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Post here instead of contacting your ex!


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Hey there, it's 11:35 do you know where your heart is? Oh wait, you don't have one...sorry, I forgot.


Every night I wish you would call me, but you never do. Why would you? You're just a piece of trash and pieces of trash can't make phone calls.


So, I guess things are still fresh and new with her...eh...she hasn't seen the filthy slut that you are or the arrogant bastard that you hid from me when we started dating. My roommate says he actually hates you. I don't think he has ever felt that way about anyone before. But that's your talent...you bring the worse out in people. I'm sure you told your new gf that I'm crazy, the way you told me your ex gf was crazy when I met you. We're all crazy right? I'm crazy, your ex is crazy, your mother's crazy, your ex-wife is crazy...yes, we are all crazy. We are ALL crazy: BOO-BOO-BOO, BAB-BAB-BAB-OINK-OINK-OINK-JAA-JAA-JAA.


Yes we are all crazy and you are the sane one, right? I don't think so. You bring out the bad in soo many people and when you do, you just label them as crazy. Geez, what a moron you are. You really are a waste of tissue, bones, and flesh. You are the biggest bombaclot I have ever known. Gosh, you are just a pathetic lunkhead.

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Day 5 of NC. I feel the urge to text you but I'm learning from my mistakes. I can now see the disappointment and stupidity that I will feel if I do. I'm holding on to that to get me through this urge. I don't believe you are truly happy. You have yet to say that you are but that can't be my concern any more. That poor girl you are now with has no idea what she is really getting into, I used to to tell you that you use false advertisement to get people then show your true colors. I cant wait for those to start to fly.

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I didn't call you even though I really wanted to. I hope that you are doing well, but I don't really want to know.

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I had a dream last night. You were living somewhere diffrent. I stayed the night, but woke up in a empty bed. You were sleeping on the couch. Appearently you didn't want to be near me. Your mom was in the kitchen cooking thanksgiving day dinner? I snuck out. Weird, right?


The acceptance is starting to kick in that THIS IS IT. This is how it will be. I won't call you because you can't give me what I want. You won't call me because you don't want what I need. I won't speak to you again. You won't ever email me, call me, text me. We will just be people that use to know one another.


I do miss talking to you. I miss the way you use to look at me. I wish I could still kiss you. I just think, you must just be with someone else. I am no looking forward to starting school up in the fall, and worrying when I will run into you, and if you will have a new girlfriend. I just don't ever want to know anything about you. I started to cry just thinking about it.


I guess on some back burner, I thought maybe you would call me before I left for Europe. But you haven't, and you won't. So much love and time wasted. I just hope that this means there is somthing better planned for me. I can handle that. If I ever meet a guy, that makes me realize why you and I broke up, I won't ever let him go.



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Well i just want to tell you that i cant believe we are broken up again. I have not called you for over a month now. Your sister wrote to me on myspace and she said she was crying because she misses me. She said your entire family misses me. I cant believe they miss me and you probably dont. I want you to know that i know you look at my myspace page everyday. Why?? For what you jerk!!! If you were a real man you would pick up the phone and call. I know you are going to come crawling back like you do everytime once summer is over. Afer you've had your fun with your buddies drinking and doing God knows what else. YOU ARE A SELFISH PRICK! In the end we all get what we deserve and i just pray to God to give me strength to keep going. I have kept NC for over a month and i will continue because i will not call you!!! I will not give u the satisfaction. So keep wondering when i will call. I WONT!!!!

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When you inevitably call, I will have four words for you: "I am past you."


You're uneducated, an alcoholic, reckless, dirty, and impossible to be around. I am better off alone.


BTW, the sex was never that great, like putting a broomstick in a swimming pool.

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Citizen Erased


BTW, the sex was never that great, like putting a broomstick in a swimming pool.


Was that because of the broomstick or the pool?

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I thought about you today. I thought if you would ever ask me back, I would laugh. Guess I am really starting to get over you. It's funny how such a scrawny man (scrawny in every way) can be so arrogant. Maybe it's a Napoleon Complex.


You remind me of a chihuahua. You're so small but you want to make your presence known. So you yap, and you yap and you yap.


Sometimes thinking about how pathetic you are makes me laugh.


I'm going to bed now. Good night, Whorenstein. I guess soon you and your gf will be making a movie together...The Bride of Whorenstein.

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Homies Over Hoes

So finally after 8 months you email me asking how I am? **** you, you don't get to find out how I am. I swear to god the next****ing time you email me I'm sending it to the ****ing douche bag you cheated on me with you ****ing worthless whore. I no longer hurt for you, I just get this god awful taste in my mouth. Thanks for nothing bitch. Hope you get aids or the swine flu. Or both

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Day 6 of no contact with you. i still think of texting you all the time but i dont do it. i have found i am stronger than i ever thought i could be. i still get angry with you because you did do me wrong but i dont have to let it control me. step by step i will get out of this hole. before you can run you have to learn how to crawl.

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NC Day 20.


I feel so very weak. I thought the more time went by, the more I wouldn't miss you, but I do still. Everyday. I could barely sleep. I had this desperate feeling of showing up at your house and demanding to know why you through it all away. Wanting to know if you miss me at all. If theres anything left. **** I know there isn't. I know my phones not ringing and no ones at my door.


My best friend/roomates died in our house last night. Taz was old, but I loved that dog. My roomate is a big animal lover, and she took it so hard. I remember when we were dating, and her cat died. I was telling you how bad I felt for her, and that's it's such a shame we outlive our pets. You went on a rant about animals are not people, and that it's not the same type of loss, and that it only prepares us for the losses of humans. I thought you were such a dick for saying that, and I still think you are. A loss is a loss, and comparing her loss of her pet, to the loss of a child, is merely disregarding her pain and suffering. I bet you would have done the same thing this time around too. Glad I don't have to have that arguement.


