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Post here instead of contacting your ex!


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As if your getting that car next week uv been talking about for ages, N i wont be in the passenger side and she will be instead.


U make me cry so much ****head.

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I wish you would just at least give me a yes or no answer. I'm having such trouble fighting temptation to try to contact you. You break my heart like no other, but you made me believe I could feel love. I should cut you off my life completely, but I don't want to do that. I'm weak right now, but I'm trying to be strong on the inside. I still want to be your friend. I just wish you would give me some form of closure, rather than ignoring me. I feel as if you ripped my heart out and just ran away without looking back. I hope you're alright, and I miss you so much, and crazy to say I still love you as much as the first time I started having feelings for you.


I hope you're happy as you are pretending.

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Please tell me you aren't seeing someone.


Why are people saying "I'm so happy for you" on your Myspace page.


I want to know.

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You left me for another after a 5 yr realtionship,3 living together, over 2 months ago. You show up at my door trying to kiss me , saying you love me while you were still with him 2 weeks ago. You then show up at pubs you know I'll be at watching the game. You then leave him because "you can't get over me as easily as you thought". I tell you my trust is GONE..3 days latter you're back with him(what a winner he must be haha). I've not responded to your calls,texts, or advances. Now you message me with something as simple as "how to use gym equipment"..hears a thought...stand on the highest piece of machinery they have and wrap the cable around your cheating neck!!! Then calmly step off said machine..problem solved! Hahaha!!! Damn that felt good to get out!

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Please stop texting me. I hate thinking about you. When you have somthing REAL to say, then call. Otherwise, just move on.


I'm trying to, and you should let me.



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Steve, when you were here in NJ, it was easier to maintain NC. But now that you're in Greece, why do I find it hard to maintain LC? Dude, you're outside the country!!! All I do is check my IM. I'm pathetic!


I was reading about grieving for a parent and i learned that people do distance themselves from people to cope. So if you are being distant it is expected and I do not mind. But why am I panicking?


Steve, i shall call you again Sunday.i hope i can talk to you then without being needy, without saying I missed you. Easy, light, breezy. I shall do my crying on my own.


I want you bad, and I think that good things happen to those who wait.


God, thank you for the blessings you have given me so far.

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Yes babe, 32 days. I shouldn't even refer to you as babe. Thinking about you calling me honey makes me want to just throw up!!!!


As each day passes, I am feeling more and more that you are not a part of my life...I mean, yes, physically you are gone. But emotionally, I can feel you are no longer there....I don't want to call you anymore when something good happens. I could care less how things are with you. I almost unblocked your number today because I feel confident you won't call me. But then again, who knows?


I had to run an erand for work today. I am always on the look out though, because I DON'T want to see you. I think I did see you at a light, you were in your car. And you know what? My heart jumped just a little bit. As soon as I saw what I think was your car, I thought to myself..."Don't look, keep your head up, and just drive!" That is what I did. I didn't glimps over to see you. I didn't even look at the license plate to see if it was you....


I'm getting over you....!!!!! I am really moving forward, and can feel it in my head and heart...What seemed like mountains are now mole hills. What seemed to hurt me so bad, is now healing...I'm getting over you!!!


Damn! It feels so good to say that!!!!

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Why the hell did you have to contact me today???


I have been doing REALLY well these last 5 or 6 days. Like really well. I havent been down, I have been feeling so positive. Of course I have missed you, but still....


After your short, civil email today, It has put me in a bit of a state. Seriously, I feel pretty bummed out right now.

I wish you had never got in touch.


8 DAYS NC!!! this is really annoying.



I was sure I was getting over you, maybe I was kidding myself...of course I was.


You heartbreaker, you.

Do you know what hurts the most? The fact you cant even be remotely warm towards me. Even your mum is being nice to me!!!


I wish there was an explanation for your beahviour.

You told me 'it wasnt meant to be'

I wish you could be a little nicer.

I wish I knew what you were thinking.

I wish you would just come back home again.


Why did you have to do this to me?

