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For ****s sake you ***ing *****. I just want you to pick up your **** from my house so I don't have to think about it any more. What do you mean it has to be a weekend and you're busy for the next 2? Whats wrong with after work, can't just come round and load a few boxes in the car? And why not next weekend, too busy ****ing your new ****?

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Oh hey there R,


I was just thinking of that time that, after a 13 hour train ride to Montreal, I felt really dizzy because I hadn't eaten enough that day. And then, when I told you, you went a bit crazy, saying that I'd 'better not be pregnant, or else this trip would be over'.


I was so blind at the time.

When I told Mum, she was livid.

When I told my best friend (who is my SOULMATE), she wanted to punch you in the face. I've never seen her so angry.


I'm so glad there are people in this world who love me.

I'm so glad you pizzed yourself off from my life.

I can't wait for you to shake in your boots when what you feared with me actually happens to you!


Eh *shrug*

F.u.c.k. ya.

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Hey M.


So I thought about that blog poem you wrote about me again.


You call me fake? Look in the damn mirror.


I think I know why you're doing this stuff. You're insecure and trying to fill a void. You don't respect yourself. I still care for you and I want to help you but you hate me and want me out. You quit me and sadly I have to quit you.

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hey stranger.

this is the last thing you expected right? haha.

just thought I'd open the door, you know. Not saying we have to be friends or anything, but if you happen to see me on the street, don't be scared to say hi.



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You allowed me in your life. You allowed me to get close to your family. You allowed me to hang out, cuddle, kiss you.

I allowed you in my heart, my soul every cell in my body.


Now you throw me away 1 year was a scam, you cruised dating sites yet you would say I love.


I didn't have the balls then to tell you commit to us or the dating site wins.


Now I'm destroyed drinking therapy meds.


Why all this because I fell in love you.

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f**k you! thanks for feeding me with your bull for the last year, i see now how wrong i was about you, shame that i fell head over heals in love with you even though i meant f**k all to you, have fun with the next blokes life you ruin!!! all i hope is that they wear protection, thanks for ruining the last few months of my life!!!

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Camp isn't even over, and you've left 2 weeks early.

People say you're doing something fun.

I saw your name and it didn't even sting.

I was very nearly happy for you.

I know you're going to get back what you did to me.

I don't even care if I hear of it or not anymore.


I don't ever have to hear about you,

See photos of you,

or know that you exist ever again.


And I couldn't be happier.


It's definitely time now, honey.



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Why did you do this to me? I can't wrap my head around you and how your mind works. Was I not the "perfect" girl you had invisioned after chasing me for so many years?

I wish I had never met you now. You make me so sad. The nicest guy I ever dated, turned in the meanest and most heartless guy I've ever dated.

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hurt and devastated

I hate days like this. I had to go to your work and drop off babysitter money. I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you looked, the sun lighting up your hair, and you know I always liked the way you look in your scrubs. For just a moment, it made me forget about the ugly person inside that you've become, but it was enough. It's hard to believe something like that can push me back, but it does. It brings all the pain back like it just happened. I hate reliving that final night, and the aftermath. I don't know how many more times I'm gonna have to see the things I saw play through my mind, but once was enough.....

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Why did you do this to me? I can't wrap my head around you and how your mind works. Was I not the "perfect" girl you had invisioned after chasing me for so many years?

I wish I had never met you now. You make me so sad. The nicest guy I ever dated, turned in the meanest and most heartless guy I've ever dated.

wow girl, this is exactly how i feel towards my ex..a cold coward that i no longer recognize!

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I'll give this a try :mad:


*starts texting*


How the hell could you move on so quickly?? How is it even possible for someone to fall out of love in a matter of weeks?!


You know what, you're a ****ing liar and a fake! I can't believe I ever fell for your bull****! You knew I was scared of getting hurt again and now look... You're just like my ****ing ex! One day, you'll be hit in the face by reality and you'll realise that this "little miss perfect" isn't so perfect after all! And I hope you regret every little thing! You're definitely not the person I thought you were or the person I fell in love with. You're a stranger to me!


*breathes* :eek:

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I'm surprised how quickly you fell out of love.


You're hanging out with new people, getting their numbers, maybe even making out with them. Know this. You're filling a void. I don't believe you're truly happy. You're missing something and one day, you're gonna get bit on the ass and you're gonna feel like me at the beginning of the breakup. Used and worthless. I loved everything about you. These boys you see and hook up with only love your body and honestly they only see you as a little point in their "girls I hooked up with" list. How does it feel? Using someone and getting used. I don't care what you call it. You're a prositute and your little friends and treating you like that. I respect you so much. Yeah I loved the physical stuff we done, but if you didn't want to, I DIDN'T FORCE YOU. I didn't want to use you M.


