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I know you're over me now.

[and probably was before, but you didn't have the heart to honestly tell me. i'm objectively prettier by far! i KNOW it. WELL F U. You must think your soo good, huh? Well i hope you realise that when you get back, life ain't gonna be like that.]


But I'm not angry about how you don't want me. I'm more hurt about all that friendship, keeping in contact crap was clearly all BS !! !! !! and i just wish your friends would know this side of you that ONLY i have to see.

[i can't tell them because i'd sound all bitter - no, you've got that personality that freezes ppl out because you don't need them in your life anymore - social climber]


YOU should be the one ASKING me how I'm doing - i shouldn't have to prompt you!! and all that being afraid i won't answer BS - not good enough.

[its like you don't F_ING miss me!!! well F U]


I actually just want one honest answer from you. Since you find it so easy to crush on people - did you ever honestly had a crush/found someone else attractive whilst we were together? I know you said no, but you know what - i really doubt it, given that you say you had crushes on ppl easily all the time.

And if that's right; then you should have told me how yr feelings changed.

[i'm sooooo stuuupid / was clearly in denial]


I thought so well of you before. Now i hardly know you after 3 mths. I'm glad i returned your stuff w/out having to see you. Perhaps i've destroyed ALL chances of you coming back to me. Well it doesn't matter now because clearly you weren't seriously sincere about the whole 'can't imagining never speaking to me again' BS !! !!


I can burn the bridges because I have nothing to lose.


[this thread is really good. i wish i discovered it earlier....when i read back over what i've written, i think I would come across as being very desperate and look weak and that that's certainly not what I want!!

and the stuff in brackets is the stuff i'm thinking, but if i were to have really sent the about, they wouldn't be in it - haha]

Edited by leoine
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I honestly f**king hate you. I don't know whether you just get some sick pleasure out of effing with my head and making my life miserable or is this is just truly how are you - an @$$. How dare you invite me to your apartment and text me constantly, tell me you still love me and that your heart is still mine and then turn around and ask me why I think there is any chance of us getting back together! You are a cold, emotionless, heartless individual and I can't believe you turned out to be this person. You will never fully understand how badly you've messed me up in my head. You said your last g/f f**ked with your head severly, and we both know how you handled that, and look at what you're doing to me. Am I your revenge for what she did to you? The way you've treated me and the things you've said to me are unforgivable - despite what i've told you about being able to forgive - I don't want to forgive you. I don't like you, I don't like your family, I don't like that I have to see you every f**king summer for the rest of my life. No one will ever be good enough for you, your expectations for people are too high and no one will ever be as good as you. You think everyone around you is beneath you, you're not that great. I wish the worst for you, really, i do. I probably shouldn't carry about that negativity, but you deserve absolute sh*t. I hope the next girl cheats on you, lies to you, and breaks your heart. Cause I know you will look back and think of me, and how I never did any of those things to you.



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I'm ****ing annoyed that things have come to this ONCE AGAIN.


I never should have got back together with you.


We were so clearly CLEARLY not meant to be together FROM THE VERY BEGINNING and yet I was TOO DAMN STUPID AND LONELY to even THINK about WHY it wasn't a good idea.


Yeah, I broke your heart. I broke mine too. I don't have the right to be angry.


But I am because you're an indecisive PRICK.


I think you have some major psychological issues you still need to sort out. Thank you for making me your test bunny.



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Why did you text me @ 12:30 last night? We're you drunk? We're you surprised that I didn't respond? Are you a little surprised/worried that I haven't tried to contact you today?

You make me sick. Screw you.

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Hey there X.


It's been 5 months and now you're in Afghanistan. I truly hope you get to come home to your family safely but don't ever try to come back to me.


I have been dating lately and it's been fun, sad, strange, amazing and enlightening. I just dumped the last guy because he reminded me of you: head games, lies, secrets,etc. Thankfully, There wasn't enough time with him to fall in love or even have sex! So, I know I will be okay about him.


But you and I were great friends who became lovers. We used to lay peacefully in your bed after making love as you caressed my arms whispering, "I LOVE your skin" then kiss them tenderly. I wanted to cry. My heart burst with so much love.


You'd open doors for me anywhere we went, insist on holding my hand or my waist when we went out on the town, text me "Good Morning, Beautiful!" to start my day, stare into my eyes dearly when we talked of everything and nothing at all.


