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I guess I will always have a soft spot for you. Really, i hated you, for filling me with so many promises and dreams, then out of the blue, smash them all into pieces. I wanted to hate you, but when you talk to me, the hatred kind of dissipated. After you left, i hate myself for being so nice to you.


I am the one feeling hurt. But subconsciously i want to protect you from that feeling. Why do i do this to myself? And let you off so easily. I should let you devour by guilt and suffer. I should have done that. But i didn't.


I can't.

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I woke up this morning filled with more spite than regret.


More over the final day, and week...the things that were said, what you kept hidden from me. As if you could send me away but keep me around, and I wouldn't question why certain things were happening.


Only texting me from your car and on errands? Getting ready for bed at 8pm? C'mon.


I've wasted a month now wishing I had you back. I'm starting realize that, if you're capable of hurting me like that, then perhaps I don't want you back at all.


You're whole life is a downward spiral of bad decisions that you refuse to do anything about. So, keep going down.

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I dreamed about you last night. I watched you lower yourself to sleaziness. I woke up and smoked a cigarette and figured it was just a dream, no big deal. Then I had a more detailed dream of the same events. All based on what I saw in those damned videos YOU SENT ME.


I'm pissed at myself for even choosing someone who could do these sorts of things. I'm pissed at you too, for doing it.


Please stop calling me. I don't want your apologies & you cannot fix this at all.

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Another day another dollar. Start of day 2 NC for the millionth time:lmao:. I had the weirdest dream yesterday night. I was @ church and the last thing I heard was "let it go". I'm not sure what it means but I've been thinkin about it alot. It's given me hope. I can move on. I felt a sense of relief yesterday...I had to give one of the dogs away. It hurt so much. I cried myself to sleep...I had no choice but to let him go. I could no longer provide a home for him. He needs a new family that can love him.:love:

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How are you going to tell me "be strong and optimistic" in wake of ending things, when we both know you were stressed to the point of cutting yourself regularly, prior to meeting your new bf? I hope you get cheated on...

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I know you're probably asleep now, I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you. I hope you're liking your new job. Every day you send me constant reminders so I don't forget you or think that you don't care. I know you do. I close my eyes and I can picture you wearing your grey shirt and how handsome you are. I think about the way you smell and feel. I miss you so much. I wish we could be together. What I would give to see you! I wonder if you really do love me.. you say you do very much but for some reason we're not together. I hope we can come back together. I really love you.

I hope that you will respond to the email I sent you. I hope we can get this back on track.. I know you miss me and you love me but we have things to work on. I'm willing, are you? Do you have it in your heart? Please don't forget about me. Know I love you, even if you're not with me.

Please know that I love you and I think about you too. You tell me you miss me and how much you love me, you flirt, you initiate all contact, you send me pictures of us. You do love me, I know that. Somethings getting in the way of us being together. Is it a matter of time? Time scares the hell out of me. I don't want to lose you, and I know for sure you don't want to lose me either. How long is this going to go on? How long CAN it go on? I wish we could just talk this whole thing out honey. We still love eachother very much, that I know for sure. Do I have to let you go? I will be seeing you soon, before Christmas when you come back home. What will happen then? Will it even be that long? I'm keeping the faith, I'm hoping we can reconcile. We have a very strong love between us, and a mutual respect for eachother. We just had some communication problems that you got fed up with. Not easy to be fixed, but fixable on both of our parts. I'm doing my part, here alone, will you? For the sake of our relationship? It was such a beautiful love, even you said how rare it was to have what we have.. it was very special and we were lucky. What's going through your mind right now? I know you think about me all the time. What would happen if I saw you tomorrow? I think I know what would happen. We are still in love. You are doing everything you can to maintain a bond with me. I just miss you and hope we can come back together very soon. I'm prepared for the worst case scenario just to protect my heart though. But at the end of every day, at the beginning of every day, the loss of your presence is the most painful. I love you R.

