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Post here instead of contacting your ex!


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the event you've been planning for is this weekend, I'm excited for you. Helping that nonprofit organization is a great thing you're a part of.


I think about you everyday, i've been more accepting of us breaking up and being apart. I'm sorry that I blocked you from textIng or calling me. I'm sure you probably haven't called, but looking at my phone to see if you called or texted, every 5 minutes, was distracting my life. So I called the shots and did the blocking. The thought of getting a text or call from you freaked me out, because i really am trying to let go and I dont want to relapse.

My tears flow as I write this, I think of our long drives singing to the gap band or Stevie wonder... I can't hear any ofthat now.

I love u very much, you truly were a best friend, you were always there,untill that afternoon, July 29th 2010... I'm sorry things got unbearable in the last few months.

Peace and love always...

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I came across some old photos of us in my photo box this evening. God, you were cute! It was at your 30th birthday party, and we were both grinning like fools. Your friends are really cute, but I still think you're the cutest one.


I miss having sex with you. No matter what, I'm really glad I got to experience you naked. You blew my mind.


Thanks for the fun times. :cool:

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My birthday is coming up, and I am excited, and scared, and sad. We were going to be together for my birthday, you wanted to do something special for me.


I am scared, cause there is a possibility that you will contact me, even if its a simple text, saying happy birthday. I have heard from so many people, both on the internet and in real life, who have said that the ex usually contacts you on your birthday if its so soon after a break up.


Will you do it? I hope so, I would love to hear from you, even if all I send back is a simple thank you.


I miss you, and I am miserable.


I have tried to see other people, but all I've met is failure. They want me as a friend, not a date, not a boyfriend.


I miss you, I still dream of you, sometimes they are good dreams, sometimes they are bad. I wold give anything to have you back Jen, anything.

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looked at your profile the other day, you change your picture after 2.5 years. you know its odd a sign of relief came over me. i can finally stop checking up on you, your alive and well and have moved on. i don't have to worry. you made it!


odd though, you change the pic after i added a picture of me with another women.

its almost like that time when i had you blocked for 6 months and within 24 hours after me unblocking you, you changed your status to "in a relationship"


if I didn't know better, i would of thought I was the one who broke up with you, even though I technically did but hey, you were sucking and fawking another man, your best friend told on you + i think you were going to leave me anyway.


to bad i gave you the opportunity to mess up my mind, my business and basically my life. i should of never caved into your begging, why were you even trying? you already told everyone you left me and moved on and we were not together. i was the last to know.


so i guess thats that... 2.5 years wasted. thank god for facebook, i would of probably been wondering about you for even longer than i have.


the funny thing about this entire situation is the following:

i think you long ago, maybe years now, stop feeling hurt from that relationship but you let me suffer and why are you even still keeping tabs on me? even if i do become something, i still will never take you back.


i think i am talking to a ghost. god let me find someone already, i want to talk to a real person.

Edited by listen_to_me_please
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My Birthday came and went, didn't hear from you. But I heard from your mom though, she was nice and kind.


Part of me is glad you didn't contact me, another part is sad cause I wanted you to. Though the night I went out, I thought I saw you carrying bags used for clothing, but it was really dark out, I had a few shots by that point, so I didn't know if it was you or not as all I saw was your back. So its justs a guess at this point.


But the thought of seeing you with those bags Friday night made me sad, cause it made me wonder, were you going to sleep at your new BFs over the weekend, like what you used to let me do?


God I hope not.


I miss you, I would give anything have you back, but I know it isn't happening. I tried moving on, but so far, I've been friend zoned by everyone. It sucks.


All I am is a friend, no woman actually wants me. You said I had prospects out there, can you look at everything I've been through and honestly say that now? I have no future with a woman.


I will never get married, never have a family, never even have a date. Cause all I am good for is a friend, and thats it.


You are still the love of my life, I just don't know what to do anymore.

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Damn *****,


You're birthday is coming up on Wednesday. I know you are expecting me to say something to you, because I know you know it's coming. But I can't do that. I have to let you come to me, and that will likely never happen.


I know you're messed up, and you've taken me down with you.

I need to do this for me because apparently I'm not wanted in your life anymore.

I hope you wonder why I don't say anything to you, but maybe you don't even care.

Lord knows I've tried. It's gotta be a 2 way street.

