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This is eating at me like a cancer. I would honestly rather take a bullet to my heart than feel what I'm feeling right now. What's even worse is that there's no cure for it. I've tried to drown these thoughts and memories in alcohol but it only makes the pain worse. You have no idea what kind of pain I'm in, and all I can think about is how the only cure would be to have you back. You gave me strength I didn't even know I had, and made me happier than I could ever have imagined. I've tried to get over you but I just can't, and it's killing me. I had visions of us growing old together but since we broke up those wonderful visions have turned into nightmares of loneliness and emptiness. I see myself dying alone with no one to tell how much I love you as I pass on. And I know that these nightmares will be my reality if I can't get you back

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This is eating at me like a cancer. I would honestly rather take a bullet to my heart than feel what I'm feeling right now. What's even worse is that there's no cure for it. I've tried to drown these thoughts and memories in alcohol but it only makes the pain worse. You have no idea what kind of pain I'm in, and all I can think about is how the only cure would be to have you back. You gave me strength I didn't even know I had, and made me happier than I could ever have imagined. I've tried to get over you but I just can't, and it's killing me. I had visions of us growing old together but since we broke up those wonderful visions have turned into nightmares of loneliness and emptiness. I see myself dying alone with no one to tell how much I love you as I pass on. And I know that these nightmares will be my reality if I can't get you back


Wow... Every single word is the exact same I'm feeling. All of it, from beginning to end.

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Wow... Every single word is the exact same I'm feeling. All of it, from beginning to end.

Bad part, I actually sent it and she said that alot of the things I said were mean and hurtful :(

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Oh nooo, you sent it! As people on here have told me, it's a bad idea. I very nearly sent my ex a few messages, but held back. *hugs to you*

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Its the 2nd day of NC and I must say this is hard as hell. I'm still pissed off at the way you threw me away like a bag of old clothes. I told you I big plans for us but you couldn't wait.




You make me sick, I want my money back to ya sorry B#$%^!!

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Tomorrow will be exactly a week since we last talked. I am no longer angry, but I still miss you, I still love you, and I am willing to give you another chance. But I am also moving on, I have begun to notice other women, I am confidant that if I wanted I could get another woman to. But it is you I am in love with, it is you I want to build my future with. I know you with your family now, and I hope you are having a good time.

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found out you speak good of me and not throwing insults whether thats now or before i posted our convos just to piss you off. also that you are distant about it which kinda blows. 11 months now and still not over you. and ill never know if i was just someone you wanted to feel love from in your personal life. guess this is why you went nc on me and im the one that was dumped. doesnt matter how much i cared did it lindsay

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Bad part, I actually sent it and she said that alot of the things I said were mean and hurtful :(


I had sent my ex a few emails after the break and he said the things I said were 'hurtful and mean' as yours did. I have a difficult time with these statements because their words and actions got us here. Hurt, angry, sad and feeling alone. If they realize, they're terrible for letting us feel this way. I cannot even explain the moments when I have shooting pains in my chest because I am so sad. I'm sorry you're going through this. You're not alone.

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I thought I was a few steps closer to feeling better.


Last night was an exception. For some reason it was like starting over. I missed you, too much for words. I know you cannot contact me because I have blocked you from every method possible. However, I sent you two text messages. I do miss you, and I wonder if you miss me. I don't know how you couldn't.


I dreamt of you last night and I woke-up with one of your favorite songs playing in my mind. I cannot shake this.


I cannot stand this. I wonder if you feel the same. I cannot breathe and I feel as though I need to run. Why is this happening? I gave my heart and soul. I invested in you.


I take the blame for the things I said after you hurt me, but I was upset. It was a common reaction. You, however, never apologized for breaking my heart.

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Few more days until I see you. Gah..


Okay, so you dump me, offered friendship RIGHT AWAY, tried friendship, treated me like ****, rebound hook up, and now you begin caring for me. You wondering when we'll be friends. I wish we could be friends. But I still have strong feelings for you, something YOU don't have anymore for me and all the **** you done after the break up is just so painful for me. You broke up with me. You want me out of your life. And it shows you don't want to be my friend. Friends don't quit on each other. So I lost two special people on May 16th. My best friend and my girlfriend. You ****ing bitch. Hide behind your friends. I know deep deep down, you're miserable.

