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I hate you so much. You took my heart and ripped it to shreds and walked away. You didn't look back. You threw me, my tears, my feelings, my trust and my faith in you all in a box and tape it up and walked away wiping your hands. Why? Did I deserve such cruelty? Did I? You put sooooo many things ahead of me, I was always so far down on your list...you simply didn't give a damn about me. You simply didn't give a damn about me. You watched me crumble in emotional pain. I reached out to you and asked for your help, but you could not be bothered. Who cares if I was a human being in pain? As long as you get what you want, what does it matter that my heart was in pieces. Who cares if I went deep into my depression? Who cares if I feel used? Who cares if I have trouble trusting others in the future? The main thing is that you got what you wanted, a brand new girlfriend to unload all of your troubles and all of your crap on to. Who cares if I was waiting for you to contact me and you were off with someone else? As long as you are happy it's okay if you walk all over other people, right? I mean, after all, the main thing is that YOU are happy. Who cares if you tore my heart out. You did it your way and that's all that matters. You want to be your own man and act any way you want, so who cares if you stepped all over the woman you claimed to love. Who cares...right? The important thing is that you were able to go with the first woman who looked your way...I guess you felt I didn't deserve to be treated like a human being...that would be hard for you to do because you are so selfish. Well, you got what you wanted. You dumped me, and you couldn't get away from me fast enough. You didn't explain. You didn't give me time to breathe. You just wanted someone else...anybody else...anybody who did not know the scum that you really are...anyone who did not know you well enough to know that you are a creep, a user, and a liar. Congrads. You should be so proud of yourself. You got everything you wanted out of life- the chance to be a selfish as you possibly can, and the chance to step on people you consider to be unworthy. Congrads. I'm so happy for you. **** you.

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I saw something on You Tube that I wanted to talk to you about. We could have had an interesting discussion, just like so very many interesting discussions that we have had in the past. But I can't. You're out of my life. You made your choice. You choose to give up. You ran to her.


I had a HUGE crying fit today. I cried and I cried. I'm sad. Sad at what you did. Sad that you left me. Sad that you chose to run to her. Sad that you had no respect for me. Sad that you tried to force this on me and didn't give me time to breathe or to accept.


I am not you. I just can't shift my emotions like lightening. I feel so sad about this. I miss you so much. I stay awake nights while you sleep peacefully. Why? why? I bet you are sleeping soundly now. It's easy to do when you have no heart. Things don't bother you. You don't hurt. You just cause others to hurt, but you don't hurt. It must be wonderful to be you...to cause all of that pain and suffering and take responsibility for none of it. It must be great to inflict suffering on others while you go and play with your new girlfriend and you best friend. I hope she hurts you the way you hurt me. I hope you end up in jail for what others have accused you of and you have denied it. I can no longer believe in you. You are a liar and a skank. There is nothing left of you, just lies. Truth be told, I wouldn't want to be you. I'd rather be a human being, not a whore monster.

Damn you. Damn you. Damn you and damn her too.

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Last night was hard! After two glasses of wine I was checking my email and waisting time on YouTube. I found a video of a song by Alanis Morrisette titled "Your House". I haven't heard this song since maybe 7th grade, but hearing it again, brought so much sadness. It's so desperate, stalker-ish, loving and painful.


Your House


I went to your house

Walked up the stairs

I opened your door without ringing the bell

I walked down the hall

Into your room

Where I could smell you

And I shouldn't be here, without permission

I shouldn't be here


Would you forgive me love

If I danced in your shower

Would you forgive me love

If I laid in your bed

Would you forgive me love

If I stay all afternoon


I took off my clothes

Put on your robe

I went through your drawers

And found your cologne

Went down to the den

Found your CD's

And I played your Joni

And I shouldn't stay long, you might be home soon

I shouldn't stay long


Would you forgive me love

If I danced in your shower

Would you forgive me love

If I laid in your bed

Would you forgive me love

If I stay all afternoon


I burned your incense

I ran a bath

I noticed a letter that sat on your desk

It said "Hello love, I love you so love, meet me at midnight"

