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I saw a picture of you on FB, and you got your fat gut back. I win.


Lay off the beer and random dudes.


EDIT: Why do I only want to say mean things? I guess this means that acceptance is coming soon, or that I am already there.

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I saw a picture of you on FB, and you got your fat gut back. I win.


Lay off the beer and random dudes.


EDIT: Why do I only want to say mean things? I guess this means that acceptance is coming soon, or that I am already there.




Ha lol :laugh:

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I almost broke NC today. Thank God for my roommate. He never hesitates to point out what scum you are. Thank God for him. I cried and I cried and I cried...what you did to me...how you wrecked me...after 3 months it still hurts. The sad thing is, you don't think of me at all. Yout stopped thinking of me a week after you told me you loved me.


You suddenly left me and went to another woman. You just wanted me boxed up and gone...no apology, no remorse, absolutely nothing. I was your gf damnit. I was your gf. I deserved more than that. I was the one you said you loved and then 2 weeks later said you didn't love any more. I deserved so much more than that. f**k you.

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When I was in the Uk, all I could think of "what if". Daydreaming you'd be standing there to give me a big hug. Sorry for being a lousy friend and for letting me go like that, again. Even as just friends, I miss you. I miss the chatting, the laughing and the funny talks we had. Soon it will all go away I guess :<.

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You know what? It's sooo weird, but I don't really miss you. I mean I miss you alot.....but it's not you that I really miss. I miss the idea of you. I will never EVER look at you as the same person again...no matter what. And I realize that yes, that effin whore (who was my friend) has you now....but she doesn't really HAVE you.....she has some warped/damaged version of the person I always thought you were.


I miss riding in the car with you, that was the best feeling in the world. I miss the way we always held hands. I miss your family the most. I miss the dinners with your parents. I miss playing with your daughter, rocking her to sleep.


And speaking of your daughter...I can't believe that this white trash, whore, cuntslut, backstabbbing, mate poaching, psycho is who you would want to be around your daughter. What a GREAT example for her to follow eh?


And speaking of examples...you have become EVERYTHING you hate about your real father. You have done exactly what he did. **** you for that!


I can't wait until your house of cards comes tumbling down. You both deserve whatever rot enters your life!

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yup. you're still a complete b i t c h


Karma's a coming you better hold on tight,

Karma's a coming, it might be tonight,

When Karma runs over your Dogma, you're in for a big fright,

Karma's a coming and its gonna be s h y t.....for you

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I just want to be with you. I'm so sorry that I honestly didn't know how to be in a relationship and stick it out for better or for worse with you. Every time I've ever trusted someone before, they've let me down in serious ways that have damaged me. No, you shouldn't have had to make up for their mistakes. It's just hard to go into something new and not be a bit jaded about what went on before. I just want to talk to you so bad and to tell you all that I'm learning about why I react certain ways and learning how to curb those reactions. I have never in my life felt protected and just loved unconditionally. I believe that's what you were offering me, but I didn't even know what that was. All the way from my parents and up through my husband and boyfriends, no one has ever given me that. I didn't know what I could offer you. I didn't understand what purpose I had in your life. I have been a peacemaker and a problem solver for most of the people in my life. You didn't need me in either of those capacities, so I didn't understand why you wanted me around. It's ironic how the one person who really did just love me for me and not for what I could do for you and I run away from you. I know it might seem selfish or childish and it definitely was wrong. If I could go back, I would do everything to save us. I love you so much. Can I have a chance?

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I remember feeling so frustrated dating you. There were times I just felt like crying my eyes out because it wasn't working. I don't know who it was..who's to blame. At some point I just became irritated with you. I didn't want to be around you. I always had plans with other people. I stopped staying the night. I was never in mood. Going out with groups of friends, I would find myself so annoyed by you! This is all a huge red flag, don't you think?


I remember so many times thinking I would be happy by myself. Or when we went to parties together, I would think I could be having so much more fun by myself. And not to flirt or anything like that, just in general. You were so high maintence.


Towards the end, I hardly ever stayed the night, and when we would spend time together it was stressfull. I was so busy and you just did nothing all day long, and yet you could never be ready for anything. I remember right before we broke up, your friend (and my friend too) helped me with a class project. I went to his place to make a copy of his assignement to guide mine. He was there, your other friend and his girlfriend were there. I got the copy and left. You blew your lid. You said I don't have time for you, but I have time to "hang out". I remember sitting in my car, just crying. We were going to see a movie and you cancelled saying you were to mad, and telling me what a bad person I was. I didn't even do anything.

