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Post here instead of contacting your ex!


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Sigh Steve....stop saying you're confused. It makes me sooo angry. We were done 3 months ago.
hi fab. I like the way you are handling this scenario, one thing that would help is watching seinfeld episode where elaine talks about the post/'breakup situation with Jake Jarmell,
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I'm fighting the urge to call you, to write you to give you a sign of me.


I look for your name in my mails and in my phone, but everything stands still, you're silent.


What are you doing now? Are you happy? Are you sad? Are you relieved that it ended up?


I can't know, and i torture myself in the blindness of what's up to you.


I miss you so much. And it scares me the though of what i'll need to go through before being happy again.


If i ever will.


This time you really challenged my "panache"...

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i would give everything to see your face blinking from my phone. Or to read again your name in the message window.


It won't happen, i think, because you're strong and you know what you want.


Me, i surely know what i want, but will i be strong enough to not look for it?


This doesn't matter anyway...nothing of this matters...i'm just holding up against the truth.


But you were so good, i wonder how will i ever pass over you.


You're stuck in my heart. I would be happy to actually die for this. It would at least be romantic.


Instead i'm just suffering slowly.


I wonder if you think of me? You're in my mind continously today.



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Here again, but it's better here than to call you or write you.


And tonight i got pretty close to call.


I can't think anything more about you. I was on my bed thinking back the moment you told me it was over... and you were crying.


I would never see you crying. This is breaking me. I would like to be near you and wipe your tears - as i did that night - but you DON'T LOVE ME ... what should i do. I feel torn.


I need to talk you. I need to know you're there.


But if i call you now, i'll lose you.


Anyway, i already lost you.


So what should i do!!??

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In my homecountry... but still in hell.


i want to call you so much.. and i'm sticking to NC... why then?

If i lost you anyway, then i would rather call you..but it would only make me suffer more in the long run.


There is no escape.


Sh*t i miss you. I miss you as hell.

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Pump I miss you so much. I am having a really tough morning. I can't stop crying. I can't stop thinking about you. What went wrong? You don't love me anymore I know. Why did I give you that letter? WHY? We would probably still be talking right now. I just want to call you and wish this nightmare would go away. I wish you would call me and invite me over. I am going to see you in three weeks. I am surprised that you agreed to go with me to the show. Was it a pity yes? Could it be because you miss me? I just have to be strong between now and then when we see the show and have dinner. I hope that day we can rekindle what we had. I guess I have to be strong until then. I can't wait to see you. The days aren't going fast enough for me. I wonder if you think of me at all? I wonder if you miss me at all? I never realized how much I truly do love you. Until 3 weeks my love but till then I still cry everyday and think of you every minute.

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I wish I had not seen you last night. I wish I had not seen you in that condition. I wish I could get over you. I wish we could sit down like we used to. I wish I could help. I wish I didn't want to rush over and try to make things better.


I hope someday you will look back and understand.

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So, what the hell happened?


It felt like such a good thing we had going. I loved our conversations, and the way we interacted with one another, the way we touched and kissed each other. Then one day, poof, it was all gone? Just like that? Did I do something? Say something? Did something happen to you? Were you not attracted to me after all? Did you meet someone else? Whatever it was, can you just tell me what was going on inside your head while we were together, and what made you decide to break it off?

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NC day 4 has begun.


Morning is a usual tough...because i wake up and suddenly remember that you're not anymore in my life. Then, the memories starts to play..


I die to know how are you, if you're thinking about me, about us.


What scares me most is that you might well suffer as much as i am, but still being convinced that you made the right thing.


Anyway i have no clues about this.


I'm scared.


I'm scared to lose our memories, i'm scared that the wonderful moments i spent with you (do you remember London?) Will not repeat anytime soon. Memories are killing me. The time i fell in love with you is way too near in the past for me to forget how wondeful that time was.


I don't want to lose you.


I don't want to lose you.

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mr.dream merchant

Hey babygirl, just wondering how you've been and what you've been up to. The mornings and the nights are the toughest for me right now. I don't really have urges to call you anymore, not because I don't want to, but because I know you're still upset with me. I just hope that as your thoughts clear, and as time passes, that you will grow to miss me, and hopefully come back. If you don't, well at least I can look back and smile on what we had. I love you more than anything angel eyes. Take care of yourself.

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I can't believe you found someone to replace me so quickly. That hurts more than you'll ever know, or care about. I hope she makes you happy. I'm very jealous of her, because I know how you are in the beginning. But I have an advantage over her. I know how you are once the sweetness wears off. I just want to feel happy too! I'm starting to date again, but still am not over you, still thinking about you, still miss you. I was cuddling with someone else this morning, and thinking of you the whole time. It doesn't feel right yet with anyone since you. I wish his arms around me were yours. I never want to see your face again, yet I want to kiss you again. My feelings are always contradicting themselves lately.


I wish you just had the slightest care for me. I wonder if you've pondered about how you've made me feel and what you've done. And if you have, I hope you feel tremendous guilt. Not for doing what's right for you, not being with me anymore, but for everything else. I hope one day it all hits you hard. You've had someone to distract you this entire time we've been broken up. I, however, have taken the time to heal on my own. I'm not finished, but getting there.