I realize that you just never know. Love is a temporary place to some guys like you. A rest stop to somewhere else. For me with you? Love was ALWAYS an action word. I fell so hard and so deep and was so proud that you were mine. NOW you are hers.


Why did you try to come back? Did you remember loving my skin? Did you hate HER skin?


I was proud of you but now I am proud of myself! I can tell you that I can not and will not bring you back to my life. You crossed the line when you dumped me. You crossed the line when you got engaged to her just 2 weeks after knowing her. You crossed the line when you showed me who you really were. Forget about you...I wish myself well.....

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Dear A,

I don't even know where to start. You dumped me/walked out on me like it was no big deal. After loving you with all that I had - for putting up with your BS - you treating me like garbage sometimes - and then you say that you have to be selfish now and think of yourself. Like you weren't always thinking of yourself! You said you don't see a future with me because I'm unhealthy? What kind of crap is that? I am way more healthy than you are! I think you were just at your relationship limit. Things were getting boring for you apparently. The day to day **** wasn't enough for you. None of your other relationships lasted longer than ours. Just because I didn't want to get into cycling like you doesn't give you the right to say I wasn't motivated! That was your thing - not mine. You were trying to change me "for my health" and made it look like you were helping me get in shape. Well, I am doing it NOW on my own for my self with no help from you. When I am looking even better than ever, I will make sure that somehow you see me so you'll know what the hell you gave up. You will never find another woman who loved you like I did. I know this for a fact. You have some unsavory traits and I chose to overlook these because I DID care so much for you and your family. You act and say you only want to best for others but you are a very selfish man. Underneath it all, you have shi&&y things to say about most people. And you thought I was negative! At least I believed in people and tried to see the best in them.


God I miss you.

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We talked recently, I was enjoying my new found life, and actually finding myself happy... maybe for the first time since before we parted ways. I don't want to hear from you ever again, and I made that clear to you. I don't hate you, but I don't love you anymore... I mean honestly how sick is it that you got in a relationship like a month after we broke up, and I literally waited over a year to try to reach out for new people? Is your life so f-ed up that you have to contact your ex's every time you have a falling out with whichever guy you think is "The One"? I understand why I left, you don't even know what love is. You think you do, but it's a lie because you hate yourself, and every guy you've been with since me have only wanted to use you for sex, I wish your life would have turned out differently, I do. I tried to help, but you wouldn't let me, that was the entire basis of our relationship, I gave EVERYTHING I HAD to you, and you always needed more. You're a succubus. You're dead to me now, and I suspect this is last time I'll post here in a long while. And that makes me happier than you'll ever know.

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I think you only left me on your IM contact list because you thought I would get desperate and try to talk to you. You probably wanted me to beg and cry and panic like I have done before. Or, maybe you've already forgotten about me and you forgot I was still on there. Either way, the joke's on you, because I finally had the guts to delete you today. You're gone. Out of my life. Poof! Just like that ^__^

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You just deleted me on FB. You say you can't stand seeing the stuff other guys say to me - you get jealous and you don't need that in your life. Do you not remember dumping me? I wasn't good enough for you, I didn't make you happy...why do you care if someone else has a thing for me? You don't want anyone else to have me? Too effing bad.

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So a year a go today I proposed to you on the beach. Who would've thought about all the nonsense and heartbreak that has occured since then. I get better everyday. I'm starting to realize all I did and I have nothing to be ashamed about. I know without serious therapy you never will be healed, but I hope that one day you realize that. I will always love you K, but your inner demons never allowed you to reciprocate that. For all the nasty things you've done to me, I forgive you and with that being said I close this chapter of my life....

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I've probably frozen myself out of your life/thoughts.


just want you to know that it's up to YOU on what happens.


I don't know if i'll be able to say it in your face if there comes the time to, but i don't even know you anymore. YOU could have asked me how i was going. and now YOU'VE made it so that I am starting to really feel that we will NEVER talk again.


AND YOU'VE just made it easy for me cos i've just been living that reality for the past 3 mths.

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when we were friends again remember when i told you that once you start seeing someone im gonna stop talking to you. well you lied that you were gonna be with your girl friends but in fact you was out with another guy and my cousin saw you two. they said you were trying to hide and not be seen by them. i confronted you and you said you just started seeing him but i know thats a lie and it dosent matter to me. i left you with a NC, grow up and figure out why i did that. i know you are trying to rub things in my face how things are so much better for you. i dont care and i will not feed your ego by replying. ive been with you for 7 yrs and after the break up and being friends i can see how an ugly person youve become.

