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Dear Dirtbag,


No scrap that. I've done some thinking, and that name is too kind for you.



Dear F**kface,


I hope that your new girlfriend sends you packages while you're away from her this summer. Just the way I used to send packages to you. I hope that hers are plain, and addressed in a boring black pen. To show you how vanilla she really is.


I hope that with every package you get from her, you remember the ones I used to send. The ones I spent hours decorating with pictures and hearts, in my favourite rainbow Sharpies. Remember how I love rainbow colours?


The sparkle confetti that I used to sprinkle inside. They were shaped like hearts, sometimes stars, the 'Happy Birthday' ones, and the witch shaped ones at Halloween. You used to love to rip open a package from me, tip the contents out and see all the great stuff I crammed into there cascade onto your bed. When I stayed with you, I could see remnants of the confetti scattered on your floor, in random little corners of the room.


You always told me that I was the Queen of packages. That no one had ever sent you anything so sweet. And I sent you so many! The confetti was different every time. You loved trying to guess what would be in the next one.


You will never know that when you left me for her, I was almost done putting together another package for you. Remember that hat of mine that you loved and wore it to work for a week? It looked so good on you! I had finally found you a replica and bought it for you, ready to send. It sounds so stupid, but I was so heartbroken on the day I had to return it to the store, knowing you would never have it. I bought us both a copy of MAD magazine - the Australian edition - and was going to send you one. I bought us both a handheld crappy electronic pinball game. I know it was crappy, but I knew you'd understand its meaning, and that you'd love it.


This time, I was going to put some sparkles shaped like castles and unicorns in your package, to remind you of the time that we went to the Renaissance Faire. We fulfilled life long dreams together that day, and it was magic.


Remember that great photo I took of the two of us? Well, I sent it in to the Ren Faire photo competition. And if we win, the prize will be sent to your house. I hope we win. I hope she's there when you get the prize in the mail. I hope that you use the free passes to go to the Ren Faire with her, and when you get a program, OUR photo will be on the back page.


I hope that all of these scenarios come true, because you NEED to start hurting.

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Dear whore


After everything we went through and all our great times, you decided to spread your legs for the first guy that paid you a bit of attention. Now you find out he's a player and his ex is coming over to stay with him and you still choose him over me? Your a complete ****ing idiot.


I never treated you badly and worshipped the ground you walked on, I guess he won't do the same when he's ****ing his ex behind your back and your still waiting around like a little love struck puppy dog. Everybody else including your family can see what a dick he is except you. I'm a good person and I don't deserve the amount of ****, lies, acts that you put me through. I never thought you'd be the cheating, lying, manipulative slut you turned out to be.


It's about time you were miserable and hurt. I'm sick of going to therapy breaking down every 5 minutes and obsessing over all the **** you put me through. You deserve to be hit by a bus and I hope you can sleep well at night knowing that you lost the best thing that ever happened to you. You piss me off with all your happy bull****, where do you get off hurting me????


I don't care if it takes me a while to get over you I WILL get over you and find somebody better then you. Everybody deserves to know what type of person you are. The person I fell in love with is gone, she died a long time ago. Enjoy ****ing your player boyfriend as I'm going to laugh my ass off when he dumps you for the next piece of ass that comes along.


oh yeah p.s F*** you

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Hi F.... how are you? What are you doing? You know what I've been doing? Trying to live....feeling guilty for lying to you...which was not intended to hurt you, but to keep your respect. Yes...I lied...it is bad..but not as bad as what you did to me. At least I loved you, unconditionally. I would have done anything, and did do anything just to see the smile on your face. What did I get? You cheating on me with a prostitute in Germany, and not even saying sorry to me. Just sorry you didn't enjoy it...but she was damn hot! What about all the times you want to be sexually adventurous with everyone but me? You wanted to sleep with my friends, any woman...I wasn't good enough. Still, I tried...whatever you wanted, I gave you. I forgave you for all the mean things you said to me...as I only focused on the good things.


Even now...after you found out the truth...I'm the bad guy? What about me? Did you stop eating and sleeping for a week on 3 occasions, one of which put me in the hospital? No...you were fine...still flirted with other women...my love meant nothing, unless you were in the mood for it.