"Started with a perfect kiss, then we could feel the poison set in. Perfect couldn't keep this love alive. You know that I love you so, I love you enough to let you go. Remember all the things we wanted? Now all our memories they're haunted. We were always meant to say goodbye..."

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mr.dream merchant

The morning and nights are so tough. These are the time where I think of you the most. Wondering if you're out there already searching for a new love, handing out your phone number and flirting with guys at the club. But I know you, and I know you aren't that type of girl. I miss you so much babygirl. I'm patiently waiting for this month to pass. Hopefully by then maybe you will have contacted me, if not, maybe I will have moved on a good amount. You were so upset when I talked to you on the phone 6 days ago, and I hope that once that anger settles, you can open your eyes and see all the good things our love brought us. Don't remember me for all the bad things, remember me for the times we shared and when I made you happy. I wish you'd come back.

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Dear B,


So, what more is there left to say? Our 6 months have just been completely obliterated, n the space of a few days. I miss you so much, miss seeing you, holding you...even just looking at you while you were asleep, hopeing you were dreaming of me. I've ****ed it all up, and I've lost so much. It's like eating fire. And for you to say you feel **** too...well, that makes me feel even worse, knowing there someone out there who's feeling at least a bit like I do, and us not being together. You were my best friend, and the other half of my double act. U snot being together is killing me slowly. Hearing you say we'll NEVER be together again is so much more than I can bear, its like putting a drill to my head. I wish I could just pull you to me. I wish I could just call you and hear your voice. Most of all, I wish you were in my life as you were, I wish you could just give us one more shot. I can't handle how I'm feeling. It's like I'm drowning in a flood. You were the one. And I wish I could tell you this. I'm genuinely heartbroken, you shone a light on my life,a nd made me feel real, maybe for the first time ever. Now I just feel fake. I wish you could come back to me. But I know now you never will.

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you still manage to keep popping up in my head - weird how i even dreamt about you last night - the processing just hasen't settled down yet - even after all this time


i'm of course glad its over - i've no doubt about that - i suppose i think about you as our end was so unsatisfying but also quite definate - your narcisstic personality drove you to meet a desperate new mate - have either of you smelt the coffee yet .......


i've no idea why i waste my energy pouring these thoughts out ...... i suspect its part of the letting go ..... i hate you for what you did and how you treated me ...... you were a total bitch


i'm i suspect the only one that knows you for how rude and uncaring you are ........ keep up the act bab .......... its a mighty lofty pedestal your ego has built


one day i'll not hate you nor care about you ...... that i know that

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Quality over quantity. I am starting to learn this hard lesson now.


This past weekend I went out with 4 different women. I managed to squeeze in 4 different dates into my weekend and get to know some new girls. I even got lucky with a 5th girl whom I've been talking to for quite some time now.


But now its Monday. Why the hell do I miss you??? Why? I didn't think about you ONCE all weekend. Not a single friggin time. But now that I am back at the office, sitting here bored to death, why do I suddenly miss you? Does it have anything to do with the fact you're going to New Jersey to sleep with that dirtbag you've been playing video games with over Xbox Live for the past year or two? Does it have anything to do with the fact that the 4th of July is this week and for the first time in 5 years I don't have anything to do or anyone to do it with?


I want to be over you so bad. I am sick of missing and loving you if its not going to be returned. This is all f'ing b*ll**** and I'm sick of feeling this way.


The problem is, is that none of the women I've met (except maybe 1) or dated in the past 6 months stack up to the amount you and I get along. I hate putting you on a pedestal but I'm not going to date a girl I don't like or get along with.


Ugh I am done here. I am just rambling. I am going to go smoke, come back inside, get my day over with and enjoy my short week of work and try NOT to think about you screwing that nasty sh*tbag this weekend. Speaking of the sh*tbag I hope that encounter is terrible and you regret it. Because I'm jealous I guess.


F*CK I MISS YOU AND I HATE YOU FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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You are so predictable.


When I feel good, you contact me. When I miss you, you are no where to be found.


I had a amazing weekend, amazing. I loved it. I was full of joy. The best part was the sound of your voice when I cut you off the phone, telling you I had to go. The 2nd best part was you saying "won't you call when you get back?". Lol. Nope. I won't. But I am pretty sure you will call me.


And you did. Like clockwork. Because I was happy, and your spidey-sense must have felt it. I even got text's from you while I was on vacation.

"how are the Islands, what are you doing, I am so Jealous". Well you should be TB. Remember, I was going to plan a trip like that for us.


Anyways, of course you call when I got back. Of course you want to see me. Don't know how I feel about it. I will mull it over. Honeslty, when you say things like "well call me this week if you want to catch a movie or somthing" all that says to me is "I'm lazy and you do the work". No. I won't call you. If you really want a date with me, ask me and make the plans. Treat me like a lady, because I deserve it.


PS your basement stinks and I don't want to hang out down there.