And stop with your "holy girl" gimmick. You're a slut and should be ashamed of yourself because you're not respecting yourself and the people you're hooking up with (actually I don't think they care)

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I wanted to write you and tell you I miss you but I don't know what to say to you anymore, if you cannot even be honest with me about things that are not important, and just came up with one after another excuses, what is the point? We are not even friends than, for how can you treat someone who is a good friend like this?

Perhaps you find it hard to be honest with me because we are not just friends? I don't know, you have became someone I don't know anymore, and it is sad.

I want someone to care about me and miss me as much as I miss him, and I guess I have to accept the fact that that someone is not you.

Because, I don't think you care, well, not nay more!

Then what is the point of writing you? Maybe I hope that there were some sort of misunderstanding that by talking, would be resolved?

Is it really? I don't know anymore..maybe I just don't want to accept the fact that you no longer care!

The you I have known and loved is gone, maybe I don't really know you anymore.

Then how can I reach out to you?

How can I tell you I miss you?

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so instead of even trying to make some sort of contact with me, you tell others ive not been nice to you. yeah i posted our convos so what. youve treated me like crap since you dumped me and expect me to treat you nice? you say i broke your trust? what about mine? did i not ask dont bull**** with me if you lose interest at the beginning? and what did you do you, the typical ill ignore him today and hell want it over. for a 27 yr old you are immature in your ways. i shouldve known what kind of girl you are when you said last time you had sex was when you were in a FWB.

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hey baby girl, almost 3 years broken up, about 2.5 years NC.

miss you still, miss the company and companionship.

i wonder what your up too... but not really, i think about you sometimes, not as often as i use too and i'm starting to move beyond the memories.


i honestly don't think i am going to remember you in time, looks like you were right about everything.


you must of realized something i already knew but forget, i don't think we were meant to be together, i use to think you were an angel sent from god but now i think differently...


i haven't spoke or seen you in so long, its sort of strange really, its like your there but distant somehow, sort of like it was another time, another life, another me, another future or should i say past?


what else? i still check up on your fb, you haven't updated in forever, didn't even change your profile pic and what was up with you deleting that dude you cheated on me with?


did you cheat? at the time i thought you did, now, i don't know, i sort of see your prespective on things, you did leave me sick, i was sick for years, i must of forgiven you by now if i'm talking the way i'm talking.


wow, almost like your a ghost, kind of, sort of, i know i won't remember us in the times to come, i can already feel it, i know i am going to run into you one day, when that day comes, i don't know how i will react. i will probably blank you out like i don't know you or maybe i will say hello but in the end, i don't think you care, maybe you did before but those feelings has got to be gone by now....


two and half years no contact, no emails, no text, no nothing really, i have dreams about you sometimes, its always odd dreams, sort of like i can see what your doing, its so odd, i'm always the guy, but its not me, its whomever your with, why am i in the picture? and why do i know what your doing?


to be honest, i never wanted you, you were nice and pretty, but i never wanted you, i told myself since you stayed for so long i would do right by you and marry you, i wouldn't of left you, i would of probably cheated on you, and you, boy oh boy, you would of been banging the neighbor, i'm glad i spared myself that future, maybe it would of worked out, i doubt it though, espcially now that i know the type of person you are.


so whats left? i moved to a new city, took me a while but i got my act together, lost it all upon your departure but slowly and surely i'm getitng it back, waiting on my new furniture to come, i lost all that stuff i bought at west elm, like 7grand in furniture, throw it away, it was never for me, it was you, i wanted us to have space together and i needed to lay a foundation for us to be together plus i knew you would like it, thats why i brought you with me and thats why i had you talk to the sales people cuz you were going to handle the money, i lost that too.


