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Post here instead of contacting your ex!


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Have you thought about me at all this week since we havnt spoke in 6 days at your request? I seriously doubt it


Are you having a wonderful time while your new bf's ex is staying with him for 2 months?


I'm sure your all happy families. I want you to know that he'll never treat you as good as I would have done, you should have just spoke to me and told me what was going on.


Now I can't even speak to you to tell you I miss you. It's only going to be a matter of time before he breaks your heart. You said I was the best thing that ever happened to you...think about that while he's looking at his ex and making her laugh, making her love him again all the while making you uncomfortable.


You all deserve one another

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You said you wanted to still be able to hang out and do things. Everytime we talk, you say Adam offered to take you and your daughter to the beach, but never does what he says. I text you and you respond...I called you and asked if you would like for me to take you and your daughter to the beach, which was supposed to be today. You said yes, but it would have to be early because you had to work tonight. Why would you say yes, then not even call me or text me even after I called you yesterday and left you a message asking what time you wanted to go?? Just don't understand why people can't just text or call just to say, " I can't or don't want to go"....or maybe being friends isn't such a good idea at this point. I've always been honest with myself and the women I date from the start. If it's not working for me, I am up front with them. It may hurt initially, but it's much better than letting them think there is hope of getting back together if a break up happens. I will not call you or text you from this day forward and hope you will not contact me as well. I can't take anymore of the way you're treating me!

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Guess you are going out on the town tonight. You didn't shower, but you did put on cologne. Didn't brush your teeth, so I guess that just means you are hanging with the fellas. Who knows. Hope you have fun. Have you actually paid any of the bills/debt so we can work towards this divorce you want so much or is it just another one of your bright ideas that never come to fruition????

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I made a huge mistake yesterday and contacted her via email and text. Today I feel absolutely horrible.....I should not have done this.


Not that this matters much, as my story is no different than any other, but I guess it makes me feel better to say it.


Basically we had been dating for 4 months and saw each other everyday. She has a 7 month old son who is not mine. I developed a relationship with him as well. His face lit up when I came over, we had a bond immediately. We are both 43 years old and I have no children. About a month ago she called me on Monday to tell me she accepted a job in Louisiana and left the next day. She did not even give me the respect of talking to me about the relationship while still here, she said we could talk about it on the way down there while she was driving because she would have more time. HUH? You can guess what she said, she did not want to work at this relationship. She is an adjuster and they work 12 hours a day 7 days a week during a disaster like the oil spill.


Needless to say, I was a lot more vested in this relationship than she was, I told her I could not be her friend right now that I had to heal and she called me an &*^hole and that I promised we would be friends.....again, HUH? I am crying on the phone and she is asking me why I am crying......it was surreal.


I should not have contacted her.........I was doing great for 3 weeks and then yesterday I was very very weak

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Thank God Im doing a whole lot better than a month ago.. when I was losing weight which by the way I told you and all you did was make fun of me???... what kind of human being are you.. making me love you, yet hate you more each day. Making a fool of me by telling me how annoying I was by always being "on your case" I regret moving out of the country just because I realized how much you meant to me and how I wanted to give my life to you and only you... before when I was there I gave two sh*ts about you and now I just think about you much more than I ever thought of anyone. I'd like to believe thats karma for the stupid crap we did to each other... do you remember what you did with my former best friend k.... all behind my back God knows if we were together then , then that would have been cheating.. gee all the I love you's and crap mean absolutely nothing now saying how much you loved me but then hooking up with all of my friends just to "get" my attention you filthy liar thats not how you love someone.. thank God I never gave myself to you thank God I didnt commit that mistake I would have probably be utterly miserable right now. I really dislike myself right now.. why cant I go back to being how I was, careless, when back then I knew exactly who you were .. a pathetic loser that only I was stupid enough to like.. when I think about it I dont regret getting with your best friend a year after the crap you did to me.. and I dont regret leaving you for that marine, that gave me in 22 days what you never gave me in 4 years. And I hope you dont show up in december cause you will be wasting a lot of money... that whole rubbish that you rather act than say.. its bull because day by day I take a little piece of you out of me and you keep losing me.. and by december I hope to not even know your name.. good thing we dont have too many special memories together. Cause its way too easy now, now that I expect absolutely nothing from you...




this will continue

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Hey there!