The next night we made plans again, and this time I was to meet you at your house. I called you about 6 times and you never answered. I didn't even bother showing up. Of course, you had fallen alsleep.

That friday I went out with the girls, and of course you were at home doing nothing. When I came over afterwards we got into a huge fight. I don't remember for what, but I just felt like giving up. It was too much. We weren't working. I yelled and screamed and you yelled. I had my brother pick me up and you didn't try and stop me from leaving. That night you left several messages teling me how sorry you are and you don't want to break up.


The next day we just talked on the phone, and I told you it was done. We both weren't happy. In fact, I hadn't been happy in awhile. You didn't agree, and you wanted it to work. So what happend??


Why did I change my mind and try to get you back for 6 months? I don't get it. I really wasn unhappy. I still don't think it would work long run. So why does it seem like I am the one left behind. I still think of you everday and want to be with your so badly. Why did you move on so quickly. I guess I just wanted to write this all out to remind myself that there was a good solid reason to break up and I did it.


I will be far better off with someone else, and you will too. I want you to be happy, I really do. Overall, you were a great guy and have a really good heart. You will make someone really happy, I just know it.


I have just got to try and find a way to get to that place where I don't put you on a pedestal, and fantasize the relationship into being somthing better than it was.

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Silly me. Silly for thinking that a text and a forty minute conversation meant something. Silly of me for letting hope creep its way back into my heart. Silly for not embracing the reality of four months without you. Silly for thinking you'd actually call me tonight just because you texted you would. Silly for waiting by the phone. Silly to be sad when you didn't call. Silly me. Tomorrow I will not be so silly. I promise myself.

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hrm, i don't really care if the ex female whore came knocking on my door, (i know my last sentence might of appeared that i have some sort of romantic feelings for her), honestly, its like, i waited so long, i just gave up hope.


i think that was my problem, for some STRANGE odd reason, i had HOPE, i don't know why, everything seem to indiciate the opposite, but hope still existed, not sure why, it was rather strange.


now its like ok dude, its been like 17 months or something of NC and in the end, she bascially told you to fawk off, and blamed you for everything in addition, stated you was harassing her (clearly not true) but thats what she said, she was a good liar... what is it she said "no one knew we were having sex, i kept it hidden from my parents, i did a really good job", thats when my draw dropped like wow... anyway


now when i look back at that relationship, i SAW ALL THE SIGNS, AND EVEN PREDICTED THE outcome, but i don't know... i think i must of got attached or something... so hard to explain... it really screwed my head up, espcially when i found out she was fawking someone and wasn't coming back... it damaged me, my heart and my mind, all in one blow, happen so fast, i didn't know what hit me....


its like someone hit me with a iron bat and put me in the hospitaal and when i woke up, i was looking for you but as my mind got better, i realized it was YOU who hit me with the iron bat, and even smiled about it... like it gave you pleasure... wow, your evil now that i think about it......


anyway, you damn whore, burn in hell and catch herpises, slut bag.....


the end ;-)

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How do you like me now, you worthless, two-timing, Asperger's-diagnosed douchebag?


After you left, all my friends came to me with variations of "Well, we didn't want to say anything, but what the hell were you DOING with that guy?!" You might be attractive if you didn't talk in that uber-nerdy whiny voice, Nair your entire body, walk like you're perpetually looking for something you dropped, dress like a New Wave fa*got, and constantly need to drop names into conversations to prove how f*cking cool you are. Your face is kind of handsome, but no one would ever know. You weigh ten pounds more than me even though I'm a skinny girl and you're three inches taller than me. And none of it is muscle. You have an obnoxious, self-absorbed personality, always something to prove. That porn you were in? The one with the girls pouring milk on you while laughing at you? That tells the story of your life. I'm sure I was the laughingstock of all my friends, the ones who didn't think I was pity-f*cking you. I must add that you're also one of the lamest lays I've ever had in my life, and that's a LOT.


