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Hey K,



I told you that I didn't want to hear from you until school started..mainly because ever since I opened up communication with you, you are all I think about! I dont want that, I can't fall for you again....things just weren't working out!


Your birthday is on tuesday and I haven't spoken to you in a while, but I will send you a simple text saying, "Happy birthday - Have a good one" I know last year on your birthday is the day you f*cked that ******* Robbie. :sick:


It still makes me angry to think about how you deceived me and lied to me for the whole summer about him. And then after I found out, you slept with him again. How did I ever take you back? What was wrong with me?? I only prolonged my suffering, and yours too. You don't deserve to be with anyone because all you do is f*ck around with their feelings and make them feel like THEY'RE the ones doing wrong.


Ya know what................I'm not so sure I want to even give you the satisfaction of knowing I was thinking about you on your bday. We'll see.

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Hey J,


I just woke up and i already feel like crying. I dreamed we were at some type of grocery store buying candy. Remember when we used to go grocery shopping or just to Target to get things for the week. Man i loved those times. We would fill up the cart with things and then sometimes you would pay for everything sometimes it would be me. Why J??? Why are things like this??? 2 months of NC now and i feel worse than ever!! Do you miss me? Do you still love me? I miss kissing you. I just miss us. Here we are Saturday morning. Remember we used to go get breakfast while we got our cars washed. Damn J...how could you do this to me? You knew how much i cared for you. You know i went thru hell with you.:( Nobody is ever gonna love you like i did. It makes me mad to think that you will be with someone else in the future. I know then youre going to realize what you had. I know youre surprised that i havent called you. I bet you didnt see this one coming. I CANT CALL YOU J!! I wont!! If you wanna talk youre gonna have to put your pride aside. Its the only way. We both know that you dont want to do that. You want me to do all the dirty work! Then once i call you will be angry and tell me off. You will say "youre barely calling me"...when you know you havent called either. After talking for a while you will finally say i miss you too!! This is how it would go if i called, but I wont...i can never call you. It makes me sad cause i guess that means its all over. Your pride and your ego will never let you call me! :(

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I heard a song that really upset me. I reminded me of how much I hurt...how much you hurt me. I thought about calling you. I want to email you...but no. I deserve more than that. You are a pile of sh*t and I cannot be with a pile of sh*t. Please crawl back under the rock you crawled out from. And remember, YOU WILL NEVER GET ONE OF MY KIDNEYS BECAUSE YOU ARE A COMPLETE WASTE OF OXYGEN.


Take care *******,



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I want to call you but I know it wont do any good. Last night I got pulled over and you didn't come to my "rescue". When I got home my mom said you called so I called you back only for you to ask why I was out so late. I email you but you don't respond.

You continue to call me after telling me you no longer love me. You told me not to text you, call you ever again. I didn't for two days and there you go caling me.

You finally changed your facebook status to single. I just want you to answer all my questions. I need closure but how if you keep contacting me. I want to tell you not to call me but I can't. Your birthday is tomorrow, but I won't tell you HBD. I won't let myself even If it hurts me deeply!!

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I'm not having the best day today. I keep thinking how soon your schedule is going to be even more hectic now that it is almost fall. You've told me over and over that us being back together is just a matter of us sitting down and talking everything out, but that time hasn't come. How I wish I had never ended things! It's been almost five months and still nothing. You say you love me and you want me, but no action. Except, of course, for that call last Tuesday that you were on your way to see me. Thanks for the notice. NOT! I was in the waiting room at my counselor's and couldn't very well have just walked out. Of course now I keep thinking that's exactly what I should have done. I should have met with you and talked to you and now I wouldn't have to be wondering still. I would have had my resolution either way. I guess I'm most upset by the fact that you just don't seem to care anymore. It's like you figure I've messed up so I should accept anything and everything you give me. I've tried so hard. I've pleaded and begged you and God both to work this out. I know He's bigger than us both, so I was hoping maybe He'd intervene and fix it. It makes me wonder if it just isn't meant to be. I haven't been given a clear "sign" yet, so I won't give up completely, but I will not keep trying either. I will be open to you if you do decide to sit down and talk, but I'm not asking anymore. It hurts me deeply that you just don't seem to care.

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Finally made it through day 1 of NC. I can't get you out of my mind. I hate to say it but I shed a few tears today. I really want to call you right now. I just want to hear your sweet voice. My sis called me and asked what I was doing for you bday tomorrow. I guess they are having a lil get together for you but I won't be there. I won't let myself. You called me @ work today but good thing I was busy. I wanted to pick up the phone and call you back but I DIDNT... I'm learning to live without you. You seem like your doing just fine without me so I want to show you that I'm fine w/o you although inside I'm hurting. At work everyone asks me if I had a good weekend b/c I'/ all smiles. Lil do they know I cry so much b/c I miss you. I won't let you bring me down any longer. Hope you and your fat a&& ex are doing great!


Good nite

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Dear X,


I sent you an email 3 nights ago. I asked about some practical things but I also asked if we could set up a time to meet this week. Just a few nights ago you said that this week was a good week for you to meet me.