Guess what? I don't even feel like calling you a dirtbag today, or a f**kface either! Because I know you're suffering right now, and yes, that makes me happy. I got closure of another kind that's kind of to do with where you are now, and I feel great.


Today is the day that I looked at the clock at 11:11 and took all my wishes back. I no longer wish for your downfall - I wish for my happiness instead. Because your downfall has just begun. Yay!


"Good luck good luck,

Good luck in your new bed

Enjoy your nightmares honey

When you're resting your head!"


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You don't know my pain. You think that because you're more social now, you can treat people like ****? You think THAT makes you cool? That makes you immature, and the last time I check YOU CALLED ME IMMATURE. I'm not playing games with you. I'm not being hot and cold with you. And I tried being your friend and you treat me like garbage. "Oh you're my best friend, remember that :)" **** you. You don't treat friends like that. Your friends are manipulative assclowns that probably have a poor history with relationships and now that you broken up with me, they're showing you how to whore around and be like one of those pathetic girls that you see on MTV or something. You really changed. You didn't need to change. You WERE yes I said WERE perfect. Why do you want to be someone's booty call really? You like being used? Do you like using somebody? I remember one time, you accused me of using you and you ended up getting pissy at me, now you're doing it for fun? What the hell?! What happened to your morals? You always say "I have a good relationship with God" and you go on our school's religious retreats and you behave like this now? I don't get you anymore. And you're gonna get thrown away by this new guy and you're gonna be hurt and probably going to look for someone else to whore around with. Or maybe you'll crawl back to me. If that happens, I'll probably say no. I don't want the new you. I want the old you. And the old you will never come back. The old you is dead. I'm in love with the old you. Not the trashy you. In the future, when someone asks about my first girlfriend and love. I'll mention all the good times, but remember, I'll mention the person you became after the break up. You will always be trash in my eyes now.


Oh and btw today is June 27th. One of my favorite dates with you. You probably don't care anymore. A year ago today, you came over to my house and you joined the prayer ceremony for my Grandfather who deceased. We also got breakfast earlier that morning and we took one of those Photobooth pictures. It's a pain I have to store it away now. We also laid on the grass and listened to your ipod. Remember that? Of course NOT! You don't give a **** anymore. You're too busy recovering from a hangover to give a crap? Gah I can't believe you.

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hurt and devastated

You weren't there last night when I came to get more of my stuff. Yet you were there after I left. What the Hell? Now you're having him over, sharing the bed we once shared? Did you look at him, sleeping on my side of the bed? How did it feel when he left and you came out into the living room, and saw our wedding pictures still up? I wish you could feel an OUNCE of the pain and heartbreak you've caused me in the last week. You're upset because now you don't know how you're going to be able to afford to keep everything going? Why don't you have HIM help you out? Oh, that's right.....HE'S STILL MARRIED!

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Hey there,


Nope, I'm still not in the mood to call you names. You're suffering enough, perhaps. Not that you care how much I have suffered, but I'm going to be the better person in all this.


At this very minute, you're on the dancefloor where we first kissed. How's that going for you? Surrounded by all those people, the same people that were there when it all started between us. How do you feel now?


One year ago today, we re-lived the night we first met.

One year ago today, I saw a look in your eyes that trancended eternity.

One year ago today, I fell in love.

One year ago today, we preened each other in front of that little mirror in your room.

One year ago today, I saw your halo as you drove back home.

One year ago today, you left that note under my pillow.

The note that I think about every day.

The note that I will NEVER throw away.


One year ago today.

And I know that you remember.


Could you look me in the eye, and tell me that you're happy now?

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I spoke to my parents today.


They helped me realize that YOU were too demanding and you used me.


