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"I'm not sure if I love you anymore, or even like you. I'm not sure if I dislike or hate you. But I think of you. I feel things for you. There's just nothing clear coming to the fore. I don't know that i'm over you, but I don't know that I feel anything for you. I look back at you and me then as 2 seperate people. Its quite frightening to think that 2 people as close as us can drift SO FAR apart. I think that leaves me unsettled more than everything; that the people that come in to the deepest parts of your heart and soul are the ones that run the farthest away."


Very well put.

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So you're marrying the girl you've known for barely 8 months, left me for after cheating on me with her, lying, and leaving me pregnant with your child to miscarry.


As horrible as I feel right now, I know I deserve better than you.

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Why did I wake up thinking about you this morning?

Why does everything remind me of you?

Why does it feel so wrong that you're happy with someone else?

Why am I still in love with someone who doesn't love me back?


I've been doing so well, I've started dating again, I was so convinced that I had put you behind me. And then I wake up and the feelings are still there and you're all I can think about.


I'm a smart person -- people come to me for advice, people lean on me for support -- why is it that I can help other people and I can't help myself? Will I ever truly get over you?

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I can't believe its over, I can't believe you are no longer a part of my life. What went wrong? We were so happy, you were my world, I loved you more then I have ever loved anyone and I thought you felt the same way. You told me we would be together forever, that I was the one you saw in your future, the one you wanted to start a family with one day.We even had it all planned, our future, how we were going to finish school, move to the city, get married and then start our family. We even took it as far as asking family members to look for houses in the city for the two of us. You told your mom, your grandparents and your cousins that I was the one. How could all that change so quickly?


I wish we would have never taken that next step, I wish things would have not happened with my parents and I would have stayed here rather then going there to stay with you, maybe then we would have still been together, you still would have loved me. I'm not perfect, I make mistakes, but what went so horribly wrong that you would have changed how you felt so suddenly? I thought you promised you would be there to support me and comfort me through all the hard times. Isn't that what you told me? I confided in you, told you my deepest darkest secrets, and in the end that didn't matter.


The first week was amazing when I was there with you. I thought our future together, as a serious couple was starting. You were so happy, I could see it in your face, so was I. I loved the feeling of having you there as the first person I saw in the morning and the last person I saw at night. I loved being able to touch you, kiss you, hug you, hold you whenever my heart desired, and you seemed to enjoy it too. What happened that one night? Why were you so distant, why wouldn't you come to bed when I asked you too? Your eyes were cold, they didn't have that look of passion and absolute love in them anymore. How come?


When you ended it with me you never told me why, you never gave me any reason as to why things changed. Now I sit here everyday wondering what I did wrong? How am I supposed to get over it when I am always going to have that lingering in the back of my mind. I still love you and I wish I didn't, I wish I could get over you, be done with the constant pain in my heart and the memories of you and I, the way we used to be.

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Porter Royal

I'm really struggling with this arrangement. I can't seem to follow you, or say anything right, which to my embarrassment, makes me too familiar with the taste of my own foot.

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Why did you have to message me wednesday night? Why did you have to say all those things you did? I was slowly getting over you, dealing with the fact that you are gone and then you come and tell me that you miss me and talk about how things could have been, and that you still think I am an amazing girl and you even told me how beautiful i looked. Then while I am smiling and getting those butterflies in my stomach that you always give me you go and tell me that we can't go back, but we can be pals. PALS? how can you say all the things you did, then just want to stay pals. I love you so much, and i cant get you out of my mind, but I can't play these games. You either want me or you don't.

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Nikki Sahagin

Hey, did you go tonight? Are you having fun?


Are you disapointed I didn't turn up? Or relieved? Were you hoping i'd be there? As a friend? Lover? Ego-boost?


Are you thinking of me? Will you text me sober or drunk, if at all?

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Porter Royal

I wanted to call, or see you, but its been a bad last couple of days. I'm really struggling with this arrangement - with us hanging out. I thought I could manage, but I can't. My feelings for you are undeniably strong, but I think you are now solidly someplace else emotionally.


Its still true that there are so many things about you that I like, that I love, but the situation isn't working for me and I don't want to keep looking like I can't take a hint.

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Originally Posted by saraxlindsay

You either want me or you don't.

will be using this quote in the next email that I don't intend to send


i want to say it to him so bad, but I am afraid if I do, he will reply with "I Don't"

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I hate you. You are a selfish, inconsiderate, emotionless, heartless prick. You used me and then discarded me like yesterday's paper. I never want to see or talk to you again. Ever.

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You are a coward and a wastrel. And you call yourself a Frenchman...? You display none of the honourable qualities of your adopted countrymen, you're just a fake, a pretender, the worst kind. You're irresponsible, too. If you can't even look after yourself, then how can you be expected to protect a girl, to make her feel safe and cared for?


You fail on all counts. But it's not up to me to punish you - you'll do a better job of screwing up your life than I ever could. You'll end up a sad, toothless old man with nothing to your name but farfetched old dreams that have crumbled into dust. Dating teenage girls is about your level anyway. You may impress them, but...you're nothing special for *me* anymore.

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You fail on all counts. But it's not up to me to punish you - you'll do a better job of screwing up your life than I ever could. You'll end up a sad, toothless old man with nothing to your name but farfetched old dreams that have crumbled into dust. Dating teenage girls is about your level anyway. You may impress them, but...you're nothing special for *me* anymore.


