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I let you go a while back because I love you, I want you to be happy. As much as I think you have done me wrong with/on numerous things/occasions, I love you and that's why I have let you go.


I know we will never be together again, that's my decision now, and because of that I am letting you go.


I am sad because you were my best friend.



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I can't answer your texts... I don't want to be your "best friend"... I want us back, even though I know it's a terrible decision. I miss you so much sometimes... I miss us...


I can't answer your texts... I won't answer your texts... I can't be your best friend... you left that in the dirt when you cut out my ****ing heart. I hope you see that some day... I hope you'll see what you gave up on...

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Its been two months since i confronted you of cheating on the phone crying hysterically and telling you "you %^ing lied to me". I admit my reaction was horrible but you know you hurt me and thats excatly why you have never reached out to me till this day. I have sent you texts, emails even on your birthday and the only time you replied was to say you didnt do anything with that girl! But she told me everything and I knew she wasnt lying.


How could you? You came to me when I was 17 and so innocent. You were 5 years older than me but I liked an older guy with more life experiences. You'd call me and we'd talk all night about the things we been through in life and the things we'd like to do as we get older. We connected instantly and you had to have me as your girlfriend. We dated and we were eachothers everything! I loved you so much, i admired you and I respected you. You taught me what love was and you always had my back. I miss you so much i miss when you would cuddle with me and kiss my hand or kiss my forehead. I miss when you would text me just to say you loved me or you were thinking about me. I miss when you told me that your ring tone for me was "your all i need" by method man and mary j.I missed when you used to be the first person to call me in the morning and wake me up and then the last person that i talked to before i slept. I miss when we would do silly things like play thumb wrestling or when you would put on silly voices for me, or dance like a girl and completely be free around me knowing I loved everything about your personality and you made me laugh.Or when you almost cried because i surprised you by buying you a sweater that you were always saying you needed and you said no one has ever done something thoughtful for you like I. I miss you so much and i know that it was you i missed and not just the relationship. I know we had our problems and i broke up with you first over something very immature but i never cheated on you and i asked for you back. Ever since then i felt like i let you down, and then we were breaking up and getting back together even though you never left me alone. I knew you loved me still. Then finally you wanted to try again and we did, i know my insecurities became to much for you but it was because of the things you did to make me like that. If you wouldnt have went online searching for girls, i would have been good. I was never good enough for you yet i tried so hard. I know you held on to that resentment of the things i did in the past, and you never forgave me. If we worked on things like i asked you to, we would have been strong. We had a connection that you'll never find again and you yourself said you had never felt this way with anyone else. Thats because i loved you unconditionally! I still do even though you cheated. I know you arent with that girl but yet you dont even contact me so I guess you are over me. I hope that atleast in the future we are in eachothers lives and dont become complete strangers. I really wish things didnt end this way. In my high school year book i wrote that i would be married to you in the future. I was so sure of it. I dont know if you'll ever get married but i hope you find yourself and figure out your problems. But i still love you

Edited by Livelovelearn
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Hey S,


I hope rebound #2 is going well. It's always to clear to me when you have somebody else in your life, as your need for validation from me (calling me, texting me, wanting to be friends) seems to wane or disappear.


I feel bad that you can't find happiness by yourself....you pretty much look for it in others....they may always disappoint.


As much as I want us back, I know there's nothing I can do. You'll have to want it. And I'm sure you'll let me know........If it ever does happen, I may be well over it.


I love you.


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I miss you. I want to talk to you so badly, but I know I have to get over you. I am happy that you are happy back with your ex, but I worry that I will never care about anyone as much as I care about you ever again. I wish i would have made my feelings more clear to you. You are the one who told m it is better to regret something you did rather than didn't do. I blew it in that regard. I know it wouldn't have made any difference because you were still in love with someone else, but I guess I might feel a little better.


P.S. I cried when I found out your mom died. Not because I knew your mom, but it made me so sad to know that you were sad. I think I still love you. I may always.

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It was weird for so long that I don't feel anything. I don't feel like I want to be your friend. I don't feel like I don't want to be your friend. I sort of don't care. I should be happy about that but I am not. I like to care. I have always been so unfeeling that it scares me that I can be completely numb to you. Why did you have to act so scared? We both lost an opportunity. A chance to have someone decent in our lives. Then again, I'm not sure that is true. You could be anyone. I don't know you.


I remember saying "You could be anyone". I remember your reaction. Heh. Yeah. That was true. I never wished you any harm or pain but I did think you acted in a horrible way. People deal with things differently but I still think there is something wrong with you. You can't deal with your emotions at all and that is coming from me! Not good.


So many things have happened that I haven't taken much time to consider until now. I remember talking to you and telling you that I was okay with the break-up and that I wanted to try to be friends. I didn't say it but I had already met the person I am still with and I knew that I could be happier. I am. It did not take me long to understand that it was the right thing for both of us. You did not believe me. Somehow I think you always thought I was up to something. Unfortunately you could never see that I am simply not like that. I have problems, that much is true, but I'm not the type to create them.


Now that you are behaving like I exist and I am not a threat to your comfort I am considering. Although when I see you it is pleasant and at times even nice; I always come to the same conclusion. I have already resolved it. I tried to leave a place for us to be friends for so long. You did not care or could not deal with it so I shut you off.