You demanded so much, you constantly wanted to get physical and you even wanted me to sneak out of my house a few times when you knew I couldn't. And when I give you something, it's either too much, too little, or not what you expected. You wanted me to become one of those characters from those 80's movies you watch and the people you read about in your bull**** magazines. And I realized you used me. You made fun of me in front of my family in order to be accepted by them. But in reality, you looked like a bitch. When you were fat, you probably used me because no one else thought you looked attractive. Now that you're skinny, you tossed me away like I was trash. I seriously believe you didn't really love me. Now that we're broken up, you're hooking up with some dude and I know why. You want to be accepted in the group you are with now. By hooking up with some dude and doing drugs and alcohol, they'll accept you. You hate being lonely and left out. You have no respect for yourself and I have no respect for you. You never really truly loved me like you said. You have problems, seek help please.

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hurt and devastated

The nights are the worst. I loathe the sun going down, because I know soon I will be alone with my thoughts and memories of us. They swirl around me in a giant kaliedoscope of pain that I can't escape. I know you are hurting; I saw it in your eyes when I dropped S and B off today. I wish you could quit trying to repress your feelings when you're upset or sad. The only think that comes out is "I'm ok" or "I'll be ok". Maybe if you tell yourself that enough you'll start believing it.

Edited by hurt and devastated
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A radio request group on Facebook? Really?

I guess some things really can't be blocked on there.

F**k you, and f**k your stupid new girlfriend who will request a million songs just for her. Like she can f**king hear them anyway! She's no where near you, and the radio station only broadcasts in a 200 metre radius!


At least I didn't have to beg for you to dedicate songs to me.

And now, you have upgraded back to being a F**kface.

And she's a whore.

And I hope she dies.

And soon.


Have fun when the 200 kids we teach turn up in a few days, and you have to try to explain who SHE is, and why I'M not there. You'll hear my name so many times in a day that I want you to go to sleep with no other name in your mind and on your lips.


I know this is my anger speaking. But I'm angry because I'm hurting. I'm hurting because you're not. At least, not on the outside. I hope your heart bleeds, and not over your little slut.


I want you to hurt over me. But I don't want you back. I just don't like things that are mine being taken away from me. Yeah - my anger is making me a territorial b*tch. But you're a bastard and she's a whore, and I have nothing to lose by cursing the s**t out of you!

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Ugh, I'm feeling sorry for myself- and when I feel sorry for myself I just want for you to hold me in your arms. You are my support system, my rock- I am going to miss that the most. I just need to be held and I need to know you love me, but you probably don't. You are so infatuated with everyone else but me- you think every other girl will be better than me. I guess I deserve that, but you weren't all that great to me, you were just ok- but I still loved you anyway.

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You ended it... I've come to accept that.

You aren't the person I believed you to be and tried to convince everyone (including myself) that you were... I've come to accept that.

There will be others that are better for me than you... I've come to accept that.

I will probably be happier than you in the long run, because I actually know how to communicate... I've come to accept that.


But why on earth do you need to try to poach my friends? Do you see my contacting your friends and trying to keep them in my life? You and *** had no relationship before, no friendship, you didn't im or talk on the phone or email or facebook... your only relationship was through me!!!! What exactly are you trying to do? Get out of my life!

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9 Days today, NC. I'm angry and upset. I spoke to your friend last night, she was telling me all the stuff he was doing behind your back on fb. He's even telling people that he never knew about me when you were cheating on me behind my back even though you told me he did.


He's posting stuff to his ex asking her to share his room with him and all the while your in love with him.


He's treating you like an idiot, he's going to break your heart like you did mine. You know what the worst thing is??? I never want you to go through what I'm going through because I still love you. I still care about you. I want you to be happy even if I'm miserable.


Why can't I be happy about this? Knowing he's going to hurt you so much? I don't want this and it sucks. You know what? Your stupid.


Even your parents are still speaking to me, your friends are still speaking to me...what are you telling them? Why are they so desperate for us to get back together? Because I treated you so well?


I would have given you the world, I hope you know that because everybody else certainly does.

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I was a control freak. It took you finishing me to make me realise just how bad I had become. You deserved better and I'm glad for you that you made the right decision.


