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Soooo have you even told your family? Any of your friends? Do they know you are already involved with someone else? NO NO NO desire to reconcile but guess I just wanted at least some type of apology. You suck mister.

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Hi Honey,

I don't know how you did it, but somehow you so deep in my heart and I just can not stop think about you. No matter what I do, no matter how I try to distract my self you always on my mind. I would expect it already to pass, since it is already almost 2.5 months since we see each other, and I starting to ask my self, was it all for real ? were you really existed in my life ? May be it was all my imagination ? But still, every day is a new battle with my self not to contact you. I almost sure that if I "open the channel" we can be back together, but honey, after all you did - I just can not do the first step. It should be your decision. I know that you afraid, ashamed - but hon', you should overcome your fears (I am not biting...nu, at least not hard :) ), you need to fight for your happiness (all this assuming that you were not lying when you sad how happy you that you finally met me). If you remember I was always supportive, I never made you feel bad about yourself, even when you (actually your mum, cause you never had a courage) told me that you came back together with your X, I wished you all the best...I do not believe that you will be happy with him, I almost sure that eventually you will break up with him (in 10th time) and then most likely come back to me...But how can I take you back after all this suffering you caused me ? I know that you are not a bad person and did do it on purpose, you just very weak, immature and irresponsible - like a little kid. But all this, doesn't ease my pain. You fuc..ked with him like a grown up - that's for sure. anyway - instead of texting you, I prefer write here. Hon' - I want you to know that you didn't lose a lover, but the best friend you could ever have. You will see. Real friends are very rare.

Anyway...have a good day. I really curious if you can feel how much I'm thinking about you.

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you make me so mad.

You decided to contact me...AGAIN. weeks after saying we couldnt talk about anything except legal stuff, you've contacted me twice in one week. of course, using the legal thing as your way in to a conversation.


So you text me asking if anything new has happened. And then tell me you only asked cuz you had to open a guy's car door yesterday when he was in the car and it was smoking, you said it reminded you of me and the accident.


So you used that as your excuse. Then you apologized for asking. I asked how he was, and you talked to me for a little about that. Then i asked why you had said sorry




WTF is your deal??? you are SO weird. Why are you contacting me? Why arent you replying now? Seriously??

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Graphic *Viewers discretion is advised*


Let me tell you something Mr. Ex... I don't know what's your deal here, but be with the b*tch, nobody is stopping you and haven't stopped you. I am sick and tired of your confusion. Whoever you are with, whatever you are trying to do, I don't know, but Please, don't bother me with your BS. I don't walked into your life, be nosey, ask questions and bother you by calling and texting so why the fxck you do that to me? I am mad because I feel like why am I still giving a shyt about you? That is what I can't understand. I still feel like I give a flying f*** about you when I shouldn't. You broke my heart.. you walked back into my life, screwed with the broken pieces of my heart and still left them lying there on the floor. What the fxck you do that for? Stay the fxck out of my life you selfish piece of shyt. You are selfish, I loaned you money for college and you still haven't paid me back. You are a ass***e!! You are a thief and a liar!!! I gave you money to help you out and you treat me like this?? You never gave me shyt! You pathetic piece of crap of a man. I never ever in my life have ever cursed this much. I never was this kind of a person til you fxcked with my heart and emotions. Goodbye!! :mad:

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So here I am writing this feeling like a chump


I treated you like a princess I always tried my best to make you happy, helped you when you were sick, helped with your college work, helped fill out your forms I helped you with everything I could


You were the biggest best thing in my life my world revolved around you, I thought It was me and you all the way, we were not perfect we had a ups and downs but we never argued and always ended up laughing at each other or silly things


I miss the smell of your skin, the taste of your lips and your blue eyes, I thought I was over it all, thought I made some progress


Seeing pics of you in another mans arm, pain I didn't know I could feel and emotions I have never experience before,


I respected you when you said you wanted to be single, seems like another lie you told me, 4 months have passed and I still don't know why we broke up, i got bored of trying to work it out I gave up


I realize now that i wasn't at fault, I feel used, I just hope this new guy can offer you all I could of,


I gave you all of me, honesty, faithfulness, love and affection


I tried I really did


I guess I should thank you really i was naive before, I've learnt alot, about myself and how I can handle things


You however still will remain in your old ways, in your head you are perfect, you will NEVER learn unless YOU get your heartbroken, then you will see, how it feels to love someone and them not appreciate it


Until then...

Edited by ResetReality
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You're lame and truly lonely. Ya go ahead be angry. I won't mask it, I'm angry too... you piece of ****. I tried to come at you nice and respectful but I see you've taken some steps backwards and become a bitter, resentful, lonely, confused-big shot, what's so big about that, NOTHING!!!!

