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Post here instead of contacting your ex!


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Today I will not call nor text message you. I won't ask you how in the ____ you could not contact your own child for an entire weekend when all it takes a phone call. I will enjoy the time with OUR child. I will show her how much I love and care for her. You have become a heartless b___h.

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You said you wanted a divorce on Monday. We still live together because we financially can't be apart right now. You are being nice to me and telling me where you are going before you leave; we watch TV together. Maybe you are just being civil. I want to hug you and hold you but I can't. I have to continue to pretend I don't care and it is so hard...

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This weekend I took the time to surround myself with friends and my family. I took the time to think, and to plan. You took the time to go and party like you are a twenty year old single girl. I hope you're happy, because I've used my time wisely.


You'll not hear this from me. Our upcoming MC will be a farce.

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Dear Lowly Worm,


I understand how confused you are at the moment. You broke me and I have not only mended but have come out of it much happier and secure than I was before. :) Its ok be to slightly annoyed.


I try not to look amused when you tell me the person you left me and the kids for, is a pain in the a**, because I do beleive you might one day realise how much I did to make your life run as smooth at it did. And more importantly how amazing our children are.


She moved half way around the planet to be near you and you suddenly decide she is " needy" and dont want her anymore. I wouldnt say I am sorry for her because I am not. She knew you were with me with children and she still pursued you, in my oppionion every bit of pain she feels is nothing to what she caused to your family.


I see you now and actually feel at ease in your company. In many many ways i have become a more together person because of it. my childrens and my life is in a much better place.


I dont wish you ill. I dont wish you to feel any of the pain I wanted you to feel early on. I would like you to learn from the agony you caused and promice yourself you wont ever put nother woman through what you put us through.


I wish you well.



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I'm sorry that I loved you too much. That I was so passionate. That I cared. That I wanted you.


I know you are out there having a great time, and I hope you find or have found all the things that you felt were lacking with me. You deserve whatever it wants that makes you happy.


I have been much happier these past few weeks since we failed to reconnect. I've been working on my fitness, and I'm looking and feeling great. I've met some wonderful new people, and I'm happy with my own company.



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you have your life to live, and i know right now, i am no where near in it. i don think you will ever need me anymore. so just drop the 'friend' thing.


it's better for me to save all my love, my caringness and my affection to someone who really want it, someone who really need it and someone who will cherish it.


goodbye and hope i will never see you or hear anything from you anymore.

Edited by bleu
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This is my first post, but may not be my last...


Hey there Dirtbag,


I NEVER use the word hate, but I can honestly say that I HATE you. I hate the fact that you treated me so well, I hate how you taught me to trust again, I hate how you took all of that away when you walked. I hate how you cared about me, I hate how you made me feel so special, I hate how 300 of our mutual friends approved of our relationship. I hate how you never referred to me as your girlfriend, when we'd been together for more than a year and a half. I hate how you threw me away out of the blue like I meant nothing, when I gave all of myself to you, both emotionally and physically. I hate the way you made me feel so safe. I hate the way you listened to me. I hate how you never listened to me. I hate how you made me your priority, and I also hate how you NEVER made me your priority. I hate how you never communicated with me. It drove me F**king insane. I hate that you were, are and always will be a coward. I hate cowards. I hate the fact that you cheated on me. I hate the fact you lied. I hate that I had to find out all the answers on my own. I hate that you'd told me who she was months ago. I hate that I didn't trust my own instincts that something was going on. I hate that I had to find out for myself via Facebook. I hate it when I'm always right...


I hate it that you tried to hurt me even more by posting all sorts of **** on your Facebook page. I hate the fact I HAD to look at it to know the real truth. I hate that you never had the balls to just TELL ME THE TRUTH, when I had told you SO MANY TIMES how I would rather be hurt by the truth than by a lie. I hate that I had to stoop to stalking your wall for 5 days before blocking you in order to move on from the truth.


I hate that I saw a photo of the two of you together, taken when you were obviously still with me. I hate her too. I hate that she took you away from me. I want to punch her fat face in just as much as I want to punch yours. I hate that I wish she was dead, like when you said that you were 'visiting her in hospital because she was dying'. I hate that I believed it! I hate myself for being so heartless if it's really true, and at the same time, I can't wait for your heart to be ripped out when she dies if it is true. I hate that I still believe that it's true.