When you travel to Thailand, or Morocco, or Europe or whatever...try to find a girl who will love you like I did...sure, you won't look for good girls...you'll look for ones who are easy. No, I wasn't easy...I didn't care about the sex...I never got even the O from you, but I didn't care...didn't even think about it, as all I cared about was being next to you for the last 3 years.


No woman will love you to the point they will take you if you had not one thing in the world...no money, no clothes, no nothing...if you were a man on the street, I'd still love you. try to find that love elsewhere...Good luck.


You will marry your cousin soon...she has a lot of expectations....she thinks you will treat her like a queen. Maybe you will...maybe you won't...but from what you told me, you already said you won't love her...and maybe you'll take a 2nd wife.


You had a really good thing...I made mistakes in my past....but I was true to you and did all I could to make you happy....God only knows how I prayed for things just to work. I just hope one day when you grow up, you'll realize what you had....I wasn't just for fun, or a game...I was a woman with feelings, and only desired you to appreciate and respect me.


God willing, one day...one day, finally....I will find the one who will TRULY treat me right.


I'm not mad...I just hope God blesses you to be a better man....

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I still don't understand why you broke up with me. I was always there for you. In fact you're the one who abandoned me when I got sick and yet I want you back?


I hate you...no I don't. I love you. Damn it.


What are you thinking right now? Do you have any feelings for me? It's been a month. I wished you a happy birthday and you replied like I was a friend from your past. Clearly you don't want to hang out with me... Or are you one of the few who want to be chased? If I chase you I might push you away further.


The LS rule of thumb is to stay NC, but are all these people right? They have more experience than me so they probably are right. BUT not everyone is the same. Oh now you're just rationalizing why you should contact her. No, it's true she could be different. Fine contact her and see how far that gets you. You think it's a bad decision? Yes. But do what you want. FINE.


G-d what do you want me from me?

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I still have some things I have to let out hahaha


Dear Some New Guy's Booty Call,


I put the pieces together. I knew you were going to hook up after this break-up. When I was with you, you constantly wanted to get physical. Like if we were to go to a funeral or something, you'd probably want to get it on. Seriously, EVERY TIME. We lacked communication and I hated it. I wanted to listen to your feelings, and I wanted to tell you about mine. But most of the time, you didn't listen. Now you're hooking with this new guy who btw is NOT WHAT YOU TOLD ME YOU DIDN'T EVER WANT. I cared about you and when we did get physical, there was love and it made it special. **** your friends and **** their views. You're better than that. But it's too late. You ****ed up and I can't wait for you to crash and burn.


Enjoy your AIDS. I'll just remember the old you. The one who cared about me, the one who listened to me, the one who I truly found beautiful, and the one that truly made me happy.

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It's been three hundred fifty five days and thirteen hours since that day.

It still pains me to see you walk right past me, to hear about your daily feats and adventures, and to dream of the dreams that never stopped appearing.


Summer has started; less distractions, more time to think.

Anxiety has been acting up again. I thought things were going to be okay, but I'm still not over it.

I'm over you... but I'm not over our memories.

Nostalgia never fails to reel me back into its den of suffocation.


And to think, in a couple of months, I will barely know a thing about you.

But I know, information will find a way to leak and pierce my heart.


I wish we could be friends, but we both know it will never work.

At least for now...

How could you indulge in such fantasies when we both know it will only lead to more heartbreak?


It won't, you say?

But we have tried, over and over again.

It always ends up in pointless bickering.

Friendship will never work, so long as we both hold on to our feelings toward each other.


Eleven hours and a year will be complete.

Who knew it would take so long to heal.

And you said six months would do it.

I guess, we both still have a long way to go.

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What.. the, F***.. do you think you're doing?


You called me blind.


There you were on your throne loving every bit of your ego that I fed stupidly.


You called me weak, pathetic and thought I'd never get my life straight.


Lol, you say you're over me.


Say you don't care If we're friends.


You say you didn't feel so bad when you left me.




You only lasted a week before the void stomped you down, crawling Into the arms.. of a rebound.


You think you're over me, you think you're moving on.


