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I wish I could turn back in time, and end it the way were wanted to. But that's not what God intended, and what happened needed to for us to finally let go.


Your mind games ruined me, and not once did you ever say sorry for making me cry or feel like ****. Not once did you ever say sorry.


So why should I say sorry for you? Physical pain will go away, but I hope that your heart finally realizes what you made me feel.

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I crawled my way out of the devil's arse. I'm heading towards the light. No more initiating contact with you.


You're a bumbaclot and not worth the spat I release to clear my friggin' throat.


Last email to you was the last email. Bumbaclot, you write like a 5 year old child, and you are stuck in the Preoperational stage.

You think your point of view is the ONLY way. Your way or the highway. Bumbaclot, you have the actions of a 4 year old child.


Piaget's stages of Cognitive Devleopment Preoperational stage- normally children 2 to 7 go thru this stage:


Egocentric- the child is "self-centered or unable to take the viewpoint of someone else."



"He takes in information and then changes it in his mind to fit his ideas." http://honolulu.hawaii.edu/intranet/committees/FacDevCom/guidebk/teachtip/piaget.htm

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"A cloth or rag used to wipe ones anal region. However, most Jamaicans use it as a substitute for the word f*ck to express anger or surprise. "

(Urban Dictionary)



General cuss from the Jamaican English patois.

(Urban Dictionary).


Both have other meanings as well. Bombaclot the the more insulting, but for me, I used them interchangeably, since both refer to cuss words.


My personal definition of bumbaclot/bombaclot can be found below. I wrote this in another thread. I used bombaclot, but as I said, this also applies to the word bumbaclot in my book.

The quote refers to my ex boyfriend.



I wrote this because my ex is a bombaclot. A bombaclot is someone who is made up of 86% human parts and 14% dirt and filth. The bombaclot offends people when it breathes the same air as people who are 100% human do. Bombaclots are liars, users, and people who stomp all over people while refusing to acknowledge their mistakes. The Bombaclot can be found in all professions, but seems to be mostly found in politics, construction, and the entertainment areas. Bombaclots are the old, wrinkled, bald, or fat men who refuse to date women who are not a beauty queens. They are women with missing teeth, droopy ears, or hairy backsides who refuse to date men who are short or do not have rippling muscles.

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I just wrote a list of all your faults compared to the pros that I clung onto blindly. I realized you didn't even deserve the pedestal I gave you by showing you my tears. What I fell in love with more than a year ago is not the same person that I know today. Why was I so ****ing jaded by your words? You told me to trust you each time we crossed the street together, but then I realized you were evidently heading straight onto oncoming traffic, and there would be no way in hell that I would let myself "die" following your lead.

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I cant hate you, I cant be angry at you, I can only love you, I still want you back even after hearing that you have been with someone else...my life has been falling apart without you in it, plz come back one day

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it's been 4 weeks now. i woke up thinking of you. i want more than anything to just call you and say "hey", and maybe apologize for the times i accidently hurt you. tell you that i will get you back no matter how many years it takes.


i'm not sure how long this nc thing is supposed to take to make me stop thinking of you. will it really take 6 months to heal my heart? thats how long it took last time when a girl backstabbed me.


the more posts i read on here of people who are brokenhearted, the more i realize they're going through the exact same thing as me. maybe these feelings of longing, wanting you back, wondering where you are, are just pre-programmed powerful emotions that always take over my brain.


i wonder if i found someone better across the street at campus, would i still bother to come and see you again

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Don't ask me to pay your insurance as your new RH to pay it since he's taking you shoppin and you 2 are taking pictures in phones kissing each other....

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shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut UP!



