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Oh R, I have so much more to ask you, you f*cking brick wall.


Why do you think that it was okay to cheat on me? WHY? How DARE you think that I deserved that. I did NOTHING to you. Why the F*CK are you getting away with this? Why do you think you deserve happiness?


How dare you take my smile away and give it to someone else?

What makes her so worthy?



NO ONE hurts me and gets away with it.


Karma is a B.I.T.C.H.

And you are NO EXCEPTION to the rules.

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Remember the time you told me you didn't feel the same for me?.Remember when you begged my forgiveness?Remember when I took you back and forgave you for hurting me in a way no else ever could?Well why don't I get the second chance that I gave you? I love you so much and to me you are such a rarity in both looks and personality but sometimes you chill me to the bone when you don't either cut me loose or give me another chance.Even to have some sort of hope would be nice.I am not suffering,I can move on,I've become confident but I still want you by my side and I say want as opposed to need.I will give you time but please give me something in return.

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I spent a day and a half on NC with you. Despite my heart breaking, I know I did the right thing. I also called the courthouse to find out you didn't turn in your financial statements like you were asked to on the 15th. You ass. You're really going to lose everything.


I can see how it's going to go down. You're going to lose it all. And you're probably going to end up having to pay a lot to me in Support. But don't worry. I'm sure your rich girlfriend will help you pay it, because she cares about you so dang much.


I want to believe you are truly done with me. But I know you. You get really desperate when you are backed into a corner. You can never leave things too long. The controller in you will flip. You have to have it all. You have to have your little family strung along to keep up appearances. That's why you say you don't want to spend time with me, but yet you will sit beside me and keep quiet and enjoy the time together.


You can't do that with her - we both know that. It's not real, it's an illusion. I'm sure she's using you and much as you are using her. That's why you sneak around, hoping no one finds out. I don't know what the hell you are telling your coworkers, because they don't seem surprised to see me coming around. But they know I deserve better because they've told me so.


I can feel it coming - but I don't want to feel your demise coming. I want to be away from you, looking toward the future, looking forward to being an entrepreneur and a mom.


You will be nothing. And I will not want you because you are nothing, even if I love you.


Don't you dare come back. Just stay away and play house with her. You need to suffer for a while. You need to stew in your guilt. You deserve nothing less.

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Nikki Sahagin

Initially you were a friendly, sincere, charismatic, easy-going, out-going, wonderful person. I always felt unworthy of you because you were so confident and what you wanted to do; you did. There were no obsticals, no what if's or buts as there are with me. Our relationship had its ups and downs; we both contributed to its downfall. My insecurites and the fact that I put you on a pedestal I felt I could never compare to, left me feeling incredibly vulnerable and needy - you were the opposite of me and you were like no-one i'd ever met before. I know where I went wrong with you; I know I was insecure, cruel and mean, needy and dependent but I apologised and tried to explain to you, that i'm so sorry for everything I did - I just had never seen a star shine as bright as you and being given that star and being told you were mine, filled me with inferiority; why did I deserve you? Why would you stay with me? What if I were to lose you? You exploded into my life and brought so much colour and energy; I was overwhelmed and I guess I didn't think I deserved you. Love scares me. Men scare me. What if you'd lie, or cheat or get bored? What if I could never be to you what you were to me?


The first time you gave up on us it hit me hard because I realised it was all my fault. I understood why you'd leave me when I had so many issues and there are so many girls out there as outgoing and amazing as you that wont hold you back with their problems. I took a lot of guilt and pain with me and I wanted to kill myself because I realised I was jealous of the type of person you were. I wanted to be like you but I knew I never could be; your confidence and bravery; I envied those qualities. Because I envied you, I tried to keep you down. The guilt, regret and the self-awareness hit me so hard. I realised we are very different people and thats probably what drew us together. I really wish I could be the type of person you are but I am for better or worse much more serious, sensitive, conservative, moralistic and maybe even boring.


We tried again and I tried to be better and let you be free, thinking that if I couldn't be the things you needed, you could at least find that outside of us and be happy. But you exploited my new-found 'niceness' and flirted with new girls all of the time. You said to everyone but me that your love for me had faded and never peaked at the same level again. I can't explain the pain I felt; the INADEQUACY, the guilt, regret, desperation, helplessness and hopelessness when you realise the person you loved, lusted after and obsessed over, the person you wanted your future with, was pushed away by your own issues and demons, that you practically chased them away with a pitchfork because you were so afraid and too stuck in your ways to seek help. The greatest pain is knowing the man I loved was not compatible for me; that I would always have held you back. Letting you go is a horrific, searing pain; I feel like something was ampuated. I don't know if I idealised you, but you were so amazing to me, and it made me nervous.


When we broke up the second time I was so angry at how you'd treated me. We'd gone from me being horrible to you being horrible, and though I was ready to change and be better for you, you weren't.