I'm sorry but you haven't been here to be a friend at all, despite what you said, so I won't be opening that door for you. I'm not interested. I've kind of forgotten who you are at this point. It is not worth it to me. I'd like to say that if you put forth the effort, I would, but I know that I wouldn't. My life is full. I'm sure I'll be seeing you. Let's just leave it at 'not weird'. Thanks. Hope you find yourself.


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You came to me at a time when I needed someone to talk to. You made me so happy the 19 months we were together.


But you just had to leave me for another guy, didn't you.


I've burned all the things you've sent me, deleted the sweet text messages you sent me that I saved, erased all your pictures, because I don't want to hurt anymore.


There's a part of me that'll still love you. My first love.


Thank you for all the good times. F*** you for the bad.


Goodbye forever.

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Did you ever look back? Do you ever look back? Do you wanna tell me some bull****? I'm missing you... maybe it'd be good to hear some bull****...

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I get the feeling you are with another guy now. A few weeks ago you were 'suicidal' at the prospect of losing me. Then you somehow found the strength to find some independance. In the end I never knew where I stood. I did the right thing telling you no, that enough was enough. But why do I feel so bad? Why do I want to contact you and tell you I love you as much as the day we met, despite how you have treated me?I don't have the answer. One thing I do know however, is that I am never going to give you the pleasure of knowing how badly I miss you.

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I don't know if I should take your cancellation today seriously. I don't know what to think anymore. Sometimes I wonder why I left you, and sometimes I wonder why I've forgotten those reasons. Sometimes I wonder why I still love you, and I now wonder if you ever really loved me.

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I really missed you today. I miss talking to you. We used to be able to talk for hours about anything and everything. Do you remember? I miss seeing your pretty face. God you are so beautiful. I have yet to meet anyone who can even compare. I miss how cute you act. I always called you cute. You would get sick of me calling you cute, but then when I would stop you missed it. I miss holding you. What I would give to hold you right now. I miss dancing with you. Do you remember we danced in the lobby of West G at 4 in the morning after studying all night. There wasn't even any music. We didn't need music to dance. There is so much more I would like to write, but it is getting really hard to continue right now. Know that I am thinking of you and missing you so much.

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tonight, it's hard, but i'm not going to call you, or text you.

this next week will be hard. knowing you're only a few storeys above me, at work, but not reaching out, will be hard. fridays are hard, because i get so anxious that i won't see you all weekend.


But if you wanted to, you would - and if you don't want to, then i shouldn't want to see you either. i don't want to have to implore you to see me. the desire needs to be mutual.

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Why did you end up choosing him over me? He isn't better looking than I am, that I know for sure? Is he funnier than I am? More fun than I am? Better in bed than I am? No that can't be it. I knew exactly how to please you. Is he more romantic, suave, interesting, passionate, caring? I guess it is best that I don't know the answers to these. I love you. I miss you. I wish I didn't...

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You contacted me again, telling me that you love me and I'm a "partner or nothing".


Yet the day after, you go and let him sexually pleasure you.


I'm tired of your games. I'm getting my number changed, I'm blocking and deleting you on MSN, I'm burning all the stuff you sent me.


Oh, and I'm deleting your social networking profiles. Next time, change your passwords. And maybe now you'll know what it's like to lose something close to you.


Goodbye forever.

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I won't be calling you tonight, even though I want to call you more than ever. I need to talk to you, I need to talk to my daughter. I will wait for you to call me. I will give you your "space".


I am going through a mental hell that just won't stop. I will be stronger for it. I will be a better person when I get through it.


I am a strong independent person.

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Happy Birthday. I won't call you or messge you to say that, but I can post it here and wish you the best.

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You have no idea how much harder you're making this for me. You tell me to put effort into it, and try, and I'm ****ing trying - you say you'll be receptive to me, and yet I'm getting nothing back from you. I WANT THIS TO WORK. Why can't you help me?


Sometimes I can't help but think that you're entirely full of ****.

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I really do miss you, despite ending it all on bad terms.


You text me sometimes telling me that you want me around, and want to be with me, but not now.


I really don't know whether I should start talking to you again.


I just wish you'd call me and explain everything.

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Nikki Sahagin

I would probably still care about you if you had been nice to me. But you've turned into a c***, and thats helping you die in my heart. I don't want the bad boy; I wanted the caring, funny, edgy guy that would playfight with me and cuddle me to sleep and had a dirty sense of humour and an adventurous spirit. I don't like this guy that put me down and flirted with girls and has an attitude problem and can't admit to what he's feeling. If you stay the way you are now forever, I can let you go. I miss the lovely boy you used to be, not the cold, calculating man you've become. What happened? Was it us that did this to you, or is this who you really are? Its sad that you've changed but i'm glad you're living your dream. I just don't get why you became so cold to me, but I guess I should say thanks, because its helping me move on.

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I won't go upstairs and tell you to get the ___ out of here and not come back. I want to, but I won't because of the 11 year old child that is in the same room.


This is taking every single ounce of strength I have. When this is all over I WILL BE A BETTER PERSON. (sorry for the caps but I am barking at the moon right now).

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