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To T....I always gave you my all. In the end, even, I still don't truly grasp what has happened here. It seems as if you are fit to run off in the night with my heart. And you have. I can't grasp that after everything we shared. Sure, no one is perfect- but you won't find me again. I've faded in time to a memory. The old me is now gone- I've only a hollow shell of pain and malaise to share. I'm not over what you did to me. In fact, I may never well and truly fully recover. You've taken such a huge piece of me with your departure. You will fall. Even now the pangs of regret and guilt are there, growing inside you like a freight train. You'll try to deny them and you will succeed for a time. Then you'll fail. When those pieces fall, I don't know if I can come around to help you pick them up. I may still be picking up mine. I don't want to see that aftermath. You know, in a way this is worse than being cheated on. You stabbed me in the back, did me dirty, washed your hands, and called me a ****ing lie. I love it. It's the abuse and torment I cherish. Because it makes me feel alive. Do it again, so I can wipe your name from memory and cherish the compassion I had as it dies under the knife. You're closing yourself off again, even though I was the only person you could truly open up to. It's a shame, no, a tragedy, that you did this. You've demolished my sense of trust and compassion. You've hindered my growth. You've smashed aside all the fearlessness I had, and all the confidence I had, for a bigotted answer that everyone always gives when they conceal the truth. To deny love is to deny life; and my denial of this departure has left me clinging to life on the end of a noose tied by you. You will feel this. It will happen. Everything will come crashing down in flames. The empire of heartbreak and sorrow you've constructed can only, in time, come back to haunt you. Yes, I am different. I didn't love you because you could cook, or how good you looked, or any of those lame, selfish reasons. I loved you for the person I saw inside of you- a fun, caring, giving individual scared to take the next step. You once wrote to me that I was everything you were ever looking for. Well, what am I now? I have been discarded like a useless sack of rotten meat. Cast aside with no shadow of worry or doubt- but it is there. I touch everyone I know in a way that always leads them back to me, if only for a time, but they always come back. I just don't what words I will use when you do- because I am unsure of the manner of the return. I have been very compassionate, loving, and caring, even through our downfall. I have offered reprieve only to recieve the lash for thanks. I have extended my hand to help you- yet you lopped it off at the wrist and packed the wound with salt and venom. I have offered you a chance to heal. And yet, even after all of this, the words of sorrow and bitterness will swell again once touched to define their meaning- love. It is a sad day for your failure of me and our family. You fail me. I never once failed you. I stood headstrong against all adversity. I fought as long as I could and will continue to do so despite the blood trickling from the bite wounds in my lower lip. I have endured great pain, sorrow, suffering, and hardship, and if it leads ultimately to happiness I will return to you in your demise and thank you. My name will be the last thing to pass your lips. Mark my words; your downfall will not go unnoticed or without consequence. You've not lived with this torment. I have. You have forged a burden of sharp lead and laid it upon my back without giving me so much as a towel to wipe the sweat from my brow. I feel as thought the weights of your choices you put directly on me, and on our dog, than on yourself. You are not living with this choice, T. I am. I am walking a shadow every day of my life wondering why I deserved to be torn to shreds over something I cannot comprehend. But I submit. To end is to start. To submit is to know. I have given in. You have all that I am. Don't ignore my meagre attempts at pawing your door for just a piece of it back. Please, be gentle, as I was to you even as you ruthlessly tore me open and spilled me on the floor. Please be kind.

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Why did I have to text you?? Why did I say it was ok for you to talk to me again?? ahhhh i'm soo effing stupid!!! I really want nothing to do with you anymore...I have better things to do than stick around with a hypocrite like you. If you keep texting me, i'm gonna have to tell you to **** off, i never should've tried to be friendly toward you, at least this early. ****

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Yeah I screwed up, but I always had a special place for you in my heart. You knew that. I forgot that sometimes. I never meant for us to to become distant. I sincerely regretted that. However, I am tired of playing the victim and beating myself up; putting you up on a pedestal you don't deserve to be on. It hurt to rip your photographs out of my wallet, but I'm glad I did, and now they rest in the trash can at a gas station.


Let me tell you something, you asked for a break and then I said okay. The next day (the 4th of july) you come back to me wanting to see me that evening. Thanks for giving me that shred of hope and squeezing my hand so tightly as we crossed the street to go watch the fireworks. Thanks for pretending to love me one more time before you left that evening to go hang out with your new friends when you became bored. Thanks for completely ignoring me ever since. **** you.


I hope you realize one day that there is no such thing as soul mates. There is only the hard work between two people who love each other. When one gives up, everything crumbles. I realize this now. Where is the value in anything when it isn't struggled for and earned?


Knowing you, you will always take the easy way out. I hope you have a nice, empty, unfulfilled life.

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He wants the divorce & then I don't answer my phone for a week. He txts me & tells me he still cares for me & ask me what I'm doing. Why won't he leave me alone????? Is he regretting the decision? He keeps calling me & leaving me all these messages. I want to confront him & ask him why? but everyone keeps telling me to make him sweat. But what's the deal?

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I drove by your apartment today, and just started thinking about how much I hated it. Who has 3 cats in a 1 bedroom apartment? When you bring guys home, is there immediate reaction WTF?


Anyways, just wanted to let you know that I got a new job today, went wakeboarding, and have a hot date tomorrow. I really want to run into you, so that you can see how well I am doing with out you.

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Dear T,


I don't know who I am more mad at, you or me. I think me, because you couldn't have hurt me if I didn't allow it. Looking back, all the signs were there that you had the potential to hurt me and I chose to ignore them. So I can't blame you, only myself.