I can - not - WAIT until those repressed feelings you chose not to acknowledge bite you In your FAT ASS!


You know Its funny C.


When we went out you told me you didn't really care about leaving your last ex.


It only took you a few months to start having dreams about him, soon after to see that those repressed feelings came back out.


You cried yourself to sleep because of your guilt.


Guess what B****?


What goes around comes around.


It's been one week and I'm already strong enough to not txt you back!


Its funny how I wasn't weak enough to start a rebound.


You'll be CRAWLING back to me begging o please o please I'm so dam sorry for not caring!


I realized that my new boyfriend was Just a rebound!


Ive been so stupid!


..Oh ok.




O and ah.. C.


You weren't that great at sex.


O how nice I was to not make you feel so embarassed when YOU FARTED ON ME DURING SEX!





**** don't get me started on you smelling like sea salt sweat every time you walk from the bus stop to my house!


Jesus woman, how about a nice spray on deodarent called WAKE UP


Apparently its only meant for B***HES that fart and smell like sea salt every now and then.


But I'd say the foulest smell you ever made was when you wreaked like fish down In the bushy cave between your legs!




Ohhh ****! :laugh:


Girl you crack me up.


But lets be serious here, not only did you crack me up.


B***H you F***** me up!


Oh man I wanna round up a crowd and put you on stage so you can bring tears of laughter to peoples faces when you say..




You're such a comedian.


But hang on what did you say you were?


Better than me, stronger than me and smarter than me.


Ok Cruella Devile, you round up your 101 dalmations, don't come crying to me once you've devistated your own self into realizing how much you need me.


The only way I'd ever take you back, Is If I can truly make you understand how much of a B*** you were.


So until then, I'll be hearing from you In a few months.


By the way, don't fart on me ever again.


It's disgusting!

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Did it bother you that me and the boys left as soon as you got home yesterday and stayed gone until late?


Guess what? I don't need you. You actually held us back.


We wanted to get out and do stuff but you were always too tired to do anything- you just wanted to sit on the couch and watch TV, probably too tired from putting on a show all day at work- entertaining the CT Techs, trying to be seen as Mr. Perfect.


Well we (your family) don't need you- I'm a better father than you are any day of the week. And I don't want you, because you just tried to pull me down. You are jealous of my education, you were jealous I played Roller Derby, I can't believe I gave that up for our marriage and then you say you want out anyways.


I want the boys to get use to being with me mostly because that is what is going to happen soon.


I really want to move into C's house once they leave- that way we can get divorced a year from now. Time to drop the dead weight!

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another newguy

When I put this in the mailbox – you will be dead to me forever.


I will never look back again. I will never wonder about the promises or the dreams. I will never re-live your touch, the look in your eyes, your voice, or your words. I don’t want you to ever try to contact me for any reason. I don’t want you to ever lay in bed and wonder if I am thinking about you, if we will ever talk again or if you will ever see me again. You will never feel the love of my touch again. You will never see the love in my eyes. You will never know my heart is racing because you have entered the room. When we are apart, you will never know that I am longing and wishing for you.


You have thrown away the person who has cared more about you than anyone in your life ever has and you know that is true beyond a doubt. You have thrown away the person who has cared about you more than he cared about himself and showed you so every single day in every way he could. You have thrown away the person that would sacrifice anything for you without hesitation.


You’ll find someone to use you (in fact, congratulations, you already have), you might even find someone to love you, but they won’t love you like I have. You will never ever look in someone’s eyes and see what you have seen in mine. You will never get there again.


Look at the postmark. You might not care at all now, but someday you will look around you and really understand what you are to whomever you are closest to, and it WILL hit you. You might still not care enough to feel the pain you've shown me, but you will remember this day as the day you became less than you once were.


Rest in peace.

Edited by another newguy
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When I put this in the mailbox – you will be dead to me forever.


I will never look back again. I will never wonder about the promises or the dreams. I will never re-live your touch, the look in your eyes, your voice, or your words. I don’t want you to ever try to contact me for any reason. I don’t want you to ever lay in bed and wonder if I am thinking about you, if we will ever talk again or if you will ever see me again. You will never feel the love of my touch again. You will never see the love in my eyes. You will never know my heart is racing because you have entered the room. When we are apart, you will never know that I am longing and wishing for you.