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I was so hurt. So, so hurt that you wouldn't listen to me. So hurt that you seem so indifferent. Hurt is so hard. It is so hard to wake up every day and cry because I'm so hurt. Today, I woke up angry. Angry that you said you loved me so much and yet you won't give me a chance to explain. Angry that when I just wanted to sit down and pour out my heart once and for all, you abandoned me. I used to tell my friends who told me to just break up with you that I didn't know if I could find your kind of loyalty with anybody else. Loyal? What a joke. You might be hurt. You might be resentful. Is that any reason to not allow me to explain? You told me about the women who have hurt you before. Women who have cheated on you or who have chosen drugs over you. What is my crime? I was confused and caught up in my own misery. I was remembering all the bad things from when I was a child that prove I don't deserve love or to be in a good, healthy relationship. I let you go. I told you I didn't want to be with you any more. If I could take it back, I would. I love you so much, but I can't hurt over this every day. I have to function for my kids and for me. So, instead of crying, I will be angry. I am building my walls thicker for next time. I know I should be tearing them down, but I can't go through this again. Is there someone else for you? Is that why it was so easy to let me go? Or am I really just that easy to let go?

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You know who I talked to last night? My ex ex. You know, the one I was with for 3 years before I met you. The one you always made fun of, even though you never met him? The one you called "garbage?".


Know what he told me? He said he thinks about me everyday. He said he regrets breaking my heart all those years ago. He said it was his biggest regret. He told me he misses everything about me. How I am a messy eater, my obsession with clean sheets, the songs I would make up about him and sing to him, my greetings, everything.


He told me that your an idiot, and you will regret it too. And by the time you do, it will be too late, just like it was for him. And I realized somthing, I did get over my ex. Completly. And I will get over you too. But more importantly, every moment I spend thinking about you, and wondering what your up to, and if you miss me, is wasted. Because I am spending way to much time concerned about someone who isn't interested in me, and there are plenty of guys who would be interested (and obviously the ex ex who still is). Your a time black hole. I don't want you sucking any more energy out of me.



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you know who i talked to last night? My ex ex. You know, the one i was with for 3 years before i met you. The one you always made fun of, even though you never met him? The one you called "garbage?".


Know what he told me? He said he thinks about me everyday. He said he regrets breaking my heart all those years ago. He said it was his biggest regret. He told me he misses everything about me. How i am a messy eater, my obsession with clean sheets, the songs i would make up about him and sing to him, my greetings, everything.


He told me that your an idiot, and you will regret it too. And by the time you do, it will be too late, just like it was for him. And i realized somthing, i did get over my ex. Completly. And i will get over you too. But more importantly, every moment i spend thinking about you, and wondering what your up to, and if you miss me, is wasted. Because i am spending way to much time concerned about someone who isn't interested in me, and there are plenty of guys who would be interested (and obviously the ex ex who still is). Your a time black hole. I don't want you sucking any more energy out of me.




great post blue!!!!!!

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It's been 33 days....I can't believe it myself. Today is a great day....I didn't unblock you like I was thinking I should...My bad judgement got the best of me for just a small moment....but then I found this Bible verse yesterday....It rings SO TRUE.... "Forget about what's happend; don't keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand-new. It's bursting out! don't you see it?" Isaiah 43:18-19...The Message Bible.


God has made it very clear to me, why you are out of my life. You hurt me so bad, I questioned myself, and even my Faith. I became someone I didn't like. I lost who I was in the short time you and I were together...I wanted to be everything to you...In the end, loosing sight of what was important...myself...


I don't regert any day we spent together. If anything, it was all supposed to happen just as it did so that I could find my way, and become and grow in the person I am supposed to be...I learned so much from you. I learned so much about myself...


I am doing very well. Like I said, today is a great day...Yesterday was pretty good too. No longer do I long to hear from you. No longer do I yearn to just see how you are doing. I am finding me again...and I really like it!!!

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Oh crap! I was just fine for so many days now. Why the hell I am going downhill again? Crap crappity crap. I miss the sound of your laughter.


I saw an old picture of you and her in my comp today...back when you guys were just friends...I took the picture damnit...I even bought her drinks that night.


I dont like you..I dont like you at all.

