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I believe you're using your new bf.


For 2 school years, I was with you. During Homecoming, Halloween, all of those memorable activities. Now that I'm gone and on hardcore NC, you need someone to fill that void. So that's why you're with this new guy. You jumped into a relationship because he showed a little attention to you. You're still that insecure, low self esteem girl. You don't care for him, you just need someone because you don't want to appear lonely. That's the reason why you want to be my "friend" so you'll have someone just in case you feel lonely. I'm glad I didn't accept your offer. I don't want to play as your fall pillow and your doormat. **** that!


Once the school year ends, you're gonna throw him away like you threw me away. You're a bitch for doing this.


You said you weren't going to be with anyone for a very long time.

You put me through so much **** for the past 5 months, and I'm still standing you bitch. I'm ready to face the **** coming at me this year. You know why? Because I'm better than you and I deserve better.

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this is odd writing this post, almost as if i am talking to someone who is make believe. that relationship still confuses me, i spend some time on it each day, just trying to figure out what exactly happen.


sometimes i have dreams about it.

it was so long ago, i don't even remember it all.

i think i knew a girl, i think we fell in love, then the rest of it was drama and heartache.


i can't call it. all i know is that in the end, she had been cheating, was using me, was going to leave, tried to manipulated me, blamed me, messed up my business, messed up my head, took 2.5 years to recover and never heard from her again.


some females are just bad luck i suppose

i wonder what she wanted from me

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To Wefreakingwon of that male dominated message board: the ugly true about her


You and your "whatever that is" know exactly what you have done! And I don't care if you file whatever to against me! Bring on! I have got nothing to lose! Whatever you file against me, I'm assure you that both you and her will get one too! It's a dozen a dime in this state! I don't even need to hire a lawyer to do so!


You think you are all that? Let me tell you something insight about that woman! She is nothing but a gold digger with an Ivy league degree! To her, you are merely a sperm donor who upgrade her off-springs and a sugar daddy, a money growing tree providing her and her children a good life!


Remember she used to have a silky pillow case but you didn't? I asked her once why she didn't want to make them a pair. She told me cold and quietly "He doesn't deserve it"! Yap! You don't even deserve a damn silky pillow case in her eyes!


If any one who ever had conversation about relationship with that woman, he/she would know that all she could talk about was her tall, handsome, all-American Charisma brother-in-law, even during the time she's carrying your second child! Ever wonder why she couldn't stop calling her sister's house and talking hours and hours? I bet she was thinking about her hunky BIL while both of your children were conceived.


You are a social awkward person with high achievement, bright future, and slightly Asperger syndrome, which made you perfect for a manipulative control freak and a snobbish gold digger! As an Asian, she knew exactly that she couldn't get any better deal (to be willing to marry her or even let her carry his child!), hence, she's settle with you! Sucker!


What's goes around comes around! Enjoy your gold-digger with an Ivy league degree! Wefreakingwon??? Haaaaaaaa! Shefreakingwon! You sucker!

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Hey R,


I'm still going through the stages. All 5, over and over. It's been 6 months. When I dream of you, I wake up and don't feel a thing. I cry over you, but I can feel that it's only on the surface and soon it will be gone. My subconscious doesn't mourn you anymore. It's only the Spring that's making me lonely. You are familiar, and that's why my thoughts fall to you. That's the only reason.


I am still sad, but it's *just* starting to actually leave me. Now I know the difference between the hope and the real.


I still have the questions, I ask them every day to thin air, as though it could miraculously answer me. I do still wish that I had've meant something to you, and that you would think back on our time as something special. I ask you every day what I did to make you cheat on me. What I did to make you hate me. That is what I still struggle with, because I can't think of a single thing I did wrong. Not one. Not kidding.


It doesn't matter how many people tell me it's not my fault. The fact is, I will never believe it unless I hear it from you. I wish you would tell me.


Hold your breath

And count to ten,

And fall apart,

And start again.


I plan on being single for some time. I don't know what I did wrong to you, but I will figure it out one day. I am making sure that I am the best person that I can possibly be for when I'm ready to not be single anymore. I'm being brave, facing my faults. I may have come to a standstill, but you keep running from yourself. Keep running, honey - I'm sure she loves it. Not that she's mature enough to detect it. I will never be that naive again.


One day, this hole in my heart will be filled by someone more deserving than you. And for now, that person will be me.



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I'm sorry C,


I know you don't want to hear this, but I've been doing a lot of thinking and soul searching and realize that this breakup isn't working for me. I know all of the things you said when you left, but they just don't make sense. There were no issues bad enough that we couldn't have worked them out with a little effort. I guess that's why it didn't work out though isn't is? You didn't want to even put minimal effort into it.



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Dear D.


It's been nearly a month.


In my mind, I know that it was all wrong .. but why is it so hard to stop feeling for you. It was torture being with you and now it's torture being without you.