You have thrown away the person who has cared more about you than anyone in your life ever has and you know that is true beyond a doubt. You have thrown away the person who has cared about you more than he cared about himself and showed you so every single day in every way he could. You have thrown away the person that would sacrifice anything for you without hesitation.


You’ll find someone to use you (in fact, congratulations, you already have), you might even find someone to love you, but they won’t love you like I have. You will never ever look in someone’s eyes and see what you have seen in mine. You will never get there again.


You might not care at all now, but someday you will look around you and really understand what you are to whomever you are closest to, and it WILL hit you. You might still not care enough to feel the pain you've shown me, but you will remember this day as the day you became less than you once were.


Rest in peace.



Dude, we have the same story. I loved my ex so much. I loved everything about her. I didn't care about the way she looked or anything! Now she's hooking up with some dude and hates relationships now. She's also trying drugs and alcohol. And I'm 100 percent sure that this guy doesn't even give a **** about her. Just the way she looks. She's not the chick I fell in love with. I'm waiting for the her wake up call and me to just say NO because she ****ed up BIG TIME.


We're in pain, but whatever stupid and wrong thing they do, we become the better person. :)

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another newguy
We're in pain, but whatever stupid and wrong thing they do, we become the better person. :)




Thanks, I guess I'm not sure about becoming the better person yet. But I'll never let myself be that same person. :o

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Gosh, I got more to say about this girl that I thought was the perfect...

I have a feeling I'm going to be posting a lot in this thread.


So it's June. This is the month that we began talking two years ago. You probably don't remember because you're too busy ****ing with your FWB (who probably doesn't give a crap about you anyways) I felt a connection with you right away. We loved the same movies and music and talked through EVERY WAY possible. I knew you liked me and you knew I liked you. That summer, I met a girl that was so sweet, innocent, and different. It was completely obvious that we should be together. And it changed my life. I felt truly happy and I felt alive. What the hell happened to this girl?! You now ignore me, treat me like ****, and now you're doing things that you told me you would never do? WTF?! I can't talk to you the same way anymore, it's just weird. When we first met, it was CONSTANT flirting and we would only talk to each other. Everyday, we would make a new inside joke and a new memory. And you even said happy birthday to me when everybody else forgot it was my b-day. That action showed me that you really do care for me and that I have found the perfect girl. I talked so kindly about you with my friends and everybody told me that you were perfect for me and we would make the cutest couple. When you talk to me now, you're so distant and cold. I can't crack jokes with you, I can't compliment you. It's just so weird and awkward. I miss the old you, but i don't think she's coming back ever. She's long gone and you're probably laughing at how square and lame the old you was. You're some trashy party girl now and you probably look at me as some loser who doesn't know how to have a good time. Well **** you. I don't need all that **** to make me happy. I love the old you. I saw the beauty in you. And now, I can't stand you. You're bagging on me now and calling me a crappy person. I admit I was and I'm truly sorry, but you don't have to be totally bring me down and view our relationship as "abusive" or "depressing." When I think of you. I'll remember the old you. Yeah the old you was fat and wore glasses, but I didn't care what you looked like. I fell in love with you because of you. You showed me care in a way that no one has ever shown me. And you opened up to me and I opened up to you. I SAW THE REAL BEAUTY IN YOU. I feel like you used me as a puppet. You lost weight and more people began finding you attractive and once you realized everybody was finding that, you decided you can do better than me. You're a terrible person . **** you and your FWB.

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I miss you.


Yes I was controlling a lot of the time and I understand exactly why it made you unhappy. I shouldn't have done what I did. But you proved my suspicions right by sleeping with him after months of me telling you that you were leading him on.


I still want you and I forgive you. You admitted it yourself you know I'll never be controlling with anyone ever again. I've learned a lot and I want to give it another go. I know that you don't. You're the most amazing person I've ever met and I wish I'd not messed my one chance with you. I know that I'll never love anyone the way I love you. I know that because I've forgiven you for what you did. I want one more chance to start again, remove all the wrongdoings on both sides and be happy like we used to. I know I'll never get that opportunity. I hope NC makes you realise how perfect we were. If only we had a chance to go back to that...