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I'm sick of writing to Ant. so I'm writing to you now, JR. I blame all of my recent crap on you. YOU. It was approx a year ago from now when our relationship started going downhill. You became more distant and hid all of your concerns from me thinking that they would go away or I wouldn't notice. HA!


I think it's hilarious that you've wasted the past few months BEGGING to get back with me since you spent a good chunk of time earlier this year pushing me away. I guess that saying that you don't know you had until you lost it rings true, eh? You *******. Why couldn't you care when we were together? Why did you wait until we broke up to send me flowers? Presents? Cards? Love letters? Voice mail? Emails? Text messages? Where the **** were you in our relationship?? It really hurts me, JR. Why do you wait until now to "care" and "communicate?"


Well, **** you. I found someone else and although it only lasted for about a month, at least I know that I have the capabilities of being able to move on and love someone else, unlike you. However, it pisses me off that I was approached by so many guys when I was in a relationship with you. Of course I turned them all down because I loved you and I'm a faithful person. But ****, now I really regret it. That guy that asked me out in the grocery store in front of the frozen pizzas was really hot and had a cute accent. I literally ran from him like a moron because I was scared that you were going to come around the corner. I'm pretty sure he would have treated me better than you did. Once someone is treated like dirt, there's no where else to go but up.


I bet no one has ever asked you out in the grocery store!


Leave me the **** alone. You ruined my life as it is. Every day that I hear from you makes my day even worse.




PS. I hope I find another hot guy in the grocery store.

Edited by EyeAlone
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Well... 4 months have past and I still miss you. Not as much as I did though, so at least it's fading. I can actually say that as much as I do miss you, I'm getting closer to hating you. You don't give a f*** about me and I realise that now. If you knew about the stuff that had been going on with me recently and still are going on, I wonder if you'd show concern and support me? I highly doubt it. You still wouldn't give a f***. Well... Doesn't matter. My life is nothing to do with you anymore, so you're not gonna know. I have the support I need.


You remember you said your point was proved? Well guess what... All you've gone and done is proved I had every reason to feel insecure with you. I knew I wasn't good enough for you. You're a joke.

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God I miss you. God I love you. I think about you every waking minute and I realize that you don't really care. For that reason, the last two weeks of living without you forever have hurt so deeply, so acutely.


I want to escape my heart - I want to run and hide from it, because it hurts so bad.


We were supposed to spend the rest of our lives together, remember? Why couldn't you have been a committed partner in this relationship and worked through these problems?


I suppose it's as you told me after 5 ****ING years!! - you didn't give yourself completely; you didn't give your heart.

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I still love you, I miss you, I want you.


I would give and sacrifice anything to have you back. Please, please give us another chance!

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dear P - you really broke my heart. So f*** ck you. I gave you everything. I sat with you father while he died so you wouldn't have to and somehow felt that it would be another powerful connection b/t us. Guess not. Guess nothing I did for you and your family even matters or registers with you. So whoever you are with can freakin have you....you are no prize. Goodbye LOSER>

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J, next time you leave a guy just have the guts to do it in person. Or at least send an email. I know I was halfway around the world from you, but that's no excuse.

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Well, you made your relationship "FB official"


Wow, you are such a liar. Saying that HS relationships are small and dumb and what do you do? Get a new boyfriend.


I hate you so much right now. You ruined my life.

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It's been 10 days since I've spoken to you. I can say I feel alot better than I did before...eventhough I still want us to be together, I know it will not work. You need to work on yourself.


Anyway, I noticed you called Friday and Saturday, however, you could have left a message saying "hi" or apologizing for the **** you put me though. But I guess you are not ready yet...or perhaps, you believe you did nothing wrong...(imagine that) ha!


I had a dream about you last night, me yelling at you, about how much you hurt me and you didn't seem to care. Guess the dream is similiar to reality because everytime you hurt me, it seemed like you really cared and wouldn't do it again, but somehow, you did...so I guess you really didn't care, huh. Anyway, right now, I'm no longer angry at you, I feel sorry for you. You had the best woman to come into your life and you ****ed it up. You seem to **** up everything around you...so yeah, I pity you.

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There was a time when I thought that we are alike, I was blind, because as my love disappeared I've discovered that we don't have much in common. I could never devote more than a year of my life to someone just to leave him forever. That is something I will never understand and forgive.


I will never forget your smile when you told me you like another guy in July. Your eyes were examining my reaction. I felt you had a great pleasure making me suffer. I will never understand how can you make yourself happy with other person's pain.


I really don't wish you anything good and hope my hate will transform into indifference someday.

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There isn't a second that I don't think about you...not one.


I check your facebook and it seems like your happier without me :'( it hurts so bad...I keep deluding myself into thinking that one day you will want me back but after all the pain i've put you through I know that this day will never come.