No sense in me being the only one trying.

I really miss you though.

You really have a hold on me.


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hurt and devastated

Really? I come over because you all but begged me to, only to find you passed out on the couch. Then, you text me the next morning saying you're sorry because you really wanted to have sex with me. When I come over to get our daughter yesterday, I ask you what that's all about, and you have the nerve to tell me not to get all "weird" on you. W.T.F..... Stop screwing with my mind. You want to sleep with me, but nothing else. I have now become the means to scratch the itch. My only question is how far down am I on the list? Your husband...yes, YOUR HUSBAND. In case you forgot, we're still married. Not that it matters, I don't think I could even touch you any more, anyway.

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Remember the Aesop fable about the dog carying a bone accross the bridge over the stream? He sees his reflection and thinks it's another dog with another bone, so he tries to take it, and in doing so loses his own bone.


You're the dog. Granted a much more attractive one.


You had it all. A loving boyfriend who treated you the way a woman deserves to be treated. One who took you out. Did fun things. Spent time with your family. Was approved of by your family and friends. Who shared your hopes and dreams. Who would never have done anything to hurt you.


And you tossed him in the stream because you thought the single life was where it was at. But your friends are starting to settle down. You're hanging with a much younger crowd than yourself.


Someday you'll look around and realize how alone you truely are.

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hurt and devastated

Oh yeah, BTW....nice of you to take down our wedding photos off of FB. Thanks, I wish it was that easy to forget.

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How does it feel? Being a slut, a liar, insecure...the list can go on.


You don't realize how much pain you put me through. You don't care. You think you're all hot stuff because you lost all that weight but in reality, your worried about what people think. You want people to like you. You're ****ing fake and I hope you realize that. I'm glad I'm not your friend anymore, because I hate people that are like that, you know that.


I hope you crash and burn

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I can't seem to escape you, and yet, part of doesn't want to escape. I still feel cold anger at what you did, and every time I see your new BF I feel nothing but cold hatred, hatred for that smile he gives me that says, "I won"


I still miss you Jen, I can't live without you. No matter what I do I can't seem to move on. My life feels worthless now, my time with you was the happiest of my life.


Perhaps my life just isn't worth living anymore. Perhaps I should just give it up, just let my end come. Maybe then you will realize what you did, what cost your actions have. If I can't live my life with you, then perhaps its not worth living it at all.


I love you, and want you. But as I said before, its all up to you.

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you are a heartless bitch. its bad enough you broke up with me but now you have to create lies based on assumptions and make me out to be a horrible person which i am not. i was good to you. you know it. you've said it a million times. now your saying i am the worst thing that has ever happened to you and that noone should ever have to go through the pain of being in a relationship with me? **** u. have some sensitivity. i did nothing wrong. you met someone else. i know this. stop justifying in your head that the fall of this relationship is me and start being honest with yourself and see how you have created this. how you have started the blame game tenfold from what i have done once to stick up for myself.

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To T-


In my unkind rest I had a cold desire to email you. I did not. You know, in the time we've not spoken, well over a callous year now, I've forgotten your birthday. Like a shell I was forgotten, and now the memories erode with it.


I forgot to say, the last time we spoke, that you'd never see me again. Well, I suppose my actions are speaking louder then words, eh? I've dispersed, but I digress. I've grown chill over the last year of our parting, and you know what? I think, in a malign way, I enjoy it.


I am happy you're with the man I knew you cheated on me with. It justifies my thoughts on the low-life scumsucking **** bag you are. I am happy you've found solace in deceit, as it only breaks the entire meaning of your pointless and hollow relationship from the get-go. You really are a ****ing piece of ****, you know that?


I am angry today. Therapy was rough yesterday, and everyone is making me want to put a .32 to my temple and end this meaningless existence. But I'd rather not, if only to remain humble and honest to myself and whoever would be foolish enough to pursue me.


You see, since you've found it so noble to betray me, you've shown me how empty and worthless most people are in this world. Do I sound bitter? I hope so, may it serve as a reminder of the toxic sludge that is the stream of lies pouring from your rotten mouth.


Whatever, T. I'm better for it.



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It's your 30th birthday today. Happy Birthday!

I remember when we celebrated your birthday last year.

What a nice time that was! Remember that great email I sent you the morning of your birthday?