All I know is, you will not break me. You will not destroy me. You are building up a ***** storm of karma for yourself and it's all going to come crashing down on you. The vengeful part of me would like to be there to see it. But I am a better person than that. It is not my place to mete out justice.


Last night I told you I hated you. You once told me that you couldn't bear the thought of being hated by anyone. So I know that hurt you. GOOD. You deserve to hurt. I am not at the point where I am feeling altruistic enough to spare you hurt yet. If I bleed, you must bleed.


It's funny that I'm the one on the breakup board when I know that you would have been content to continue things as they were indefinitely. But once I found out how you were using me, I could not allow that. What self-respecting woman would?


Anyway, I have spent enough of my energy thinking about you for the day.



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so i was messing around with my phone and there was a recorded phone conversation we had once. Why? I have no idea, i guess i accidentally did it somehow...but it brought back all those memories of me sitting on the phone listening to you babble on about this and that and stuff that I tried to take an interest in, but it just wasn't interesting at all.


I don't miss talking to you on the phone but I do miss those times when we would actually having good conversation, not one where all I did was listen to you ramble on and on. We could make each other laugh so easily!


Ah yes...those were the days. I still wish things would've worked out, but you still refuse to see how beautiful you are, and how you are capable of soo much with that brain of yours! You're so smart!! But I've tried convincing you of this and you're insecurities and low self-esteem has driven me bonkers, and ultimately away.


I'll try and be your friend and help you out in the years to come, but right now it still hurts when I think what you did to me, and that you are friends with that a$$ hole again, after what he did to you. You're just so naive sometimes I just don't understand it.

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This has f'ed me up MUCH more than I have even admitted to anyone. I want you back still and now that will be never. I feel like a little child throwing a tantrum because my heart still wants you back but logically we are over forever. It is like the evil twin of faith, wishing for something that will never happen. I wish you knew how much you mean to me.

Move on, nothing to see here......

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How can you wonder why I was so taken aback? You lied to me for six months, talking of living together, kids and marriage, and you wonder why I dealt with it so badly?


Your kind of truth is just the ghost of your lies.

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I really don't blame you for not wanting to see me and talk to me. I ruined everything. Although I'm doing better with things now and see things as they really were, I only wish I'd seen it before I messed up everything. I was looking at the pictures from the Christmas party at my work. I remember how cute you were that day, buying a new shirt and tie so as to make a good impression. That was such a nice day and I know you went out of your way to make me feel special. We look happy. We were happy. I'm sorry I couldn't be content and just work at it with you. I know you were telling the truth when you said there were things you didn't like too, but that you would never have left me over them. These are sad days lately and I'm so lonely without you.

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Today is so hard for unknown reasons. I'm thinking of you a lot. I really thought what a cute idea it would be for me to deliver a banana milkshake to the station for you. It's what you had on our first date. I thought it might remind you that not everything was bad. It took my 12 year old son to tell me how ridiculous an idea it was. He said he'd think a girl was obsessed if she did something like that. Maybe I am a little crazy with longing for you and grasping at straws. I know you just don't want me anymore. No matter what you say, you never follow it up with any actions. I know it's my fault and that's the part that just kills me and makes me so sad. Everybody says move on. Everybody says just don't make the same mistakes next time. I don't want a next time unless it's with you. I don't.

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Why are you sending me emails about me deleting you as my friend on FB. do you actually think at least right now we can be friends, I don't think so cause right now im still hurting a lil bit maybe not as much as when you decided to leave instead of going to counsling and working out our problems like adults. I know I've made a lot of mistakes in our marriage some big and some not so big but we aren't perfect you have made your share of mistakes but I don't bring them up. But going back to FB I don't need to see you right now nor hear from you because right now I'm getting my stuff together and right now having you near and seeing you right now isn't the best option for me, maybe down the road after all the feelings have went away we'll be cool but as of now I don't see it.

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Why are you sending me emails about me deleting you as my friend on FB. do you actually think at least right now we can be friends, I don't think so cause right now im still hurting a lil bit maybe not as much as when you decided to leave instead of going to counsling and working out our problems like adults. I know I've made a lot of mistakes in our marriage some big and some not so big but we aren't perfect you have made your share of mistakes but I don't bring them up. But going back to FB I don't need to see you right now nor hear from you because right now I'm getting my stuff together and right now having you near and seeing you right now isn't the best option for me, maybe down the road after all the feelings have went away we'll be cool but as of now I don't see it.


By the way don't email me or text me anymore if you need anything from me or have anything to say to me call, I know this will be a shock to you but no more texting and emailing between us anymore.


I just wish I didn't care as much as I do about you, at times I wish God didn't give me this heart of caring because gets broken messing with people like you.

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