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Why did I believe that you were better than this? Its always the same isn't it? I'm only there to validate you until you find someone else to do it. The illusion of friendship is gone. How could I be so nieve? I wish I could just tell you off right now but its become apparent that I was only your friend because you were lonley and you threw me under the bus for your new girlfriend. I dont deserbe this and its your loss a$$****.

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I hate these on and off days.


I'm having one of those days where I want you back. I miss you so much.


This describes my day... f****



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hurt and devastated

Well, today marks 1 month since I left. There are so many thoughts going through my head as I type this, it almost hurts to think. I know I did a lot to put me in this situation, but why did you have to cheat on me? I tried hy heart out for almost 4 months to be the husband you needed and deserved. I know that can't make up for the past, but could you at least see that I was trying to change? Do you miss me at all? When you go to bed at night, do you ever wish that I was there? Sadly, I think the answer to both questions is NO. I truly wish you knew how much I love you and miss you. You have no idea how hard I cry every time I take my daughter back there and come home to nothing. I really don't know how much more of this I can take. I'm trying as hard as I can to be strong for my kids, but I'm afraid one day that's not going to be enough. Anyway, happy birthday a day early. I hope yours is better than mine is going to be....

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Thanks for not giving a **** about your pregnant girlfriend and then mooching off of me. Now that i am knocked up and unhappy its ok to treat me like ****. wrong. I think you need to work on your parenting skills. I just wanted you to love me like i loved you instead i find emails of you soliciting sex online with random people. not only that but you ignore my needs for your ****ing ps3 home friends. those people are not real friends. Get motivated and get a JOB! Im tired of taking care of your tired ass. im pregnant with your child and you want me to give you money for cigs and whatever other bad habit you have. go **** yourself. Mr. i take dildos in the ass. selfish piece of ****. Then you leave and wont talk to me not caring about the baby that we are having. listen up creep. you will reap what you sow. I just hope i am there to see it in all its glory! my baby and i will live a happy and healthy life and we will make it without you!

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hurts to breathe

I know this post is for instead of contacting ex but I need to vent even though we had contact.

Dear A$$,

You are so horrible. When I asked you if you are sure we didn't make the decision too rashly about getting a divorce instead of trying the separation longer you said yes you are sure. We made the decision and now we have to stick to it. You are done. Then you tell me it is because of the reasons I listed when we were talking about it last like you can't make up your own mind you have to blame me. Then you say once you make a decision you don't change your mind, if I knew you at all I would know that. Please you never stick to anything you say. If you did why did you make all these promises to me and now you are leaving me??? Then you go on to tell me you keep dreaming about me and that I am sexy. What the f@$@ are you trying to do to me?? Do you not see me hurting so much over losing everything we had?? I think it makes you feel better to see me hurting. Well guess what? No more. I am done letting you see me hurt. Yes this is stressing me out. How could it not? I am trying to find a place to live with our children and I am telling you there is nothing I can afford and you just tell me you are sorry. Well I am the one that is sorry for not seeing the true you way before we had 16 years invested together. I sometimes wish I could go back and have never met you even though I love you with everything in me. You did make it sink in last night though. I got finally. I am healing one day at a time. I am moving forward with my life from today on. No more wondering if you will change your mind and decide that I am worthy of you. Guess what you are not worthy of me. Ha I said it. I deserve someone who doesn't hurt me all the time. I deserve to find someone who will show me how special I am just like I showed you everyday we were together. I deserve someone worthy of me!! Good luck with your sorry life you are about to start. I know you won't make it becuase I know you can't be alone. I have been a lone in this relationship for quite some time now so I know I will make it through this and be the strong person I know I am.

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Dear M -


You told me so many times that you weren't ready for this, but I didn't listen. You told me you were no good for me but I didn't listen. You told me that you needed space and that you couldn't commit and that you were going to treat me like the big fat bastard that you are but I didn't listen.


Then you told me that you loved me and I believed you. You told me that I was your world and I believed you. You told me the girl you were texting was just a friend and I believed you. You told me that you drug me through hell with all of your committment issues and that you would stop and I believed you.


