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and this whole sleeping around thing is STUPID, very stupid and every night I pray that you will not hurt yourself or someone else. I pray for YOU. do you even think of me? You're being such an idiot lately. Just like I told you that you didn't love that girl and she didn't love you, that it was a rebound relationship and you were showing her the feelings you felt for me but it was easier because she didn't ever argue with you. You are not going to be happy sleeping around. Sure, you're getting laid a lot but does that help you sleep at night? Is that going to bring you TRUE joy? NO, I can bring you true joy and I can give you the family you always dream about and I can love you more than any one out there. But will you ever come back? I'd like to think that one day after you get all this dumb **** out of your system it will hit you and you will think "what the hell am i doing?" and you will come back and believe me I think that it will work out because I am not looking to be with anyone else right now. I am waiting for you in a sense but I'm not letting you stop my life. I am open to you and I'm not going to stop loving you, just don't take too long okay?

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Rearden Metal

Dear Ex,


Today I was thinking about how poorly you THINK I've treated you, and realized that while I've behaved badly at times, that overwhelmingly I've treated you with love and respect and care. That you haven't done the same in reciprocation, instead only treating me well on occasion for selfish reasons.


I wonder if I'll come to my senses soon and stop wanting you to call. Unfortunately, you will call, and even more unfortunately, it will be for the wrong reasons. I hope I have the strength to turn you away.

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Your new girlfriend emailed me today. Supposedly, you've been with her for a while now. Since like October. Weird, and you told me you'd just gotten with her in December. Were you lying or was she saying that BS to rile me up? Do you know she had the nerve to ask me if I was still screwing you? Supposedly, you admitted to seeing me but nothing happened. Do you know she doesn't even trust you but she wants to flaunt the fact that she has you in my face. She apologizes for her boyfriend [i.e. you] trying to manipulate me. You know I hate violence and curse words, but that girl keeps screwing with me I'm going to drive an hour and beat the living hell out of her. My cousin wants to kick her butt already. Tell your insecure girlfriend that I had you for three years and I am no longer interested in you. That's a lie, but still. Anyway, I love you and wish nothing but the best for you, but you didn't have to lie to me. You never had to lie to me. I was always honest with you.


I love you! :rolleyes:

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Hey B, im so sorry for drunk-messaging you over winter break. most of the stuff i said was so stupid , and as i look back i dont even know what made me write those messages. i feel great remorse for you and i hope you forgive me for what i did.


You Sexy Lady!:love:

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I've made these crazy plans in my head about after lent (since that will be 47 days of not talking to you) calling you and asking if you're at your apartment and then bringing all your stuff over and trying to get you to hook up with me and take a shower with me because even though taking showers together was sometimes sexual it was also sensual for us too. The way you always made sure I didn't get cold. And then I think that we'd spend the whole night together having sex and watching tv and joking around like old times and then we'd sleep together and you'd wake up in the morning next to me like old times and you'd remember what you're missing, what you need. And then we'd spend the whole next day talking about us and how we can make it work. I wonder if it's a good idea, or if it's just a dream but something inside of me knows that we are meant to be together. And I come on these websites and see that people say oh you'll find someone else but I don't agree, I'd rather be alone forever than not with you. I gave you my entire heart forever and I promised I would love you forever and I am going to keep my promise. I love you and if I have to miss you my entire life then I will but I'm not letting go of you ever.

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Even though I feel sorry for telling you that your sister and your mother can go f**k themselves, I still think they should go F**K themselves!

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So, I've been talking to this really great guy. I really like him. He seems to be genuinely interested in me. I miss you. I miss you so much. Somehow he makes me forget you when I'm talking to him. He's only 20. What can he offer me? I don't know. He has big dreams, and you know how I am about anyone that has goals. I want to be supportive. I really would like for your relationship to crumble. I'm sorry. I miss you a lot. You will miss me. Well, I can't keep saying I miss you and I love you. But I miss you. I love you. I will say it over and over again until I die. I will never forget you. Never. I will always love you. Always.