Well, that was then, and this is now.

You are probably wondering why I didn't send you a greeting.

I hope it messes with your head.

After all, turn about is fair play.

Eat lots of cake and get even fatter.



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So C, it's come to this...


You've not only cut me out of your life but you're erasing me from your past. Not only amd I not good enough to be with, I'm not good enough to ever have been with.


All I ever tried to do was make you happy. And you pretended to be happy right up to the end, and rather than talk about why you weren't happy and try to improve it, you just burned the bridge.


If you hadn't told me how much you loved me and discussed our future 5 days before you cut and run maybe I wouldn't have been so caught of guard. But you lulled me into a false sense of security just before cutting me out like a tumor.


I don't think I'm the first person you've done this to, and I'm afraid it won't be the last. I know it's only a matter of time before you find someone new, if you haven't already, but when you do I won't be mad at him. I would like to warn the poor ******* what he's probably in for though.

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Billie The Puppet

Well T


Seems like you woman have many things in common you lead us along because you can't decide to leave or not like the poster above ex we discussed the future together 5 days before you split to be single. What makes this harder on me is it was infront if your family, I guess it could be much worse if it were infront of my family but it's a sting to my heart still. You then go wear the key to my heart necklace to a birthday with you and your dad and made sure to only briefly set it as your profile picture. I was weak today and let this info slip to your sister and hope she keeps it hush. She gave me a false sense of hope saying her and s separated for a year dating other people and got back together. They are so happy I wish that could be us. However like your sister just finished saying to me I have to move on if it's meant to be it will be. She even told me to move on. She also said your dad wanted to call me to touch base , I'm glad to feel appreciated by your family but understand with time my relations with them will also fade.

Edited by Billie The Puppet
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Why are you suddenly calling/texting me? You spent your birthday with other guys and haven't tried to contact me for 2 weeks so why now? Is it because your birthday is over and now you are alone? Well good. Welcome to my world, get use to it.

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I bought 2 business class ticket to Shanghai or Tokyo round trip, would love to eat on our favorite fast food chain. But not sure if you want to go or not. would suck if I go alone :)

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It was the 6th today.

And that brought...


Well, not so much pain, until the end of the day.


Daughtry's new song "september" makes me bawl my eyes out like a baby because everything about it is just like us.

Those days by the lake..


I got up today. I went to work. The usual. Butt wiping and running around like a chicken with my head cut off at the hospital. Always aware...its the 6th. its the 6th.


Then, it was time to go home. I played 'September' and i cried driving home. Ive been a wreck ever since.

Looking at facebook, seeing all the people I know that are engaged, married, pregnant, etc.

Or, simply in love.


Then theres me. Who finally wants NOTHING to do with anyone. Im the kinda girl that almost always has a boyfriend. thats not me anymore.

I cant handle the emotional blow.


It was funny, I was talking to my friend Jim about you, and about my life. when it hit me later that Id opened up to a GUY, i almost had a panic attack.


Hes always been just a friend, but thats how you and I started. I told you everything, opened up to you. never knew how it would unfold.


I never should have fallen for you. I had every sign not to. 21 year old virgin thats never had a girlfriend, troubled past, yada yada.

But I was a troubled 19 year old , thinking I had it all figured out.


But that day at the waterpark, I couldnt have stopped that. The love that happened, almost from the beginning of hanging out. being friends online for so long, we built a bond. But hanging out, set it on fire.


But I trusted you Chris, I trusted our love, I trusted fate and the stars and everything else that I never should have.


So today was the 6th. Our anniversary. Did you think of me? Did you also realize its the 6th?

Who knows?


Probably not.


While you're out, looking hot and feeling fine, here I am.

Crying because it was the 6th, and I never want to be in love again. Im jealous of the love of others, but I am realizing that its not meant for me. Im too screwed up.

I miss you all the time. I cant believe you

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How could you do this to us BCC? I loved you with every bit of my heart and you loved me with every bit of yours...well that's what you said anyway. You were going to wait for me to come back becasue you said I was everything to you, I was your best friend, boyfriend, lover and soul mate. How could you say you loved me and that you leaving to go back home was your worst nightmare and a few days later break up with me? And to stomp on my already broken heart, I found out that you slept with some random guy the following weekend you broke up with me. Apparently you were upset over what had happened and got really drunk and slept with him. I could have sworn that I knew you as a girl who was pure and wouldn't sleep around.