You never told me that you are a selfish prick but I figured it out. You never noticed that giving me the entire world one day then ripping it away the next would drive me insane, but it did. You never realized one day I would be strong enough to walk away from all this drama and madness, but I did.


I don't need you. Leave me alone.



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My life is never going to be the same. My dreams have been shattered.


Hope that you are doing ok, make some new dreams, I look at the past as nightmares I don't want to see again.

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I know I'm double posting but I feel like an addict.


I want to contact him so bad I'm getting impatient with myself, even better I feel like I'm coming down or something?!


I won't do it.

I'm gonna go work out instead.



Good job Army! Keep strong, and I know about addiction, I would rather be addicted to this then the arshole I just left!!!

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*knock, knock*


"Hi Hon,"


"See that pile of stuff sitting in the mud on the front lawn of your condo complex? See that five ton pickup truck and those two big guys? Yup, I brought it with a little help from my friends. Better go get it before someone else takes it, especially the electronics sitting at the bottom of the pile."




*slams door*



Tri - I wonder how you are doing....love your sense of humor and the way you approached these!!

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Dear M -


I hate obsessing about you. I hate the feeling that I did something wrong, that I did something to make you to treat me this way. I have never been anything but good to you. These are your issues, your problems, they have nothing to do with me. I need to be strong enough to stay away from you.


I need to break this cycle. The cycle of absolute bliss of being together and spending time doing what I love with the man I love, to absolute devastation when you ignore me, break the pattern, tell me that I never give you space when you don't ever ask for it until you are running away.


I am so tired of the games. I know that you will come running back to me apologizing as soon as I go away. Why can't you just stay in love with me? Why do I have to sit here absolutely crushed every single month when this happens? Why should I have to pretend that I don't care about you to get you to give a s--- about me???


I know that I need to leave and never look back. But you are so ingrained in my life, you are part of everything I do, I don't know how to leave you without leaving everything I know, everything I have....


Please leave me alone.



Can anyone help me get over this???

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Why does it hurt so much to know that when you come back crying to me, I will only send you away?


The hardest thing to do really is the right thing to do.

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I had to call you to confirm plans to see our son tomorrow.


You were worried about us being sick, told us that we needed to rest and get better. Then you told me about how there is a place in town hiring, and that I should give it a shot, I would be good for it. You told me that my health is more important, and that I should rest, and there will be other times to visit.


Again, you asked me if I had anything else today. Again, I told you no, that was all.


You seem so concerned about our well-being, and yet you haven't realized that it's not your concern anymore.


I think you already feel us slipping away, and it's beginning to bug you. Soon, it shall consume you.


God help you. It's coming. I know it is. And there is no way to stop it.

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Get out of my head. I can't stop thinking about you. Everything reminds me of you. Gah! You're killing me.

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A..You are not worth the ink in my pen or the paper I write it on, so I will type how much of a cowardly disgusting pig you are!

You think you are so cool at 31 walking around with a 19 yr old girl and partying and drinking with her teenager friends. But you look like a freaking idiot..if I was your mother I would be ashamed that I raised such a loser!

None of my hate towards you would be so bad, if you would have fell for someone that you could have a potential lasting relationship with but with a just out of highschool girl? really what the eff are you thinking. You know in time she will grow and change and leave you behind and what will you have NOTHING!

You could have had a great future with a grown attractive classy woman but no you had to eff everything up cause you are a cowardly cold heartled snake!

I hope you get all the teen drama all the drugs and drinking and vomiting all over your apartment and remember me and how I was a lady and didnt act like such fools!

I hope when you finish college..yeah 5 effing years to get a 2 year degree (red flag) that your potential employers see your felony record and deny you to the point you will be a reservation agent the rest of your effing life!

You never deserved me or my love, I was a faithful, loviing, hard working intelligent women with my sh%t together and you chose to deal with a teenager.

You worthless piece of CRAP...Karma is a Beach and yours will come.

When you do decide to contact me I will be in a much better place, in love with a MAN and have the life i deserve that you could never giveme.


I hope you have a life of misery after the way you treated me in the end!