I haven't heard back from you. We have talked about the need for you to be respectful during this difficult time for me - how it hurts when you don't get back to me. And then you go and do this. What is wrong with you as a human being? Where is your compassion?


I was hoping that the ending to this relationship would at least be on good terms. Sad, but on good terms. I had hopes for a future friendship, many months down the road. You were a wonderful partner for five years. I feel like a piece of trash for messing things up.


I hate you for ignoring me, but I still love you. This is not how I wanted things to end. What makes an otherwise wonderful person treat another like ****, especially when they know the other person is already hurting?


Love me

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I really though i was healing faster... but this morning memories of you struck me as soon as i woke up.


Nothing seems to help me... i simply miss you, the time together.


I hate this pain.

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Beginning of day 2 NC.

Today is your birthday. I'm not sure if I should break NC and email you just to say HBD. I had a dream about you last night. I don't remember what it was about but I know I woke up with the song "not anymore" by Latoya on my mind. I don't know what to say anymore. I don't know how I feel. I just want to forget you. I want the memories to go away. My whole house is nothing but memories of us. I cant wait to hate you!

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deux ex machina

Absolutely gutted.


I'm worried...


I don't think this is going to be an average situation to get over.

I am beginning to worry that I may never get over this completely.


Just got a message, he says, "Come here."


I should've ran and never looked back.

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I wished you happy birthday...I hope you liked it, because thats all you're going to hear from me.

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I thought it out. Lord..6 months? It's been 6 months. Seems longer than the 3.5 years we were together. Here's what I am thinking.


Remember when I told you that I can't be friends with you? And I asked you not to contact me anymore? Well I secretely wished you would..but only with what I wanted to hear. It didn't suprise me that after 3 weeks you sent some texts..and it didn't suprise me that you emailed me a few times while I was in Europe. For some reason, I thought your consistant contact was a good thing..then I got to thinking. You didn't really say anything. You said you wanted to see me and hang out. You said you wanted to talk..you asked me to call you. But you have done all that before and nothing ever resulted. You still wanted to be friends. You wanted to "wait and see". But see this. I don't need more friends. I have lots of friends, ones that don't make me cry. Your being disrespectful by not respecting my wishes. Leave me alone. If you have somthing to say worth saying, then by all means call me. But if you just want to continue to string me along as a friend or a "possible love interest" then you can forget it.


I won't call you. It's been long enough. I have put everything on the line for you. I have told you exactly how I felt, and you were lukewarm at best. So if you think you can just pop in and out of my life than you are wrong. I realize now how foolish I have been. If you wanted to be with me, and were 100% sure, you would let me know...somehow. But you haven't. You just send little messages that mean nothing. So just knock it off.

"call me sometimes". PLEASE! Go F#$k yourself..all the time.



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Well i have finally let you go, be relieved that you are rid of me i will stay out of your life for good now, i will become only a faint memory of a person you wish you never knew, sorry for all the hurt i caused. I was only human you know atleast i admitted to my mistakes and learnt from the. Hope you find someone who makes you happy and treats you like the angel you are. Ciao xx

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I cried again today. Almost contacted you but I stayed strong. You hurt me so badly.

Sometimes I feel as if I have to contact you and vent, but you treat me like I have a terrible disease. I hate you. My roommate hates you. My family can't stand you and appearantly neither can your family.


You really do disgust me.

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Dear Freak of Nature,


I love how its all about YOU! YOU break up with me, because YOU have panic/anxiety/misery issues and now YOU want to give me updates about how YOU feel everyday?! I told you I'm not interested in a friendship. I am not a therapist or your savior. You ended it. You had my support when I was your gf and now we are nothing. I tell you to leave me alone unless you want to talk about getting back together, because any contact is giving me mixed msgs and getting in the way of moving on, and to THAT you apologize about telling me about your 'daily sufferings' as you put it? <-----YOU YOU YOU. Finally I tell you my terms because as the person whose heart was broken this is what I need to get on with MY LIFE, and there you go with your daily sufferings. OMG you are something else.


GET OVER YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I thought about calling you today. But I won't. I'm sorry It's not that I am trying to be cruel, just self preservation. My gut feeling is..if you wanted another go with me, you would make it clear. But you haven't.


Sometimes I think that at least being on good terms would help. I know if I called you, I would make you laugh. We would laugh, and flirt, and it would be nice. But that's all I would get. And maybe it would be good to remind you of how F#$king fantastic I am. But I shouldn't have to.


The fact that you continue to contact me, after all the times I have asked you not to. After all the tears I have cried..in front of you, and by myself. All the times my heart was torn open, looking at you sitting on the couch with distant eyes. You had so many chances and you didn't want to. Didn't know..didn't feel it.


So I won't call you today. At least, not today. If you missed me, really missed me. Not you just being lonely, not just curious to what I have been doing..but really missed me and my love..I know you would do more than a few vague emails while I am overseas and a text saying to call you sometime. Your not doing me anyfavors by acting interested in my life.


Today I won't call, and tommorow I will start over. I forgive you. I forgave myself. I don't need you to fix my pain. You couldn't anyways. I don't need you to confirm what I already know. So today I won't call.