Remember how crazy jealous you would be? When I put my blankets in my trunk, and you accused me of cheating? You went off for days about it. I never cheated on you, ever. Or when I wanted to move out, and you weren't ready to live with me? You refused to let me move out with friends if there would be male roomates. You through a fit. Or remember how you would just lie around the house listening to music doing nothing but whatching tv and eating taco bell? And you wondered why I never wanted to stay the night? Your room looked like a tweaker house. How can anyone live like that? Every pair of the socks you wore, were mine. Why didn't you have socks? Even after we broke up, if I looked you were wearing my socks. When we met up last, you wore the "someone loves me in Las Vegas" socks. Actually, that was pretty endearing...nevermind.

Remember how you made me cry on my birthday? You were right. Maybe I can't handle your depression. You were so depressed. And you switching your meds all the time, I thought you were going crazy.


All this, and I still miss you. I wish you could have gotten your stuff together. I don't think we could ever be happy. Your a drifter. You said you don't think you would ever own a home, have a mortgage, a retirment. You will just live like your 22 forever.


I'm sure some girls out there will be okay with that. But I am not. I want more from a guy. I want someone stable and more secure. I don't mind being the bread winner. I don't mind being a sugar momma. But I do mind that you did the bare minimum in everything.

And you have bad taste in music.


God I wish I could just get over you and meet the person I should be with. Right now.

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So finally after 8 months you email me asking how I am? **** you, you don't get to find out how I am. I swear to god the next****ing time you email me I'm sending it to the ****ing douche bag you cheated on me with you ****ing worthless whore. I no longer hurt for you, I just get this god awful taste in my mouth. Thanks for nothing bitch. Hope you get aids or the swine flu. Or both


Oh my god, this was so funny, I had to comment.

My worthless whore ex girl also cheated on me. It has been 17 or 18 months of NC. Kind of sad though, I thought she would of atleast reached out by now but nothing, not a peep. Makes me wonder & at the same time makes me realize how valueable our time was. I guess it didn't mean nothing after all, I guess, I was just some dude she was fawking, sad but true.

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I dont understand why this is so hard, he's the one that cheated on me why do I still feel so hurt and why do I care about him still, I guess in time i'll heal but I hope its sooner than later cuz i'm hurting bad and still cant process or pound in my brain that I should be happy that all this came out now rather than later, but i'm keeping up with the NC and I plan on doing that no giving in even though its hard like hell. So confused

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On another thread I read a saying someone wrote cant remember which one but it went something like this....


sometimes you have to forget how you feel and remember what you deserve!


I live by that now, keep telling myself that over and over in hopes that this empty feeling will go away soon, I dont understand why I feel so bad.

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You guys know what I hate the most when the phone rings cuz even though I know it wont be him i'm still hoping it is and that's just sad cuz he's the one that cheated. I hate these feelings lol

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Over a good month of NC. It gets harder everyday. I know youre feeling the burn too. I bet you thought life would be better off without me huh? Its not...thats why you always come crawling back. Just a matter of time before you come crawling back. This is our third big breakup. Its always in the summer. You spend your summer partying and doing god knows what with your stupid friends, but when fall rolls around you come looking for me. My dumb ass always takes you back. I hate this. I dont even know why i love you. You dont deserve me!!

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I thought you told there me no was no other guy? You told me you wanted to stay single and the only person you would want to get back with is me... I see this guy on ur myspace status and I see that you're clearly talkin to him. my dufus? you cant wait to see him when you get back? wtf r u thinkin seriously? what the **** is wrong with you?


why do you keep ****in lying to me like the way u do? why cant you be straight up? why do u keep callin me if there is another guy? why do u keep comin back? you told me you love me but I see u tryin 2 move on with this other guy. its obvious to me you are, you cant ****in lie to me when the truth is right there!!! the truth is right there and you're seriously going to keep lying to me? what the ****...

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The way we broke up was stupid. You know that and I know that. Over a misunderstanding? That's not the way to end such a fantastic relationship. It resolved nothing. And the very second that you're free again, we will be together. You know we will. You keep moving on, but you feel nothing for these guys. You've told me as much.


Until we meet again...

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Hey TB,


Yesterday was a allright day. Two days until Europe! I kept thinking I would hear from you, but am accepting that I wont. Regardless, I am really trying to just move on.


I went to the flower shop to buy my friend flowers. Her dog passed. I was picking out arrangements and was getting it all boxed up. I became overwhelemed with sadness. I remembered all the times you would bring me home roses from your mom's test rose garden. I remembered all the times you would have flowers sent to my work. And it wasn't just valentines day, or my birthday. Some times just because. I rememberd how you would show up at my parents old house bearing bouquests, or vases of flowers, and my brother and dad would give you hell for it. But it made me so happy. Buying flowers for my roomate made me sad because I knew I would never get them again from you.


I got home and my roomate decided a night of friends playing scrabble would cheer her up. And it did. It was fun. I have wonderful, smart, charming and caring friends. I got lucky in that department. Honestly, that whole night I didn't think about you.


When I went to my room I saw I had a missed text. I just assumed it was a friend. Besides, I hadn't heard from you in 20 days, and I told you to cut contact. But it was you. At first it was just a random number, but I realized I knew that number. It read "Are you in Europe yet?". Really? If I WAS in Europe, do you think I would respond? Do you think I would respond regardless? Uh! Maybe I should be happy that you even remembered, but I'm not. I was irritated. When I got a 2nd txt, I got more angry "Will you bring me back a rasberry beret...you know the kind you find in a second hand store". Oh real cute. I knew it was a stupid joke, but why do you think I would bring you back anything? God. I turned my phone off.


You are so lame.

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