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I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I hurt you. I'm so sorry we're both hurting. I'm sorry things have to end like this. I'm wondering when we'll be able to talk to each other again =\

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Can I get my things back already, including the engagement ring that you offered to send back 50 times!


I know i'll probably never get it but it was for my wife. You play these stupid games because you know once I get it, it's done. We will have no connection at all. Cut the cord already.

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Last night was the biggest mistake I have ever made. I can't believe I was stupid enough to let u use me like that and think that I mean anything to u. I am so stupid and now I feel like crap. You have barely spoken to me for the day and it was only to make some stupid joke. Obviously I don't deserve more than that. Someday soon I will be over you and how you treat me willl no longer matter to me. I guess you got what u wanted from me last night and there is no need for you to talk to me or find out how I am feeling or what is going on with me today. God I am so stupid. I will not send u an emaill, call u or text you, if the only way to get u to leave me alone is to be rude to u that is what I will do.

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its almost gone, 1 week straight had not thought about you when i wake up.

night time though, my mind tends to wonder, i have to tell it to think about tomorrow and not dwell on the past. i'm retraining myself.


crazy though, almost 18 months NC and I still think about it, although no strong emotions are left. I'm almost there, by the end of the year I'll forget completely going at this rate.


In the end, I liked you just fine, there was nothing wrong with you, except you are a whore, that was my only problem but I guess some women are like that.....

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I broke up with you and I expect you to have a care in the world about me still. I think that I am at times crazy for thinking this because we did not get along at all, always fighting , my kids not liking you for the fact that your very closed minded and self centred. You and I will never beable to make it work out. In the begingin I tried really hard with you only to have to have a afair on me with my best friend. When you promised that was over I caught you on the phone telling her you loved her... FOOL you did not know there was 3 way calling.. she was right.. The thought of you willing to leave my daughter alone after she had surgery to meet up with her... I knew you were going because I hear you say it thats why I staied home from work that night... Oh ya dumbass I was working at the coffee shop across from that bar you were meeting her at... I try all the time to go NC and well I break it. The last time we had a blow out text me some really nasty things but then now that I am not emotional they were not nasty just direct and to the point. The night I got the text I went out to the bar and tied one on, I do not know why I did that I did though, I ended up sending him many drunk texts. The next day my friend was reminding me of things and this came up. I feel so bad for doing that (I went and reread all of my texts to you) I did a few more that day just feeling sick and telling you that I was really sorry and that it was totaly uncalled for. Now today I have no desire to contact you. This is the real first time that I felt this way. I carried on about my day and had a stressfull one (had to take daughter to hospital, Not your child) She is going through many tests (special needs child) to make sure that she is not requiring surgery and I have not nor do I want to text you about this, My building that I manage is going through recievership and I am meeting with the lawyers tomorrow morning and I still did not text you, I have to deal with the harrasment from the old manager in court and I still have nothing to say to you only because As hard as this is all to go through contacting you makes me feel worse and less of a woman..... wanna know what I say now...and I hope that as time moves on I get stronger and not contact you anymore ...please do not get all freeked out and contact me .... remember you are happier and more content without me... and never ever are we getting back together.... fall off your tractor you fool....


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Your call last night was so random. I don't get you, but I played it cool and just had fun listening to you. It was just weird that you'd call me about your town's mayor being dressed in drag and stay on the phone with me for so long while I pulled up the website and took a look. You say you love me and to just be patient, so I'm trying. I'm trying to really consider your feelings and not just my own. Maybe you really do just need to be reminded or get a glimpse of me as the girl you met who wasn't all stressed over all that happened with my exH and kids last summer and all the way into this summer. Maybe you need to know we can have fun again. I thought I was doing the right thing by wanting to sit down with you and sort everything out, but maybe the right thing is for you just to get to know me again now that you're somewhat over the pain of our breakup. I know I hurt you and you told me back then that you never would have done that to me. You would've talked things out. I'm a fool for breaking up with you. I hope you remember the good stuff. I really do. There was a lot of good stuff about you or I wouldn't still be holding on. I know I just need to enjoy the moments and not get all caught up in analyzing where it's going to go because that's going to drive me crazy and then eventually I'll end up driving you crazy with it too. I love you.