400grand/year business, down the drain, thanks baby girl but i'm rebuilding, its cool. but like i was saying, i got side tracked, new city, met a couple of friends, they are cool, getting another car, already bought new furniture and bed, got tired of sleeping on the floor as well as computer, a labtop and i'm waiting to get my iphone back again.


almost like i'm starting over, with less and with you gone but i guess its all for the best. i think i did love you though, i wonder if you miss me. i think you do, you have too. you hurt me pretty damn good, so good that we can never talk again or be friends or civil, so good that in my 26 years of living on this earth, your the only girlfriend that i don't have a good relationship with, you and my rebound i had, i think she hates me, she still stocks me too, i guess i was your rebound, i don't know anymore, i don't know anything....


so with that said, i'm gonig to try and get some sleep, hey man update your facebook bro, add some pictures or something, i want to know what your up too. i won't call or contact you, I just can't do it but I suppose I still care, your in my heart and your stuck here but i've learned to live without you...


hey i never told you, but before you, i was single for 4 years, you always thought i was a play boy, but i'm not, only when i want to be. yes i'm handsome and smart and have alittle money but thats the way i've been my whole life, i sort of liked you. i wonder how you remember me and i wonder if you compare others to me.


down here in my new city, there so many attractive females, its only a matter of time before i find another... im tired of being alone now, need company, need someone to talk to you, i think thats why i miss you the most because


a) i didn't mind you

b) you kept me company

c) you were pretty

d) i liked having sex with you (allot)


guess we both failed huh?

later baby girl, you'll never know but your always in my heart, you hurt me pretty damn good. 2 years to recover and cost me a business as well as a life.


so i think i'm healed, i forgiven you, i understand why you did what you did and why you strung me along. you must of still had feelings, i was giving you money, you made your choice but never told me and i started to change and you started to come back but it never happen.


its sad to say but, you were a whore. your going to cheat and string along every man your with because you always want more, you always want better and the only way for you to "come up" is through others. i can't blame you. i'm glad we didn't get married or have kids, i know you were trying to trap me, it never happen, god must of blessed me and saved me the agony of having to deal with you for a lifetime.


i almost killed you that day, something stopped me, i still don't know what it was. i'm glad i didn't hurt you. so thats that, everyone has made their bed, guess its time to lay in it.


how do i remember you? how will i remember you? "young whore"


me, well i was a fool.

it wasn't a mistake to be intimate with you, i learned allot.

i still love you, at least the person i remembered.

you go girl, never look back. there's nothing there.


I sort of like need closure or something so i can bury this, already. Its almost like a mystery now but then again your not, your just a slut bag, err, thats not true, you just.... end relationships in a bad way.



remember, BREAKUP FIRST, then bang the other dude and DON'T stay in contact with your ex, atleast while you know he loves you. you were only using me in the end. atleast i got a chance to flip the tables around.


round 2 - here we go again. on to the next one!

Edited by listen_to_me_please
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When we finally got together, when we said we loved each other, when we wanted to get married, I finally believed in true love. But after two years, when our future finally starts coming together, you leave so suddenly, and now I don't know what to believe. If a love so beautiful like what we had can end so suddenly, there's not much to hope for. Words fail me right now... this loss is profound, beyond feelings. The void I now need goes beyond my heart; I don't know how to make this life seem less bleak. I can't understand why you didn't believe our relationship was worth holding onto. I can't understand why you could walk away after so much together, so suddenly, when what we had was such a treasure. Although nothing I can say will change your mind, nothing can convince me that you won't regret your decision when you realize what you've lost. What we've lost. It was only a month ago that you proclaimed our love would survive all obstacles, our family would be so wonderful, and we would be so happy. How you turn your heart off overnight is inhuman and incomprehensible, and now I believe I'm the only one on Earth that believes relationships are worth anything. Wherever you end up, I want you to never forget this: You made a mistake.

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It is just so awesome that you keep taking her out to the movies but you never took me anywhere. In 11 years of marriage I can probably count on one hand the number of movies we have seen together. I was so miserable with you but you were never willing to put in the effort. You didn't even put in the effort in the very beginning. I hate you today. I really really do.

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Nikki Sahagin

Its sad that you believe people who interfere rather than your former best friend. I don't know why you trust their words over mine. I know you are stubborn, proud and easily angered. I've seen you freeze out people before seemingly on a whim, I just never thought i'd be one of them.


You are horrible to me now. You've frozen me out. The worst thing? I didn't do anything to deserve it. You're punishing me for words I never said and things I never did. You're punishing me with the only evidence being words from liars. But I know what you're like; you'll never admit to being in the wrong, or take what you've done back, you'll never say sorry or reach out to me again. The curtains down now and for better or worse, thats it.


But I never did anything or said anything. Deep down you must know that right? Why don't you believe me? My crime always was being too honest. I never lied to you, but you never trusted me anyway. Maybe you projected your own deceitful ways onto me. So I have to carry your punishment for you?


I miss my best friend. I thought i'd know you forever. Forget the kisses, the sex, the love - we were best friends.


How can you throw that away?


