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Oh and now you think that with your charming little email.. I'm going to come back into you life?? NOT.. Your so wrong. Ya.. hurt me slime ball and I'm done with you. How could you do this to me?? Huh? How??



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Dear soon to be ex- *ahem*




I am so ticked at you right now I could scream. Or maybe just as ticked at myself for letting you completely decieve me again. I thought after 2 years we could give it a go again. You lead me to believe you'd changed. That things were different and things were going so well. But then just as soon as you start back in grad school, suddenly you're too busy. No time to even pick up the phone and just say hello. You can't even drop me an email. And surely if you're "studying" all the time, you're in front of the computer at least somewhat. How is it, you can make time for everything else and not even give me sloppy seconds. Not that I'd want them. But how is it, that you can just drop people so easily or rather me, when I've done NOTHING to you?!? I've always treated you kind. Been there for you. Went out of my way when you needed something and this is the thanks I get. You can't even be decent enough just to say you're no longer interested, so rather you just blow me off while pretending it's just cause you're busy. You told me just a few days ago, that you didn't care what others thought and you were willing to make this work. So tell me, is this how you do that??? By suddenly spending no time with me and barely speaking to me?? Does that honestly make sense in your mind, cause buddy it sure doesn't to me. I completely hate that you have such a miserable effect on me. I was doing so good before this. Yeah it still hurt to see you with other girls but I knew eventually I'd be ok. But with this, I'm just back to square 1 all over again. Yesterday I needed a friend. And you weren't there. Today I need that shoulder to cry on and you're not available. Your cruelty is mind-boggling. Your off and on switch so screwed up. When we went to dinner the other night, you told me you promised my friend you "wouldn't hurt me." So now as I type this, I hate to think that the only thing I'll be able to report back to her is that you lied again. And I, in all my guilible stupidity, fell for it. I fully believe you are a narcissist. You are callous to the bone. But I'll survive the pain you cause and the hurt again. I'll be alright. Always am.

Edited by MRevolver
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It's been 2 weeks NC and I miss you like hell. I wish I would have gone NC 4.5 months ago when we first broke up. I've gained a lot of insight about our relationship. I still think it was a wonderful relationship, it just had some issues. I think we were both too dependent on each other, and when you started to break out of the dependence, it freaked me out.


I'm actually pretty pissed at you. You didn't communicate any of your unhappiness to me. You posted a damn blog about the issues we were having. When I tried to talk to you about those issues, you ignored me and/or brushed all the issues off. I'm angry and hurt. You completely stonewalled me and made me feel less than human.


You changed a lot too, and not for the better. You care more about the parties and "dangerous" things than you ever cared about me and all we had. You're just a little girl. Grow the f*ck up.

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I was just in the movie theaters watching a movie. I realized that I closed myself out to people and stayed alone.


I realized I am scared to get hurt again.

I realized that I haven't seen you or heard from you in three years.

I realize that time is going and I did not become the man I thought I would be.


I realizd that I am rebuilding again.

I started a new life in a different city.


I still check your facebook profile. You haven't changed the picture in like 3 years. Its the same one, that day we went out and you wore your black dress. Chances are you probably don't even think about it anymore.


Its funny though if you still remember like how I still remember.

Its funny if your waiting for me to call you.


Thats just wishfull thinking, I never think about the people whom I left. Never. You probably never think about me either. You probably moved on long ago. I'll get there.


I have to stop looking at your picture. I throw away everything that was yours. I need to find someone, I'm getting lonely again. I miss the company.

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It's September now, the time since our breakup grows further and further in the past. I miss you so much, but I'm trying to stay strong and move forward with life. I just got a new job today actually, you'd be happy, I know I am.


Had a nice string of back and fourth conversations with a friend regarding you, and how I'm doing and dealing with it. It was surprising and some things were nice to hear to say the least.


You start your internship thing again in a week or so, this time at the hospital up the street from me. I wanted you to be there this semester when we were together as it'd have made things fun since you'd be getting home around dinner time so I could do nice things and cook for you. But alas, my hopes came true, just without me involved anymore..


I really wish I could see you. Hold you. Anything.


I'm growing as a person because of this. I can see it. My friends can all definitely see it, they've all mentioned it on more than one occasion. I definitely see the good in this, and that's what's keeping me going right now.


I miss you so much, I wish I knew you felt the same.

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Nikki Sahagin

It helps to realise that for all the mistakes I made, you were the 1 who let me go, so there is nothing I can possibly regret. I tried to make amends, to talk to you and to keep us close. I made a lot of mistakes in the past but i've 'repented' for them enough. You have never apologised, never put your pride to the side.