You messaged me and asked me to go to your 18th...your little sister added me on facebook...why oh why? Please take me back...

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Goddamn I hate you so much. I'm crying again and I wish I could just stop. Why did you have to break my heart? We were so great together and clicked really well, or so I thought. I guess you didn't think so. That's why you dropped the bomb on me. I hate you I hate you I hate you. I want to get over you so badly and take you off your pedestal but I just can't. This hurts too much and I want it to stop. If only you did something bad when we were together for those few weeks and then I'd be able to get over you easily. But you didn't. You were perfect and I hate you for that. I really hate you. God I'm so sick of this. I wish I could tell you how much I really miss you. :(

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I can't believe that we are going on week 7 of NC. Yes, week 7. Wow, how did this happen? Why are you still so lodged into my heart? I was soooo good to you and this is how I get treated? It just makes no sense.

And you are with someone else who doesn't match up to me in any catagory? And you STILL haven't filed your divorce papers? WTH is going on with you? Why did you come into my life and beg me to stay when I said I didn't want to be your rebound guy. You just got me fuggin hooked on you and then straight up dissapeared on me! I have never been treated so unfairly before in my life!

I think about you constantly and want to see you, but it's not reciprocated.

Why won't you come to your senses and snap out of this!

I didn't email you on your birthday because the ball is in your court.

I do miss you though, even though I won't tell you that.

You really pulled one on me.

I never thought I would have gotten that from you.

I wished you missed me a fraction of how much I miss you.

I guess I will never hear from you again.

How sad.

Edited by HighPlainsDrifter
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I just realized why lately I have been beating myself up by being so emotional all this week. I realized because we are approaching 3 months since the breakup this friday. 3 months of you letting go, 3 months of you screwing with my emotions like you don't care, 3 months of you not wanting to be the man to protect me from the "evil" world of rape, violence, etc. I can't even feel the connection of getting to know someone because my thoughts still think of you at the end of the day. There is this guy at my new job who is trying to make me so happy. He knows I am sad because of you and well, I think he likes me. He wants to take me out and is such a sweet guy. He is amazing and it's sad that you never was like that with me. This man thinks I am very special to him and I only known him for month, call it crazy!? I think he really wants to get to know me. As I so appreciate everything he has done for me, we barely know each other, but he is so nice. I feel so bad that I cannot fully connect with him the way he deserves because I still think of you. I still miss the guy you were. The holidays are coming up, and well, I am so worried that I won't be able to enjoy the moment with you. You never treated me like the woman I should be treated. Now, I find myself depending on this nice guy to make me feel happy. He asks me everyday to go out to lunch with him at work.. This man is just so sweet. I feel bad that I just can't allow myself to like him because I still cry over you! But I realized I no longer hate you. I prayed to God this morning, on how you turned me towards hate, and now I just feel numb. I feel like, I just miss the "old" you. I want answers for why you hurt me and if I don't get them, I prayed and ask God to heal me thru this and make me happy again. I also asked him to watch over you, whatever you are doing, God knows how you treated me like crap, and knows that you will someday have to answer to him. Good luck to whatever happens to you? Hope you will then think of what you did to me. For now, I think I can rely on God making me happy one day. I have faith that he will answer my prayer.

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One thing I am sorry about is not going to church with you last weekend when you begged me. I do appreciate that you feel that you can connect with God by me being with you. It is truly a honor that you feel that my relationship with the man above is why I am blessed right now with this new job and a new positive outlook on life. Let me give you a piece of advice, it starts from you. I asked God to come into my life without anyone's help. You now have to be a MAN and own up to your responsibilities and your consequences. I cannot help you. You did hurt me very bad, so I would of lacked respect for myself to allow you to hurt me but yet, go to church with you? I go to church with those who love me, support me, who have my heart in their best interest. Unfortunately, you don't, so find it within yourself to go to church by YOURSELF. Stop being so self centered and start being a MAN for once.


I am all about helping those who need help, so if you need my help, you got to talk to me in person. Forget this text messaging, impersonal form of way of communication. Obviously, you lack any form of respect, care or love for me. I will forgive you, but I could never ever forget the way you treated me. You burned your bridge!

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you ****ing bitch gold digger what goes around comes around you'll see you wh*re opportunist I won't spend 1 more second thinking about you cause that will only make me throw up

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Just saw something that I thought you would like and almost contacted you out of habit. Then I realized you're not mine anymore, you're someone else's. Someday you'll know how it feels. I wish we didn't harbor such hatred for one another. I wish I could tell you I love you once more.

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Went to the bookstore today and came across the books that we were looking through in the car after our camping trip. ****, I hope you enjoy reading those books by yourself. Today I've felt like vomiting all day. You literally make me sick. **** you **** you **** you **** you Go play games with some other dip****'s heart.

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