you have moved on and are sleeping with other men and what not. I have not deleted you off of our social networks on purpose because I don't care through what medium it is, I want you to have direct access to me. I personally do not look at your profiles anymore, your photos, your friends lists, nothing. I have you hidden from all of my updates and wall posts. I just don't want to see everything you're up to, I won't allow myself to be hurt or think about things I can't control.


I want to thank you for hiding what you're doing from my eyes, but I don't even know if that's the case because I don't look to begin with.


Anyways, I hope you like your new phone. I also hope its with someone that has good service and won't screw you over with the monthly stuff. I am starting a fresh new plan on Monday and my new bill will reflect just my usage, not the obvious "payback abuse" you put our plan through this past month.


But I am ok with it. Ever since I rearranged my living room I've felt slightly better about things. This book I am reading is really helping, as is a lot of things in my life. I know you don't care, but I care about you and what you need to do.


I am going to give you time. I won't say much, I will smile and nod my head and listen to you. Despite the past I respect and care about you. You are my son's mother.


I am no longer hoping that you and I can reconcile and become a family again. That goal is much too lofty at this point in our lives. The only thing I hope for is that we can be friends, for our son's sake and for our sanity.

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Well well well, after you kept trying to contact me I thought I'd see how much you meant it. Remember that pathetic website you were a member of? You know the one...


The one where people join up purely to meet strangers for sex. Remember now? Thought so. Well I had a look tonight and it turns out you've been online within the last 24 hours. Obviously you aren't that sincere when you say you've made a mistake and you want me back etc etc. How the hell can you be telling me all of this sh*t when you're actively looking for people online for a quick fu*k?


You have made me feel physiclly sick right now. I am so glad I didn't give in to the temptation to return your calls or reply to your texts. What makes it worse is the first thought that popped into my head was "maybe he's just doing it to get over me". No effing way. You are completely over me and that's the part that kills me.


The only reason you're trying to contact me is probably because you think I'll come running back and this is the easy way to get sex. No chance. Now I can see what you're truly like and I want nothing to do with you anymore.

Oh, one other thing. It's currently 10 to midnight, in about an hour I'm going to D's house. You know him, he is YOUR friend after all. I'm going to be at his for a small gathering which you haven't been invited to (of which I made sure). So have fun perving at women online alone in your flat tonight while I'm out having fun with your mates.

Ciao bambino!

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Dear R,


I have mixed feelings about you. On one hand, I hate you for leaving me for another woman, especially when I was going through a breast cancer scare. I hate you for making me feel like everything was your way or the highway. And I hate you because you claim you put so much effort into working things out, but never told me you were unhappy in any way. You wouldn't talk to me at all.


I love you because you had the guts to leave when I never would have. I love that you've been generous for the most part. I love that once we get past the details of our separation, we might be able to be really good friends.


But I still hope she gains a few hundred pounds, comes down with a bad case of smallpox, and her v*g*na turns gangrenous. If you can still be happy, then I guess it's true love.


Hugs and kisses (or an awkward, stilted handshake, depending on our moods),


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Well well well, me and my thoughts of you meet again. They have come to battle with my sanity and reduce me to a sniffling little flea-type creature. Dont ask me why the tears came down and flooded the world and my new green jumper, maybe its because I was tired and felt needy? Maybe its because my uncle told me about your trip to belguim-got the old cogs working again :OP I hope you had a good trip, I felt really excited for you :o) I actually came home and told mum in some stupid squeelly voice (god, you make me squeel, lol!).


I dont know why Im even writing this flamming thing? I just wanted to tell you that, even after all of this time, I really do miss you Mr J. Like, unbelievbly miss you, more than 200 worlds :OD I hope youre keeping upto date with your work Mr! No slacking now......uh hum! lol!


Love you loads,

nunite xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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I hate you so F**King much. I was doing so good and I got curious to check your myspace. And what do you know it. Your status says " Can't wait to see my baby tonight yay". You bitch you were never excited to ever see me when I came to see you. Cuz you just lead me on till you can find someone to replace me. And you have the nerve to tell me you loved me. LIES LIES and more LIES


I hope he F**Ks you over soon and bad. I want you to hurt and feel like your whole world fall apart like theres no way to get back up. Thats exactly how you made me feel. No Remorse.


