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I don't know what the **** is wrong with me. I was doing just great the first week and a half and now it's like I'm replaying the whole grieving process. Don't know why I feel the way I do, I just want to get over you and move the **** on. You are a piece of **** and hope you suffer for what you done to me. You forced me to end our relationship. I'm so conflicted right now, I even wrote you a 3 page letter, but not sure if I want to give it to you. I want you to read it and see the jerk you were to me. I want you out of my head, out of my mind, and out of my life.

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Hi R,


I wanted to let you know that I am so strong today! See, in the past, I would hold conversations with you, in my head, every day. You know...the ones that, if I ever see you again, what i would say to you. But lately, I start the same conversations and there's no desire behind them. I really believe I'm just going through motions, nothing more.


I am so close to that point, of not caring if I never see your face again. All of this is beginning not to matter anymore. I saw a picture of you up on FB that I had commented on over a year ago. I saw your face, and you looked like a stranger. It's as though I never even knew you. There was still emotion behind my reaction though, since my heart beat a little faster for a second. You were cute in that photo, nothing will change that. But now, you're just ugly - inside and out. You had guilt and shame and cunning written all over your face in that last photo you put up before you left me for her. And nothing will change that either.


You were my first love, but you never had, nor ever will have the best of me. Someone very very special in my future will have that, when the time is right.


I hope you enjoy the bed you made for yourself.

Not quite as comfy as you thought now, is it?



Edited by LoveTruthChaos
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3 months and well I now long for you than I have ever done.. I miss you, and sad that you hurt me the way you did. You didn't have to do that, and well I know I deserve better. I'm glad you .. well fxck this. I'm going to cry right now to sleep. I can't type no more.


I am sad and lonely.. goodbye



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When you see me don't even look me in the eyes. I can't beleive you traded me in for such a douche bag. **** you, you absolutely disgust me you lying tramp.

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You make me sick. I honestly cant believe what you're doing with your life now.


I honestly believe you deserve to be miserable now.

I know I'm better than this, better than you and definitely better than her.


You all are disgusting, have fun with your lives now.

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Every single moment of happiness we have shared is tainted with bitter betrayal, all them times you'd say to me you will never hurt me, im the 1 for you, were going to get married and be together forever. BULL****


I hope you seriously regret ditching me for someone else after 2 years. dont you feel like a ****in bitch, dont you find it strange acting the same as you did with me with someone else just a week after we broke up.


i miss the real you, but you changed into a total backstabbing cheat

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I can not believe you had the nerve to email me yesterday and say "for what its worth.....Happy Birthday." You ripped my heart out and ripped it into pieces. You lied to everyone, your family, your friends, your whores, the kids and to me! You just expect everything to be hunky dorey now that you have left and have your freedom. You expect me to just be friends with you like nothing ever happened. Well, here's a news flash for ya "for what it's worth F*** YOU! You lying cheating bastard!"

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It has been difficult moving on without you although I am. Today I wanted to talk to you. I miss you dearly. You were my love, my man. Honestly I don't want you to go. My heart remembers all the good times. I remember you and I love you and will always. I miss you my love.

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Look jerk off if you think you don't need me and are happier without me go and find another carefree person like yourself who wants no responsibility. I don't want you either, never really did. You were way too controlling and dependent on me. You need me more than I need you! Have FUN! I certainly will do the same and I look forward to meeting a man who wants what I want and will accept me for who I am and not constantly look for my faults!

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Oh P...I am just so sad for us, for me, for you. I so bad want to see you greeting me at my car after work with your sweet face but then I realize behind your smile was someone who thought nothing of lying to me. Why didn't you tell me you were unhappy? How/when did you make this decision to see someone else? You broke my heart......

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I truly wish you the best. However, do not care to hold on to you or anything of you. Farewell, goodbye. You know when you truly let someone go, without fear. All you feel is peace.