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I hope you're happy with me not in your life. I can't believe how you could just leave me in the dust like that. I thought I meant something to you. I guess actions speak louder than words. Thanks for making me feel worthless and suicidal. Not that you even care, but I will get better. Don't worry, I will still treat your daughter with respect when I see her at work. In fact, I hope you see me when you're dropping her off and it makes your heart stop for a second and you realize that I was important to you.



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The hurtful things you did to me after the break up


-Broke up with me on the phone! COWARD!

-Brought me down when I was obviously hurt (all you said was "everything happens for a reason)

-Obviously ignored me

-Sent me really weird messages (Oral Herpes? WTF?!)

-Tried being your friend and you TREATED ME LIKE TRASH

-Hooked up with some dude YOU JUST MET.

-Acting bitchy and cold when I comforted you on your b-day

-Obviously ignoring me on your birthday

-Tried apologizing and you still brought me down

-Broke NC to "show" you still care. You don't care

-Your little poem on tumblr

-Restricted me on FB


-Probably ****ing one of my best friends right now

-Took my friends away.


Why the **** do I still love you? You changed for the worse.


I want the old you back. The caring, sweet you. Not this flirty, slutty, trashy you. Don't conform. You conformed. What the ****. Hypocrite!

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its 10 months now since you ended our LDR. 2 or 3 weeks before you ended it you said "i really dont want this to go bad". 3 months after you ended it, you asked "listen i would like for us to be friends...or at least towards each other" and i said yes and then no cause i didnt feel ready and then when i said i want to be friends you replied but just logged off without even saying bye. i then pm you "meh" one day and you reply Hi :) then ignore my other messages.


i will admit the last month of that ldr i wasnt a great person, couldnt get a interview for a job to be able to meet you and asking you many times if you are losing interest in it wasnt a smart move on me. maybe i pushed you away but when i realised what i could have with you, you ignored me one night and the next night i asked if you want it over and you said yes and it crushed me, still does.


then you gloat about your new bf while im online, that was low of you. now you ignore yet when i asked for things back you finally ****ing replied.


why the need to be cold? all it does to me is making me think you just wanted to use me or someone asked you to pretend to have a crush on me. yet you complain to others im not being nice huh?


i hate you lindsay, i really do and its both our faults in the end. karma will come around

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hurt and devastated

Ugh, sometimes I hate my mind. Thanks to your little affair and my overactive mind, I've driven by the house and HIS house more than I care to remember. I don't like what this is doing to me. I was a relatively rational person until a month ago. Now I feel like a borderline stalker. I wish I would have followed my original plan and caught you both in the act. Maybe that would have made me angry enough to say "we're through", instead of struggling to cope with what's happened. And you know the worst part? I still love you and want you back more than anything, Dammit!!!

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GD it I hate you. I need to stop feeling like I am going to die every time I think about you. My chest hurts, I can't breathe, this is so ridiculous! I deserved so much better, I gave you the gd world! We are adults, act like a f-ing adult you gd loser! You are a selfish, self-centered prick that never cared about a gd thing in your whole life! You are a loser, unmotivated f-ing loser! You never deserved me, I have no idea why I still pine away for your sorry a$$!!!! I can't believe I wasted so much time on you! All the bs you put me through!!!! When did I lose my mind?? When did I lose all my ****ing self-esteem that I made a stupid f like you my whole world??? Please God help me get myself back so this f-ing loser doesn't have such a hold on me!!!


I really just f-ing hate you.

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You wanted me to smell your shirt? You wanted me to turn around while you took your shirt off and changed it? SERIOUSLY? You can change in your freakin' house.


Mind games are for kids.


Dude, you are so not over me, and yet i'm getting over you. Your loss. Enjoy your vacation with your scowling sk***.

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This is my first post, but may not be my last...


Hey there Dirtbag,


I NEVER use the word hate, but I can honestly say that I HATE you. I hate the fact that you treated me so well, I hate how you taught me to trust again, I hate how you took all of that away when you walked. I hate how you cared about me, I hate how you made me feel so special, I hate how 300 of our mutual friends approved of our relationship. I hate how you never referred to me as your girlfriend, when we'd been together for more than a year and a half. I hate how you threw me away out of the blue like I meant nothing, when I gave all of myself to you, both emotionally and physically. I hate the way you made me feel so safe. I hate the way you listened to me. I hate how you never listened to me. I hate how you made me your priority, and I also hate how you NEVER made me your priority. I hate how you never communicated with me. It drove me F**king insane. I hate that you were, are and always will be a coward. I hate cowards. I hate the fact that you cheated on me. I hate the fact you lied. I hate that I had to find out all the answers on my own. I hate that you'd told me who she was months ago. I hate that I didn't trust my own instincts that something was going on. I hate that I had to find out for myself via Facebook. I hate it when I'm always right...