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I wont message you or contact you in any way but i still miss you.


miss what we had


i notice you still cyber feed our cat lol made me laugh but sad too


Ive moved house but i still feel you..


Im just having a sad day today so I WILL GET OVER YOU

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You said you would die for me, kill for me, bleed for me and fight for me. You just killed me and I'm bleeding hard and fast. I can't believe this is happening. Just 3 days ago you cried hard and held me tight, telling me you love me. What happened? You're leaving me and you want me to be strong for us? I trusted you! I thought you would never hurt me like this! I miss you so much and I know you love me too, I saw it in your eyes, I felt it in your hug. Were you crying because you knew you were gonna leave me? Did you squeeze me so tight because you knew it was your final goodbye? I'm so confused, I want to call you, hear your voice, see you, smell you....I need you!


I'm so crushed! I can't breathe.....


I wish I had kissed you before you left, you tried to kiss me but I didn't want to "give in" for fear that you were going to hurt me like you just did today! But I wish I did kiss you. I'm dying you Mother ****ER and only you can make the pain go away! Please call me and tell me this is not really happening. This is just a bad dream. I don't believe you love someone else. I don't believe it! YOU CAN'T LOVE TWO PEOPLE AT THE SAME TIME! Please don't come by tomorrow like you said you would. I fear it will be your "coup de grâce". Just leave me alone and contact me AFTER it doesn't work out with HER! I want you to bleed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by FallenAngelGrl
want to add more instead of creating another post.
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Ruby Slippers

Hey, you.


Man, it's been a long time. Feels like a few lifetimes. I still wonder about you. I still relive that day. I'll never forget it. Sometimes I think my world will never again be rocked the way you rocked it. You were so good at that. God, we had so much fun, didn't we?


I hope you find what you are looking for. I hope you're happy.


I'm glad we got to spend the time together that we did.


With love,


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Yeah, me again, N.....


I've found myself thinking about you alot this week. There is so much I miss about you, there are some things you were great at in a relationship, but then I start thinking about how much stuff you were not so great at, and what I would've had to live with had we not decided to stop seeing each other. This last time we were together, I actually went in to prove to myself what I had been thinking all along--that no matter what, you would never be truly happy with someone, even if she did exactly everything that you wanted her to do. I did that for you, and you STILL found something wrong. Oh, you'll be happy for awhile with someone, you might even actually get married to them............which really hurts, by the way, since you said I was your One........but then something will start to creep in your mind, that things arent going quite right, even if they are. Your inability to accept your responsibilities and try to work on fixing things about yourself that are hurtful to others will eventually leave you lonely. I don't want to be alone. As many faults as I have, I have a tough road ahead of me. The thing is, I loved you with all my heart. I showed you that time and time again. Even if I was angry or annoyed at you, that never stopped me from loving you so completely that your happiness and well-being were all I could think about. I loved your kids as well. They are great kiddos! They want to know that you love and care about them too. I know you do, but you have to talk to them! I know I don't have kids, but even I understand how much you need to communicate with your kids to have any kind of relationship with them. You are so worried about finding the "perfect woman" and having the kind of relationship you have always dreamed of, that you are neglecting them. You also throw away women (others besides me) that could've helped you had you been open enough to listen to them, instead of quickly divorcing/breaking up with them when they didn't cater to your every whim. Relationships are a give and take, N. You aren't always going to be laughing and playing all the time. Even the "perfect" relationships that you think everyone else is having doesn't experience that all the time. I don't know why I think of you this much now that we're really done. Maybe it's because I felt so close to you? Remember when we cried in each other's arms after I found that text on your phone? I really believed that you loved me, and you really wanted to make things work with me, and all those other women were just distractions because you wanted to forget about me, and that was your way of doing it. I forgave you for that, and you changed your number. I was excited for you when good things happened for you. I shouldn't be thinking about you this much. I want you to be happy, and really find what you need to be looking for. I guess I really was in love with you. I want to be done and over you, and I will in time. Please don't come back, don't contact me, nothing. We're done. You have a way of worming your way back in at the worst times. I pray that God will protect me from you.


