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We celebrated 2 Halloweens together. One as friends and one as a couple. Our first Halloween it was so obvious we liked each other. I had the chance to kiss you in your bed but my cousin ruined it for us remember that? I'm sure you don't. And last year, we went trick or treating with my little cousin. I remember looking at you thinking how lucky I was with a girl like you. I was amazed at how motherly you were and how sweet you were to my family. Now everytime I see you I think lying, slutty, heartbreaking, bitch. You're gonna be with your druggie friends tomorrow and probably your new boyfriend. I hope you'll think about me and miss "our" Halloweens.

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Happy Halloween!


If you go trick or treating tonight be very careful! You probably won't say anything to me today, but I hope you will remember how great our Halloween was last year. I remember everything very well. Take care.

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F you!! happy halloween you f*cker!! I only am a bitter b*tch to you..so I won't treat everyone like shyt just because you hurt me. Remember that nice sweet girl that would do everything and anything for you? Well she's gone as$hole.. you will never see a nice side of me. I can't stand you and want my money back you f*cker!! Oh yeah, and some other man likes me a lot.. its sad that I still think of you which is ruining my life. You will never find a girl as good as I am and hope karma hits you so hard. I hope it rains the day it hits you, and you're stuck all alone in the cold like how you did me. F*ck you for hurting me!

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Your a$$ is getting bigger. Just wanted to share that with you.

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To: [email protected]

from: [email protected]


Happy halloween bitch. Normally you would be taking the kids out trick or treating, and I would be working and missing you all. Not this year thanks to you! Now I got to take them trick or treating and you didn't nah nah. Go **** yourself and **** you Colton you piece of **** homewreaker!!

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_______, i love you. i need you to know that. not as a lover, but just something more than a friend. i can't explain it but i care so deeply about you.


that night at the ridge, i don't know if you remember, but you gave me a kiss on the cheek. i'm not overreacting, you probably just thought it was an innocent thing. but i felt unconfortable. that made me realize that I am not over you.


no matter how much i tell myself, i am kidding to myself to say that I have healed, when I have not.


I don't know what part of you i am not over, but i just am not. My desire and hope to stay friends because i care for you has clouded what I've been thinking.


When we went for sushi, i don't know if you felt it, but the long pauses and stares... they just weren't natural. i don't want that. i want it to be nice and relaxed that we can actually share our lives.


When I came home to write this, that made me realize, I am not as happy as I should be. Looking back when I was single, or maybe when you even first met me, I was more outgoing, more energetic, more open and expressive. I never let anyone or anything stop me from doing anything. Now I seem like I have. I have let my hobbies slide. I have let me work slide. I don't think that should go on anymore.


I think we need to not communicate for awhile outside of group settings. Or... maybe you think that will be a bad idea as well...


I need the time to fully heal myself. I doubt you would want to continue to be friends or have a relationship with me especially when I am not my best self.

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Its Halloween Jen, we had plans, remember?


You wanted to take me to the Rocky Horror Picture Show, in costume. You were so excited when you talked about it, even the day before the break up when I asked if you would go shopping with me for the costume your eyes lit up with excitement.


I bet you went, and with your new BF to. I didn't go, I avoided that entire area the whole weekend. I wanted to see you so bad, but at the same time I knew if you went it would be with your new BF. I just couldn't handle that.


I saw you Friday though, or was it Thursday, I don't remember which day. I was going to International Coffee Traders to meet up with a friend of mine, and I saw you come out of the dorms. I don't know if you saw me, I quickly hid behind a tree and thick bushes. I watched you.


I watched you walk up the hill and disappear. I cried, I miss you so much, I love you and would give anything to have you back.


I would sacrifice anything, and everything, just to spend another day with you.

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You're still haunting me and I just want you to GO AWAY. I'm still stupidly checking my emails thinking that maybe you've sent me something, it's not that I have hope left, it's that I want to know that you're ****ing miserable and you can't live with what you've done.


Whether I know or not, I hope that you are. I hope you get what you deserve, that karma hits you like a ton of bricks you low life piece of ****.