I hate it that you tried to hurt me even more by posting all sorts of **** on your Facebook page. I hate the fact I HAD to look at it to know the real truth. I hate that you never had the balls to just TELL ME THE TRUTH, when I had told you SO MANY TIMES how I would rather be hurt by the truth than by a lie. I hate that I had to stoop to stalking your wall for 5 days before blocking you in order to move on from the truth.


I hate that I saw a photo of the two of you together, taken when you were obviously still with me. I hate her too. I hate that she took you away from me. I want to punch her fat face in just as much as I want to punch yours. I hate that I wish she was dead, like when you said that you were 'visiting her in hospital because she was dying'. I hate that I believed it! I hate myself for being so heartless if it's really true, and at the same time, I can't wait for your heart to be ripped out when she dies if it is true. I hate that I still believe that it's true.


I hate that your new girlfriend loves Fleetwood Mac. I hate that I've let someone that I don't even know ruin one of my favourite bands. I hate that when I hear Stevie Nicks' beautiful voice that would once lift my fragile soul it now shatters it to pieces. I hate that it's because of the person you left me for. I hate that she plastered that she 'loves you' every day on your wall. I hate thinking about you telling her that you love her back.


I hate that you NEVER told me that you loved me.

I LOVE that I never told you that I loved you.


I love myself too much to want to stay with someone like you. I love that since the day you left, I have never made an inch of contact. I love that I respect myself enough to NEVER humiliate myself my crawling on my knees. I love that I know that I am worthy of so much more. I love that now your new girlfriend gets all of the **** I have left behind, because you are a piece of ****. I love that you are no longer my problem. I love that I love myself enough to know that I deserve, and will recieve better than you. I love that in just 2 weeks time, you will be put through two MONTHS worth of pure Purgatory when surrounded by more than 200 mutual friends who knew us as a couple. I love that you will be doing it alone, and your new girlfriend will be no where in sight. I love that you will be reminded of me every day for those 2 months. I love that you will be suffering, and I will be fine.


I love that when I went to speak about you today, I had almost forgotten your name. I love that since you left me, I have lost weight and I'm looking good! I love that I never changed myself for you. I love who I am. I love that is 20 years time, I am going to have everything I ever wanted in this world, I will have most of my dreams come to fruition. I love that you will continue to have nothing. I love that I don't regret a damn minute with you, because my lessons were a blessing. I love that you are not mature enough to ever reach the same conclusions.


When you left me, you told me in your cowardly self that you 'didn't think that you were the right man for me'.


I LOVE that you were telling the truth.


This is probably the most astounding post of strength and conviction I have ever read on LS....T&C....excellent and strong post...a lesson to us all.

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I still miss you most of the day. I don't just miss having someone there either, I miss you.


I still can't believe you think he's better than me! That's not to sound bitter because I understand you couldn't be with me. But the more I think about it the more I think he's just a rebound. He's the polar opposite of me and you think you have 'feelings for him'. The same guy who two years ago you used to tell me was a loser. He is.


One day you will realise. You may never come back to me, but I seriously think you'll get hurt by him. I hope he proves me wrong. Alternatively I hope you realize that I was better than you thought. Only time will tell. I will probably have moved on by then.

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It's been a year and I'm tired of having you creep up in my head. Please just let me be happy again. You left me a broken man and although I have landed back on my feet, it was year of my life that I could've used doing something else.


Everyone is getting married, we were supposed to also. But you had NO FREAKING IDEA WHAT MARRIAGE WAS ALL ABOUT!!!!!!!!!! It just makes me so angry sometimes, how you just quit and will continue to do until you face your own emotional problems. I would've stuck with you during all of those difficult times because that's what love and commitment means to me.

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