I love you, always will. But it's time for someone else to experience true, lasting love from someone who will always honor, respect, and encourage them. I'm jealous of the woman who finds you, but you should be more jealous of the man who will come into my life. He's going to get everything you had from me, and much more. I'm becoming a better person, N. We could've grown together, but you didn't want that.


I'm finally ready for the future.



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(due to our messed up situation, and the fact this does concern another being's life, i will need to make contact... but certainly much more toned down, for sure)


Hey J,


I know you said you said this house is ours, due to the split bills and the amount of time we've lived in it together (even though we rent from your mother), and that although we're not together, you would never kick me out... well, that's cool and all, but what about the dog? Yes, the dog I bought... for you? Remember? Oh yeah, you said there was "no reason to come home then is there?" BECAUSE I WAS OUT GETTING HIS NAILS CLIPPED, EARS TRIMMED, and making sure he got to experience the nice weather at the dog parK. Remember two-weeks ago whenever I reminded you to pick up his dog food, offered you money for it too, but you insisted you could remember/pay for it? Wait, why would I ask you to remember—you f**king forgot!!! Sure, I'm very appreciative of you for getting his heartworm meds and Frontline consistently, though the distance you traveled for those are in a very close proximity. I went out last night, had a blast AND I met somebody, but at the end of the evening, I returned home to TEND TO RESPONSIBILITIES LIKE AN ADULT. And, as an FYI, I'm going out again this evening, and I'm staying out. Hope you don't "sleep in" again and are able to make it home to take care of puppy.

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The last time we ever talked, you told me that you have finally found your true soulmate -- that she had changed you into a better man -- that you're completely and utterly committed to her. You went on ad nauseum about how beautiful, kind and loving she is -- that she completes you -- that you respect her. It was incredibly painful to hear, but I believed you -- and I still loved you enough that some small part of my heart was even happy that you had found true happiness.


But NOOOOOOOOOOO -- one woman, no matter how wonderful she is, is never enough for you, is it??? You are one of those men who are afraid to truly commit because you always think there is someone better, hotter, sexier just around the next corner. You are still a conceited a** and you're f***ing it up -- AGAIN. You are back to your old cheating ways. I saw you in a chat room being disgusting and asking for sexy women to cam with you -- WTF???? Is this how you're cheating on women now -- frickin cyber sex???? You are a sad, pathetic man who is trying to relive his youth and you don't care who you hurt while you're doing it.


I trusted you with my heart and you ripped it out -- and now you are going to do it again to her. Why? Because the old adage is true "once a cheater, always a cheater"!!!! You always thought you were so hot, so perfect and that every woman wanted to be with you -- well, you may be great looking on the outside, but on the inside you are pure ugly.


The only good thing to come out of this is that I have finally seen the REAL you -- the rose colored glasses are now as shattered as my heart -- and after a year and a half, I'm ready to leave you behind. You will never change -- you will end up a lonely, selfish old man who's living in the past, and I feel nothing but pity for you, because you will have brought it on yourself.


Good bye J -- I hope that one day you realize that you've lost the best thing that ever came into your life.


I deserve better than you -- I know this now.

Edited by Butterfly01
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Hey K,


10 days now since we split, I thought at one point I was close to getting you back, Only for you then to end it completely. It was like a double whammy. Yesterday and today I felt much better but I'm still pining for you. You broke the NC just as I was getting used to not seeing your name pop up on my phone. We exchanged a few texts and then you just suddenly stopped texting me again. I've pretended I've moved on and im over it but in reality my heart is still broken and is still in a million pieces. I would do anything to have you back.


You say you are now working 7 days a week 12 hour shifts, I know that is not you and you are only doing that because you don't like being alone and it keeps you busy so it takes your mind off of it all.


Why text me back at all? Change your number and delete me off of your Facebook so then I can't contact you. I want to do it I just can't bring myself to do so. I know you say that we will never happen again and you want to be friends but whilst we are I still hold out hope that maybe one day you will realise. You know I still want you so why still do it?


Are you with someone else? The way you were in the last week of our relationship and the way you have been since suggests it is a possibility. Please tell me I need to know.


I know a apparent friend of mine has been telling you crap about me and you are believing him. What ever you do please do not trust him as he is trying to get in you knickers and will paint me out as the bad guy to get his own way. You once told me not to trust him and now im not you are.


I re-read through a lot of our texts earlier from when we were together and I really miss us being like that, I so want to be like that again and right now I want to be texting you good night or lying in bed and speaking on the phone like we used to do.