And no, it wasn't my writing

I'd better go soon

It wasn't my writing


So forgive me love

If I cry in your shower

So forgive me love

For the salt in your bed

So forgive me love

If I cry all afternoon

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there you are again - in my bloody head again ...... i've no idea why you occupy space there but you do - am i still hurt or are my thoughts just on a loop out of boredom until i'm ready to meet someone new .....


i guess i'm just angry with you - the way you treated me and our relationship ........ i would never go back to you so whats all the more confusing is that i still think of you - every bloody day !!!!


blah blah blah blah blah ......... i'm bored of this and you ......

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Thats it/

Im done.

Your gone and i moved away from it all. Its over.

Time to really let you go now.

Why waste so much energy and effort thinking about you time after time after time.

Its not doing me any favours. Your happy and in love with some guy now.

Bet you dont even think about me anymore, where as you consume my thoughts most of the day. I lost my job cos of you today, or was it my fault, my fault for thinking of you so damn much and let it effect me like that??


Either way, its been one hell of a long month since your last email to me...and what a ****ty excuse for an apology it was, i could almost pick up your sulky stuborn tone.

You didnt even mean what you said.


Your loss, my gain. I'll gain it all, whilst you have lost out on spending yourb days with me. our relationship was amazing! One day you will see just how great it was, one day soon something will hit you smack in the heart and the head that will make you remeber just what we had, how special it was and how nothing could replace THAT feeling.






Bye Jo.....good luck

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Just wanted to say that I will never, ever, ever forgive you for the pain you put me through last year, and the pain I continue to feel. I hope you break your arm.

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Get the F off of facebook, it isn't for community college dropouts. I loved the good old days of fb when only people in Universities and four year colleges could join, but no they apparently let anyone join.


If you stay I am going to start a fb group called, People That Have Hooked Up With ___(Ex's name)___. I am sure that it will be one of the fastest growing fb groups. I should send invites to everyone that frequents your bar. I wonder if the group will exceed 50, probably will.

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One more thing, your nose looks terrible in that picture, I remember it always getting in the way when we would kiss.

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I feel like such an idiot. I saw you on saturday after 6 weeks and i thought things went well. i really did. we spent the whole day and night together. we were intimate, we cuddled, you made plans for us to go to AC for 3 days in two weeks. you kissed me goodbye and told me that you would call me...you know exactly what you were saying. you said you would call me and 2 days later i have yet to hear from you. not even a text asking me how i am doing. i really thought i would hear from you by today and i know now that i won't as you play poker on tuesday nights. what i fool i was. i guess i saw more there and i thought. i am trying so hard not to text you or call you. i hate myself for being intimate with you. i feel so used right now...but i wanted it too so i cant be that mad. how can you be so heartless. i am still crying over you..but your actions are really speaking louder than words. they have since we broke up. the times we have hung out you have seemed to genuine..and now here i am with nothing but silence from you when we are not together. let's see what happens in AC, that's if you don't cancel on me by then.

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I was listening to Ryan Adams today. I just love his music. I found this song I have never heard of, and I just became swept up in tears and emotion. It's called "come pick me up". It's only my guess, but to me it's about wanting someone so badley, you put up with anything bad they might do. It could also be about wanting your ex to do somthing terrible, so it would be easier to get over them.


"Come pick me up"

When they call your name

Will you walk right up?

With a smile on your face?

Or will you cower in fear

In your favorite sweater

With an old love letter?


I wish you would

I wish you would


Come pick me up

Take me out

**** me up

Steal my records

Screw all my friends

They’re all full of ****

With a smile on your face

And then do it again


I wish you would


When you’re walking downtown

Do you wish I was there?

Do you wish it was me?

With the windows clear and the mannequins eyes

Do they all look like mine?


