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I thought of you on my lunch break. I wish the years had been kinder. But now I see plainly what and who you truly are. My only regret is not getting to know the real you in the process. You were just too afraid to let anyone in.


Wasted years. Too many of them.



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Got your email today. What made you reach out to me after so many years is a mystery, but then again I never understood how your brain works anyway.


Go ahead, send me the goddam stuff you were supposed to send me six farking years ago.


I hope you're enjoying your life with your spineless boyfriend on MY MONEY!


You deserve each other.

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Excellent song of choice Silic0n; love SP.




I'm in agony over you; I literally feel like I can't bear to live in the moment of what is now. Most of the time I have to stop to think and ask myself if this is really happening; 2 months later and I'm still in such utter shock and disbelief you did it.


You were always so sick of the phone, I know, so was I. That’s also why it baffles me you decided you were done for sure…over the phone. That’s low. See me first at least, look into my eyes, feel me, and confirm it’s over from that, in person like it should be done. Don’t write off something so certain in such an uncertain atmosphere. Good lord I thought you were so much smarter than that.


How can you really and truly know you feel nothing for me anymore while we’re apart? You simply can’t. You let outside influences and mental /emotional laziness get the best of you and not only did you drop me in haste over the phone in a cowardly fashion, you wrote off every possibility of us as friends and lovers in the future without giving it a second thought.

What in the world happened to not only turn you into such a cold person, but such a closed-minded one as well?



I hate what has become of you, yet I can't stop loving you.

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Oh Icy, we're in such similar positions right now, even though our relationships were very different. I think you will heal faster than I will, if that makes you feel any better?

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*hugs* SHB.


We are indeed unfortunately in a very similar situation.

Everyone around me keeps telling me I will, but I just don't see myself getting over him, ever. I knew in my heart from the moment we were ever friends he was it for me, and I still feel very much the same way if not more so; but it's for the old version of him I long for. I keep hoping he'll change back and want me again; as unrealistic and pathetic as it sounds.

Even if he ends up with others, I feel I'd wait for him; I don't want to live my life without him in it, even if only as friends.

I'm feeling worse as time goes on, a lot worse each day.

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You are such a amazing person who has so much love to give, reeding some of your stuff you have so much to be positive about and coming from a regular guy with a big heart, you are going to be so right for someone and I wish there was more people like you. This be whether you find someone new or whether this guy wakes up and smells the coffee. Be strong and brave

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Hey you,


Where have you been? I haven't heard from you. Maybe you've given up on all of your attempts for me to see what an ordeal you're going through. I just didn't want any updates on it. You broke up with me so you need to do it on your own. It's better that way.


Slowly my thoughts are moving from one end to the other. On one end is being hopeful that we can be together eventually. On the other end its unlikely that we will be together again.


We'll see what happens.


Take care of yourself. Really!


God loves you & he is patient, so is love.



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I'm not as angry as I used to be, but I'm still angry. I still hurt. You wrecked me. You wrecked me and you didn't care. I waited a year for you and we had a terrible, terrible argument and you just leave and hook up with someone else? You disrespected me throughout the entire relationship. You disrespected me when it was over. All your lies and your false declarations make me sick. You make me ill.


Why did you have to hurt me the way you did? I still want the phone to ring. I want you to apologize. I know you never will. I know you will never admit to how much you treated me like dirt. I hate you. It must be so great to be you- walk all over those who love you, and them kick them out of your life. How many of us are you going to kick out of your life? It wasn't enough for you to kick your mom, your dad, and all your siblings out of your life. You had to add me to the mix. You are sick. Just sick. Sick and disgusting. There's nothing wrong with going NC after a break up- but the way you did it...the way you left me, the way you threw that woman in my face, two weeks after you said you loved me and we were talking about living together...wtf? You are a psycho.

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This week is hard for me as I wake each morning and see the sunrise, and then watch the pinks and purples the evening sunset. I feel the warm summer weather that makes me want to go out and play....I think how you are somewhere else with her, watching these beautiful sights, falling in love, happy, no thoughts of me in your mind. I sit here and watch these sights alone and think how that was supposed to be me with you. That was to be our experience.


I think of how loving and sweet you were, all the memories and good times we shared. I thought I had finally met that person that I heard others talk about. That one, the one you just knew was your destiny.


I can't believe that someone that treated me so special, so sweetly, so tenderly is the same person that just left me. That told me they loved me, but they just couldn't settle down. I could live with that, but then you turn around and get with someone before the memory of our relationship even went cold. What about everything you said? Was it all lies? To make me feel better? To make YOU feel better?


How can you just replace me? Is it that easy? Am I that interchangeable? Easily replaceable? It was like a kick in the face when I was already down.


Despite all this, today I miss you deeply. I miss the person I fell in love with. Where did he go? Who are you?


The ache in my heart tonight is acute, painful, lonely, longing. How can I be so hurt and still want you so bad? I feel empty. I cannot believe you are gone.....I with would give any thing to have you, the you I fell in love with, to be with me now. I feel like my heart will never stop aching. I will love others, some day, but I will always think of you, and what we had. It will never be the same again.

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Wow. Before I thought you were a confused girl with some daddy-issues that needed sorting out. I believed that I understood you and even felt a little sorry for you.


Nope. I was wrong. Turns out you're just a slut.

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It's 3 in the morning and I can't recall the last time I wanted to call you this badly. I feel so alone, I feel I have no one.

Why are you doing this to me. Why am I no longer even worthy of your friendship.

I don't know what to do anymore.

I literally feel I can't go on most of the time.


Please don't leave it like this.