Now you are cruel to me, insensitive, selfish, cowardly and hypocritical.


I could never get back with you.


But I miss the friend you were. I miss the times when I felt I had something so special. I miss the calm of lying in your arms and holding you tight. I miss the promises and our dreams. I miss you loving me and feeling like the most beautiful girl in the world. I miss the boy who had sad eyes. I hate that you mistreated me and that I mistreated you. I don't know if we were a lie...


I wish I didn't hurt you. Maybe then you wouldn't have hurt me.

Again, i'm sorry for all I did; I know you are happy and I hope you live a great life.


Suddenly today a great pain is back in me and I don't know why.


I miss my friend, I miss my lover, I miss my soulmate. But I also feel hurt and hate from the pain you caused. Because what we had was so tender, every moment brusied me.


I don't know if there's even any way back to us even as friends anymore. But I miss you old friend, back when there was no damage, chaos and lies between us. I don't know why my most beautiful and trusted friend became my cruelest enemy. I can't understand why. There is no pain greater than losing the friend and lover that brought you happiness and seeing them look at you with hate.


I'll carry the good memories of our friendship and I hope i'll meet a great friend to rival you one day.


Love to you.

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I was looking at some photos, and I found a few of you.


You looked like S.H.1.T.


Looking at your ugly face and thinking of how BADLY you have hurt me makes me want to tear you limb from limb.


I just want you to hurt, and I want to know about it.


Oh and by the way?

I know you're talking s.h.1.t about me.

I did nothing to you.

I don't deserve it.

I don't appreciate it.


Looks like your Karma just doubled.

And I'll be there providing the accompaniment on a very tiny violin.

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So I saw you today.


Why were you at Summer School?


And you looked sick. Are you forcing yourself to throw up again?

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I miss you.


I can't bare the thought of you sleeping with other men just weeks after our break-up. I thought things meant something to you.


I want to stop loving you.

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Why won't you at least talk to me? Don't you understand I need to know where we went wrong for closure? Stop being so selfish.


I wish I didn't love you any more. I tried so hard for us and it still wasn't good enough in the end. You're missing one of the greatest opportunities of your life. I hope you look back one day and realise what you've lost.

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I'm on day three of not contacting you. I'm almost in month six of the separation. The time has really flown by. I've had my moments of grief. I'm sure I'll have a pang or too. Right now, I feel a sadness in my heart. But this is only temporary. I'm getting over you. I'm moving on with my life.


I talked to a co-worker about this, and I told her how it burned me that you may never feel remorse. But she told me that wasn't true. That one day, you may feel true remorse, when all is said and done, and you can't get your family back. She says you may be with the other woman, but you are not happy, and you are going to squander it all away. She says that it will hurt, and it will be very painful.


All I could think of was I hope it makes you grow up.


I try to keep my revenge fantasies at bay, because honestly, it will do me no good. It won't bring my family back. It won't bring my idea of love back. So I am letting it go for my sake. I have already decided that you will never come back to me - and even if you break down my door, i'll only send you away.


I love you, I really do, but you really broke my heart with your selfishness. You have to learn that when you've squandered true happiness, you must face the consequence of remorse and regret, if that is what you are prepared to do.


Goodbye, my love. I hope one day, you can find happiness. But for now, I am prepared to despise you and send you away time and time again.

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You tried to cloak your true self with a sheet of gossamer that glitters like gold. You exposed your true self one too many times for me to question and doubt my own eyes any more.


You never loved me. You faked it pretty good though. You learned to fake love just like you fake everything else.


You're a liar. You're a fraud.

Edited by Bespectacled
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My heart may ache, but I'm getting over you.


I have people here who care for me, my Canadian family.


I have the most amazing friends.


I'm about to embark on an amazing business journey and become a successful mompreneur.


And when you decide to come back and beg, I will have found the most amazing man who takes good care of me and our son, who is a better dad than you are.


Have a nice life. I don't want you anymore.

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Hey R?


*deep breath*

F.F.F.F.F.F.U.U.U.U.U.U.C.C.C.C.K.K.K. YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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How am I ever going to get over you? I loved who you pretended to be so very, very much!! I want that person back in my life in genuine form.


My life is never going to be the same. My dreams have been shattered.

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I had such a passion for you. Even though we're over, the thought of you giving your heart to anyone else destroys me. I'm the one who should be putting a ring on your finger. You should be MY wife.


I wish we could've spent our lives together, I really do. I loved you with a fire red. You have no idea what you've walked out on.

Edited by mikezombie777
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I hate these on and off days.


I'm having one of those days where I want you back. I miss you so much.

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I just called you to tell you that I didn't need your help, that our son and I are going out with our friends on this night day, and we plan to have a good time without you.


I could hear your heart splatter onto the floor.


You deserve nothing else. Did you really think we'd wait for you? That we'd sit in the house, waiting for you to come back, needing you? You really are an idiot. And this just confirms to me even more that you will come crawling back, begging and pleading once this fling ends - and maybe even before that.