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hey babe, i miss you, i got a text from one of our friends today about something you said, that's so like you, i miss you, our good times, the funnies everything else, but how can you be so capable of hurting me like this? dang, where are we right now? what are we doing..... what are YOU doing. do you not know this is hurting me...i don't even know what to say.... ahhhhhhhhhh

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Well i messed up today.....I messaged you....and i messed up because it allowed me to see how unimportant I am to you. The illusion that I meant anything absolutely shattered, and along with it the little bit of strenght I had.


I remember how you wanted to be friends with her so badly, because you said she had been your closest friend. You couldnt believe she would let you go like that, like you meant nothing. Well look at you now, doing the exact same thing.


You will not hear from me again. Ever. Even if you tried, which I know you wont. Even when I move up to your area, you will never hear from me again.


I cant even explain how i feel now. I just can tell you i want to hide out from the world and I will do just that. I cant handle it anymore, me trying to pretend im ok. Im not. Im really not and I know its my fault. I shouldnt have let you in. I was warned about it, that you werent ok yet, that you would only look out for you and I would be left in the dust. I didnt want to believe it and look at me now.


Why am I so easy to forget? why am I so easy to use and then throw away like a used tissue? Oh well, i guess that just how it is.


Good luck in life. I wont be writing to you anymore. Im dealing with my own issues now, which, by the way you made a lot worse...or I did by giving in to you...whatever.


Peace out

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I'm too prideful to contact you because I feel it will only make matters worse. It's only been 13 days NC but 2 months since we've broken up. Our anniversary is coming up in 3 weeks and I need to be strong enough to stay NC. I miss you so incredibly much even though I'm hurt. Still, after what's been done, every person I talk to says being with you now could only hurt me. It doesn't change that you are still my world. I wish you would stop being stubborn and just tell me how much you miss me. You were letting your weaknesses go to me until I informed you of all the pain I was going through and how I couldn't communicate anymore. I'm hurt, very much, but I will never regret the relationship we had I was very happy and I'm happy to be able to say I truly was in love. I hope we both can find this happiness again. Miss you.

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I want to contact you, but I know that won't make anything better. I still love you with all my heart, but I can never be with you again let alone see you or hear you. How could you do what you did? And especially without consulting me? The relationship wasn't yours alone. We were in it together. There was me, and there was you. We were in it together. I thought you were as committed as I was, so why did you let your insecurities and fear get the best of you and not tell me before it was too late? You know better, yet you let it happen anyway. Does three years mean nothing to you? Was it so meaningless that you so easily threw it away without much of a thought? You told me that you thought it over, but we both know that you didn't. Had you taken everything into consideration, you would not have told me that you still wanted to be close friends. Or was that just a lie too? It seems like everything has been a lie for who knows when. I don't really know anymore. All I really know for sure is the pain that I feel not only in my heart, but in my mind. This relationship was not out of love only, and you should have known. I would have ended the relationship long ago if I thought things wouldn't work out. I don't set out to do things just to have it fail.


Do you know what's the worst thing about this whole situation? I knew what you were capable of. I knew of your insecurities. We both knew. What I didn't know was how much effort you would go through to make things seem normal just to throw me off the trail until you felt like throwing me away. I didn't know you could lie to me like this. How could you do this? We've been through so much over the years, and things were only going to get better for us. I was opening up to you more and being more assertive. Why didn't you reserve your fallacious judgment until you were absolutely sure of your decision? Or was it because I was being more assertive and more open? Were you afraid? Were you afraid of losing your control over me? Or were you afraid of commitment? Or was it both? Or is there more? I'll never know because I won't seek you out to find out. I don't want to know. What I know now is enough to drain me into the abyss. I never thought to the best of my knowledge and judgment that I would ever have to say this, and I hate to say this, but I never want to see you again--never. I despise your weakness, but I despise myself for succumbing to your will and breaking apart to the likes of you. I was vulnerable and you took advantage. Even worse, you mocked me. How dare you do that to me? I loved you so dearly and unconditionally and you mock me? Never again.