I don't wish regrets on you but I know if either of us ends us having them, it will be you, not me. I can't regret something I didn't decide, but you can, it was your choice.

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It's been a while since I've written directly about you. Countless nights spent without a thought to your memory, yet you still find a way to creep back in, as if the iron walls around my heart have a chink, a hole only you fit into, regardless of the apathy I use as mortar to fill it.


You know, after all this time, I thought you weren't affecting me any longer. Until those memories, our hands clasped, bare feet pushing through white sand, the wind blowing your wavy hair about your face, the smell of sea salt in the air, late nights spent talking into the hours only witches know... all come creeping back in. We were the king and queen, we demanded respect, we had great ideas and even thought, a future.


In the deepest recesses of my soul, I have accepted my part in our downfall. I've accepted that I wasn't attentive enough. That I ignored signs in the beginning of our relationship that led to the end. I've accepted your goodbye, and no longer pine for your hello.


I understand now, who you are. Although, for many months, I didn't know, I didn't know who it was that I was with. You were a ghost; your personality a chameleon. I understand what happened to you, and why you do what you do. I know your father was a drunk son of a bitch. I know it affected you.


How I wish I could say something only as a final show of my ability to be caring and kind; not for you to see, but for me. I wish I could tell you how to fix that problem but for the warning in my heart that seeing you again would harm me in ways I would never wish to be harmed.


I used to think of you as my candle in the dark. But I realised the candle is in me, not you. I am my own candle. Although I still remember fondly the time we spent together, and even desire to have that time with others, I simply won't allow myself.


You haven't done this to me. I've allowed your actions to affect me to the point of putting such huge walls up. They never give. I've use the anger of your betrayal as the brick, and the bitterness of your deciet as the mortar. No one will get in.


But you.


And I don't want you here, anymore. I want you gone. I'm fine without you. Dissappear.


I just want to be left alone.



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I used to save the texts that were cute ones, mushy ones, sexy ones. Now I am saving the total stupid, rude, self-centered ones that show me who you really are. I can't believe I invested so much time and energy on you when you are such a dick. Asking about the concert, etc. Go **** yourself M, seriously. You could not have done me more of a favor and I thank you. **** head

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i think of you everyday. i dream. have nightmares, rather.

I miss you all the time.

you promised to love me forever, for infinity +1.

You said you'd always be there for me.

For once in my life, I believed it.


You arent here. you refuse to be. i proclaim my love and pain of missing you and you tell me its over and to go away.


I cannot deal with this pain. its eating me alive.


I hope you're happy. you never would give yourself completely to me,

but i gave you my heart and soul.


I dont know what will happen to me.

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I wish I didn't dream about you.


The thing is, I am detaching from you. Everyone sees it. Everyone says I'm glowing and I look gorgeous, and they see that I've grown so much. People are beginning to wonder when I will date again, if someone in town has noticed me. I know you have. And I bet you are wondering the same thing.


You broke my heart. You used my child against me. And you will cling to your "girlfriend" because you have no one else. What a loser.


I hate dreaming of you. I hate it. Because I don't want you to have that hold over me anymore. I know I have to process it. But I want you gone. I want you gone.


There is no place for you in my life anymore.

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Haha saw you in the hallways today


You're avoiding me. Man you're funny. You're mad at me. It's so ****ing obvious. You may have a higher IQ but my EQ is damn high. I know that you're angry. Why are you angry at me? Because I didn't reply to your "when are we gonna be friends?" text? **** you. You want me out of your life and you told me not to talk to you. Watch what you say you implusive bitch.


You're immature. I feel sorry for you. Doing all this **** to fill a void in your life. Face it, you're depressed. I wanted to help you, I really did care about you. But you just said **** it I'm tired.

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Why the **** can't I get you out of my head!?! This is ****ing KILLING me inside. I want to call you so freaking badly, everyday it seems. Why were things completely fine with me for a few weeks after we last talked and now I feel like I'm back to where I was immediately following the breakup? I don't get it!! Perhaps it's some subconscious sixth sense telling me that there's a new guy in your life, albeit whatever FB says, and you're gone forever? I have no idea. I shouldn't care. I don't want to care. But yet I do.


Please, just call me, text me, something! Tell me to forget you, and move the **** on with my life. This is getting unbearable.

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I know I did something wrong.

I must have done something to deserve you cheating on me.

I don't want you back, I just wish I knew what it was.

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I know I did something wrong.

I must have done something to deserve you cheating on me.

I don't want you back, I just wish I knew what it was.


Nothing justifies cheating. Nothing.