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I'd though you'd call me today, I guess it's really done. Gosh do I miss you, I love you sweeite. I'm having a party tomorrow your welcome to come by. :)

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Here it's the beginning of another weekend that should be ours. It would be our Saturday together. Instead, I'll be spending it with my ex-in-laws and at my cousin's graduation party. It's been a year since M passed and I'm not doing so well with the memories. Was that the beginning of the end of us? I'd thought you were being supportive, but really you were worrying about how all of it would affect our relationship. It hurt a lot that you didn't go to the funeral with me. I know you had to work. That's always been the reason for every time you've disappointed me. Even now. You say you can't talk to me because you've been so busy with your work. I hope it keeps you warm at night. I am getting over you and I hope you don't come back when you're less busy and expect me to be the same woman. I have finally given up on trying to win you back. I know your feelings are dwindling at best and totally gone at worst. Your son's graduation is this coming week. I couldn't resist checking on his school's site. I'm kind of glad we aren't together. I have a feeling I wouldn't have been invited and it would have made me sad. For some reason, you never fully invited me into your life and family even though you said you wanted us to be a family. Just empty words? I hate thinking I was just deceived into thinking I was important to you, but I have to believe it's true given that more than two months have passed and you still haven't had time to work things out. It really stinks that the first person I trusted after being in no kind of relationship for ten years had to disown me the way you have. I will not bother you anymore though. It hurts too much to call and hear the indifference in your voice. It hurts too much to know I'm dead last on your list of things to do. Nothing new. It felt like that when we were together too.

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Nikki Sahagin

I'm having a bad day today and reflecting on the things I did wrong, instead of the things you did wrong. Because of how our relationship kickstarted, I always felt insecure and I behaved in appalling ways at times displaying cruel, attention-seeking, distant behaviour - frightened to let you too close but frightened to let you drift too far. I realise now in the beginning, I did a LOT wrong, because I was so insecure and because you meant so much to me. I was jealous, insecure, possessive, damaged. I took out a lot on you and you took it every time. You loved me so much you stayed by me through so much and at the time I didn't appreciate you.


Then our roles switched and you became the one that didn't appreciate me. Maybe the damage was done.


I just want to say, for my part in our downfall, I am so so so so so sorry and also incredibly ashamed for some of the ways that i've acted and some of the things that I said. The truth is, there has always been something very insecure and self-destructive in me that pushed you away because it didn't feel it deserved to be loved and when it was shown love, it felt nervous and frightened in case that love went away.


I recognise baby boy, we both have our issues and we were two damaged, lost little souls who loved each other very purely and genuinely, but just had too much hurt and pain inside to make it work. The sad truth is, maybe if we had met in 20 years time, we would have learnt our lessons and been able to be together.


I'm so sorry I was too weak, too hurt, too stubborn, too ignorant of my own self and too fixed in my ways to recognise at the time the things I needed to change. I recognise my faults in our relationship and it really hurts and is really painful. I'm finding it hard to forgive myself :(


I'm so sorry beautiful one. We really have f-ed each other haven't we. I guess we really did love each other....to have put up with so much pain just to sleep in each others arms. Wish I could have been a better girl to you when it counted. I love you.

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Hi Steve, I haven't called you nor IM-ed you in a few days. Giving you the space you need.


You don't know, but I am liking another boy a lot.We have spent last night together, and in a few hours I will be with him again. I haven't had the urge to call you and contact you. This is a good thing. I don't need you anymore in my life.


Life goes on. Hope you are well, my friend.

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Remember in one of your 'break-up' texts you told me that I should go out there and find myself again?

Ive actually come to the conclusion that after losing you, I lost me. I have. Ive lost my spark dude, my shine has faded and I know its because I am not by your side. Murf.

You made me into more of a beautiful and spritey woman, you brought me happiness (despite the suffering I went through and exposed), you made me shine.

I would just have to look at you and my insides would twist with excitement and happiness. Even when I think or talk about you now, or see a picture of you, I get SO excited! Its like Im going to explode with joyfullness and glee :o) How pathetic eh? :OP


I used to love talking to you too, I always had something to say with you. I loved telling you my achievements, just to see you feeling proud of me. Oh, Im rambling.......