I hate that your new girlfriend loves Fleetwood Mac. I hate that I've let someone that I don't even know ruin one of my favourite bands. I hate that when I hear Stevie Nicks' beautiful voice that would once lift my fragile soul it now shatters it to pieces. I hate that it's because of the person you left me for. I hate that she plastered that she 'loves you' every day on your wall. I hate thinking about you telling her that you love her back.


I hate that you NEVER told me that you loved me.

I LOVE that I never told you that I loved you.


I love myself too much to want to stay with someone like you. I love that since the day you left, I have never made an inch of contact. I love that I respect myself enough to NEVER humiliate myself my crawling on my knees. I love that I know that I am worthy of so much more. I love that now your new girlfriend gets all of the **** I have left behind, because you are a piece of ****. I love that you are no longer my problem. I love that I love myself enough to know that I deserve, and will recieve better than you. I love that in just 2 weeks time, you will be put through two MONTHS worth of pure Purgatory when surrounded by more than 200 mutual friends who knew us as a couple. I love that you will be doing it alone, and your new girlfriend will be no where in sight. I love that you will be reminded of me every day for those 2 months. I love that you will be suffering, and I will be fine.


I love that when I went to speak about you today, I had almost forgotten your name. I love that since you left me, I have lost weight and I'm looking good! I love that I never changed myself for you. I love who I am. I love that is 20 years time, I am going to have everything I ever wanted in this world, I will have most of my dreams come to fruition. I love that you will continue to have nothing. I love that I don't regret a damn minute with you, because my lessons were a blessing. I love that you are not mature enough to ever reach the same conclusions.


When you left me, you told me in your cowardly self that you 'didn't think that you were the right man for me'.


I LOVE that you were telling the truth.

Edited by LoveTruthChaos
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Its been a week and 2 days. I thought I was doing good- guess I got too cocky. I woke up at 4 am with the worst anxiety, it feels like an elephant was sitting on my chest. It got so bad I had to throw up. I love you so very much. Although I know you contributed to the demise of our marriage all I can see is all the bad things I did. I am so sorry that I hurt you and made you not love me anymore. I feel so guilty- I feel like I am ruining our children's lives. Why can't I remember any of the bad things you did? Why can I only hate myself? How can you just stop loving me all of a sudden? When are you going to move out? I hate living like this everyday, not knowing. Not knowing if you will speak to me. I'm so tired of putting on a strong front, pretending I'm perfectly fine with ending it- because I'm not. I want to work it out. I want to do all those things we made plans to do. I never thought this would happen to us. I want to grow old with you. I am not strong enough to do this- I need you. But I can't tell you any of this because my pride is the only thing I have left.

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I've been trying, but I don't know how to let you go.


When I called to really say goodbye and you fell apart, stopped me, and told me you still loved me, you have your whole life and "we can't be over, we can't be over in this life" ...but then wrote me the next day about how he is a wonderful man and you give him something he is missing and he gives you something you are missing and you and he are both very happy with how your relationship has turned out -- It was wrong.


Writing me that if I still want to say goodbye, you understand but you know if we were really meant to be together that you trust we will be. But you can't and won't give me any promises and I have to live my life and you have to live yours and you hope I find happiness along the way -- It was wrong.


Writing me you still love me and you have for 25 years and you know it must be hard for me to hear all of this... and you know that I can't understand how you could feel the way you do right now -- It was wrong.


Writing me that you don't know when or if we will have a time but you feel very strongly that now is not our time -- It was wrong.


Dragging my heart around for 6 months trying to figure out what the cryptic messages mixed in with the silence really all meant... while you were happy living with him in a secret relationship -- It was wrong.


I love you and miss you more than I knew I was capable of.... I still know I would crawl though broken glass for you --- but I hope karma kicks your ass soooo badly.

Edited by r6060
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I miss you. I've lost you almost entirely. I thought the connection we had would have survived breaking up but I guess not. I'm trying to salvage it now and talking to you is like talking to a wall.


Sometimes I feel like I wouldn't have broken up with you if I knew that I would lose you like this.


You said you'd be receptive to me and so here I am, trying - and you can't give me anything back. Lately I've been feeling like I'm missing you, even romantically, but how do I know if that's not just the loneliness talking?


Why can't you give me a sign, or something, that you're even interested in being friends with me? You say you are, yet you do the opposite. Sure you reply to me, but you don't offer to meet with me another day, you just say you're busy. How the hell can you expect me to keep trying when you don't even act like you're interested?? Do you have ANY idea how much harder you're making this for me? You're completely closed - I have to do all the initiating and half the time I feel as though I shouldn't be trying because I'm being a nuisance to you.