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Hey you dumb****!! I ****in hate you sometimes J!! You are an idiot for what you did to us...we couldve been happy if you would only straighten up and act right!! Now you wanna be a good man..with her?? I deserved that...not her!! Im the one that was there for you when you needed me!! You are an idiot...like a ****in donkey...AAArrrgghhh!!! Wake the **** up and realize what you have done!!!! Look at your fake life...stop living this fantasy!! Everything will fall apart soon and you will be left with nothing....youre an idiot!!!

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I can't stop thinking about you. You're in my thoughs every morning, since i wake up.


I feel as if no one will ever match you.


I feel lost without you.


And yet, i try, with all my forces, to go on without you.


I force my self not to write, not to give you signs. I can't call you, i deleted your number, but i have to fight with myself not to write.

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Such emptiness. It really is like a big hole in the ground swallowed me up. Profound sadness. How am I going to live the rest of my life without you in it? I wish we never met. You really do disgust me. All the lies. Where did you go? I don't think you ever loved me. All those wasted years with you and you never truly loved me. There is no way for me to trust again. I thought we were solid. I have never wished bad things on people but for you, a long, slow painful death is in order.

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Guess what? I'm over you and the f***ing mind games you played on me. Yes, I am finally over the whole thing. And you know what, it feels great! In hindsight, I have to wonder why I got so upset in the first place. You did me a huge favor. Now I am free to be with someone who doesn't fake being nuts about me, isn't going to bail when things are going along fantastically, and isn't going to force a relationship to move faster than it should. So, thanks!

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well you dont cease to surprise me....and frustrate me. Good job retard.


I got your message. I dont know if you finally answered cuz you saw I deleted you from facebook, or because i deleted your pictures


In any case, yeah it is quite clear you want to let me know you're ridiculously busy, and its just going to get worse. I know, I know. Dont worry, i close the door on you. I know you dont really believe it but trust me if it had been her, you would have made the time.


I dont think i could ever get over how much you loved her. How much you still missed her even when you were with me. I cant believe you actually said so to my face. Oh you cruel man. I wonder if you realized how painful that was and especially confusing....what possessed you to tell me that back then? how was I not supposed to feel insecured?


In any case....there are so many things I just cant wrap my mind around. Like how you always said i was the best girlfriend you've ever had, how you were afraid to leave and let go of exactly what you've been looking for. I guess there's so much more to love than being with a person you think has the qualities you want. Funny how that works.


In my book you dont have what I thought I wanted. You were insecured and afraid whenever you talked to me at the begining. You let a woman walked all over you and apparently wanted more of it. Yet I actually fell in love with you. I think the problem is that we always want what we cant have.


Oh well.


I know you like me. Thank you for that i supposed. I liked how you hoped everything was going well for me and that i was saving the world one crazy at a time. I like how you ended with "i hope you dont call them that though". God i miss you. I miss you so ridiculously much that anything i plan to get you off my mind, no matter what it is falls short. I miss your wit and your sarcasm. I miss the way you talk, they way you do pretty much everything. I hate you for making me loving you. I hate you. Im glad I will never ever ever see you again.


Soon enough everything about you will be like a dream, like it never happened. Soon enough I wont have flashes of memories, like when I see a bus and I remember when we went to the clubs in buses so we could drink, or when I miss my exit and unconsciously do your frustrated sigh that I thought was so adorable and I catch myself and I want to tear away all the things you left behind in me. Soon it will all go away and I will get out of this fog and just like everyone else Ive dated, Im gonna look back and think "what was the big deal!"


I know it....i just hate being here right now. I hate missing you. Im so lonely and trying so hard to keep moving and looking ahead and be excited but....honestly im just very very scared.


God why did you have to come into my life. You were so very very unecessary.

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