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The only time I knew how you'd felt about me throughout our entire 20 month relationship was when you didn't respect me enough to tell me the truth.

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Sometimes I look at photos on my Facebook wall, and even though I've blocked you, the comments you made are still there.


Every comment contains a lie.

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I tried to arrange a way to drop off YOUR **** through your roommate without seeing you. When you hear about it you text me that I should go through you. At least that made me think you would be civil.


I come over to exchange our **** and you act like a NO GOOD ****ING CHILD! Hiding behind your other roommate while she took your ****? Eventually walking up to me to give me my **** and not even returning my "hello?" Giving me that fake ass smile?


So much for loving me you dumb bitch. Guess the one thing I learned as that you are a damn good liar. Have fun with the man you met and talk to FOUR DAYS after we broke up. He looks like a douchebag and I hope he is to you eventually. At least then you'll remember that I always treated you right like a loving boyfriend should.

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A mysterious question on my Formspring page? I haven't been on there so long that I forgot I even had an account. And the choice of question could have come from only one person...


What happened? Did she take so long to cum that you got distracted online?


Yeah, I'm probably making this up LOL


Fuuk you.

I didn't make THAT up.

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After our argument Wednesday, I cut off all contact with you. I can't believe your with another man, and so soon.


Last Sunday you call me, crying and upset, and I ask why, not like I really care. You accuse me of using a fake profile to friend you on Facebook, and that the fake profile called you a slut, a whore, a cheater, a lier, and even revealed details abut our breakup that we kept between us, and what I told my friends. The friends who kept me from killing myself over what you've done to me.


I deny it all, as I was eating dinner at the time, and I had no idea what the hell was going on, you believed me, which was good, since I was telling the truth. I tell you I will ask my friends to stop it if they are responsible, which I doubt they are.


You then say that you never cheated on me, and I respond with, "well on my side it sure as hell looks like you did after everything you've pulled."


You then say you want to meet, in two weeks, to try and resolve our differences, to talk. I say that is acceptable, cause I want answers. Then we both hang up.


I have no intention of calling you Jen, I want to, I really want to, but I won't. This time, it is up to you. Every time there was a problem with our relationship, I contacted you, not this time. This time, you can contact me, or we won't see each other at all. Its your turn.


I have questions and I want answers, I want to know why you lied to me. During the 4th of July when we had our first big argument, you said since you've come to college, you've never been alone, you've always had a man to share a bed with. You wined, and complained, that you needed time apart for a while, I gave it to you. You came back to me in the end.


When we broke up, and the times we met afterward, you said the same thing, you said you've never been alone, and that your taking a semester off from dating and sex, so that you can find yourself and find what it is you want in a relationship. You said you were ashamed of your past, and that you want long term relationships, which was why you were taking time off.


A week later your facebook says your in a new relationship. Quick wasn't it.


Whats worse, this is the man you were in contact with since before we were dating. You said you've never cheated on me, explain this then? How the hell can you be in a relationship so soon after leaving me, with a man you know, without having had feelings for him during our relationship?


You cannot develop feelings so soon for him, you have to had them during our relationship. Thats why you were able to move on so quickly. You say you didn't cheat, then please, by all means, explain this situation to me.


You lied to me, you said you wanted a break from dating to discover yourself, a break from sex to find what your feelings are, and less then a week later your with another man. How many lies have you told me?


Was our entire relationship a lie? When you said you loved me, was that a lie? Did I pour all the time, love, emotion, money, did I make all these sacrifices for one giant lie?


You knew I was hesitant, because of what happened with my first ex, and yet you drew me out, was that all for a lie?


I want answers, I want to know what the hell you want. You've strung me along till you could hookup with that Jakub fellow. Thats what it looks like.


I loved you, and part of me still does, so why do you continue to hurt me so? What do you want with me? Do you want me for a boyfriend, a regular friend, do you want me in your life at all? Cause you seem to want me in your life, but at what role, at what cost?


I don't know anymore Jen. I gave everything for you, and yet all you can do is give me riddles and string me along. I want answers, I deserve answers for everything you've done to me.


Did you ever love me? At all? Did you truly value our relationship? Was everything a lie? Did you really cheat on me? Cause that is what everything looks like.


And you know what, If you asked, I would take you back, but at a price. If I took you back, you will need to work on our relationship this time, You will need to earn back my trust, my respect, and fix my heart. That is nonnegotiable. If you cannot or will not do that, then I don't know. I just don't know.

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Why the f.u.c.k are you in my head? You had been out of there for a while now. I keep remembering the good times we had. They really were good. You taught me how to love and then you ripped my heart in two, without a second thought, or a hint of regret.