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Is there someone else?

Are you still having an EA with her?

Do you miss us even a little bit?

I am feeling very lonely today, not sure how I'm suppose to go a year without any hugs or affection from you or anyone else.

loneliness sucks!

I don't know if I miss you or if I'm just afraid of being alone.

Living together is going to be much harder than I imagined.

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Dear E,

It's been just a few days since you left me for the other guy and the pain of losing you isnt getting any easier. I blocked your FB account because I can't stand seeing the photos of you with the new guy. I know you don't feel anything for me and you don't care how I feel I wish I had the ability to do that, but I can't. I'm moving on with my life a part of me wishes I could still talk to you that's what I truly miss the most of being with you. But I have to be strong and say goodbye take care of yourself.

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hurt and devastated

It's been one week today that I moved out. Right now we were talking about the other guy and what's been going on leading up to this point. The hardest thing I have ever had to face is packing up enough to live off of and go to my mom's. I know this isn't what you wanted for us, and I'm sorry that things I did drove you to this. I can't tell you how hard it is to go to bed every night alone. I hate it when I wake up in the middle of the night and you're not there. I hate waking up, and then the reality hits me why I'm waking up at my mom's instead of next to you. Not being able to tuck S and B in every night like I used to is tearing me up inside, as is B crying when I leave after coming to see them. Even though I know it's wrong I would love nothing more than to be able to come back and be in your lives again. I miss you and the kids so much. I wish you could love me the way you used to and the way I still love you. What you did to me hurt me to no end, but being apart from all of you hurts even more...

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Today you arrived at our camp, without me, and without her. I felt it. A huge feeling of peace washed over me, and then I cried my heart out. The peace was for me. The tears were from you. I'm so very glad that you're starting to finally hurt, and that I can feel it.


Thank you, Universe.

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So what's going on there honey dear? You didn't shower this morning, nor did you douse yourself with cologne. You wore wrinkled pants and your work boots. Getting tired of trying to be GQ for your little girlfriend at work? Maybe she isn't going to be there today and you just don't care. Perhaps she told you to get lost- and you see the grass isn't always greener. Just know I'm sitting here pitying you. You are quite pathetic these days :) This brings me joy.

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Dear S


I wish so bad that you would just walk up to me and put your arms around me, say I love you and we will make it through this. I am trying so hard and I don't see you trying much at all. I hope that once you read that book you will understand more about yourself. It helped me so much and I think that it will help you as well. Please just read it!

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YOU GOD**** NARCISSISTIC PIECE OF ****! Here I am, heartbroken, have the courage to not only reach out to contact you and help you, but ask you if you'd like to talk, and you just dismiss me like I mean nothing to you.


Your friends? They don't give one TENTH of a **** about you as much as I did. I gave you everything I had, despite you leaving me four times, and you repay me by casually answering my emails, talking about yourself endlessly like you're some God, and then, OOPS, realize maybe you should ask me how my weekend was?? Are you ****ING SERIOUS?


You ****ing DIRTBAG!! I hate you for how you're treating me, and I hate myself twice as much for still loving you and wanting you!


I hope life is horrible to you, I hope you never find love again, and I hope all your friends leave you. Of course, then you'd still have yourself, which is your true love, you ****ing horrible person. You never really loved me, did you?? You're incapable of it, you transgender-wannabe lying piece of CRAP!