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HA HA Chris - I'm onto you, have been for months and amazing all I've found out about you since we've split and what I still continue to find out during our time together.


Thank your silly pathetic new wife for taking you off my hands. She has done me a huge favor by showing me what a user, liar, cheater, manipulator you are. I only hope that once you f*ck her around the way you did me, she has a strong support network like I did and continue to have.


You're pathetic, you're an a**hole, you'll end up a very lonely man for being the kind of person you are.


Again, I hope your dick falls off. :)



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Ugh...I want to hate you, I DO hate you...but I miss you. How can you be so cold, how can you hurt someone you cared about 'so much'....you need help, I need help....but you should come with a flipping WARNING!

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I called you today. I text you today. I cannot give up on you. My heart, truly does have pain. Please, take the pain away.

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Well it was a few weeks before I found this site..wish i'd found it earlier


Don't worry about it now. Just concentrate on moving on :)

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Here I am again. Its 10:30PM, and I'm sat with a cup of tea reminscing about you. I would so love for you to know everything you've done to f*ck me up these last four months. Where the hell does the time go? Its amazing to think we got together in February. It feels like yesterday. I can remember it so well. I still cannot believe all of this time has passed and it just doesn't seem like anytime at all. You took nearly this whole year away from me. How did that happen?? I blame myself, partly, because I know I was consumed with the thought of you. And every single day for the last four, almost five months now, has been filled with memories of you. Literally, I'm not joking, not one single day has passed that I haven't thought about you for at least a few hours. And some days all I can do is think about you.


Do you think about me at all? I f*cking bet you don't. I bet you'd be amazed at how I still miss you, I bet you'd wonder what all the fuss is about. You've moved on coz thats what you do. Thats exactly what you do. What does life mean to you if you can say the things you said to me and then move on like it all meant nothing anyway?


I want to text you so much right now. I've wanted to text you for ages but I know you won't reply. I told you I wanted you out of my life and you complied. Mostly coz I wouldn't entertain that little bubble you live in where you're always right and everyone else can go f*ck right off.


Most of all, I hate that scum like you can occupy my mind and so much of my time. Four months. Thats a long time to be obsessed with someone you don't speak to or text, or email, or anything. Its almost as if you don't exist now, save for the occasional run ins in nightclubs where I want to tear my f*cking heart out of my chest, rip it apart in front of you and scream "there, are you f*cking happy now you obnoxious whore!!"


Burn in hell, bitch. I'll see you there.




Wow, that got rid of some of the venom :D

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Gosh!!! I came so close to texting you today.I'm glad I didn't because you're dumb ass probably wouldnt have responded.I'm keeping busy to keep my mind off what you might be doing..


You will find out though, there will never be another guy to take care of your dumb ass like me..I fixed your car, gave you money basically tried to keep you happy. But Nooooo, it wasn't good enough. You will soon see A good man is hard to find. When your dumb ass get dragged by somebody dont come crawling back bit#h!!!!


One last thing Fu#k You!!!!!!!!

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Hi, just wanted to tell you that you are a immature selfish little girl. Since the day we started you treated me like **** then kept me on the hook for your lonely days. Now I am moving on, you play tought but you are just a scared little girl choosing to run from things rather than dealing with them. You know what, I am out of here. I am looking at the world, meeting new people and see that people like me and are not hard to join or meet with. And one last thing, forget about the sexe you like so much with me, it is OVER, no more, go find yourself another jerk to play with, I have other people to please...


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You create chaos in my mind.


I don't understand you.


You've hurt me. You know this. Yet you allow it.


I feel sick.

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So I lost two special people on May 16th.


Ah. You're one day earlier in being close to being in a better place than me. May 17th for me :(

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There are mornings when I wake-up and feel sick. Feel sick from nerves. The person you've become. The person you never were until now. These are your true colors. I compare the two a lot. You've treated me so terribly, yet you pretend that isn't true. You're a mean, mean man. I hope today I'm one step closer to forgetting, one step closing to not thinking, and one step closer to hating you.


My heart cannot take this anymore.

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