Exactly what I wanted to say. You said it much better. Thank you.


(He dumped me for a co-ed 15 years his junior whom he claimed falling in love with at first sight. Just like that. A**hole!)

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lunar rabbit and ingridh, here's a more virulent description that another member posted about her ex. Hope this helps or at least provides you two with a laugh. :laugh:


You stupid, disgusting, nasty, sad sack of filth. You pus-faced lump of trash. You are the most vile, revolting, repugnant piece of monkey poop. You are nasty, dirty. You sir, are not a gentleman. You are a soda guzzling bastard. You have sores all over you personality and your face looks like someone threw up on it. You are a giant hemorrhoid lodged in the butt crack of life. You are the most putrid thing to ever walk the earth. You were not born out of the womb. You came out of a butt crack and fell on the operating table. The doctor slapped your face because it was so ugly and stamped "BIO HAZARD" on your forehead. "Made in China" is engraved on your butt, you fake moron. You are not human. You are the nastiest thing I have ever laid eyes on. Stay out of my life, fungus-face. Go away, back to the tar pits where belong. Now you must deal with the wrath of MOO!
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I understand now Ian.


I get what I should have understood 3 months or so ago.


My friends were too kind to tell me.


I get it now.


Now I can really grieve and begin to let go.


I understand now.


Am grieving for real now.


You tosser.

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Tonight i saw some strange people in my city, they started to talk to me. They were from the same city as my ex girl friend came from. They knew her father, they knew the places were i had been. So strange! So fat ( 2500 miles away ) but also that close.


I really wanted to send her a message, about that i had met people from her city ( they started to talk ) but i haven't send her anything.

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lunar rabbit and ingridh, here's a more virulent description that another member posted about her ex. Hope this helps or at least provides you two with a laugh. :laugh:


:laugh: indeed. Thanks, 3byfate, you made my day!



:bowdown: to moo!

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Nikki Sahagin

I miss you a lot since the suns been out; thinking of the things we might have been doing. I'm feeling really lonely, miserable and terrified at the thought of whats happened between us. You're moving so far away from me.


Was I really so bad that you threw me away for whoring and flirting around with other girls?


Do you know how much that hurts?


That no matter what I did; all the time, effort and energy; doing my hair, make-up, getting dressed up, keeping the peace, buying you gifts, making plans - it was all in vain because you were too busy staring at other girls anyway.


That REALLY hurts.


New guys like me but I don't like them. I miss the old you. I can't believe you had to turn into such a d***. I can't believe that other people are happy in their relationships and YOU let us go.


I wonder if you will ever regret it?

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A - Why am I still crying over you? I do I still let you take hold of my life. I haven't talked to you in days. That should be good; that's what I wanted. But I feel so empty without you. It hurts that you moved on without looking back. It hurts that you could re-write 14years worth of us into something so terrible. I am realizing you weren't a prince to live with, but I was willing to overlook and work my a** off for us. I will finish the divorce papers - not because I want us to be over, but because I have to break this cycle and get you out of my life.

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Dear E: I gave you another chance five months ago, and here we go again. I'm alone again. Its been a month since we last talked, since you yelled at me and told me you never wanted to talk to me again. I begged to know why? And you wouldn't even tell me. But what I did know was that I hadn't done anything bad, and even if I had, it would be NOWHERE near as bad as all the things you did to me. You cheated on me like 3 weeks before all this happened, so how dared you yell at me that I had done something and that you never wanted to talk to me again? I haven't cried, I've been happy, but lately I've had nightmares and I've been thinking about you a lot. I wonder how you are and if you think about me, or if you already found someone new. You have a facebook now, and it hurts when I see that you liked one of our mutual friends' statuses, or if you comment them. I wonder if it hurts you when you see my name when I like something? I miss you. But I feel free as well. Even with you gone I can't free myself from the past that you put me through though. :/. Things could have been so different... But as you puit it, you just wanted to have fun. I'm moving next year. And I hope I never see you again. It hurts that you won't be by my side during the last months of this very important year. But its time to move on. I hope that you're aching, that you're aching so much for making me ache for years. How could you? How could you hurt me yet again? I assure you that nobody will ever love you and put up with all your crap like I did. But its all too late now. Its time to move on. I hope I never have the need to talk to you again, even on this thread.

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Get the F out of my head, you stupid bish. I wish you nothing but poor health, a crappy future, and a life full of regret and loneliness.

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Five months since you ended things with me and I finally feel like I am slowly moviing on with my life as I am sure you are as well. I still can't believe you told my friend you still love me. Whatever those feelings were I doubt they were 'love'.

Did your Mum tell you I saw her a while ago now? It was nice to say hello, just for a minute. Feels like so long since I saw you and your family.

Some of the things you said to me when we broke up on your birthday ring in my ears even now, especially what you said about thinking about sleeping with other women. I hope you are doing as much of that as you can now so that eventually you'll feel ready to stick around much longer when you meet someone super special! It's probably the singlemost hurtful thing, other than the actual act itself, a person can hear from the man they love. I hope one day I meet someone who would never dream of doing, thinking or saying what you said to me. I still wish you'd regret your decision and make contact, I know it's not in you to do that though and I hate myself for loving you.

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Miss you so much.


No-one understands.


Want to scream.


Losing you is unbearable.

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