I want to be texting you I love you but you wont reply to that and you don't believe I do. If only you knew what I have been through you wouldn't question my love for you.

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*sigh* Here I am again.......


For some reason, I really wanted to check your FB page today. I wanted to see if you had changed your pic, or changed your status to "In a Relationship". I haven't checked it, and I'm fighting my willpower to do so. I don't even know why I wanted to see it in the first place, because if you did change it, it would only hurt me. I guess I can't just move on as quick as you can. If you can, then obviously I wasn't that important to you in the first place. I don't even know why I'm hurting myself this way. It's not me, it's YOU. Yes, YOU! Oh, don't get me wrong, I have my faults, but I'm different than you in that I'm willing to face them. You are a liar. You've lied to me about small things that I actually caught. So if you will lie to me about little things...........then you sure as HELL probably lied to me about some big things. I wonder why you wanted me to just sweep your divorces under the rug, like it's no big deal. Did you lie to me about your reasons for divorce? I'll just bet you did. I wouldn't put it past you. I'm SO glad I made this decision to leave you. God saved me from you, I know that now. I was rescued from a life of misery and pain that I would have had with you. I still get the "what ifs" every now and then. But then I think of the last argument we had...........and the fact that you called me names because you KNEW it would hurt me. I didn't do that with you. You see, I changed. You never did. People who love you don't hurt you on purpose. You try to make excuses for yourself and your behavior, then put all the blame on the other person. You can't hide from yourself, N. You will continue to do this to every single woman you get with. You don't want to be alone, but your words and actions speak volumes about you. Your true nature is bad, don't you see that? You can't continue to hurt people, and then pretend like you are the victim. Someone will eventually see through all your lies, and then where will you be? I never lied to you. You got all of me, I never hid or pretended to be someone else, I don't know how to do that. I can only be me, and that wasn't good enough for you. Nothing will ever be good enough, because you yourself don't even know what you want!!!!!! You don't even know who you are!


Grow up. You are only hurting yourself. I was sucked into your little world for a bit, but I'm better than that. I loved you, I really did. You are incapable of love, real love. Stop the lies, stop being so selfish for once, and try to get help for yourself. I know you're going to come back, right when everything is okay for me. I pray that God will give me strength to shut you out of my life once and for all. I can't help you anymore. I'm sorry. I'm done. You had your chance. Just get out of my head.


I loved you, you idiot, and you threw me away.


I'm gonna get better.



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To L------


I wish that there is something that I can do to help you understand how much I care for you. However, I realize that you have moved on because you are now in a relationship. I do wish that I can go back in time to fix my mistakes but then I don't know if it would make any differences. It's sad that the only time that you reply to my emails is to tell me that you are in a relationship and that you are the happiest that you have ever been. I guess my reply to your reply was very over-the-top. I sent an email to apologize for my over-reacting but have not gotten a reply from you. I really guess that you have moved on. It's time for me to move on too. I can't believe that I debating if I should send you a happy birthday email in May for you. Especially when you didn't do anything for my birthday in December.



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why are you asking how i'm doing? do you think i'm going to give you some substantial email to your lousy 5 words?!?!?!


the point is - i'm more offended that i'm the LAST person you're asking how they are - a whole 2 months too late! AND i'm angry about the lousy 5 word email! ! !


Really - put in more effort cos that kind of vague contact is really not worth my time -and it really makes me wonder - why did you even f-ing bother?!?!

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I've been trying really hard not to think or dream about you, but it's useless. I can't seem to get you out of my mind.


Your call, after having been two months of no contact from you, doesn't help either. You decided to take time away to think about your marriage, and now you figured out our relationship "isn't right." This is complete BS! I won't be calling or texting you because I've realized your in this "relationship" for your own needs. You say you still "want to see me" to discuss your life. I doubt it.

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I cant belive my heart is still broken after all this time but it is.Thanks alot girl

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Nikki Sahagin

I had a great night last night but when I came home I thought of you. I miss going home to you and hugging you to sleep. I miss you stroking my hair and calling me beautiful. I miss wasting the day with you. You didn't text me. Do you think of me? I know you flirt with new girls...is it an act like I hope it is? Or am I still in your mind? Every now and again I feel i've been gutted and the emptiness really hurts. Sometimes I think i'll never fully get over you, just accept that we can't be, but the fantasist in me can never accept that. I miss you.

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