I can't stop thinking about you. :o

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As I sit here writing a letter, I jump on love shack to remind me not to send it. I want to apologize, yet I try and recall how you threw me out with no furniture, nothing, and not much time to do it. While I must have hurt you in some way, had you just actually communicated to me that you were having issues with something I was doing, I wouldn't have had to spend $4000 dollars on new furniture and a new apartment. I can't figure out why I am not more angry with you. You still have my dog and while I am scared to come get him, it is as if you too know he is a final connection between us that you are afraid to let go of as well. So obviously you are not certain of your decision. GIGS maybe? Conveniently it looks as if you have found some younger single girlfriends and how long do you think that pipe dream will last before you realize what you did to me? I apologize for moving out on you a couple years ago, and now you get your wish to hurt me unbearably in revenge. To top it off you leave me in limbo as if you were making me hurt by telling me you have someone interested in you. I hope your F$#ing rebound if it is even true looks at you and realizes your not a stick figure model. Because at least I never judged you by your body, but your amazing personality and that I love you. So you and my dog, and your dog, and whoever can play the game while I sit here coping with my new love shack mechanism. I am trying to move forward, but hard to do when you and I both know the closure is my belongings and dog that are still at your house, so why are you not contacting me? I feel it is because your still not sure you made the right move.


So GOD, please help her get it over with one way or another. Either contact me and tell me you made a mistake, or tell me to come get my stuff and my dog so you can go on with your life. Oh, I forgot your out partying and playing single girl.......til you figure it out.

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I went to my room crying today... missing you.... hurting because i love you... and you KNOW I do.....


I didn't think I would do it but I grabbed a pillow and felt it was you... I held it... close... cried.... you you you... all I wanted was you..... oh to be close to you and next to you....


But it didn't feel as satisfying ....I felt the coldness of you... I went to that pillow to feel the warmth of you... it wasn't there and I knew this is how it would really feel if I was holding you and not a pillow


you know I really don't think you did love me and you were just afraid to admit it... you had everything from me apart from wanting everything your own way... that really loved up feeling I used to have for you that was filled with hope for the future... fun things, holidays, nights out, you cooking me dinner, surprises, travelling in the car, race weekeds... oh what a team we were! But the reality is.. there was not enough time for the fun things... so it wasn't much fun. How everything revolved around you and your goals... why didn't you want to take a day/weekend to really spoil me and thashow me just how much you love me? And thank me for helping you? To tell your ex you are not there for her anymore so our time away, our special times weren't interrupted by her ever again. Couldn't you just concentrate on ME? DO things for ME? Make sure I am ok...? Ask me what you can do for me to help.....? Listen. Comfort me when I'm sad.


But it didn't feel as satisfying .... my adoration for you was simply not returned. Christ I worked so hard to correct my wrongs.... motivated by us and what we could have....


We were just an illusion. I think it was all an illusion. Un graspable. It was carrot and stick... all about what we could have one day... but not now. ONly a small part of it was reality... and that was me day in day out wanting commitment, love and support.... I wanted you to REALLY care how I felt... I wanted you to to hurt if I was hurt and would do something about it because you loved me so much you just could not stand to see me hurt.... I could go with it if you had said that I was the one you wanted to marry... and gave to me what I needed... and questioned yourself... if only you could have been more soft, gentle and honest... and loving...


if only if only....


But that's not you. I want to be with someone who I believe loves me. And it is obvious you don't... so why bother with these tears....

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Dear G,


I just have to keep telling myself the man I knew and loved no longer exists; he died along with our relationship. I have no idea who this new guy is.


If I keep telling myself that, I'll get over you eventually...won't I?

I hate you and love you.

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I was there for you when we had nobody but each other

I was there when the whole world ignored you. Now you are the one turning your back on me....


I'm feeling the exact thing foreal...

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You are a fraud. You think you have everyone fooled..and you do have a ot of people still believeing your bullshyt...but not me. Not anymore.


You've ruined everything. Me, you, our son.


For what? B/c you had to live your life out loud? Are you ****ing kidding me? What? Are you watching Oprah now??


So now I have my son away from me two nites a week in your crappy ghetto apt across town...not knowing who or what you have around him. He is just a kid, 3 years old!! And one day he will read thru our divorce papers and discover you are a cheater, a liar, a back stabber- you tried to take him away from me. **** YOU. Now you have 29 hours a week with him. And how long before you start begging off? Just like your father did to you? Your mother wa a cheater, your father was a cheater, the man who raised you was a cheater. YOU ARE A ****ING CHEATER TOO!


And you think I am going to let you do that to our kid? **** YOU.