Vengeance is mine, motherf*cker. All my girlfriends envy me now. My new boyfriend is hotter than hot and a hundred times the man you'll ever be. It took me two days to find him after you left me. How long will it take you to find another Fay, let alone someone better? Good luck with that one, because it'll never happen! The girl you dumped me for... look at how quickly she dumped you after I sent her that email telling her what you were really all about. Two days. You'll never know I sent her that. But that's what you get, as*hole. And the only reason she was even giving you the time of day is because she only knew you over emails. Carefully-worded, long-pondered emails to mask your true self, I'm sure. Did they feel good, those flights of fancy I'm sure you had while laying in bed with me, of running off with her just for one night, or maybe forever? I hope they did, because that's all you're gonna get.


You'll never know about the heated arguments I get into with my new man, or how you and my other ex ruined me and now I can't stop suspecting this one of unfaithful feelings/actions, or how I go back and forth about loving and not loving him because I'm so f*cking scared to love and lose. Because you led me on and I never suspected it, and now I wonder if it's gonna be that way with him too, a thought I can't bear because my life is already in such turmoil without also having to cope with the loss of this man, who is everything to me. You'll never know that we're already on the rocks, from the feel of it. You'll never know this crap and neither will my friends, because I have to shield my pride after what you did. Everyone must be led to think everything is perfect. And if he dumps me tomorrow I will leave my relationship statuses as "in a relationship" and no one will know the difference. Because I cannot accept defeat. Thank God I was never in love with you or this might have been much worse.


You motherf*cker.




Rot in hell and may you never get laid again.

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what's up bitch? still with your whore? that's okay, she'll find out what a disgrace you are. Oh well, see ya later worthless,


F**K you

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you may win all your races, or come in second or third, but that makes no comment on what a person you are. First in your gender and age range, last in the human race. You turn my stomach. I hate you. I hate your whore too. I can't believe I slept with a slut like you. You're just a dirty, nasty slut and a disgrace to the male gender. Gosh, you make me ill.


I really feel sorry for your son...to have you as a father must be terrible. You are just a waste, a pure waste, a filthy slut, and a worthless piece of nothin'.

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You are not worth any more time or tears. I'm tired of breaking NC, only for you to ignore me. I shouldn't be the one trying to contact you when you are the one who wrecked me...wrecked me and offered no apologies or comfort.


You are no longer worth my effort. Breaking NC is pointless for someone who is as worthless as you are. I plan to never contact you again. I don't have to wish you a bad life because your thinking patterns and attitudes create terrible situations for you all the time.


Good luck on keeping the money away from all your creditors. I guess moving money around from bank account to bank account is another form of exercise for you. You deposited over a thousand dollars for your organization and yet the bank doesn't have a record of it? eh...okay. Good luck staying free of the accusation of embezzlement. The next time the cops catch you speeding with your son in the car, I hope you go to jail.


I guess your statement that "we are cursed" gave you a good excuse on why not to work on our relationship.


One day I will get over my anger at you.


You are the worse boyfriend I ever had, a liar and a user. Thanks for doing me a favor and leaving me. My condolences to her. You destroy everything you touch.


Time to move on without you.



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I have held my head in dignity since I figured out all of this putred mess you and XXXXX created. I have ignored every single freaking word you've said, or tried to say to me. Not out of fear, or shame, but because you are not worth a single breath. Even writting here seems like wasted time. I can't believe that you did this crap to me. You were my FRIEND....apparently that means nothing to you and one day you will find yourself alone. You know I had to not only deal with MY OWN grief, I had to help pick up YOUR husband when he finally figured this **** all out too. You both are selfish cowards. The truth hurts, I've lived my life truthfully. So here is the truth.


You will NEVER have what me and XXXXX had. NEVER. You can't. He does not exist. The XXXXX that I was with and boasted so much of would NEVER pursue a married woman. Plain and simple. The XXXXX that I was with was a kind, caring, genuinely good soul. I may never know who went after who in this situation....but it doesnt matter, it is what is.


Another reason you will NEVER have what we have is that YOU will always be seen as a WHORE in his familys eyes. ALLWAYS. See XXX and I had the complete package.....your's will always be lacking.


The XXXX that you are with is just like the scum of the earth father that he always talks so horribly of.


CONGRATULATIONS you mate poaching, backstabbing, selfish, disgusting, evil ****ing whore....YOU have a relationship that is built on hurt/lies/deceit/and pain. Not the relationship I had.