You know you could

I wish you would


Come pick me up

Take me out

**** me up

Steal my records

Screw all my friends behind my back

With a smile on your face

And then do it again


I wish you would


I wish you’d make up my bed

So I could make up my mind

Try it for sleeping instead

Maybe you’ll rest sometime


I wish I could

called Come Pick me up.

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I had finally accepted that it was really over...then you called. As much as I tried to just get on with everything, it's been hard not to have you in the back of my mind. You called on Sunday, so it's only been three days. Not so long in the grand scheme of things. I think you don't want the door shut completely, but you're not willing to put any effort into getting back together either. I could take it a lot of ways, but the truth is I don't know because you won't talk to me again. It's okay. I know I hurt you and you probably can't trust me. I just wish you hadn't called because it set me back a bit in my acceptance that you just don't want me anymore and brought back the glimmer of hope I thought I'd banished. I have not called you because on Sunday you said you'd call me back after your class, but you haven't. I believe that if you wanted me, you would call me. Your silence speaks volumes. Please don't call me again unless you mean it. I'm finally doing better.

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I've finally started to feel moved on from you. But the concert is this friday and I'm not sure how I'm going to react seeing you there. The fact that we have to sit near each other for 3 or 4 hours and try to enjoy both of our favorite musician is going to be interesting. I hope it doesn't ruin what should be a really freakin good concert!

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The Blue Pill

You know, now that I think about it, my last ex and I were not a perfect match. We were quite different. Don't get me wrong, I loved her. She was a fantastic person, and I was very attracted to her. It's taken me a long time being apart from her, but I've realized that she was just a filler. She was just someone that was there when you and I broke up, and I didn't want to be lonely. When I think back about us, that's when I was really happy. I was so damn happy with you. We were perfect in many, many ways. But it's been years. It's been years since we've seen each other face to face, since we've spoken in person. I'm happy that YOU'RE happy. Your boyfriend seems nice, and you seem to be happy, but damn I'm lonely. Being back in this old familiar place, old familiar memories creep in, and I can't help myself from falling back in love with you in my head. I know you still have feelings for me, but they aren't strong enough for you to leave your current relationship. Don't. I don't want you to. I don't know if I can trust you again anyway, but damnet if I don't have strong feelings for you. You probably have picked up on it, as I have on yours, but life just didn't work out the way we had thought. I want to say that you are an amazing, beautiful person. I miss the friendship, the closeness, the love that we had all that time ago. I miss you so badly some days, and it is going to be hard to find someone that makes me as happy as you did.

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I was listening to Ryan Adams today. I just love his music.


On a Ryan Adams note:


"Buy a pretty dress, wear it out tonight, for all the boys you think could outdo me."


And you know what? They won't outdo me. Your loss, my dear.

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It has been so hard no contacting you today.


I am finally over the anger, the hurt, and the guilt that I felt whenever I thought about you. I don't care about what you did anymore. I am fighting the urge to call you, to beg for you to give me one last shot. But the truth is, I don't deserve another shot with you. I blew it.


It's weird because now I completely miss you. It's almost as if by forgiving you, all of the things that upset me I have gone away. But we're just not right for each other, and both of us did some terrible things during our relationship.


I won't deny it, I lead you on. I always dangled the hope of a serious relationship in front of you hoping that I could still have you without having to commit myself. Now I see that what you did was a perfectly normal reaction considering the way that I treated you. But that doesn't change the fact that you lied, were difficult to be around, had a drinking problem, were generally miserable, could not talk about your feelings, never communicated, always were late, and did drugs. And I certainly have my faults as well.


It's weird cause now I realize that this small hurt that I am going through was what you probably endured for the entire time during our relationship when I would constantly reject you. I am sure that you are still hurting too. But thanks to you and what you forced me to experience, I will never again lead a person on. And in some weird way, I thank you for teaching me that lesson even if it did hurt.


I really wish you the best, and I hope that you find someone that is right for you. Hopefully, our paths do not cross for a while because I really think that our time apart is the best thing for us. I miss playing GC with you, going to our spots, and talking. But the time for those things has passed.