I know she's keeping you from our son. I know she just wants you to focus on her son, and there is no place for my baby in your lives. You don't want to be alone, so you will listen to her, and you will never say no. The abuser has become the abused. Again, it's nothing less than what you deserve.


You figure you will just waltz back in once all is said and done. That we'll always be there. But people like you will never learn. Instead, you will forever but trapped in a bubble of sadness, discontent, selfishness, and pain. I'm glad I got out when I did.


I try to muster the feeling that i want you. But I don't think I do anymore. I don't think I want your brand of love. I miss it because it's familiar to me. But I don't miss you.


Now, I just want you to be a better person. But even if that happened, I still don't want you anywhere near me.

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I hope that you stop lying some day. Lies will always reveal themselves. I hope that some day you will take a cold hard look at ALL of the lies that you told me (even the ones that you don't think I know about) and maybe then you will know why I could not have faith in you.


Stop lying right now. Today!

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I never want to be that pathetic. Its sad and screwed up. You handed over an illusion of control because you think that somehow that makes it better? It doesn't. You cannot control everything. I realize that you have deluded yourself into thinking that somehow this will ease the pain but I have been on the other side of that game. All you've done is prolonged the healing and kept an open door for yourself. Now you can always go back, guilt trip in hand, and pretend you had no part in it. Innocent you. Right?


Look, I don't care. I do not know how many times I can say that or in how many ways. All I want from you is honesty and if you cannot give it I want nothing at all. I have been patient and fair. I have dealt with lots of pain and bullsh** and I am still standing. Don't try to play games with me. Do not try to pretend you do not know me when my head is on the chopping block. I've only ever been good to you. It is a rare and wonderful thing to have someone understand you so well. Please don't sell me out like that. Ever.

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A convo I remember


"Why are you with me? Don't you care that I'm fat and ugly? You could do so much better."

"I don't think that. I love you no matter what, I don't care what you look like. I love you for you"

"Don't ever leave me."


That was when I knew I was in love. That I met someone special. I truly meant what I said. I always found you beautiful, no matter what.


You said "don't ever leave me" and what did YOU do? You dumped me. I made mistakes I know, many I regret so much, but I wanted to make everything work. You weren't perfect to ya know. But I accepted everything because I mean it when I said "I love you."


I'm so mad that you became a new person after this break up.

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When his wife's baby comes next month enjoy being dumped by the married man you've hooked up with. Maybe then you'll notice that I have moved out after 7 years.. and we haven't spoken in two months.


Enjoy being all alone, used, and single.

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Today is day 5 .. and I think I might break down and text him today. right now Im at work so thats the only thing thats stopping me. I get to ease my mind and focus elsewhere. I want to tell him sorry, but the truth is I dont know what Im sorry for. Im going to try to stay busy here at work and hold out

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learned2 love 2late

I wish I could see you again. I wish you where the same person that i loved, i told my whole family about how much i loved you. You where the only girl that loved me, i dnt think someone else will love me like you did.


If i tried harder none of this would of happened and you wouldnt of gone off a slept with him. since august 17 2006 you told me you loved me every single day. i havent herd from you in over 4 months, i havent seen you for 7.


I still love you, i was good for you, your perants even said to you how much you have changed because of me, they liked me, i just wish i had put more effort into you.


i dnt wna date again i dnt wna shag around like what you are doing or wanted to do,


i just want to find someone now


Why did you change and hurt me, why did turn nasty, how could you stop caring for me, how could you sleep with someone who is already taken, how could we go on holiday to italy and you dump me 2 months after.


i wish i saw this coming, i want my A***-M**** back, but i kno im never going to see you again EVER till the day i die.


all i have is memories of the person i knew, i miss everything, i miss your house your area your pets the way we used to do things. i feel lost without u, i dnt know how to cope without you, no other girl compares to you.


i dnt know if im ever guna be happy without you. im scared im not going to be but i cnt loose hope


Miss you forever bubi xx

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hurts to breathe

Why did I give you 16 years of my life? Why did I beg you to stay when you wanted to leave? Why did I let you treat me like I didn't matter? WHy did I make myself believe this was acceptable? Why do I still love you when you call me names? Why do I still want to be with you even though I have finally opened my eyes to you? Why do you stay in our home when you say you want to leave me? Why do I let you U stay? WHy do I want to believe the words coming out of your mouth even though I know you will lie to anyone about anything as long as you are benefiting from the lie? Why did u stop loving me? Why do I care? Why does it hurt so bad? Why did I allow myself to become such a pathetic person? Why did I let myself let you treat me with so much disrespect? Why did it take so many years for me to finally stand up to you and say enough is enough I am done with you? Why if i said these things to you am I the one who wants things to work out? Why are there no answers to any of the questions that really need answers?

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