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Good morning,


Just wanted to let you know we're having a party on Sun. If we were together you'd be there, talking, laughing, hanging out with us by the pool. It should be a great time. You'll miss it, as you missed the 4th of July party we had. That was a blast. I'll manage to have fun without you though.


Enjoy your weekend,



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Hello. Just kicking out the thoughs of you and me and our time together. Just wondering if i ever meet another i will be so happy to stay with. Just wondering if you think about me, if you miss me, if you're so resolved not to see me again. It hurts to remember, it hurt to think of you...


you're wasting something unique. Go find the same with another. As for me, i only hope that luck, or god, or the human nature could be greater than my current idea of them.


I miss you so much.


I feel like i have to accept that my life can be rich, can be fulfilling, can be interesting, can be funny... but cannot be happy.. without you.

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I think about how messed up you are and I know that I am better off without you. I do believe there is a really good chance you embezzeled that money. I don't know the depths of all of the bad things you've done. I do believe there's more.


You scare me. Lying about an HIV test and embezzling money, being stopped by the police for speeding with a child in the car, moving money around different bank accounts. You frighten me. I don't know what you are capable of. I've even wondered if you are capable of rape since you have a problem with the word "no". There is something very dark and sinister about you and you frighten me sometimes. You are very trecherous and if I had stayed with you, I don't know what would have happened to me.

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Hey T


I hope you are having fun at the concert..I know Im having fun crying over you.I hope it will give you hell at college.And I still hope you will contact me.I just don't understand this HOPE-thing ..you had fun this summer..it was suppose to be our summer ..we waited so much for it ..but yet again we failed.You traveled..I stayed home.You laughed.I cried.You moved on.Im still here.You are offline.I am offlife.



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dashing daisy

Sometimes...I still miss you. I wish you were here, I wish we were together...


I wish you would stop acting like a jackass and just apologize. Come back and be with me.

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My days in my mind consist of me wandering a road at night with no one else in the world to be found.

I can't see anything ahead of me, or behind, it's an endless nothing, a void I have given up on desperately trying to find my way out.


I was in the shower a while ago and and found myself with my hands against the wet tile, the hot water rushing over me was the only thing I could hear and feel, among my uncontrollable breaths in and out, as I attempted to silence my weeping for what felt like an eternity.

The pain released was not something new, but it felt like it. I have cried for you countless times before, but each new session feels fresh, with the most immense feeling of hurt I can feel hitting each part of me from the inside out.


How does one "get over" someone they're in love with, someone and something they know they're supposed to love and be with for their whole life.


I see you on this road. You're intangible, I can't reach you, yet you remain here in my sight, in my mind. Was I never really meant to know anything more than what I have of you now?

Can you see me too?

...Do you love me.

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I can't stop thinking about you. I still love you. I have been absolutely devastated since you left. I have so many questions that I don't think you could even answer. Please don't give up on our love. You say how you love me very much, think about me all the time, miss me. SO WHY CAN'T WE BE TOGETHER? If we both feel that way then WHY can't you come back and we can DO THIS? It's because of your own insecurities! You are a commitment phobe. You ran away. What about all we've had together? Our beautiful love? You can just push it aside? Reject your feelings for me? How long is that going to last? I want you to come back. I want us to be together, you made me so incredibly happy. How can you just forget about me? Up until the day you left we were making plans, you were telling me how much you loved me, were so incredibly loving as usual. DID YOUR FEELINGS FOR ME CHANGE? Are you lying to me when you say you love me and want to touch me still? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? This doesn't make any sense at all. Please come home.

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a part of me think that this is getting pathetic. I'd really like to talk with some friend, that's the moment, but it seems the timing is not perfect. Everyone's far and it's too early and i'm going to leave in 2 hrs for my vacation.


So...i'd rather write again here what i feel. I feel weak. I have all the rational elements in my hands to say that i'm not, that i'm a f*****g good person, with skills, talent, etc etc. I make a great friend and a caring lover and this you know.


But nothing of this seems to be enough to pull me up from the pit of despair in which i am. And of course you've no fault. I can't force you to love me.


I don't know what to do anymore. Let's hope this vacation will wash some of these thoughs away.


My god, i hope you'll never know how down you've knocked me. The only thing which helps is to know that you can't truly love without risking to live this hell.

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It's been almost a week since I've cried about you. I'm getting stronger and you're still an a-hole. My friends and family were right about you. There's something wrong with you. I'm glad I got out now, before you dragged me down. Wow, you really are pathetic.

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I'm here depressed. Why? I already know you are worthless. Everyone in this forum knows you are worthless. I go through the depression, angst and pain. Was our relationship just one big joke to you? Did you say, "Let's see how much I can get out of her by giving as little as I can." I hate you. I'm glad you have that illness you have. I hate you. I hate the way you treat women who love you. I hate the way you exchange us for one another. I hate the way you treat us like toys.


I've never felt such ill feelings for anyone in my life. I understand why your ex-gf keyed your car. I understand why your ex-gf put a tack in your tire. I understand why your ex-wife hates you. I understand why your ex-gf implied she could have you killed. I understand all of that now.


You are posion. You pick gamblers and drug addicts over the woman who loved you like crazy. You are a thief and a liar and I hate you. You are the most vile, disgusting, filthy, piece of worthlessness I have ever seen. You are a slut, a whore, and just plain dirty and nasty. You are probably capable of rape. You are just a worthless piece of trash.

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Why didn't you just tell me...why.


You say you want to be friends now, I thought this day would make me happy, knowing there is someone else for sure now though, I don't if I can.


I'm hollow inside.

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