I hate you and hate thinking about you. I wish I left you along time ago and I would have never been hurt this bad. You changed me so much. You came out acting like you were such an angel, but in the end you were a devil.


One day you'll go through the pain you put me through. And I can't wait for that day to come. That day will bring so much joy to me.

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wow i love reading these post(s). shows how far i have come..


so no need to recap, not worth it... hrm.. nothing to say, i think i moved on.


what else??? really nothing to say..... i did move on.. took a year.. eitherway better late than never :-)

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I'll Cry for the Both of Us



Don't know how it started

And I don't know how it will end

But I know if something's happened

Let's try not to pretend


You feel my heart shake

I'm alone again


Don't know where these tears come from

And I don't know if they're yours or mine

Since you can barely feel a thing

I'll cry for the both of us this time


Don't know what you're thinking

And I'm caught up in your way

And you know I'm always listening

I'm trying to make some sense


You make my head spin

So I'm falling in


I don't know where these tears come from

And I don't know if they're yours or mine

Since you can barely feel a thing

I'll cry for the both of us this time


And I can't help but stay

Try to figure out this kind of love

And maybe you will change

Maybe, ooh, when I cried enough, ooh


I don't know where these tears come from

And I don't know if they're yours or mine

Since you can barely feel a thing

I'll cry for the both of us this time


And I don't know what you're running from

And I don't know if it's you or me

Since you refused to feel a thing

I'll cry for the both of us this time

Yeah, I'll cry for the both of us this time


This time

This time

This time

This time


J - you broke my heart into a million pieces. You sent me so many mixed messages that my head is still spinning today. I'm devastated because I believed you when you said you loved me, that you could see us married, that I was "the one." In a 24 hour period you claimed that you missed me, that you felt safe with me and trusted me only to tell me hours later that the pain from your marriage was too much to bear with me in your life. You are emotionally immature and a total coward, the way you disregarded my feelings and belittled me. You are a cold person, who is afraid to love. I am not your ex-wife and all I ever did was be supportive of you. But you never regarded my feelings or my life with any interest, except what you want out of life. I feel like you manipulated me a lot because of your aggressive behavior. I was too passive and never stuck up for myself when I should have. I was afraid of your temper. Afraid of your rejection. Afraid you would throw me aside like a used garment, which you did. All the red flags were there but I ignored them because I was impressed with the material and not the immaterial. Now I'm emotionally scarred, depressed, angry, sad, dejected, worried and alone. I want to heal from the pain you caused me. I wish you had truly loved me the way you said you did. But that was a lie. How could I be so foolish? Fools rush in where wise men never go, but wise men never fall in love so how are they to know (Frank Sinatra). I have to forgive you, forgive myself and not give up on finding true love. I deserve to be loved and cherished. I can't give up on finding love. It has to be out there somewhere for me. It just has to.

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I bet you are not scared of telling anyone that you and **** are together. I bet the whole world knows, why couldn't you do that for me? Why did I have to be such a secret with your ex? Why did you have to hide me? You weren't scared of hurting my feelings when we broke up, rubbing in my face you had been cheating on me, so why were you so worried about hurting your other ex's feelings?


I am sure the relationship will last longer than ours. He will never know what it's like to have the girl he loved SO much deny his very existence. I know you loved me, I KNOW IT. All I wanted was a simple request. I bet he got it straight away, because time had passed and you could tell your other ex you had started dating again without offending him.


Do you know how embarrassing it is. I was telling everyone how much I loved you. I didn't care. Now, even after we broke up, you tell my brother's friends that we were never dating, though they knew we were going out as I introduced you a thousand times as my girlfriend to them. What the **** was the reason for that?


The last Sunday we were still official, you started crying because we got back together, I took you back, you were so happy. Then, you threw that away. For what? How did it go from that, to you cheating on me the following days? I don't understand what goes through your head.