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I am so very much in love with you and you treat me horrible, yet I can't bring my self to hate you! You have no idea how much you have hurt me, and continue to hurt me even though we are now "just friends". I didn't think you could hurt me this bad. You lied to me when we first met and you told me that you would never hurt me and you would not do to me what others have done to you. Sometimes it's hard for me to believe that you have ever really loved me. You can be the biggest hypocrite, and you don't even realize it, and then whenever I say something about it, you get mad at ME! You asked me so many times to give you time to 'think' while we were together about whether or not you wanted to be with me or L or K when K asked you back. You f***ing stopped talking to me because L said she thought I had alterior motives for being your friend, when that bitch is the one who tried the entire time we were together to break us up(and succeeded). You chose her over me every single time we were together or even thinking about getting back together, not even giving us a week to have been broke up! You dumped me the morning before my BIRTHDAY and were back with her that same day! How the hell could you do that to me?!?! and then you tell me(or slipped, I guess I should say) that you guys had been together during the little period of time that we were broke up the first time. How the hell am I supposed to know that it was only when we were broke up? You met her on MOBSTERS ON MYSPACE, you've never met her, she lives across the friggin country, yet you can't be with me because I live like maybe 3 hours away now?! I really hope when she comes out here to marry you she's been lying to you all this time and turns out to be way uglier and more of a vindictive psycho hag than she is. I would laugh so damn hard! You say that you love me, and you have to admit that you love her, but it's in a different way than you love me, and you know that I'm going to take that as you are in love with me, and not with her, and then I have to find out over the god damned INTERNET that you are planning to "marry her someday if she will have you"?!?! AFTER telling me like 2 weeks ago(right before you chose her over me again)that you wanted to work on our relationship and you want to MARRY ME?????? You just love making a fool out of me don't you? Do you get that much enjoyment out of hurting me like this? You know damn well you should have told me that the difference in the love is that you are in love with her, not the other way around, even though she's cheated on you and you cheated on her with me(you could have let me know you were with her then, too), you lie to her all the time and you know she's lied to you constantly. I am truly baffled as to why you chose her over me. You will never know the extent of how much I love you. Don't you dare ask me again for advice on what to do the next time she dumps you. I will not be nice about it. And don't pretend you care about my feelings when we both know you don't.

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So I re-watched High Fidelity and I decided to make a Top 5 Things I miss about you.


1. I'll miss your laugh. Your laugh was so filled with life and it was the cutest thing I ever seen. Your eyes would close and your perfect white teeth would show and it just makes me smile and tear up a bit thinking about it now, for I can't make you laugh like that anymore.


2. I'll miss the good night text messages and calls we exchange each other before we go to bed. They were the sweetest things I ever read and it's a pain deleting them.


3. I'll miss your scent. I miss this one a lot. I miss you hugging me and your scent just staying on my sweater. I'll always remember letting you wear my beanie hat just so I can get that scent on it.


4. I'll miss staring in your big, black eyes. When I look in your eyes, I felt love. When I starred in your eyes, I felt that I can only see you and only you.


5. I'll miss holding you tightly and you resting your head on my shoulders. Also, I'll miss you hiding in my arms when you see something scary in a movie. It's so cute when you're scared and on the edge of your seat.


I can go on forever. But these are the things I truly miss about you. I wish you can read this, but you don't want anything to do with me. Enjoy your drugs and your FWB.

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hurt and devastated

So...you leave my daughter with me tonight and have my stepson spend the night at his other grandparents' so you can go to a friend's "housewarming party". Why don't you just admit you're gonna go f*ck him like you've been doing every Friday night for the last 3 months?! You were too upset to do anything last Friday night, so you have a week to make up for. Do you know how stupid I feel for being the good parent, feeding them, putting them to bed, then going to bed alone and missing you while you're out playing Sodom and Gomorrah with some jackass that's cheating on his spouse too? "I don't want to drive home after drinking" my ass! I have to fight so hard with myself to not drive over there and catch you two in the act. I can't believe you did this to me. All that talk before about never wanting to put someone through that must have been a line to make me never doubt that you could be up to no good. Well thanks a lot for that. I hope this motherf*cker doesn't have any diseases, since I was sharing you with him and didn't know it. Does staying out all night really seem like responsible behavior for a 34 year old mother of two? Maybe you need to try growing up....



The most painful thing is I still love you.

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Hi again F**kface.


Here we are again. I have spent the last almost 3 months soul searching, and now you get 9 weeks worth of it. Yay! I have waited so long for you to be in this position, and just when I thought I couldn't wait any longer, there it was.


*sigh* :)


You're only 2 days in, but that's okay. Soon, I'll get all the information that I want to hear, and some that I don't. It's a shame you'll never reach out to me through our mutual friends. I would love to kick you in the balls as you beg on your knees!


For now, it's good enough that your little world is going to get torn apart.

So have fun dancing in the dark.

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