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The more it goes, the more i found crazy and meaningless the way we function.


All the people on this board, and me amongst them, suffering for people who don't give a s*ht anymore.


What are you doing now? Well i know. As of me, i'm thinking of you. As every damn day. As every damn morning.


I read a post about someone speaking of "when you've not feelings for someone". And it was like it was speaking of you. What a mess, what a waste. I'm wasting my mind loving you. But still i can't help. I'm losing my faith in love, in finding someone with whom i can share my life. And i hate this.


I though you were the one... I can't still understand how things went wrong. I can't imagine how i could possibly feel love anymore for someone. Nor how she could love me.


I'm lost, i can't see anything at the horizon, neither sun nor stars, it's like being in the fog. All i know is that i've to keep moving. And my hearth is full of fear.


I understand that my task these days is just to wake up, work my a** out, and keep swallowing the pain.


It sucks.

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I feel so much better when I don't see or hear from you. I was at your house yesterday and I wanted to tell you not to contact me ever again. I know that wouldn't work. You told me yourself that you didn't want me call, text you ever again. Guess what? Your the one that always calls me first. I don't call you for a day or two and there you go calling me!! I don't get it...What do you get out of contacting me? LEAVE ME ALONE...I'm better off w/o you. I hurt less when I don't talk to you.

I don't have time to shed tears over you...

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well its been 45 days since ive heard anything from you, i guess you are back in your home country. I really missed you these last couple of days, i have been going out and trying to meet new people but they all bore me everything is a shade of grey without you. My brithday is coming up i have a strange feeling that i wont be hearing from you. I still cant believe this is real you are gone forever, last year this time i was the happiest person in the world now i am the living dead. I dont really care about anything anymore...i just feel numb and sometimes sad what a way to live.

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i wish you would stop ****ing around with feelings. you know you're playing mind games with me but you continue to do it so you can feel like you have power over me. it's ****ed up and i want you to stop now! you have no idea what you've done to me. you're all i think about and it's just not right. you're out there making out with guys, but say you want me back??? i can't believe i was actually considering taking you back, a THIRD TIME, after you cheated on me, and after you've made me so unhappy i had no choice but to push you away. Can't you see what you've been doing to me??? It's not just me, its you! Why can't you just leave me alone? Why do you act like you're so innocent and you mean so many good things, but in reality you're just one crazy ****ed up slut! GET OUT OF MY LIFE!!!

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Thanks for callin me on my bday, for some reason it felt so weird talkin to you and I felt so uncomfortable. I don't know why......

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Not a day goes by, not a moment that I don't think of you. I am still in shock that someone who loved me so much, could treat me this way.


Do you have a heart? You used to, it was sweet, tender, even vulnerable at times. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have found you. People used to envy what we had together. I can't believe sometimes that you are the same person.


What happened? How can you just forget about me so easily, so quickly? Oh, I wish I knew your trick, so I could begin to live again. Although honestly, I cannot imagine life without you. Your face is starting to fade in my memory, I miss your smile, your touch. I can't believe someone else now gets to have that.....I thought I was special, and you have replaced me without a second thought. Like what we had was nothing.....


Oh will the pain ever stop...


I want to call you, email you, tell you how much you have hurt me, why I am hurting...but you don't care.

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Oh so now you are wondering what are you going to do with your life? When you let me you made it clear that YOU KNOW what to do( get a job, find yourself, make money, be alive ) and now your writing in your blog that you don't know what to do, what's going to become of you and listen to damien rice over and over again.




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well now you know what it feels like. you got played by the guy you left me for just like you played me. karma is a b***h aint it! now you have no job and are broke

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I haven't heard from you in a few days. I'm glad... I've heard that you aren't to sure about you sate exam. I think its funny b/c I always reminded you to study and you would tell me you were. I still think about you but not as much as before. I'm doing fine by myself. I'll be okay eventually. Someone out there will give me everything I deserve...SOON:love:

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I want to call you so bad. Never in a million years did I ever think YOU out of all people would be so damn cold.

Sometimes I wish I never met you.

...Why must it be this way. :(

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dashing daisy

Why did you screw everything up? We could have worked it out. I LOVED YOU, I would have done anything for you. Almost. I won't fix this now.


Stop sending me mixed signals. Stop acting like a child. Stop saying I'm perfect for you, and you don't understand what you are doing. Stop telling me you've just gone insane, you don't know why you ruined something so good. Stop telling me you miss me "so" much. Stop telling me you are being emotional and irrational and you don't understand why. Don't tell me you love me.


I don't want to be friends. I wanted to be with you, part of me still wants to be with you but I can't. But I still want you to be with me. I want us to be together, but I can't just let this go. You hurt me too much for us to go back to what we were.


I'm so mad at you. I'm so mad at you.