Then the following weeks after we break up you wouldn't leave me alone. I don't know if that was to make yourself feel less guilty, or what. You said all the usual bull**** lines you used our whole relationship, but I wouldn't give in. If you came to my door, and poured your heart out I would have considered, but I wasn't going to change my mind because of a few text messages and phone calls.


You are a slut, you dress like one and without make up you are really not that attractive, it's just no one ever sees you without it. I did cause I told you I loved you no matter how you looked, you dropped your guard and when we hanged out you wouldn't wear any if I asked. I thought you were beautiful regardless. Bah, I sound like such a pussy, the type of guy I would never have pictured myself. You screwed me up good. I don't know what it was about you that made me fall so hard compared to my other relationships, I just hope I find a girl who will respect me next and have the same effect.


Maybe we will talk in the future when I have forgiven you, or have become indifferent, but I am sure by that stage I probably won't bother.


I never asked for much. I loved you. You loved me, well so I thought. I respected everything you said. The relationship would've been fine if .. blah blah blah if if if what's the point of looking back in time on something I can't change. I HATE DOING IT!



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Hey P


Thanks so much for popping by with a couple of cans, just like old times eh? Except for the fact you dumped me to be with another woman, but hey, let's keep chillin'! It was funny but pathetic that she messaged you 10 times in 2 hours and you were so quick to respond to each and every one. Did she know that you were having a few beers with your stbxw? Oh, and as you were leaving and came forward to give me a hug...did you notice I recoiled? Did you notice that I was pleased you were leaving?


I wish you didn't exist and I would never have to see you again. You are poison to me, every time I see you, think of you, hear your voice, get a text from you,....it makes me ill. I am so very sick and tired of thinking about you, wondering what you are doing and if you think of me. Get out of my thoughts!


Oh, and you are looking not so good anymore, your pot belly got bigger and why were your ears red? Strange.

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Ruby Slippers

I've really missed you lately. I know I am really starting to move on from you, and I'm happy about that, but it's also sad. I don't understand why you got so emotionally intense with me and actually said to me, with that big winning grin on your face, "I see it as my job to prove to you that I'm the man you're supposed to be with," got me to agree to put my heart on the line again, then let me down. Why did you even bother? Either you were playing with me or that really was the best you could do. I find it hard to accept or believe either of those. So what was it? I'm pretty sure I'll never know.

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Hmmm i have been told many things by many people in the last few weeks. The next girl im with will be "so lucky". Im going to make someone "so happy", "im better off without her", "she doesnt deserve someone like me" . How i would love to be one of those people looking from the outside trying to offer advice from my limited perspective. Then again no i would rather be who i am and deal with what i have to deal with. Our paths must go different ways now, i still feel you are my true love, but not right now. You have your own path to walk as do i. We will meet one day again of that i am sure. We both have some growing to do. Dont listen to other peoples advice as truth. Listen to your heart and it will lead you true

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You may have dumped me but I will get over this. It may take me a long time and I may never trust someone as fully as I trusted you BUT you will always be short, fat, orange and a cook in a min. security prison. You have no educatiion and no future of any. You will always have that belly of yours, you will always have your crooked teeth and you will always walk like a troll. You think Harleys are the greatest thing under the sun? You are just compensating for not having a real personality and real stamina. And riding on that dumb motorcycle does not make me a giddy with fun. Makes me sick to think that you measure your life by people looking at you an that bicycle. Yes I said bicycle because I would rather have my butt in a BMW. Oh yea I own one which I bought myself for myself with no one giving me a handout!


I may be dumped BUT I am smart, I have an education and getting more. I have a career and can take care of myself. I am the best looking woman you will ever get your hands on. I am tall, blonde and have a really nice figure. Even my teenager says I am a Milf. hahahaha

I am good to people and good to animals. I give what I can and if I can give then I find a way. I will give you food, money what ever you need. I have a soft heart and I trust people without asking any in return.