It's so ****ing sad what you've done with your life in such a short period of time. You could have been so much better than this.. and to think that I thought you were. Boy, was I wrong.


Have fun with your fake conniving manipulating girlfriend, I'm sure she's so much better than I am, right?


Well **** you and **** her too. You deserve eachother. You're both trash.

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Okay Okay I couldn't resist adding my own :) it looks so fun. haha


"Ring" "Ring"


"Hey it's me, I know we haven't talked in over 2 months, I still don't know why and I'm sure you don't give a shlt but I'm doing great, better then ever actually... You really were such a bltch to me and one day you'll know how it feels to be lead on, lied to, and made to feel as if you are the only one for that person, the only one in their life and then to be ignored, treated like $hit, made to feel horrible, and kicked to the curb like an old can, to be shunned as if you're invisable, not worth the glance. Too beyond themselves to say hello, childish, ignorant, and foolish, to hold close to your selfishness and built anger towards another - The hatred, emotionless bliss of non-acknowledgement. Never would I have ever hurt you emotionally or physically. Myself, you owned. You had my inner core, my truth, my whole life. your core is spoiled. Confused none, you know who you are and you have to live with that each day of your life. Happy to see you? Never! You're dead to me, a memory so dear to my heart it pains me daily. I morn your death and move on. You're an example to me of the disappointments I live in this life. So Sad!! This is the hardest thing for me to do but... I forgive you. I forgive you for your ignorance, your lack of feeling and lack of truth. You are you, I imagine that's hard enough to have to live through. Anywho's thanks for the chat." :)




God that feels good. :)

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Hi M! You're a 34yr old loser! You're blessed, BLESSED that I put up with your raunchy nasty ass for so many years! You'd be in prison if it weren't for me!


But hey, I hear that's right around the corner because you've never kept a job and no sweetie, I understand Sexting and sending highly provocative images to another woman isn't cheating! It was never cheating! You just can't keep it in your pants! Even when you're in a public bathroom! No I understand and I really owe you a tremendous THANK YOU!


If it weren't for your stupidity I'd never realize what kind of mistake I was going to make! OMG! What if I actually MARRIED YOU?! No, may you curse another woman! They have a special place reserved in the fiery depths of hell for useless users like you! Hope you like the thermostat at max!!!!

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I'm sure you are having a great time without me, maybe you even hate me, I'm not sure. As for me I'd like to talk to you again. Maybe if you want when you get back we could. I know that nothing may come of it, but I'd like to know if we still have a connection. I get the feeling that you are not mature enough for me and that you have things figured out without needing me.


Maybe I need to not follow my "feelings" or emotions. But what can I follow?


"emotion is too unreliable to be useful to serve as a primary guide for decisions"

Edited by rebeccajones
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this is the best idea ever.

But is something wrong with me if I don't have anything bad to say to my ex.. can anyone help me with that...what is the worst thing anyone can say if your ex is happier than you are and have moved on with someone else:)

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You know,


I dreamt of you last night, it wasnt good, in fact it was horrible. It was of you and him, it was like I'd just viewed what you've been up too since you ditched me. Well guess what, 1 day it will hit you ****ing hard just exactly how much you crushed me, because iit will happen to you one day.


And i wont be there to pick up the pieces like last year when alot of your friends ditched you, and couldnt even be bothered to go to your birthday party, and i was there and we had an amazing time then I went out with you and your family the next day. Oh no, none of that this year....because you're back with the friends who couldnt be arsed to come to your birthday last year, getting drunk i presume. Something you said to me you didnt like to do.


Since you've left me for someone else I've been in the gym everyday again, and you'll see a new me 1 day, you'll see the future you could of had with me because I loved you like I've never loved anyone else in my life. I stil have the texts and the messages and the sound of your voice telling me how you are the happiest you have ever been and will never let me go.


Actions speak louder than words, you've now got to go through life knowing how much you betrayed your first love, that will stay with you for a very long time. Maybe when that day comes when you get left like you left me, you'll realise what we had was special. You'll realise we suited each other and we planned our future together, our kids, our home and you threw it all away for lust.


It makes me sick how cold you are now, like its me who's in the wrong, you were my absolute best friend who I adored and would do anything for.