How am I supposed to recover when I gave you my heart - and the benefit of the doubt - only to have you screw me over with your lies.


I want to stop feeling for you in every sort of way.



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I miss you so much. I can't get you out of my head, and out of my heart. I sill love you, and am willing to do anything, sacrifice everything, to be with you again.


But I know I am not what you want, or am I? I have received so many mixed signals, but they all come down to one thing, fear.


Your own mother told me she thinks the reason you left is because you were afraid. You saw the path we were on, the path of long-term, possibly even permanent commitment if what you told me was true, and you were afraid.


Everyone says it, and I wish you were willing to work past that fear.


I am still being harassed by your new BF and his friends, though now mostly his friends do the work.


Yesterday, as I was walking to class from work, I just started crying. I don't know why, but I did. I had to run to the bathroom to hide until I was able to stop.


I love you so much, I just wish you could give us another chance.

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Dear P:

So one week of NC....one week after you told me there was someone else coming in town for the weekend. Last weekend. I can't believe you care so little for me that you haven't even called/emailed to see if I am okay. A simple "I'm sorry for hurting you" would have been enough. No desire to get back with you or try to trust you again but it is like you are stacking pain upon pain and I just don't understand.

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I can do better than you. I just don't want to.


That's exactly the way I feel, lol...and it's crazy to feel this way...but also hurts.

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Well today is my birthday. It ends the worst year of my life and hopefully, it will be the beginning of a better life. You'll never know how badly you've hurt me. I've grown past the anger to a point of acceptance. I hope you will find whatever it is you're looking for.

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Sooo really? How many others have there been? Did you EVER care about me at all? On our trip last year I thought we were really enjoying each other , the beach...were you already in contact with someone else? When I moved out and we reconciled you told me you were in this for good. Where you already with someone then? What the hell is wrong with you? Not only did you cheat but you told me on the phone (cop out) and haven't even checked in. Not that i want to talk to you but there is a part of me that wants to know you care.

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Remember how I was telling you about the guy that strung me along way back in college and you said he was a douche?


Now you're clearly the douche.




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**** you W, you asexual, antisocial, noncommital b*tch.


Your beauty, your charming naivety, your competence and emotional strength are all overshadowed by your lack of honesty. You think love and life is a game, tell you what : next time just try saying what's on your mind before you ruin the next great thing that comes into your life.


I hope you catch a wake up real soon, next time it's gonna be you hurting baby. When that MAN comes along, he's going to hurt you, and so it will go until you learn to love.

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Geesh, I come at you in a respectful and loving way and you blow me off, because you're mad at me again or still or whatever the case is. You email me one freakn time and I don't get back to you for a few weeks, OK that's the reason why your angry, YOU TOLD ME TO LEAVE YOU ALONE GENIUS!!

You say in your text.. you weren't supposed to be alone through all that you're going through without a partner, but now you are.




I understand when you're mad at someone it's hard to be sweet and understanding and let them in, but SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHIIIIIT! how long do you have to be mad and angry before you decide to come to me and talk respectfully about how we may feel now. Well I guess we did that yesterday when you text me back that you were still angry and that you, too felt rejected and to let you be, and that "MAYBE" when you have peace we can talk..


I'm trying to understand, I will not come at you this way because I want to be a good person and understand it all!


Your b-day is on Saturday and I freakn broke NC and bared all my freakn wounds again because I care less about my pride when I love someone!










What is it that you want me to do, You show me with your actions that you want to be left alone and say it, so I do and you get angry. I call you and try to reach out and you get angry!




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Hey , I called your voice mail. But then I heard your bf message. I know it hurts me a lot. But who cares. I love you someday maybe I can find the closure I need. but now its hard. too hard to even start. im still hoping one day that you will love me the same way you did. If you can just hear my thoughts and listen. Just get the f#4k out of your new relationship and just finish ours! I'll be waiting!

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Just wanted to remind you that what goes around, comes around. I know you said that you don't believe in karma, but you know what? Karma believes in you, you piece of ****. I hope the next girl you meet strings you along and then dumps you out of the blue so you can see what it feels like when your heart gets stomped on. ****ing *******.


I've finally stopped crying. My heart doesn't feel heavy anymore. Now I'm ****ing pissed off at you. God, I am SO glad that I didn't waste another day on you. You never deserved me. You don't even deserve the scum of the earth.


I loved seeing your face when I gave you back the bag with the food, our dinner, in it. Your face was even better when I handed back that piece of crap necklace that you gave me on our 3rd date. I hope every time you look at that necklace you are reminded of how ****ing ****ty you are and the good person that you lost. If you threw out the necklace, then you are just a goddamn coward, unable to face up to your serious flaws.


Karma, you ****ing rat. Just you wait.




PS. Please take care of the unibrow. It makes you uglier.