You screwed up big time! All the times you walked me around that stupid bike bar grabbing my butt and boobs in front of people just to say oooohhh look what I have. I am about the stupidest creature on earth to think you actually cared and was thinking about me. No you were thinking about yourself and how people would look at us and think why in the world are they together? You loved it and now I know why. Troll man will have another bar rat with a phone book shaped but for the rest of his life.


I looked beyond your looks, your money, your education to see the real you and things you did to make me happy. I saw beyond the man boobs and nose hair to see inside of you and all the time I thought you were honest. You are a liar. You didn't love me you loved to prance around with me in tow like mister big man.


I hope you are sitting in that stupid piss ant bar and looking at all the used women and wondering what in the heck did you do! I can hurt for the rest of my life and I wouldn't want to even touch you again. I will hurt but you will always be a piece of crap.

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Hey R.

I just wanted to thank you.

After you let me go I did a lot of soul searching. I needed to find out who I was again.


I wrote down all the mistakes I've done and rooted them down to why it happened. I don't know why I was so blind at the time but now its all clear as day.


I've worked on improving myself, improving aspects in my life, and working towards to becoming a better man. I continued working out and trying to clear my face. Now I look and feel great about myself.


I'm at the point that I want to give us another try with a clean slate. I don't mean be boyfriend and girlfriend again. I'm not ready for that. What I mean is I want to go on dates with you again. I want to get to know R. all over again and I want you to get to know me.


Whatever you may choose I'll respect.


Yours truly, Me




That's where I want to be in a few months. Right now I'm healing and getting myself on my two feet. That's my goal and I want to be at that point one day.

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well... what to say....

your still with me, sort of & kind of..


my new girl, sometime(s) I call her your name in my head before I say the correct name....


Your voice is so hard to hear. You were nice and sweet for a time, but it was all lies as once I found at the reason you were acting so strange, it was because you was sucking cock and letting another man fawk you.


That hurt me beyond words and it took a very long time to accept things. In the end, you betrayed me. I loved you.


But, thats how life works. Its mysterious and strange. I do miss you, you made me laugh, still hard to understand why you did what you did but you did it and ended our connection. I don't cry for you anymore. I'm still healing and soon I'll forget. Another year and I won't remember :-)......


Its coming fast now like avalanche

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I'm an idiot and I went on a social networking site and looked at your profile, because of that foolish action, I found out that you had a fun night out with friends - why do I care? I don't know, maybe because I haven't had any fun nights out? Maybe because you find it necessary to advertise your social life so I will see it?


All I want is to be there with you, having fun with you. It stings to see you 'moving on' and having fun, when I can't do the same thing. I am jealous. I am hurt. I don't think I will ever get to a place where I'm not hurt. I haven't heard from you in 3 weeks. I don't want to hear from you, but I want to know that you still think about me - I am guessing that you don't.


I get angry - you are out having a great time, and I am at home taking care of *our* responsibilities - the ones you ran out on. I am a prisoner in my own house - there's the constant looming chance that you will show up un-announced.


I know that you are hurting too, even if you won't let yourself feel it - and I know that you going out with friends is just a distraction for that pain - I hope you are letting yourself have fun, and I hope that I will eventually not hate you for how you destroyed me. I really should stay off of myspace/facebook.

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Hey J.


It`s been a while since I`ve wrote to you. I have to admit, things have been getting better, and time really does heal. I`m just trying to fill in some of the gaps along the way.


It`s not easy forgetting you, forgetting isn`t the point so much as accepting it. I`m always going to remember you. Some memories are easier than others. The last few days, I`ve been missing you alot, and that feeling of being loved. I just feel really empty sometimes.


In the past six months I feel like I`ve relearned things. I`ve tried new things. Had a few failed crushes. Had sex with one of them, what a mistake. Doesn`t talk to me anymore, typical, huh?


I`ve had urges to check your Myspace, but I know nothing good will come of it, so I stay away. But I do miss you. I still love you. So much. I mask it, and I bury it the best I can. But there`s days, like these past few, that your memory catches up with me and really leaves empty.