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day 23 of no contact wow this is the longest that i havent spoken to you, how sad now im just counting down the days.. my life seems pointless with out you, going on dates just makes me miss you more! No one kisses like you sigh infact no one comes close to your perfection *** stop haunting my thoughts and get out of my mind!!!! I dont want to be in love with you anymore!!! Why couldnt you just have been a total bitch to me, i have no anger towards you to replace the hurt with :(

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Road To Joy

Hello there. It's been a while.


Chances are I'll never hear from you again and chances are you don't even think of me anymore. Chances are I'm so far out of your memory, I'm just a faint wisp from your past. Chances are you haven't and will never again sign into this email. In a way, I'm okay with that.


I've been entering the beginning of a spiritual journey, so to speak. I've been researching, meeting new people, listening to experiences, etc. And while listening to someone's story, you came to mind. Why is it that you're so attracted to negative energy?


It's kind of sad. I see a lot of demonic energy in you. It's scary.


Good luck.


But not really. <<< (that's how I know I'm not over you yet)

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I have been wrestling with what I did wrong and today it hit me. I wasn't wrong here. I may not have expressed myself well but you held out on me. You were not even close to trying to be a good girlfriend to me. There is nobody out there who would have accepted what you were offering. Sorry, you need to be more giving.


You are kind, sweet, nice, and we had a hella connection, but when it came down to it, once you thought you had given enough, you were done. Sometimes people need more from you. I needed more from you. Actually anyone would have needed more from you but that is another story.


I will no longer have the guilt that I pushed away someone that loved me. You gave me no choice. When I was happy with what you were giving, you gave less.

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mr.dream merchant

The thought keep coming back to haunt me, in the mornings when I wake, and at night before I sleep. "Does she hate me? Is she seeing someone else? Will she want me back?" These thoughts hurt so much but I can't seem to escape them. I miss you alot babygirl. I know I wasn't the best boyfriend but I didn't do anything wrong. I may have said dumb **** from time to time, but you gave me so little to work with. You left me no room to work with you when you were upset with me. You said you gave me too many chances but how were those chances good when they were up before I knew I had a chance babygirl? How did my insecurity push you away when yours was greater than mine? Do you not remember the time I deleted my facebook and myspace with you watching? All because you couldn't handle females leaving me comments. It doesn't make sense at all what you broke up with me for. The day of you told me that you just needed space and that I needed time to find myself, but that same night your sister told me you came and told her we broke up. Is that how you're going to do me? Let me down easy with bull****? Why put me through this? Why give me that false hope? I thought you had more love for me but now I know that you were just protecting yourself. You're a coward. I was ready to take on the world for you, and all you could do was run from it.

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I hate how I go back and forth. I have good days, great days, and days like today. When I really REALLY want to contact you. One thing I have learned, is that when I REALLY want to contact you, is normally when I do things I regret (like spill my guts and make a big scene).So I won't. And when I am having a GREAT day, you usually contact me and want to hang out. Life is weird.


I don't know when or if I will see you again. It sucks that you want to "wait and see" because I feel like that just means I can't call you. You get to call me when the mood hits, but when I call you, I feel like a Friggin pyscho ex or somthing.


I don't want to be your friend. I wish you would just end this now. I'm not strong enough. There is no excuse for it. If you wanted to be with me, you would be. If you missed me, you would reach out to me more than every few days. But you don't. Wait and see if an excuse to keep me dangling on the line like a worm on a hook. I feel so sad without you around, but at the same time, why would the "one", the person I want to love all my life, treat me like this?


I just want to go home and sleep.

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Hey Pump I am dying over here because I want to text you so bad. I miss you so much. Ten minutes does not go by without you on my mind. This is truly unbearable. I want to see you soo bad. I miss everything about you. I can't stop thinking about you with someone else. Its literally driving me crazy. I know I am going to see you in 3 weeks but I can't take it. I need to see you now. I keep dreaming of you which is weird because I hardly dreamt of you before. You haunt me everywhere I go. What does it take to send me a little text message? But then again that should show me my answer. Maybe its because you know I would do anything to be with you so why would you have to try. I want to text you sooo bad to see if you will hang out with me next Friday but I have to be strong because I will see you in 3 weeks. I hope you haven't fallen in love with someone else yet. I hope when you see me in 3 weeks you will fall back in love with me. I know false hope but God do I miss you. I went to church on Sunday and please tell me why as I was walking down the aisle to take the body of Christ I felt like I was walking down the aisle to marry you. It was the most surreal feeling ever. I was looking at the end of the aisle and I was able to envision you standing there smiling at me in a tux. It was the most surreal moment I have ever had. I couldn't even explain it. Please baby give me a sign that you still think about and care about me. Till July 18th my love

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Thanks for the text about your mom being in the hospital that got me to break NC for a change. Even better!! Thanks for leaving me here worried about her condition, since you won't let me know anything. Like you said you would..guess you're still just a selfish little child in a grown womens body..I think my sucpisons were true, that she's not in the hospital at all..enjoy your new life without me, ho! ;)

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