I thought of these lyrics from..Jimmy eat world?

"your winning me over, with everything you say

you rip my heart right out..you rip my heart right out

I only want you closer, so much closer,

you rip my heart right out.you rip my heart right out.

if you love me at all...

don't go tell me now.

If you still care at all..

don't call".

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Today I sang in the shower. I sang strong, inspirational songs like "I'm Still Standing," "I Will Survive," and "I am Woman." I feel stronger today. I can only imagine all the crap you dump on your girlfriend...every situation, no matter how insignificant it was, was always about you. You are incapable of putting others ahead of you...others that you claim you love. I'm so much better off without you.


You are so selfish, I wonder what the true story is about you and your son. I know you love him, but you are so doggone selfish, I dont' think your relationship with him is a wonderful as you make it seem.


Gosh, it's better that you are out of my life. Our ENTIRE relationship was about you...always about you. Doggone it, you are pathetic.

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I had the urge to call you today, but what would I gain from it, nothing!!! What would lose by calling, my dignity. So I have no need to call you, I hope the boys are fine......

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I am not angry with you, as you know I never am no matter what you do , not really. I am just tired. He wants me again and won't leave me alone even though I ask so many times. I know now why it makes me so sad to be around him and to love him because he reminds me so much of you and yet he's just not QUITE you, and that is both sad because it makes me miss you and because it makes me miss him even when he is there. I was never really sure which one of you was the real thing. I may or may not be sure now, but perhaps I don't really want to tell you the answer, you'll just have to guess for the rest of forever. But I do know that I can never be with him because no matter the answer it will always make me horribly sad instead of happy. A part of me will always love him but I swear if he won't leave me alone I'll have to get a restraining order or something. He never did respect me and now he won't even respect me enough to respect my wishes.


Today you chose her over me. You don't even know it yet, but you did. You think you are still playing the game. I guess I could email her a bunch of the love letters you sent me, which is only a tiny fraction of everything. I'm not going to, I'm not sure if it's just cause I'm tired and lazy or because I have a feeling in the end it will hurt and damage her even more if I don't tell the absolute truth now. I've tried to tell her the truth before, but you kept downplaying everything, and she believed you, as I did of course. But I tried, I really did, I questioned myself if I was doing the right thing or only seeking revenge, and I tried in my best conscience to tell her gently but tell the absolute truth, but she chose not to listen. I guess she just couldn't wrap her head around the idea that a loser such as me could actually capture your attention.


So I'm tired of typing and I'm tired of yelling on the telephone, and as far as Im concerned I am completely off the hook. finally. I took care of you like no one in your life ever has. and the reality is no matter how much you've hurt me and how much of a schmuck you've been, you deserved other people to love you like that too. But so did I.


I do not, not have a life because I rely solely on you for my happiness. I do not have a life because I have been constantly in limbo for years and all I needed was for you to either leave me be, or let me know I was what you wanted. Hell, even if you wanted something more casual in the middle (even though I think we were way beyond that years ago) and to see other people, if you had only be HONEST with me...that would have been enough. And of course there are other things in my life that have kept me down. You know that it has never been only about you. The pains in my life are much more than just you, and the joys are much more than just you, the dreams at least. You know that because you share the same ones and you know just how important they are.


But then that's not really what you meant is it. Cause the truth is you've been just as obsessed with me if not more. I don't know how I could get any more proof than the countless stories you've written about me, the book you actually had published, the paintings you've done of my image. Do you hide them in your basement when she comes over? Do you tell her they are of her even though the faces look more like mine (admittedly she and I have a very similar face) and have my red hair instead of her brown.


No the truth is you will look for any excuse, anything you can bust me on to give you reason to let me down.


But I thank you sir. No seriously I realize today that I've had enough and I can't do this ever ever again, with anybody. I'm sure that will make you very happy, you can have whoever you want, you never have to risk having me and then losing me, and yet you don't have to deal with your greatest fear which is another man inside of me. But I'm not in this life to either win you over, or to make you pay.


Maybe I am too full of myself, maybe this whole past decade was nothing but a charade, all those words were nothing but a way of getting me to say things back for a convenient ego boost. Maybe I was never anything but a filthy faceless groupie to you.


But you, you are my savior, always, because you made it end, finally. And I can never thank you enough.


I know I'm going to cry tonight, but I have this feeling I'll wake up in the morning with a smile for the first morning in ages.

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To Tra-


I got Somethin'


I got somethin' to say

But the words aren't enough

I got somethin' to write

But you'll just call my bluff

I got somethin' to sing

But my voice don't have the strength

I got somethin' to praise

But my heart won't go the length

I got somethin' to do

But my body still aches

I got somethin' to try

But not with what's at stake

You got somethin' new

But you'll never speak truth

Trust me I got somethin' to say

I may not be the knight you dreamed

I got tarnish on this steel

I may not have a heart so big

My wounds may never heal

Trust me I got somethin' to say

If not for the tears dryin' on my face

I may speak like a lion

But I sacrificed like a lamb

Trust me I got somethin' to say

I just can't say it to your face

You took that all away

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