He will grow up to be a MAN, a REAL MAN...b/c I left your ass. That's right, i finally did it. **** YOU and your godamn 'soul mate'. I gave you 21 years..the best ****ing years of my life! And when our son came along you pissed it all away..yea yea yea, neither of us wanted kids but godamit he came along and when I found out I was pregnant I grew up- I understood what life was really about.


But you? You stayed a boy a 'prince' not a king, not a man...and you got jealous b/c now I had a baby and couldnt coddle you as I had for 18 years..so you decied to let a ****ing secretary , my friend, take my place...why? B/c I was busy taking care of our BABY and you needed attention, BOO ****ING HOO!


then you coward! Instead of telling me you let me find out? Then lied and lied your ass off telling me you loved me, loved our son..then changed your mind every other month stringing me along, stressing me out


**** YOU *******


When I finally had enough I got a lawyer and you gotr pissed b/c then you realized this **** is FOR REAL and your cash was about to drop right out of your pocket...


I worked my ass off for 18 years before our baby came along- as much as you did..we built a life together form NOTHING!! And we had it all!


But you pissed it away.


You are a fraud. An abandoner.


I regret the day I met you. I regret ever marrying you. I wish you were not the father of my child.


I only tolerate you b/c I have to. I look forward to the day you need someone- and you will. I was always there for you- not anymore ...The only thing I want to be there for you now is your funeral..And I hope I get to see you buried. Soon.


**** you.

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I love you so so much hun, I want you to see me changing, but understand that you will if you will...


Over the 4 years we spent together, in retrospect, I would have changed so much...


I was a child, doing childish things and throwing tantrums.


You leaving me has been the biggest wake up call.


We both had our issues, and you were smart enough to give us the opportunity to address those issues.


Every night I go to bed as a half and not a whole, the same in every morning I wake up that way.


I just have to have faith in myself, to change, to be that better me at work, and a better me in life..


Sleep well, great dreams...always....

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how are you doing?


i know your 'rare' emails would never happen. and i don't want to prompt you to contact me so these are my final words. YOU'VE NEVER ASKED ME HOW I WAS DOING & I can't believe how i bought into your BS that you would now!!

AND how could you think that I broke into your fb! It's because of your gossipy friends that i caught news of that....geez...i'm actually quite hurt over that. oh well. eitherway - evidently i didn't mean as much as i thought i did (and that's all i need to know).


goodbye and goodluck.

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Rearden Metal



Saw your profile up on a dating site today. I pushed too hard and you finally gave up. But you weren't giving me enough... just some crumbs to keep me interested and focused on you.


The double standard wasn't and isn't fair. I know you want to go out and date and have some fun, maybe see if the GIG somewhere else. And I know that you're afraid to return the the relationship we had, the difficulties and fighting and negativity. Can't blame ya one bit.


But I also know you love me. I know you're thinking about me and checking up on me. It's ok... I understand what's going on.


Maybe we can re-connect someday in a couple weeks/months/years. Maybe we won't be so jealous and controlling of one another and maybe we will still have that spark. In the meantime, I hope I can start to feel better about this breakup and start to feel positively about both our lives.


I love you baby

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hope life is going great for you..no doubt it is.. I said I'd mail rather than get into a txt conversation and if I'm honest I don't actually wanna talk to you in person or see you face to face..


ya see, life has taken a turn for me the last 2 weeks E, not talking to you this last fortnight has been one of the easier things I have done in the last year.. I don't wake up now thinking about you and have no urge to contact you during the days or nights.. which is fantastic if I'm allowed say. After 4+years of thinking of no one else but you I am finally putting me and my happiness front. I have sorted out what I need to sort out and have started exploring life to a degree. This has led me down the path of meeting some fantastic new and interesting people, who actually find ME interesting and funny and attractive. Shock Horror.. ya mean someone 'likes me'.. and not just 'as a friend'.. ha ha.. well its true.. I've got the old me back but now that I know what I want it makes everything so much easier and clearer.