You sounded so upset when you were breaking up with me, it's that day that keeps running in my head over and over and over. When I think of you, that's almost all that I can remember anymore. You told me that you didn't wish me any ill will. I believed it, until just 4 weeks later you subtely slammed me on FB and paraded your new girlfriend on there. Exactly how long HAD you been cheating on me with her for? That's something I'll never know.


Gosh darn it boy, have you ever meant a word you say?


You sounded like you were choking up over the phone. For a while there, I would have liked to believe that your tears were genuine. But now you have given me no other reason but for me to believe they were an act. As if cheating on me wasn't enough. Now you had to rub it all in my face. WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THAT?


I asked you if I had done something wrong. You assured me that I hadn't. But since everything else was a lie, I have to assume that was too. So, what did I do wrong?


I wrote down a 'Pros' and 'Cons' list about you, and the cons outweighed the pros ten fold. And at 42 years of age, I know you'll never change - yet I'm still convinced that the girl you left me for is going to get nothing but the best of you. Yes, you have convinced yourself so much that she is 'the one', despite you being a commitment-o-phobe. I can feel that you will be together forever. I hope she bleeds you financially dry. I hope she gets pregnant with twins to you, since you LOVE the idea of kids so much. I hope she turns out to be a jealous nutcase, who you are connected to forever.


I don't know why I'm convincing myself of these things in my head.

I think I secretly want to believe that the opposite is true.


If I imagine how happy you might be, it means I secretly hope that you're miserable, that the opposite of what I imagine is true. I've done this with everything my whole life. I don't know why it consumes me the way it does, but it does.


I know I still have a lot of growing up to do. You are 42, I am 26. That decision is not up to you to make.


I had a scare today. I read something on FB that made me think that you had gotten ahead in your life in just 5 months since you left me. It frightened me, because I'm in the middle of my own personal upheaval, and yes, I'm in direct competition with you. But of course, it was only a scare, I misinterpreted what had been written and it wasn't you that the person was talking about. It couldn't have been, I knew that. I knew that because I know what you're like. And just because you left me doesn't mean you changed. I have to remember that. YOU NEVER WILL.


You DO NOT deserve happiness. Just putting that out there. You are a rat, scum, dirtbag, COWARD, as*hole, s*it for brains and you make me sick.


So why am I still crying over your worthless a.s.s?

Edited by LoveTruthChaos
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I wouldn't care who you're with, as long as it's not the whale you left me for.

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I am here, sitting in the SUB on campus, watching as people walk by. I keep looking, hoping one of them is you, when I know you will not appear. I fear your new BF showing up, cause I do not know how I will react.


I want to contact you so bad, I want to call you, to text you, even email you, but I cannot. If I did, my pride as a man, my dignity, would be gone. I would have stooped low enough to be nothing more then a common dog, coming to its master whenever she calls. I refuse to stoop so low.


I have always contacted you, in the past, I contacted you when we had problems, and waited for a response. Not this time.


This time, you must contact me, you have to call me, text me, or email me, if you want an answer.


God I miss you, I miss your voice when we talk. I miss seeing you smile. I miss the hugs, the smell of your hair, I miss holding hands as we walked across campus and around town.


I miss going to the movies, I miss everything about you. I would take you back, but you will have to earn it.


I shed sweat, tears, even blood for this relationship, I am not asking you to give blood, but I am asking for you to work on the relationship.


If I took you back, you would have to try and communicate more. You would have to earn back my trust, and respect.


I still care for you, part of me always will, cause a part of my heart will always be held by you.


But I will not wait forever, I live only once, if I can't have you, then I will have someone else. It won't be the same, but I will take it.


Your time is running out, you better make your decision, and make it soon.

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I had the most wonderful and terrible dream. I am unsure of the location but there were distant friends and people who did not know us. You gave me a hug and just did not let go. We did not talk about it and both quietly accepted that in new company we could just be together and try again. There was never a cuddle so wonderful. I woke up crying. Its likely that I would have woke crying with what is going on while im awake but the dream blindsided me. Im afraid of so much right now and I wish I could ask you HOW? Just how?!? How do you do it? Because I do not know and Im f*ing it all up. You told me I should try something a long time ago and frankly, it is a disaster. I mean, I am alive and life is okay sometimes but it is not good. I want you to know that while I hurt because I feel lost and abandoned I also see that most other men have absolutley no spine. You may have run away when it got hard but at least you got to the game and played. I feel awful because I just remembered that life was really wonderful once. I want to run away now too.


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