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I wish I could talk to you right now. I miss you so much. I was doing fine but it's just that I can feel you leaving from my heart and my heart is trying to hold on. I don't want to let go. I love you so much and you know that I did! So we are not meant to be fine. Fine. It just doesn't help me stop the feelings I had when we were together. I love you more than anything. I probably never told you that. Now I can't. BYe.

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The thing I'm most afraid of is being hurt more. By you showing off how happy you are without me, either by seeing you with someone else, you having a new girlfriend or seeing photos of you with someone else. I know that you are having a great time on your vacation. I can't help but think that you DO miss me, but everything I have seen since our breakup makes me think you don't give a damn about me. You seem to be making a huge effort to make new friends, to find someone new and basically to not feel bad about "us". In my mind I miss us and in a way want us to talk again, but I realize thinking this way could really hurt me, because I could get extremely hurt if you reject me which you may. From what you have said is that I am mean, fight with you alot, make you feel bad. I must face the fact that you DO NOT want me or that we are not meant to be at all. You were taking it easy while I was struggling, I wanted us to move, I wanted to make things easier for both of us. I wanted you to be less dependent on me for everything, but you would not move. Now that we are separated you have made the effort to do your own things.


I want to let you go and let you live your life, it's the love I have for you that is sticking to me like glue. I would do anything for you, care for you, support you, love you. You want your freedom and I in a way want to give you that. I just want to be able to not be hurt by it, I will get to that point I know, but now I am so vulnerable to what you say and do.

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I miss you so much these days, just dying to talk with you. I'm waiting for your return, but for what? We are not supposed to talk, but I'm thinking I will break down. I just need to be ready for anything. I sometimes think I'd like to date again, but maybe you hate me now, sometimes I think you do. I know this time is allowing me to heal, I'm just dying to know my love is gone. I know that if you wanted to work things out you would let me know. You went after me from the start and now you have gone away. If you want me I will know. I guess we can't be together you don't want responsibility for me or a child and don't know if you ever will. You didn't feel the desire to marry or to have a child, but felt good with me. I wanted to know if you would take care of me in the future and I you. I wanted to be a happy "married" couple similar to how we were. I didn't realize you didn't like me and you thought such negative things of me. So I just need to get over it and try again.

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You ripped my heart out. I missed you, gave you the benefit of the doubt, but now the clouds are opening up and I'm beginning to see what's really going on. How could you, after everything I did. Now I'm broke, heart-broken in the worst way, and u don't give two hoots. Thanks for nothing.

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It was so nice hearing your voice on the phone yesterday after almost 2 months even though it was only for a few minutes. I miss you like crazy and wish that you had given us a chance instead of throwing it all away. I hate it that you moved on so quickly with another women whom you also work with, it truly hurts me. I know that she is spoiling you like crazy, buying everything for you, going out to eat every day, going to bars, driving you around in her new fancy car, giving you everything you want which I couldn't because we didn't have the money at the time. It was only 3 months that we finally got OUR own place, no roomates, no family, it was just us and all of a sudden you just get rid of me when things are amazing for us. I know deep down inside you do miss me and will regret your decision someday, but I might of already moved on by then.

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I went against my better judgement and contacted you after about 20 days of NC, because I missed you. I got the chance to see you and spend time with you and I enjoyed it so much that I didn't want to leave. You asked me a couple of times can you call me and I said no, however, you ended up calling and saying you didn't want me to leave either. I didn't mind that call because it made me felt great to see that you did care.


I was planning on going back to NC the next day, but I was still having those strong urges of giving you that 3 page letter. Since I've already broken NC, I figured it wouldn't be no big deal. I told you about the letter when you called this morning, but what ****ed everything up for me was when you called again and told me about a possible new job you may get and that you were saving to get a new place. I was happy for you, but at the same time felt sad and sort of upset that I seem not to be a priority in your life anymore. It also seemed like you're happier without me...at least I felt something from you yesterday, but today, was totally different. Anyway, I'm not going to give you the letter, instead, I going back NC starting tommorrow. I'm very disappointed in myself for breaking NC. I have to accept the fact that it's over.