A year ago next friday we broke up and I was fake happy for a month til I contacted you on fb and we ended up hanging out to the extent I allowed myself be forced into 2nd place by sleeping in your spare room.. what a BIG mistake that was.. I should've cut contact and moved on at the time some might say, but then I wouldn't be where I am now.. which is a great place, I have choices I need to make and am actually in a position I can make them now without any remorse, guilt or regret.


and one of those choices is in relation to you.. Do I make myself available as your friend, do I make contact and ask we go for lunch and catch up,.. the pro's of that are that you know me so well, you have been there for me through some tough times and we have great fun together.. but theres the cons.. I'd end up being a friend of yours at your convenience, I know that much.. I would end up sharing parts of my life with you and get nothing in return cos its 'none of my business'.. I would have to suffer through hours of flirting and fun and laughing to be told 'oh I didn't mean it like 'that''!.. I would, in essence, be used again and that my dear is the overriding factor in all this.. so, my choice.. to friend or not.. well, I think the answer is to 'not'..


there is no point pretending that we could, would, or should be friends, I have zero interest in your life anymore, you said 'people dont change'.. well you did E.. you became selfish, discourteous, ignorant, emotionless and fake, you spent a year pretending for me, and when I think of all I did for you, helping G, flowers in november, sharing time with you in my house, travelling to meet you places, what a complete waste of time I will never get back.


I passed by the IMI on friday night on my way to dinner in dundrum, and I felt nothing, that girl I fell in love with who was wearing that green polo is dead to me, replaced by a confused woman who is clearly on some mid life crisis.. ha ha.. (the clue there is listening to childrens radio in the form of Spin) isn't that a turn up for the books.. and whether I end up living in bray or mayo, whether I work as I currently do or inherit that farm, I would ask one thing.. do not, ever, ever, in your lifetime try and contact me. think of me as emigrated or dead, its easier.. thats what I thinking of you now.


you died on me E a long time ago, I kept standing at the graveside hoping you'd re emerge.. but i've left the cemetary now and I am glad i did, I will never visit, or send flowers or light candles, I will not look at the moon and think of you as I have new memories I associate with that celestial body.. I will not walk into a shop and think 'E would like that'.. because I don't know or indeed care if you would anymore...


you killed us, by giving up hope and then dangling that exact same hope in front of me... I hope you live a long, lonely only ok life E.. its about the best you deserve right now..


no doubt I'll see you in hell when judgement day comes... but please don't wave, as I'll be there with people who actually genuinely care about me..



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Dear G,


I've been crying for you lately.

My wish is to one day feel you're as dead to me as I am to you.

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J: I think, the older I get, will I get over it, its seems way too iong for the times I miss,I can believe it still hurts like this I'm just getting older, I'm not getting over you but I'm trying to I wish it didn't hurt like this (Lyics from thr band Skillet)

Edited by skydiveaddict
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Nikki Sahagin

Dear ex,


getting over you is a rollercoaster. I was doing really well for a long time. I had put myself off of you emotionally and physically. I started developing feelings for one of our mutual friends but i'm not sure what they mean. I don't think I know what my feelings mean at all anymore.


Its getting summery and i've started to think about you. I don't know how to describe what i'm feeling. I'm not sure if I love you anymore, or even like you. I'm not sure if I dislike or hate you. But I think of you. I feel things for you. There's just nothing clear coming to the fore. I don't know that i'm over you, but I don't know that I feel anything for you. I look back at you and me then as 2 seperate people. Its quite frightening to think that 2 people as close as us can drift SO FAR apart. I think that leaves me unsettled more than everything; that the people that come in to the deepest parts of your heart and soul are the ones that run the farthest away.


I think i'm hurt because I shared alot of myself and you didn't like it. I look back at us and it leaves me feeling sad and really hurt. Its the kind of feeling...if I dwelt on it, it could leave me in hysterical tears. It is like a death; but you're still here and so am I. We are just choosing to have nothing to do with each other. It is that choice that hurts. Its kissing and making love and looking at childhood photos of each other, hugging to sleep and watching tv, that all amount to nothing.


We are so young and it feels weird to have my whole life ahead of me without you as part of it and same to you. Your face will always be a strangers face now that I know so well; kind of like recognising a d-list celebrity in the street. You hurt me so much but you loved me so much too. Losing you has made me think a lot more about meaning. I don't know if there is any. You were my best friend and I felt like you were my soul mate. I never wanted kids but when I was with you I did.


Its just...I don't know why we didn't last or didn't work. Some days i'm happy we didn't. Other days i'm sad. I just can't believe a love like ours could die.


I hope when you go to work abroad and probably end up sleeping with loads of new girls that you remember the first girl you lost it too.


I want you to be happy, but I want sometimes for you to know, that I could have made you happier. Then again maybe thats not true...maybe I couldn't.


Meeting you and losing you hurts like hell. I don't know why I had to lose you. Literally so confused by everything now. Love is the weirdest thing. No wonder hate is easy.


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