I've changed a lot (for the better already) and I know that I'll never control anyone ever again! I wish you'd give me a second chance to let me love you like I should have first time around.


I know I only have myself to blame. You were WELL into me for four years and I just let it all slip away. I stopped being as close, as loving, as romantic, as caring. It didn't happen intentionally but it did happen.


I love you more than anything in this world and I would do ANYTHING for a second chance with you. I just want to treat you how I KNOW i should have first time around. I hope one day you can let me back in to prove it...

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I have been rebuilding myself, even after you blindsided me with your supposed 'effort' during our reconnect.


In the weeks following I realized The 'magic tricks' shown when you came back just to leave again were as shallow of a cheap street performer.


Your perception is that I am down.


How wrong you are, cos I no longer put any value in what you think of me.


Next time you see me, if you see me. It won't be the guy that you thought I was.


It will be the strong guy that I know I am.


I'm pleased I know at this point who you really are. The social chameleon who changes her colors and story to suit the people around her.


Ask yourself this in all your shallowness, can you really say you ever looked deeply as to who I am?


I doubt it.

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text msg

just recieved a message via fb

well how r u now? how cum you didnt do my paperwork you no i cant do it and i will not get paid, ur funny u think your so smart, i no that you want to see me down and out, so take the whole ****ing lot i dont want it


well babe

u poor tormented soul, how do you cope? will your new piece of ass not help you??? no i didnt do your paperwork and yes i know that you wont get paid but let me ask you do you honestly think that i give a rats ass??

you lost all rights to question me when you walked out the door without a backword glance for me or your kids

oh i hear that your knew girl is into expensive clothes and dining out, well i hope you find a job real soon you will know tomorrow that i hav cleaned out the bank accounts and as for me keeping the business nah your ok its going to the wall anyway!!

i would like to say that i sincerly hope that the sex with her/them is absoulty fantastic and that your having the time of your life every night and that the grass is totally greener on the other side because you my friend have by far paid a heavy price.

you have lost more than i ever will, you lying, cheating, no good, using twisted , cowardly excuse of a man, bet your mum is soooooo proud of you today oh almost forgot how comfortable is her sofa lol


1 more thing you know that rep that you thought had the hots for me yeah the good looking hunk with the snake in his trousers? well you were right he does i will text you on sunday morning and let you know if the snake slitters!!!

now you have a nice nite *******


bye bye now

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I really can't stand your ass, I had to leave the house because the sight of you makes me want to vomit!!!! I have to get away from you soon, I can't live like this anymore. Move out!

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how could you just walk away from me???

did i mean that little to you??? have you even thought of me at all??? i love you i miss you please come home, it will be ok if you you just tell me that you love me that you want me

this hurts so bad i cant cope without you

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Chris, you had me fooled for a good while. Thought you could pull the wool over my eyes and not have me find out about the extent of your lies, betrayal and deceitfulness. Thankfully, there are ppl who know I deserve the truth and were kind enough to give it to me since your stupid, pathetic, cowardly ass couldn't even do that.


Let me tell you something: you have lost. Not only because you left me but b/c of the predicament you find yourself in now. I know you and I know you will do this to her and you know what - she deserves it for being a trife little skank getting involved with you when she knew you were taken.


You're an *******, a cheat, a liar, a fool, a manipulator, a narcissist, an idiot, a mother****er. Your weak attempts at trying to contact me again didn't work. Yes, I still love you, yes, I miss you. But I love me more. And I will never go back to you. EVER.


I hope your ****ing dick falls off, *******.

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hurt and devastated

When you called me tonight, I couldn't help but be surprised. The only communication we've basically had in the last week and a half was via texting and short, tense phone calls. I'm not really sure how to take what happened. We actually were able to have a conversation and just BS about things. I'm not trying to read too much into it other than you just wanted to talk. I know nothing's changed, and probably never will. It was just so good to hear your voice with no crying or anger. And your laugh. That infectious laugh! I miss hearing it. I want so badly to just ask you if there was some other way, but I'm afraid I already know the answer.....

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