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I'm missing you today...but why? You are such scum...not fit to shine my shoes. You are a waste of oxygen. You are worthless and cruel. Why should I miss you? Heartache was the only thing you ever gave me...in one year, not one flower, only 2 e-cards, you cheap sack of sh*t. Your lack of effort was monumentous and your apathy was deafening. You are such a freakin' loser. I wish I never met you. You are a whore...plain and simple...a slut who is also a serial monogamist.


You think your God's gift to women, but you are really just a gutter-rat and a vacuuous slut. You set a horrible example for your son. You son is growing up with a slut for a father. You will teach your son that men are filthy pigs, because you are one and he will learn from you. One of these days, your skankish ways will blow up in your face and everyone in your city will come to know you as the filthy slut you really are. You are just pathetic.

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Aggh I need you my best friend. Right now. I need weed. I need to talk about music and physics. I need to be drunk right now and be comforted by you.

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I wish I could sanitize my insides because I had sex with you. I feel dirty and disgusting that I laid down with a creep and a disppointment to the human race like you are. "You lay down with dogs, you get fleas," and I have plenty of them. You are just despicable and nasty, slimy and a d**k-head. Your skin is wringgly and your flat ass has hemmmorhoids in it. I saw them. I saw that pointy pink thing coming out of your asscrack. You are nasty. You are a nasty, filthy bitch. You are nothing but a c**t. That's right, whore, you are a c**t. You are a nasty man...a filthy man...and a ridiculous man.

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I wenthorseback riding today and had a great time. I am doing somthing that gives me great personal achievement, and makes me feel strong and confident.


I got text's today all day from my coworkers and friends. I realized not once did I think it may have been you. That feels good. It's a freedom to not have to worry what I will say to you next, and if you will respond.

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Why did agree to getting married when you have doubts? You even urged me to speed up the wedding preparation. We talked to our parents and relatives about it, hell i even bought a house for us to move in. You told me you were very happy with the wedding and all the preparation works.


Then, out of the blue, you said you were not sure. You said we were not compatible. And getting married to me now will be the biggest mistake in your life. Did you enjoy doing this? Put me on cloud nine and suddenly dragged me to the hell.


Next month will be two months since you dropped the bomb. I am still confused. Is it just a game for you? Did i made the mistake of being too nice to you? Nice guys finish last, i really felt the truth behind it. What a tough way to learn the lesson.



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Road To Joy

Probably out of anger.


I can’t help but think you used me. Maybe you did get in contact with me ‘cause you wanted me. But just a couple of days later, you called it off. Right when I started showing affection. Did you come back just to get your shot of confidence from my attention and ‘I love you’s?


I did love you. I do love you. There’s the confidence you came for.


That doesn’t make me any less of a person, though. Good luck finding someone who will put up with everything I put up with. Good luck finding someone who will tolerate everything I tolerated. ‘Cause truth is, I would’ve done anything for you. I would’ve walked through hell all over again for you. I would’ve done anything in my power to help you with your disorder, to help you with your mood swings. I would’ve done anything to help you get the help you need, whether it’s by spending endless hours researching the internet or reading books all day. I would’ve been there to talk to whenever you needed me. I would’ve been there to support you whenever you needed it. I would’ve walked the desert and swam the ocean for you. If only you’d let me.


Maybe someday. Maybe someday someone will appreciate the things I do.

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I can't help to not be angry, that I gave you everything I had and this is what I get in return; a lying and cheating g/f who was cheated on in her past. But you're so mentally jacked up you can't see I was the best thing you ever had. So good bye to you!

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I'm sorry I texted you last night. It showed weakness on my part. I'm sorry you said you wanted me to still come to you because I know that is just because you are a coward afraid of losing me altogether. Today is my re-start of NC. I hope you feel me leaving from your life. I will always love you but I don't have to ever like you again.

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You are pathetic. You really are. No wonder your ex-wife hates you and your ex girlfriend threatened you. You bring negativity out of everyone you touch. You really are disgusting.

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