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Dear P

I just don't understand how you could treat me like this. You have made me feel like garbage. I am trying to remember and hold on to this part of you personality but unfortunately keep remember the good times. I miss your sweet face and smile......but know that underneath it was just a big lie. I have to hold on to the fact that you are not the person I thought you were and just let go and move on. It is just so hard b/c as I am sitting here crying I want your arms around me to comfort me.

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Wanting is always better than having. I know that now. I wish you didn't think I was a lost cause or that I was a bad person. I'm tired of being numb/miserable over you. I'm just tired of the whole thing. I hate that someone I loved makes me feel this way, when you don't even care at all. Maybe, hopefully, probably, one day you will feel this way and realize I was a damn good person who was worth some effort. I sick and tired of these feelings. I deserve to be happy, and you deserve to feel an ounce of heartache over a 4 year relationship. Too bad I'm feeling the heartache for both of us. One day, you'll realize. But maybe not, since you're very dumb when it comes to these things. Can't believe I was with you for so long. Can't believe I was so instantly dismissed. C'est la vie.



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When are your angry rants and your rejection gonna be > then you being my Cherie Amour??


I want to be angry and let go, but that only lasts for a few minutes than I think about our silly times and our loving ways and I dismiss the anger. I want to be respectful and compassionate towards your feelings, but DANG! M, you're really holding out.

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Hon', I want you to know that you were also in my heart when I was banging this other girl on your birthday. I hope you could feel when I came ! Happy Birthday baby :love: !

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I'm amazed. Amazed that after all this time you still manage to creep into my thoughts. Some may say that it's an unhealthy obsession but I tend to think that sometimes a person finds their way into our hearts and they just take up residence whether we want them to or not....they just won't go away! Is there a definite reason for this? Who really & truly knows?


I've wondered about you over the years. I remember praying to God to spare you even if it meant that I wouldn't see you again in this life. I loved you that much that I would let you go just so long as HE kept you alive. I've never been so scared for someone and I still feel the fear of that night in my heart. I've never told anyone about this and writing it here is the first time I've truly acknowledged it.


When you were recovering in hospital and phoned to tell me that we would just be friends because you were taking your ex-wife back (the one who cheated on your 4 times....ugh), I quietly accepted it. I know she wanted a way back into your life and considering you have two kids together, how could our 9 months of dating compete with a family coming back together. I couldn't & wouldn't mess that up for any child. I imagine the little ones were over the moon and that thought made it all a little easier to bear.


I really wish that you hadn't told me how much you cared for me. I wish you hadn't brought me flowers and confirmed a commitment to me as we held hands on that warm spring day only to have the whole dream come shattering apart two weeks later. It would have been so much easier to never have heard those words.


I've moved on in life and kept very busy. Life has been kind to me and hope the same for you and your family. It's been over 6 yrs since I heard your voice. I wonder if I would know your voice if I heard it again? I'm sure my heart would.

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I was your first date, and tomorrow you'll be going with your new boy.

Remember? HC is where I fell in love with you.


If I remember, in the beginning of the year, you seemed desperate and you couldn't find a date. Now that your with this new guy you decide to jump into a new relationship when you told me you wont for a long long while.

Even though its been a while, I believe your rebounding. My god, you have no respect for yourself and others.


I honestly think people told you that I had a date already and you probably wanted to one up me or something. I really think that because this **** started happening after I asked her. And I love how you give my date attitude sometimes. You always hated her, even when we were going out. You're a jealous bitch and you were the biggest hypocrite. Saying that I couldn't talk to other girls and you ending up talking to other guys.


You're using the boy, he's gonna be thrown away when the year ends. **** you, you ****ing bitch.


And btw: Nice seeing you today. You look skinny. Stop gagging yourself with your toothbrush and put down those damn teen, gossip, sex advice magazines you insecure little bitch. :laugh:

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Dear xxxx,


It breaks my heart to know that every thought, every dream, every memory of you HAUNTS me. Haunts me because of how dangerous you were with my heart. How you didn't give a crap about me, but had the nerve to say you do? You begged me to go to church with you, because you know I am a good person. You know I got the good luck thru the grace of God baby. He blessed me with this new job right when you screwed me over.


October 24th, guess what?, I am going wine tasting with a date. :p Maybe this man will know how to treat me right! Oh man, he drives a nice 2010 bmw (which you don't have), he has money (unlike you who took my money and never paid me back, you broke azz!!). Him and I click so well.. and he wants to take me places (places that you never took me). I promise to wear my best outfit for this man and make sure I look good for him. Gosh, he deserves it because he treats me like a woman and respects me. It's great to feel that someone wants me!


Yet, I hate that I still think of you. Still have you on my mind each and every day. I WISH YOU COULD JUST GET OUT OF MY MIND! sometimes, I wish you could just come back. I'm so mad at you. How could you had did this to me?!

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