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Surfer Girl

Do you think money is going to make you happy.... ha.... you know already you will most likely be alone... You don't know how to be with someone that loved you.... You will never forget me and when the time comes when you feel the need to get back together it will be to late... I always went back it is different this time.... I don't have time to waste on you disrespecting me....Don't bother.... I am trying to move on and the more you don't contact me the better I will be

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Oh, and to my second-to-last ex:


Dear C,


Today was your birthday and I do hope you spent it well.


Seek help. Your life will crumble without it. Anyone who comes into contact with you figures out very quickly that you're damaged goods, that you lack certain fundamental characteristics of a decent human being. That's why you have no close friends, and why the only women who stick around you for more than a couple of months are always completely batsh*t too. (Including me, I know. But hey, give me some credit for bailing out, and for emotionally detaching myself from you as soon as I figured you out. I needed a place to live, so I stuck around longer than I would have otherwise.)


I really genuinely feel a little bit bad for you, but ignorance is bliss and the delusional reality you've built around yourself may withstand the test of time for all I know, so you may never suffer the consequences of your actions. You can always pawn the blame off on the first innocent bystander you see, as you always have. I could say that I hope you do grow and someday see your mistakes/issues clearly enough to correct them, but "hope" would be an exaggeration because I really don't care that much. It's hard to feel much pain for someone who hurts people so callously and completely denies it to himself. You have been diagnosed with !!!three!!! personality disorders - Borderline, Antisocial and Narcissistic - and you think nothing of it. And yet you function so well outwardly. Good high-paying day job, swanky apartment, talented guitarist, well-dressed and very handsome, whip-smart, can charm a woman in two minutes flat.


Good thing you dispose of the others quickly - you're saving them the trouble of suffering through the year of hell I had to endure, and the other year of hell when we first met. If I hadn't detached this time, you would have driven me to suicide. Last time you almost did, all those years ago. Why I gave you another chance after so much time is beyond me. I thought you would be different because you're sober now, but I guess alcohol only unleashes the beast that lies beneath anyway. You may not have beaten the crap out of me this time around like you used to, but verbal and emotional abuse are more painful than any broken bone. I wouldn't wish what I went through on anyone, not even the most wretched whore on the planet. No one deserves that.


It kills you more than anyone to know that I'm happy now, that my man is better than you. Your superiority complex suffers and you justify away in your head. Surely you've concocted all sorts of lies about him like you do about me, even to yourself. All to preserve the status quo - C is the almighty ruler of humanity! :laugh: Pity. It would have given me great pleasure to hear you say, "Damn, you're right. That guy is better than me on every point, and especially a far better human being. What am I doing wrong? How can I make myself into the person I should be?" But that's just a bunch of mental masturbation on my part. It will probably never happen.


So you're comfortable staying alone, you say. Good, because since you refuse to change, you're saving a lot of people from a lot of hurt. Retreating to hermitude is the only proper, humane thing for you to do until the day you (hopefully) have an epiphany. Not that you're retreating for the sake of altruism or anything - I know damn well you'd keep people around to manipulate and abuse if you could. But I like to look on the bright side. Even the black cloud that is you must have a silver lining.


You were my truest love... don't ask me why. Because I'm stupid. But my stupidity is fading as I age, and all my love for you already did fade, a long time ago.


But happy birthday anyway.



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I've been planning to post a letter to the ex I had before my current ex.


Dear T,


I feel so sorry for you. You have elements of antisocial personality disorder....or is it just the fact that you are a pothead and an alcoholic? I never knew the real you. You take pot and alcohol to bring you down and coffee to bring you back up. Your body is a chemical factory.


How many people actually become addicted to pot? Not many, but you did. You live for pot. You've done so many other drugs as well, even crack, but pot is your drug of choice. Perhaps because it's cheap. You woudn't commit to me because I was too heavy for you...not too heavy to date and not too heavy for sex, but too heavy for a committment. You are really, really sad.


When you told me why you missed the ex before me so much, you said it was because you road bikes together and smoked pot. You showed me the spot in the cemetery where you used to smoke pot with her. Told me about your sexual escapades in the cemetery and that the cemetery was your favorite place to go.


Before I left town, I asked you to take me a place where I could see good scenery and you took me to the cemetery and then tried to get fresh with me in the cemetery.


You read the obituaries before you read anything else in the paper. Your life revolves around death and pot.