I feel like I'm waiting for something to happen. I shouldn't be doing that....I should be making things happen for myself...get out there and GET what I WANT - and what I want is an AMICABLE relationship with YOU... I know I have nothing to lose and everything to gain right now...it's just hard be brave and continually to approach someone like you who hardly acts like they're interested.


This is completely aggravating, but I'm not ready to give up yet.

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I don't want to cause you any issues in your relationship you have now.

And I am not trying to harrass you.

I just need to get this out.

After you cut me out of your life so suddenly, I was in so much pain I could'nt bare it.

I lost YOU the love I fought for for 6 1/2 years and I was completely devastated.

I could'nt and still don't understand Why, you couldnt give me any closure, How you ignored my letters and emails.

The hurt you caused me was the most painful thing I have ever been through in my life, I never thought you could be so cold and cowardly toward me.

I was VERY angry. How was i suppose to react? I had plans with you and you ripped my heart out!

You are the only person I have'nt got forgiveness from that I have hurt in the past years.

I guess you won't ever make a mends with me. It should'nt matter but It does, you were a part of my life.

I cannot deny, that somewhere in my heart there will always be a place for you, that's how much you meant to me.

I guess after all we were'nt meant to be. Thats okay. I have accepted it and we both have moved on and love other people.

Thank you for the years you brought joy to my life and I am sorry for ever hurting you and making you wait and for getting here too late.

I can only hope someday you can think of me and remember all the love I gave you all those years and smile :)

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It’s not that I can’t contact you. I even talked to you on Monday and saw you on Saturday. We’ve been talking during the past month and a half, almost every single day, and even hooked up one night. We were starting a reconnection process. Fool me, to think that we were on a path towards reconciliation. It was and still is too soon for that, right? That’s what you said on Monday. How come you call me? You come to my house? You’re always there but don’t put an inch of effort to try it again? Why?????


I did nothing to you, well... nothing but to love you and give you my all. You never cheated, or lied, you were the perfect boyfriend and I hate you for that, because you made me trust again. You trusted too thanks to me, and what do I have now??? Nothing but someone not willing to step up for me.


I met a guy today, yes, he was cute and was my type. I will see him every day at work, you know? And for one moment I thought ‘what if I moved on and start flirting with someone else? I could certainly do that’, but I hate the fact that I may even have to consider that because YOU don’t have the b**** to work for it. I don’t want to move on, and I don’t think I will anytime soon. Something inside tells me it’s not over yet, is it? F***ing hope! I won’t settle for what you offer but we had such a great connection again. Do I have to consider dating other people?


I’m sorry for loving you like this, for not being able to say ‘f*** you’. I’m sorry for waiting for your call these days saying that you made a mistake and are willing to try again. It was just a catching up process, right? You feared I may move on so you decided to appear in my life again after leaving me... but I gave you back the power and I need it now. Can you give it to me? I’ll try to get it back.


Yes, I’d like to talk about what happened and see what the terms are, what you feel, but I don’t want to discuss the ugly subject, not again. Not if it’s just to break my heart once again and to dry myself after crying so much.


All I know is that I love you deeply, don’t want to move on, please don’t force and make me do it.


I want you for the rest of my life, don’t make me go that road and forget you.


Please don't...

Edited by lullaby
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You are moving to Alaska? What choice do I have? Sit here and pine for you half a world away? End it so I can get emotional distance from you. Going with you was never the option I supported. It sounds like you are chasing your dreams. I will be chasing mine.


I cried when I realized that you were going away. And because I love you and want you to be happy, I backed out and ended it. I freed you. Don't hate me for ending it and backing away. We never could work out how to set the boundaries in a way that you would remember them anyway.


I miss your pain in the ass dog. It pains me when you tell me that he has been misbehaving since our break up. I loved that dog.


I feel bad not having the chance to discuss us being intimate and how I treasured every moment we had. I hope you don't feel used or anything, because that was real.

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I think you should quit contacting them immediately, and see if they eventually miss you. I think that's your only hope.


But what do I know?


It is a lot more complicated than that, trust me.




Help me, please. I really want to talk to you. Can I call you?

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I feel bad not having the chance to discuss us being intimate and how I treasured every moment we had. I hope you don't feel used or anything, because that was real.


These are the words I so desperately need to hear from my ex, but never will. I'm going to pretend that he has said these words to me. Maybe then I can imagine that giving my virginity to him was appreciated...