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Hey. I miss you a lot. I worry about you too. I hope your back isn't causing you any pain. I hope you're doing good in school. I guess you never really cared about me since its been almost 2 months of NC and you haven't contacted me. Halloween is coming up and I remember how special that night was for us, now you will be spending it with him while I sit around or whatever. I just miss you a lot and I wanted you to know that, not like you even care.

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Hey R,


So, Mum reckons that you and her have split up. Mum's psychic, and she's never been wrong, but to believe what she said would be too good to be true. And why do you only communicate to her on a psychic level and not me? Ugh - damn Universe - I love you and all, but stop trying to protect me!


A long time ago, we were making plans to spend this Halloween together. Not that you would remember, because apparently I meant nothing to you. It's your favourite holiday, and we were going to share it together.


I hope someone puts razor blades in your candy.




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Sigh, Halloween tomorrow. Don`t know if you have someone to spend it with, but I miss our pumpkin carving and scary movie watch of last year. I hope your back isn`t in pain as you need it for your profession, and I hope gathering clients in school is going well..as cold as you`ve been to me you cannot erase the fun times we shared..there were a lot.


I want to say I love you, but that would just be cheating myself. I do miss you. I`m not banking on it, but maybe one day you will appreciate all that I have done, even though I may not have been in the best of moods.

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I hate you b, i saw you fb with another man you told me you love me, f#$ck you, im on my way to closure. ok i didnt mean to say F34Vk you. but i still love you. i want to end this with both of us be friends. but now i hate you, but deep inside i wanna be with you, so im confused but for my own safety and own feelings, i decide not to gamble with you with my feelings bcoz im vulnerable like that. i will always remember you and will always think about you, will cry while thinking about you, every songs, every moment, fk it. just be safe! but still i hate you! cant believe you manipulate me like that! i trusted you! now im sounding like a cry baby coz of you! love you still though! hope to see you or hold you someday!

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So it's officially been 8 weeks since you broke up with me. I can't believe it has been that long. I miss your hugs, kisses and "I love yous". We have been through everything together and I thought you were by my side through everything. We worked so damn hard to get our own place to finally be out our own and we only shared that freedom together for 3 months. I can't believe you just threw me away just like that for a women you work with. I can't believe she broke up with her long term boyfriend around the same time you broke up with me. I'm pretty sure that you guys were starting to develop feelings for eachother and planned this all out. You didn't even talk to me about anything, you just made up your mind. She isn't even pretty. She looks like your freaking mom, how sick is that. I know you guys are only using eachother as rebounds and she's going to be the first one to leave you to go back to her ex bf. I bet you're going to feel pretty stupid to of given up the amazing thing that we had together for that piece of crap women who steals other womens husbands. December 28th would of been our 5 year anniversary, how sad.

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I thought you would like to know that I have been dating a woman that is sexy, thoughtful, highly intelligent, law student, and doesn't LIE! I have also quit drinking completely.


I hope you understand why I didn't wish your son a happy birthday. Having a relationship with your children would mean I would have maintain some kind of relationship with you; and, you know I do not make friends with my ex's.


One more thing. I am looking forward to the day when I get to respond to a drunken disorderly or domestic violence involving the two of you. Be careful, Karma is a fickle b****.


I truly hope you and him are happy together because you two really deserve each

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well im here at my house by myself on Halloween. Today should have been our four year anniversary!! Im sure your spending it with your new gutter trash friends or the married man you gave me and all your quality friends up for... I truly don't know how you look at yourself in the mirror everyday, where is the classy gal that I knew. DEAD thats where, you where so worried that I would cheat and now your the other girl to a married woman????


You two F**KS deserve each other!!! Someday you will realize that you gave up the good life for a shallow empty party life. You must have really wanted to be gone you set all that we have been working on for four years ablaze!!!


The wifes told me that you know Im whats best for you, that I need to have my NO ready for when you contact me. They even said that if i was to give you another shot they couldn't be my friend and that I would be a fool. These are your girl friends, most of them hardly even spoke to me. You really must have wanted out and I still don't understand why!!!

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