I even tried to forgive you when you took back the fat remarks and you said you didn't feel that way...I knew it was probably because by then I lost weight, but I put that out of my mind...then the racial slurs right in front of my face.


You and my current ex are a lot alike- both rude, arrogant and disgustingly selfish. I've finally learned my lesson.


He is not miserable because he is too wrapped up in himself to see what is going on around him. You are miserable and told me somone compared you to Eeyore.


The only dream you've ever had since I've known you is to smoke pot. When I was in the hospital, you were downtown smoking pot. You are really, truly disgusting and very, very pathetic. Over 50 years old and your big accomplishment in life is smoking pot and having children that other people raised. You are a bum and an emotional cripple.


You feel drugs or alcohol should be involved in work, reading the paper, and sex. You really are sick.

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I know I shouldn't have but I did still. I looked up your yahoo ID and I saw her picture on your avatar. I have always known she is who you are with now. I guess you didn't have to go far to find her then huh? All the while you spoke to her in front of me, told me she was just a friend then when i contacted her on FB she blocked me! That's okay dear as I just wanted to be sure that my assumptions are true and now that I know? I am not going to entertain any thing else again from you.


I wonder why you miss having sex with me isn't she good? She is everything I never could be. girlie and very much traditional in the sense that she would cook and clean basically wait you hand and foot. That is what you've always wanted. You called me last month asking me if i was avoiding you? what does it matter? You are in love with her and not me so focus on her! I really want you to go ahead and marry her as well.


It did surprise me at first how quick you moved on to her. How quick you got over everything . It makes me laugh when you act like the victim in all of this and I ask myself "doesn't he have a conscience?" I believe you have a conscience and I will that guide you.


I on the other hand .. have been through a lot because of the pain you caused me. I don't cry any longer about this but the pain is there .. deep in my heart lurking away. I am ready to love again with the right person and I have accepted this pain and I also have accepted that it will take me a long long while to completely get over. The pain is a part of me. I know that and I have accepted it.


I wish you two all the happiness in the world. I pray she makes and keeps you happy far better than i ever could. She is all you ever wanted and I was just standing in the way of your happiness. I don't want to be your friend. BUT if i ever were to see you anywhere in the world.. I would say the warmest of hellos. Take care of you now and always . For the very last time.. I bid you farewell and goodbye!

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OK here it goes, I'm desperate, full of emotion that I want to unload on him, but I know it's a mistake to contact him. He will only disappoint me and make me feel worse.


I want to ask him, don't you miss me?

do you ever think of me?

how can you just be with anyone right now?

if everything you say is true about our relationship and me, how can you just walk away?

does your heart ACHE, like mine, do you have one?

how can you love me and leave me?

why does it seem so simple for you?

you told me I was your best friend days before we broke up, WTF?

you wanted to have a baby with me one week before we broke up? WTF again!

don't you remember how much you missed me last time we broke up (this #2), how unhappy you were, how you were so scared you had lost me forever? Was that all lies?


Oh this soooo painful. I feel pathetic. I wish I could not care and whoop it up.


I feel like our whole relationship was sham, because if everything he said was true, why wouldn't he want to be with me?


So many questions, no good answers.

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Why'd you have to text me? Now you're clouding my thoughts again and I feel depressed and miss you. Please move far away and stay out of my head. I was doing soooo well until you popped back up to say you're sorry. I'm so sad. I really really wanted to marry you, despite what anyone said. I thought you were it. Foolish me. You did a great job in making me believe, but that all came crumbling down. I thought you believed in and wanted us as much as I did. I never would have given up on you or our love. I guess that's life.

"It's not going to be easy. It's going to be really hard. And we're going to have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day."


Remember that? :(

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I thought about you for maybe 15 minutes total yesterday. WTF? I used to think about you all the time, and now you only get 15 minutes. And every time I thought about you, my immediate reaction, "gosh, really dodged a bullet."


BTW, I've lost almost 20 pounds. And have been working out like crazy. Plus, I have a date on Saturday with a hot girl.


Now, I know that you can get laid whenever you want. There is no shortage of douchebags at your watering hole, but will any of them actually take you out to a nice dinner or call you the next day after they bang you? Probably not.


I have actually met someone that is quality. She has a college degree, isn't an alcoholic, and doesn't f random dudes, and doesn't have lame tribal tattoos. WHO THE F* GETS TRIBAL TATTOOS? Oh and she's 4 years younger than you.

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