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Wow, you are all over the place. Sometimes you go out of your way to speak to me and are super nice and sweet, then you ignore me like I'm the plague the next. How does that work when we are going to have to live together for a while- until we get or financial situation straight. Do you love me one minute and despise my presence the next. You are pretty transparent. I hear you every time you say "ok" to yourself in a whisper. Like ok, let me psych myself up to ignore her. So the weekend is almost here. Is it going to be miserable like the last two? I want to get out and do stuff with the kids as a family but I guess I'm going to have to teach myself how to do it alone. Single mom. That's going to be me eventually. Ugh. I stare at your balding head- I now try to find fault in you- it'll make it easier for me. It has been easier lately. Before I couldn't find fault, now I can. I've gotta take care of myself- you're in the gym and taking all sorts of supplements to improve your "performance" yet you think I don't notice. Sad how you never cared to do that with me- or even cared to hit the gym with me- but now that you are going to be single you care about your appearance. Oh well.

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i just need to rant this out somewhere:


how dare you say that you feel a bit worthless and ignored for not replying to your email. i concede its rude not to reply but it should NOT make you feel worthless.


it wasn't even sincere. I mean, its never been you to ask me how i'm doing EVER before so that's why it sounds sooo insincere when you do so now.


i did get your prior email of less than 10 words asking how i am. seriously did you think i would reply to that ! i mean "hows it going?? Hows uni ?? and ______ _____" <-- yeh you got that WRONG !! were you hungover from partying with your're new girl that you couldn't even know that its not even that !! I mean, it's like youve never cared. you clearly only wrote that 'email' to 'make sure' you kept 'in contact' so that i couldn't accuse you of not trying to contact me. well good job of that, but it does you no good because i know that if you really, truly and with all honest intentions of wanting to be friends, you would have made more effort. I know you make effort when it means something to you and when you don't that tells me everything. and even if you're overseas - you would; you'd text me because you do have my number or tell me your skype - well, its too late now.


and this 2nd email, i know that you only thought of me cos of somthing else and NOT the reason in it. and the email was ****ty. an improvement on the 1st but nevertheless, cold, in insincere. on that note, i just have to say that i HATED the line "...hope uni and life is going well for you"... I'M SURE by that time you were sooo over it. just looking at it made me want to vomit. and how you just ignored my question saying you didn't write much? Ppl were right about how you expect a better reply than what you get and what i got wasn't much BECAUSE there were more IMPORTANT things. well, now there are more importabt things to me than this.


you've always written ****ty replies to me before - oneliners... lame unexcited,,, no kissesss even when i wrote that ... but oh no not to others. WTF. oh well. great for you.


why do you even try to make it out like you care? you've never included me in your life. i seriously think that the whole 'friends' thing is just a way for you to make it seem okay for yourself. like you did no wrong. well you did. i can bet you that more than half of the reason why you want to be friends is to make it appear like you were the 'nice' guy and for your own reasons.

how selfish, still.


i don't want to meet up for a coffee or lunch or to random talk. You never ever came in for lunch before or wanted to get coffee - Why TF now !?!?! and WTF with other ppl and NOT me !!. seriously - how am i meant to feel?


you did wrong to me and for that, to me you are a jerk. and there is too much to ever make up for it. i hope you realise that you aren't a jerk to anyone else because you haven't done any wrong to them.


and to say that the relationship had no meaning unless we were still friends is stupid because the future can't change the past and what happened, happened. well since you moved on pretty quickly, doesn't that show you how much 'meaning' it had?


and i've thought it through. it'll do no good to be friends because i know that you'll just ditch me again, as a friend, when you get a new girlfriend. that's just how you are. you might not say so, but that's just how you are. and besides, any new gf would be wary of me anyway and i'll probably not be welcome. so why should i be your friend?


that's my gut feeling - and like i told you, i should have listened to it and not gone out with you. oh how the wiser i am now.


and if you were really a 'friend' you would have at least asked me how i was going and not need me to fish it out of you. that is my problem. you were sooo glad to get out of the relationship.... and then admit to friends of your new crushes just in a week of when we 'broke up' - how'd you think that made ME feel, eh?!?! and you complain of feeling worthless !!


and now you're clearly only thinking of yourself. that's completely understandable... and so on that point, i'm now just only thinking of myself.