There`s this song that I listen to, by the Bouncing Souls. The lyrics hit hard for me. I know you used to like the Souls. I remember the shirt you used to wear from them.


"Sometimes I see your face, in the people that I meet. We`re not who we thought we were when we saw this dream;Sometimes when I just can`t sleep I hear the words you said to me;Somtimes it takes a painful loss to realize you are free. How did you get so deep inside of me...how did you get so deep inside of me?"


I still think your a complete prick, and I still can`t get to the point where I wish you all the well in the world. When I do, I might let you know.

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I never would have believed it was possible, but I am starting to heal. Slowly, oh so slowly -- but it's happening -- I can feel it. I still love you, I always will, but that hold you have on my heart is beginning to loosen.


There are days when I still cry because I miss you so much, and you are always the first person I want to call whenever something good or bad happens in my life, but I am beginning to realize that I am starting to let you go.


When I heard through our friends that you and your new gf are already talking about marriage -- I wanted call and say NO, don't rush blindly into things like you always do, you know you will regret it -- you always do. Normally, if we were the kind of friends we were before I would say something but now if I say anything negative it will only sound like I'm jealous. I am, but that is not the reason I want to say wait -- take things slowly. I know you better than anyone, and I know you always act first and think later -- and it always ends with you getting hurt. And I love you too much to ever want to see you hurt like that again.


I'm torn -- my feelings for you are as strong as ever, but for the first time my head is telling me it's time to move on with my life. I can't continue to put my life on hold in the hopes that you will come back to me. Maybe one day I will be able to think about you and not feel like I've lost a part of soul -- but until that day comes, I'm going to try my hardest to listen to that tiny voice that is telling me to begin living for me again.


I'm not letting go of the love, just the pain.

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Sometimes I think I am going to just quit breathing it hurts so much. The pain is still there and my heart races when I hear a motorcycle near the house and it is followed but such dissappointment.


I still really don't know what happened. I know we argued about your ex girlfriend and the house. But it was not enough to throw away all the good that we have. And we had so much good in our relationship. 3 arguments does not break a relationship. But you won't talk to me and tell me what happened so we both can try and fix it. I did find out though that the house we have argued about your name was not even on the deed. You signed it over to her before we met. So why lead me to believe it was still partially yours when all I ever asked was you to get your name off the contract with her. Why not tell me the truth?


I haven't talked to you really since the Thursday after Easter when you said you were sure and you didn't miss me. How did you go from calling me, sending me email and texting every 3 hours for the last year to nothing? You saw me and my daughter everyday and had dinner most nights with us to not missing us??? You couldn't go one night without seeing me so you would drive all the way over to my house to give me kiss and hug goodnight then go home......to not missing me at all in 6 days???


I don't understand and wish you would just talk to me and give me a reason so I can have the closure.

Miss you and still love you but I would never go back because I know you would put me through this again and I don't think I can handle it twice.

I have made it 2 weeks I mind as well keep moving forward without you.

You will regret this one day and that is what gives me a bit of peace and happiness. The fact you will regret this.


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P.S. You are a short, fat, frogging little red headed troll! And always will be! I am may be dumped but will get over it....you can't get over ugly!

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Sigh....where to start. I never thought I would be back to this stage but here I am.


I am soo tired of feeling like this because of something you did or didnt do. I refuse to believe you were too sick today to respond to my text or answer my call. I know that you were awake and able to talk because I was sitting right next to her when you called not once but three times. When will you realise that she doesnt want you she has been with her boyfriend too long to mess it up over you but the same time I need to realise that you dont really want me and its time for me to really let go and move on. what I am doing is not healthy and it only ends with me being hurt.


Since you dont have the balls to just tell me you are no longer interested instead of stringing me along, I will somehow get the strenght to back away from you. Today was the last day I will call or text you. I hope you dont come to work tomorrow so i dont have to see your face and have to be anywhere near you, i dont want to hear you pathetic apology for not ansering my call or responding to my text.


just leave me alone....please....i think that would be the best thing for both of us at this point because anything else is just too pointless and painful.

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