For more than two years you were everything to me and from what you told me, I was to you. I was always there to comfort you, love you, care for you, listen to you, cheer you up when you were down. You know I gave our relationship my all. All the little things I do for you because I wanted to. I told you everyday in one way or another that you were the only one for me.


I went to your mom's house every fortnight to have family dinner with you. Your family and friends approved of me saying that I "was a keeper". I can never take you back now even if you begged me. I was there fighting for you for over a month and told you to listen to your heart. Now that I met you face to face, 3 months after you broke up with me, you tell me to listen to my heart. NO. F**K you, I was for over a month and you didn't. If I'd knew you were a dirty little bitch when you slept with that c**t, I would have known that you have reached the point of no return and I would have prevented myself from going to hell and back multiple times.


I truely did believe we were meant to be. I felt so natural being with you...doing stupid things, dancing like an idiot. I didn't have a care in the world when I'm with you and that's why I did silly things with you. I would never do that in front of or with anyone elses. You were the one I felt most comfortable with.


People say: "It's better to have loved than to never have loved", I reckon in this case, it's bull sh*t. I will never look at you in the same way again. I miss the girl who I fellin love with, that girl is now long gone. She does not exist anymore, she ceased to exist the day you stooped down to the level of sluts and slept with someone else. The f**ken nerves you've got...not even a week after you left you broke up with me after an amazing time together...not even a week after you broke up with me you became a whore. That girl I use to love is now dead to me. I also miss the guy I use to be, a happy, loving and caring guy and all that's left now is a bitter heart broken, angry guy. Thanks for killing him too you bi**h.




Two weeks ago when I came back to visit my family, I made a mistake by visiting you. You spoke to me as if nothing had happened until I brought it up. You said I was the best thing that happened to you. Well the best thin is now long gone and you will never be as happy as you were with me again.


I'm the one you should have never left. And you have to live with that for the rest of your life. I know for a fact that no one will love you more than I loved you. That's right...I'm the one you should have NEVER left.

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I am feeling it, my despair, its getting worse. I miss you I really do. Last night was bad for me, for I was awake all night with nightmares. In my nightmares, it was so horrible.


I committed suicide. Thats what I dreamed about, no matter how hard I tried to dream of something else, image after image, nightmare after nightmare, I was killing myself.


I don't know why I dreamt about suicide, its not exactly a pleasant thought.


I would give anything to have you back, to have you call me, to listen to your voice, to feel the warmth of your hands as we hold them together. To feel your soft breathing as you dream in your sleep.


To hear the words, "I love you" again, I would tear out my own soul.


I don't know if your still with Jakub or not, but seeing him makes it worse. Watching as he mocks me, telling me constantly that he won and has you now, that he sleeps with you and makes you scream, It hurts, more then ever does it hurt.


I have nothing left at this point Jen, nothing. I tried to see other people, to move on, but I failed. All they want is a friend, or nothing at all. Your the only person who accepted me, and now that your gone, I don't know what to do. I just don't know what to do.

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Hey C,


I cried over you yesterday. After almost 7 weeks I thought i was done with that part, but I guess I'm not.


It's made me realize how in love with you I really am. I know I told you that when we were together. I tried to show you with actions too. I think you know that I love you, but I'm not sure you really understand what love is. I'm not sure you've ever really let anyone in enough for you to love them. I hope someday you can defeat your demons and feel it, because as much pain as it causes, love really is worth it.


And my love for you is unconditional. Even if you can't feel it for me, have have my love. It's not dependent on us being together. It doesn't matter if we both find other people. A part of my heart will always be yours.

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I just hope one day you will actually feel what you have done. When you do, times that by about 50 times and then, only then you may come close to what I have felt. How could you BCC? You said that I was the best thing ever to happen to you so why would you throw it away as if it was nothing? One day it will click in your complicated mind what you have thrown away. When that day comes, there is nothing you could do to take it all back, the damage has been done and there is no reversing it! EVER! All I asked you to do when you first broke up with me was to follow your heart and you didn't. I have decided to start NC again because it did feel as though I was healing, but now that I had met up with you on my visit to my family, I feel as if I have gone back to square one. I deserve much better than this. Your loss!

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