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Oh yeah, I watched 'The Wonder Years' again the other night. Rememebr how much you despised Winnie because she cheats and leaves Kevin for someone else?


Remember you saying to me 'You better not do that to me! *kiss*'


Well guess what, you're now Winnie, and I think the next time you think of that show and us watching it, you'll realise how much of a hypocrite you are



Bitch, haha!

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Dear J

I loved you. I have no idea why you spread those lies that I was “obsessed” with you. You even though I told Haley to write on my wall because I was so “obsessed” with you. Really? If that’s what you needed to do to help get over me faster because you knew the reason you gave sucked, then so be it. I have lost so much faith in you. No one in my life ever made me feel as good as you did, or as bad as you did. It shocked me that you could move on so fast. When I came over your house, I poured my heart out to you with no expectations. All I wanted was for you to listen. Instead, you rolled your eyes at me and walked away. A girl I knew for 4 years, that I talked about marriage with me, that said she loved me just 3 weeks before that, wanted nothing to do with me. I was so taken aback by that. It haunts me to this day how unbelievably cold you were to me. We went from lovers to strangers. I can’t even maintain a friendship with someone who meant the world to me because of how you’ve demonized me. I’ve done nothing but extend the olive branch in the hopes that we would be friends, but you again dismiss it. I realize that we’re never going to be together. I know it. I accept it. What I don’t accept is the way you treated me, the reasons you gave, and how you acted towards me. Did you really those were ok things to do? Your callousness is really astonishing. It makes me very sad that I can’t tell you things like I used to, or have any relationship at all with a girl that I loved deeply. It makes me sad that you could forget about me so quickly, because truthfully I can’t. I don’t know how you can say “I love you” to someone and mean it, and then go and act how you did, with no regard for that other person at all. As I see it there are two possible outcomes: 1. You never loved me. You admired me, liked how I made you feel, liked that I fulfilled that “boyfriend need” that you have. And when my time was up, you found someone else to fulfill that need. Or 2. You did love me, for some reason you fell out of love with me, and then you dragged me through the mud. In any case, I deserve this pain for loving someone who would act like that. I’ve gone over this and over it in my mind and I can’t find the answer, and I don’t think you can explain if I did ask. As I write this, I know I am just shouting in the darkness. I know if I ever did talk to you it would fall on deaf ears. I know you hate me and want nothing to do with me, but why is that? What did I do to **** this up? (Besides the reasons you loved to invent) What did I possibly do to you, to deserve having you walk away from me in disgust when I came to see you one last time? Am I that bad of a person in your eyes? As you see, these are the questions I mull over and think about over and over. I only wanted to love and be loved by you, as I thought that was enough. It makes me angry and ashamed that I could let someone get so close to me, trust that person completely, then to have it all be thrown in my face. I know I deserve so much better than you.

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Dear J

I loved you. I have no idea why you spread those lies that I was “obsessed” with you. You even though I told Haley to write on my wall because I was so “obsessed” with you. Really? If that’s what you needed to do to help get over me faster because you knew the reason you gave sucked, then so be it. I have lost so much faith in you. No one in my life ever made me feel as good as you did, or as bad as you did. It shocked me that you could move on so fast. When I came over your house, I poured my heart out to you with no expectations. All I wanted was for you to listen. Instead, you rolled your eyes at me and walked away. A girl I knew for 4 years, that I talked about marriage with me, that said she loved me just 3 weeks before that, wanted nothing to do with me. I was so taken aback by that. It haunts me to this day how unbelievably cold you were to me. We went from lovers to strangers. I can’t even maintain a friendship with someone who meant the world to me because of how you’ve demonized me. I’ve done nothing but extend the olive branch in the hopes that we would be friends, but you again dismiss it. I realize that we’re never going to be together. I know it. I accept it. What I don’t accept is the way you treated me, the reasons you gave, and how you acted towards me. Did you really those were ok things to do? Your callousness is really astonishing. It makes me very sad that I can’t tell you things like I used to, or have any relationship at all with a girl that I loved deeply. It makes me sad that you could forget about me so quickly, because truthfully I can’t. I don’t know how you can say “I love you” to someone and mean it, and then go and act how you did, with no regard for that other person at all. As I see it there are two possible outcomes: 1. You never loved me. You admired me, liked how I made you feel, liked that I fulfilled that “boyfriend need” that you have. And when my time was up, you found someone else to fulfill that need. Or 2. You did love me, for some reason you fell out of love with me, and then you dragged me through the mud. In any case, I deserve this pain for loving someone who would act like that. I’ve gone over this and over it in my mind and I can’t find the answer, and I don’t think you can explain if I did ask. As I write this, I know I am just shouting in the darkness. I know if I ever did talk to you it would fall on deaf ears. I know you hate me and want nothing to do with me, but why is that? What did I do to **** this up? (Besides the reasons you loved to invent) What did I possibly do to you, to deserve having you walk away from me in disgust when I came to see you one last time? Am I that bad of a person in your eyes? As you see, these are the questions I mull over and think about over and over. I only wanted to love and be loved by you, as I thought that was enough. It makes me angry and ashamed that I could let someone get so close to me, trust that person completely, then to have it all be thrown in my face. I know I deserve so much better than you.