i do NOT need to care how i make you feel (i doubt you ever cared about how you made me feel when we were together). you made me fee like ****. and of course you would not know where i'm coming from or how it feels because you are an emotional retard.


i felt like that other girl you were so worried about in her status updates. how could you not even think that that was going through my mind. OMFG are you thick or what !?!? you don't realise because you don't care ! thats the point!

i'm glad that i've found out about stuff that i shouldn't have. it just gives me more resolve about you. you lied to me about everything. i can't help getting angry and feeling worthless like you think you do.

i know you're over it very much by now. i have seen the pictures. OMFG put your FB privacy up dammit !! anyway, delete those of us because it's not like you've ever wanted to take them in the first place.


i'm just so disappointed in myself that i let myself be treated like **** for so long and the good thing i can take out of this is that i'm not going to let it happen again. EVER.

and another dissapointing thing - you treat your friends better than your gf. I know that i would be able to get you do do more now, cos of your guilt, than you would have been willing as a bf. oh how is that so going to put 'meaning' to the relationship.


well i hope you find your dream of becoming a man-whore and get with all these girls. you guys should just be honest with each other and stop the bravados.


i dunno. you've got good character. you would make a good friend and i know that you'll just forgive me for whatever i do. you make it easy. i don't know if that's because you just are soo wanting ppl to approve of you. i don't want you to forget how you made me feel and how it will never be okay. if i am to talk to you; you would think that everything was okay. its not and won't be because you can't change the pass.


only if our lives cross then i will say hi. otherwise - it's up to fate. and i hope it will be kind to me.

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I don't why you did this to me, why you lied to me and told me you wanted to me with me when you didn't at all. You fkn kept leading me on when you didn't even want to be with me, why did you do that?! what the hell is wrong with you?! I don't know how i'm going to be able to trust another man again. You hurt me deeply and I hope I eventually forget about you and what you did to me.

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I'm not exactly sure what I want to say to you. I've never been quite sure of how exactly to handle things between us. Our relationship was full of so many ups and downs, when everything finally ended, it just left me broken with my head spinning. One thing that I can be sure of is that i've never loved someone as much as I loved you. It COMPLETELY broke my heart to have to end things between us, but I think that I did what was best for both of us.


If you want to know how I'm doing, I would say 'not bad'. Can't say i'm doing great, but I feel like i'm getting better as time goes on. It's been almost two months since I've seen you, and five weeks since we've talked. I still think about you most of every single day. Occassionally, I still find myself referring to you and I as 'us', even though that doesn't exist anymore. It breaks my heart that I am not in your life anymore, and I often wonder if you ever think of me. Unfortunately, I will never know the answers to these questions, at least not anytime soon, because it is way to early for me to contact you. I saw your picture on facebook the other day, and all of the heartache has returned...


Anyways, I hope that you are doing well. I am trying to move on with my life. I honestly feel like I am a better person now than I was two months ago. I have been going back to the gym and getting back in shape like we always talked about doing. I am actually in the best shape of my life right now. I will be starting school again in the fall and hope to finish up with my degree. I feel like in order to leave all of this behind, I just have to move forward with my life.


I hope that you know that i've never stopped loving you. When I said that I would love you forever, I meant it. There will always be a place in my heart for you. I pray that all of your hopes and dreams come true, and that you get exactly what you want out of life. I'm sorry things had to end up the way that they did, but I guess it's all up to fate now. Maybe in the future we will be re-united, if not, I wish you all the best.


ALL my love...



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Hi again Dirtbag,


When you broke up with me, you broke a part of me too. You took it with you when you left. No matter how hard I try, and try and try as I might, I can never get that part of myself back. I really am trying so very hard to keep idealistic, to make sure that my rose coloured glasses stay firmly over my eyes. I don't EVER want to lose that about myself. I love my vulnerabilities as much as I love my strengths.


I loved who I was when I was with you. I loved who I was because I was the real me. I don't ever EVER hide who I am. You love me, or you don't. There is no grey. I loved me more than I loved you. As much as you hold a piece of my heart right now, I hold my love over you. And now, you will never know.


Don't ever think that I didn't know you were cheating. I knew. I know it was for quite a while too. Well, you can have her now. They're getting younger and younger. I was 16 years younger than you, and she is even younger than me! Are you trying to replicate my innocence? I don't think that anyone could replicate that. This is who I am because of personality, not because of age.


If you thought that I was changing, then maybe you take a good hard look in the mirror. Because that's who's to blame.