Who are you now, that the friendship that meant the world to you, you can throw away without a backward glance? I don't understand at all.


I wonder if you will regret all this some day. It could all be solved by maturity and communication, but you are only rude whenever I've tried, so I wont try again anymore.


You've got me all wrong. Its sad our friendships died because of other peoples lies. But if thats all it took for you to give up, then you were never really a friend.


I don't wish anything bad on you. I hope you have a happy life.

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I hate your best friend

She's ruining you.

You're not the same girl anymore

That girl who was so sweet and quiet

You're a flirtatious whore

And i wish I could do something about that. But I ****ing can't. Why would you talk to me anyways? I'm nothing. You're in a whole new social circle, why would you go back to me?


She's telling you to spread your wings. And what are you doing? Probably spreading your legs at those parties you go to now. I'm sorry that I didn't let you drink or smoke at parties, but I only did that because I CARED about you and your health. You probably think I'm a party pooper or something. I hope that this **** bites you in the ass.


I wish you can see and feel the pain I'm going through right now. You got the weight off your shoulders and I got this deep deep cut. I just want to call you right now and yell at you. You don't know my pain...**** YOU

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To my ex who will never read this and hopefully never speak to me again...


You're incapable of being honest, of confessing your feelings, of being honest.


How could you just cut ties with me? How could you do it so cruelly? "I just don't have time for you anymore."


I always made time for you. Things were getting difficult between us but you could have faced the situation and f*cking spoke to me like a man, instead of BSing me about time on the effing phone after three and a half years.


I worked so hard to work it out with you before, tried to hard to make things work.. tried so hard to connect & make sure you understood where I was coming from at all times..


I'm so sad. I feel like I've been stabbed in the back.. I just feel so betrayed.


Honestly as bad as it is, I hope you feel the same pain as I do.

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I wanted to write you and tell you I miss you but I don't know what to say to you anymore, if you cannot even be honest with me about things that are not important, and just came up with one after another excuses, what is the point? We are not even friends than, for how can you treat someone who is a good friend like this?

Perhaps you find it hard to be honest with me because we are not just friends? I don't know, you have became someone I don't know anymore, and it is sad.

I want someone to care about me and miss me as much as I miss him, and I guess I have to accept the fact that that someone is not you.

Because, I don't think you care, well, not nay more!

Then what is the point of writing you? Maybe I hope that there were some sort of misunderstanding that by talking, would be resolved?

Is it really? I don't know anymore..maybe I just don't want to accept the fact that you no longer care!

The you I have known and loved is gone, maybe I don't really know you anymore.

Then how can I reach out to you?

How can I tell you I miss you?



sounds like we were dating the same guy. i feel that very same way.

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I'm so tired of missing you, so tired of being on the verge of tears at unexpected times....you wanted me to love you, then I did....then you were done and you broke my heart. I wish to god I could turn it off like you...I'm tired....like I said, tired if missing you, tired of loving you. Why did you f with my heart knowing what I was already dealing with? Everyday my heart seems to break a little bit more.

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I hate missing you; almost to the point of tears.

I hate that you can't even pick up the phone to check on me, let alone respond to one of my dagblasted text messages.

I'm not sure WTH happened, and I'm not sure why. Why couldn't you have been upfront and honest w me about your feelings? Instead, you kept everything inside and slowly slithered away and out of this relationship w no damn words like the little cowardly snake you are. Remember that one time we broke up for a whole THREE days, and you had admitted to talking to THREE other chicks?!! I can only imgaine what your slu*t* little self has done w this time that's gone by. I resent you believing and acting like I'm so effing disposible...like all the trash you attract and then bring home. I can't explain my anger in words. The worse part? YOU WILL NEVER BE OUT OF MY LIFE. *facepalm* I will be forced to deal w you on some level for the rest of my life. I'm pissed to think I'm going to pop this baby out w you nowhere in sight.


On top of this all, I'm ashamed to say...


I still love you. I still miss you. Thinking of you makes me want to cry.


All day all night I have made up thoughts in my head of you chasing around random, used up pu$$y (bruised and smelling like various liquors, you're 'scent of a woman') and my skin crawls out of hurt and anger. I'd like to say that one day you'll be over yourself, but we both know THAT will never happen - in your case, old dogs really can't learn new tricks. Grrrrrrr w you.

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This is the least fun roller coaster ride I've EVER been on!!

Last night, I had fun with friends and thought about you less than I think I ever have this whole two months....then this morning, thoughts are back, you're back in my head in big way, I'm sad to the point of tears. I hate you for doing this to me.

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