I just hope that there is someone else out there that can have as much of an effect on me as you did.


I love you squidge, your always,

Your Squidge :p


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my wife walked out on me 8 weeks ago for takin drugs we have 5 kids and 15 granchildren. All of whom have disowned me after a week we were kissing and talking but she wanted to get her independance and be sure i stay off drugs. I back at dear old mums and she in a flat 100 yards away. Its tough. I have had no contact in over 2 weeks but now my 14 year old daughter started turning ur at mums out of the blue and fone me to ask wot my doing with my life? Do you think my ex is getting curious? all advise welcome

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Hey Steve, I spoke too soon! He's becoming a little too careless with words, but his actions man, i feel like the most desirable woman on earth! The way he kisses me and sighs and kisses me then says oh jesus like he's amazed makes me think he's falling in love with me. An hour ago he kissed me all over my back- I've never been so turned on in my life.


But yeah...he's lacking in words...it's early days yet and he wants to see me ASAP again so that's promising....


I'm still hopeful. I've decided not to call you tomorrow like I planned. NC is thr best way to get through this. Plus, your family is there to make you feel better.

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I'm having such a bad day. I feel completely alone, abandoned, and forgotten by you. I find myself placing all the fault of what happened between us, on me. I know it's not all my fault, but I'm mad at myself for doing ANYTHING wrong. I'm human, and I make mistakes, but you were supposed to love me despite my errors. You promised you'd be there forever. I don't know why you decided I wasn't worth working at a relationship with. What did I do, besides love you unconditionally? Why have you been so mean about it all? Even if you aren't in love with me anymore, you could at least have some heart and be kind knowing you've broken me to pieces. I'm slowly putting myself back together, though.


I still am shocked by what has happened! I cannot believe you left me! I can't believe how mean you've been. I wish I would've ignored you when you came back, but I wanted to believe what you were saying. I thought you meant it when you told me you couldn't live without me and sincerely wanted to work on us and take things slowly. I've heard you tell me over and over again that I needed to trust you. Well I trusted your word, I trusted you with my heart and look what you did. I finally let my guard down and gave myself completely to you, and you took me for granted and then threw me away. I'm trash to you now. Do you understand how that feels!???!!? NO, and you have no remorse for the pain you've caused me. I'll never hear an apology for how you've treated me, or any other word from you, since you told me you want me out of your life forever. That killed me. I'm dead to you now.


You had me utterly and completely fooled and lost in you. I'm finding myself again and trying to forget you. I hope you're happy.

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Hey baby, I miss you so much. For some reason I have been thinking about you nonstop today. Ever since you left I have been keeping busy and filling most of my waking hours with as many activities as possible while making sure that I spent as little time as possible by myself. It has helped some, I have not cried as much as last year when we broke up. But it still hurts so much and you are still constantly on my mind, no matter what I do or who I am with. Do you realize that right now two weeks ago we were together, hanging out for nearly 24 hours straight? This minute we were at your place and you were cooking us dinner while we were watching "Hitch-The Date doctor" on TV. Do you remember?


If it were possible I would turn back time and be back with you, sitting on your couch and feeling your arm around my shoulders. I miss you so much. How could you be so distant the next day and act like we were just casual aquaintainces?


I am listening to Kenny Chesney's "Better as a memory" and imagine you are singing it to me. I know you hate Country Music, but the lyrics could come straight from you.


You probably have no intention of ever contacting me again, and if you ever do than probably because you are hoping for a fling or casual sex. Well, I have no intention of giving it to you, but I would still be happy to hear from you again. Just to know that you did care about me after all and it was not all just in my head.


I miss you so much and it is a daily struggle not to contact you, but I am doing my best. The one thing that helps me to stay strong is the thought "he doesn't want to hear from you". It stings, but judging from your behavior that is exactly what you want. So I am going to stay away and not contact you in any way shape or form, even though that is all I want to do.


I love you. Just thought you should know.

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Bah, I was going to make a thread yesterday about how I had reached day seven of NC and how I felt totally fine for most of the NC. But, for whatever reason, today on day 8 I don't feel fine and have thought about her all day. sigh.

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