Sometimes I wish we never met, never got involved. Sometimes I wish you tried...


So I'm just going to tell myself that you didn't love me enough, and I will be okay. I don't want to forget you, part of me doesn't want to move on, but I have to. I know I have to because I'm not a masochist. I think.


I didn't think you'd be the one to make me cry.

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I honestly wish we had never met. No matter how many good times we had, it was a waste. You showed me your true colors.


You are a tramp.


I can't believe you were capable of doing what you did. I'll never, ever believe you weren't manipulated by your scumbag coworkers. You liar. You coward.


I gave up everything I had, I flew to the other side of the world to be with you. And now you live in another country, with another guy.


What is wrong with people like you? It must be nice to be able to not have a care in the world for other people's feelings.


How can someone change from "I can't live without you" to "I cant live with you" so fast? It just doesn't compute with me.


I can't believe what you did, I just can't wrap my head around it. Even after 3 months, I am still blown away you could do this.


I was in love with someone who doesn't exist.

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@daisy, oh I so feel for you, that's exactly how I feel.



I can't believe that you couldn't even be a friend to me, that you betrayed me and then just left my life. No apology, no explanation. After all that we shared, like that meant nothing. And now I suffer, and all I did was love you. And you carry on having fun, and with someone else already.


I never thought things would be like this with us. What we had was so special, so close. Even in difficult times we loved and respected each other, now this. I can't believe you are the same person sometimes. Who are you?


I so badly want to call you, get an real explanation. Hear you apologize for hurting me like this. But I won't call you. Because you don't care, you don't want to face or think about what you have done to me, how you make me feel right now. So you just avoid me. You can't even give me common decency.


I wish I could stop loving you...it makes me feel defective that I still love you.

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Dammit Kim how the hell did you get that deep under my skin?! Thought I was fine with the whole FWB thing, even agree that we're probably not good long term match. You effin drove me crazy most of the time. But yet i miss you now?!! WTF??!!

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You just left my office...Why didn't you just wait until 5 so I wouldn't have to see you? Why do you continue to ask me how I'm doing when you don't really care? I just want you to leave me alone! I hate seeing you. I hate talking to you. When you leave I hurt all over again. Tears will start to flow but I don't let myself cry over you.:mad: I hope you fail your state exam so I'll never have to see you @ work again.

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I'm getting myself together. Eating better, exercising and processing our breakup. When all is said and done, I'll be a more whole, much better person, and you will still be a useless piece of trash and a filthy bombaclot.


Oh well, you can't win them all...eh?

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I wrote out an email last night with every intention of sending it..however, I did not and will not since I know better. Believe me I want to though.


Dammit I just want you to answer the one thing I've been asking since you left me, what is so unthinkable about it?

I still cry and torture myself over you; you don't give a damn.

I feel so stripped of myself, I just want it to end.

I hope you're as happy without me as you thought you would be. **** you.

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How stupid are you to want to be with a woman just because she lives in the same city as you when I only lived an hour away? All the caring, kindness and patience I showed you didn't matter. When you bled me dry of patience, did you try to understand me, offer emotional support and help me? no...as usual, the answer with you is "go to another woman." You hurt me beyond reason and you don't give a damn. I wonder what it must be like to be sooo incredibly selfish, to think that you know what's best for everyone, to think that you know what everyone is thinking and to think that you know what everyone is feeling.


What is it like to put absolutely no effort into a relationship, suck it dry and the move on to the next victim? I've never met somone so toxic in all of my life. I can really understand why your ex-wife hates you and your ex-gf before me thought about having you killed. You are one of the most worthless things I've ever seen in my lifetime. You are poison and you walk around like you are made of gold. You keep people at a distance so they can't find out what scum you are. I asked you not to talk about that bitch you worked with that acted as if she was your girlfriend. You had the nerve to talk about her in my face when you friend called your phone. I know you tell people I'm clingy, jealous and crazy. I just know you do. When you throw other woman in my face, stand me up, dont' put an effort into a relationship and treat me like I'm some inconvience...can you blame me?


I'm so done with you. You really are disgusting. I dare you to ask for my kidney when you get sick. Go on, I double dare you. You are only nice when you get something out of it. You have hidden agendas, manipulate situations and have nerve to say "I'm a straight shooter." What you imagine yourself to be and what you really are, are so far apart from each other, you have to be really screwed up to think they are the same. You are sick. Sick in the head. You think you're an upstanding, healthy, gentleman. What you really are is a dirty, sick, whore. F**k you.

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I can't believe I almost broke NC for you a few minutes ago. I stayed strong though. I don't want to break NC for a dirty, worthless, trashy. slut like you. Gosh, I can't believe I almost broke NC for a piece of trash like you.


Yuck. You really are a worthless whore.

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