Oh and by the way - I've cooked your favourite dinner now for the last two nights in a row. I enjoy every last bite knowing that you will never eat it again. I hope she cooks you nothing but Southern Fried Chicken and clogs your arteries!

Edited by LoveTruthChaos
Added some more spite
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Dearest Dirtbag!


Turns out that I have quite a lot to say to you tonight!


I wish for you to fall on your ass this summer.

I wish for my friends to grill you about me.

I wish for you to be reminded of me every day.


I'm so ANGRY with you! I've been in this stage for a couple of weeks now. It's probably the lead up to PMS, but I kind of like to take out all my anger on you, because right now, I feel it's necessary.


My Mum is having psychic dreams about you. It's kind of scary. She tells me that something's going down with you. I know, that sound highly euphemistic, but no - that's not what I said. Although... maybe that's the thing that will be your downfall anyway! My Mum's dreams are never wrong...


You made me feel so worthless. It hurt that you had already moved on, to the point that you had nothing to say to me after everything we were, everything we shared. Nothing. Like I was nothing. I had to prompt words out of you since you wouldn't speak. I WASN'T BREAKING UP WITH MYSELF, YOU *********!!!!




I always told you that I would rather be hurt by the truth than by a lie. Why couldn't you please please give me that? You thought you were being kind, but by failing to respect my wishes, you showed what little respect you had for me.


Right now, it's killing me to know that you are happy (although my Mum swears otherwise). Mum and I have the same psychic abilities, and you knew that. Mine aren't as strong as hers only because I'm not as old as she is. Sometimes I burst into tears randomly. In my misery, I believe that I am crying because I can feel that you are happy, which you don't deserve. But maybe, just maybe, somewhere in my hope, I am crying because you are upset. Oh, how I wish for you to be upset.


You don't deserve to be happy. You don't deserve it. Why should you be happy after making me so upset? I've never known such hurt. Why do I have to be the one picking up the pieces?


You know, I would be fine if you were hurting too. If you were thinking that you had made a mistake. Not that I want you back - oh HELL no - but why should I be the one hurting? I did nothing wrong. You dumped me for someone else. Why do you deserve to be so damn happy?


Why did you pretend to cry over the phone while you were breaking up with me? Why? Why did you pretend to sound so sad? It's like you had been rehearsing for weeks. It couldn't be real emotion...could it? Why were you so quiet? You weren't too upset to speak....were you? I could hear you blowing your nose in the background, but you clearly weren't crying...right?


But all that's in the past now. Because you're with her now, and I'm so very far from your mind. You made sure of that. She looks like my polar opposite. So that you won't be reminded of me, there's no comparison.


I wish that you missed me.

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I don't know what it is you are looking for.


I don't know what it is you expect to be different once you are single.


I think you are making a big mistake that is going to cause you pain in the long run, and lots of regret.


Your choices are going to impact our children is such a deep and profound way, I hope you are 100% certain this is what you want to do.


I am growing tired of being the one holding on... I think it's about time I let go of you completely.


I deserve to be with someone who wants to make me happy.

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Seems like a fun topic haha


Dear Ex Girlfriend,


What the hell happened to you? When I first met you, you were perfect, sweet, and innocent. Now you're having a FWB relationship with some guy and smoking? I miss the old you and I wish she will come back. You're gonna be hurt by this. He's gonna treat you like a ***** and you'll be sorry. He's also gonna toss you away after he's done and found someone better. Hopefully you'll get a wake up call and realize that I was better for you. I know we had our problems and I understand why we broke up. But I cared for you. I loved you for you and I always found you beautiful no matter what you looked like. (She was fat when I first met her, but I didn't care. She began losing weight and idk her personality changed after that) I also accepted your mistakes and strengths like you accepted mine. When you turned down my apology, all you did was talk trash about me. NOT once did you mention anything positive about me. You killed my self-esteen in order to boost yours. Everything I said in the apology is totally true. You never said once that you forgive me. And what happened to "remember, you're my best friend?" Last time I checked, you don't treat your best friend like ****. You don't invite them to a birthday party and completely ignore them. You don't get bitchy at them when they just say "hi" and "what's up?" And speaking of birthdays, why didn't your little FWB friend show up to comfort you when you were depressed that day? So much he cares about your emotions. At least I got off my ass, drove to your house and comforted you. That shows that I care about you and that I'm a different person. You were my first everything and I seriously saw a future together.


Whatever. I don't care anymore. Thanks for the heartbreak

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