well said, can relate to this alot

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hey up babs, just want to let you know the world hasn't stopped turning since you left.


the cats fine btw, i hope you realise that fu.*cking about messaging other lads on facebook is something that 17 years old girls do.


i hope some guy finds you and treats you right and you dont put him through the sh.*it you dragged me through for 2 years


well done on taking half the condoms we got too, that was classy. i just hope you use them and dont spread anymore disease's round, an itchy knob on a cold building site is not how i saw my summer ending.


i hope when i do see you, you realise what a decent guy i actually am, instead of making complete Bull**** up in your head.


i hope you realise that every1 i'v talked too with half a braincell thinks your a slut, harsh words............ but true.


thanks for using me as a stepping stone too that was nice, im strugglin to clean the cheap heel print from my forehead but its coming off slowly.


50% of me laughs because your turning into your mother and to be fair she isn't the best role model is she, nothing worse than seeing a desperate 50 year old dressing like a 21 year old desperate for some male attention.


49% of me feels sorry for you because you are so blind and materialistic that its unreal, you think life revolves around facebook and txting and whose got this and that. lol


1% of me is waiting for you to fall flat on your face, not because your not with me but because of the way you treat others and treat life in general. so i cant walk past your laughin my ass off.


i wish i had never even met you and i should have listened to MY GUT FEELING and YOUR FRIENDS and stayed the fu..ck away.


goodnight sausage. x x x x

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You have a big rain cloud heading your way. I'm sure you're asleep since it's a school night, but just wanted to let you know. Take care and sleep tight.

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i do take it you mean me leandro, do you want to go into detail more why you come on to this thread giving out a somewhat unwanted opinion.


the threads called "post here instead of contacting your ex"


not "post here instead of contacting your ex.............. so leandro can stick half arsed comments on 4 hours later"


im dealing with my pain my own way, who are you to come on here and leave opinions like that, did your mother never tell you " if you haven't got anything nice to say dont say anything AT ALL"


enjoy school ;)

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swfc_77....Im pretty sure thats to his ex not you, i dont see why he would aim it towards you since you are both going through the same sort of thing.

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swfc_77....Im pretty sure thats to his ex not you, i dont see why he would aim it towards you since you are both going through the same sort of thing.

lol yea. I was telling that to my ex. I don't put her name or anything on there. Its raining down here. I wasn't referring to you swfc_77.

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Dearest W***e


The last couple days have been a little rough on me. I keep hearing about you and "the new guy". I saw the two of you the other day while on duty, holding down a pair of bar stools. You were holding it down considerably better than last time.


I also heard that you failed your midterms. I'm glad to hear it. I always knew you couldn't do it without me. That's what you get for making me plan b, hooker. I guess your new man isn't that good at reading, is he?


I talked to Dad the other day. I told him how you left me for a mentally handicapped man and now a physically handicapped man. He wasn't surprised. However, one thing that he did tell me was that no matter how hard I tried, "you can take the girl out of the trailerpark, but you can't take the trailerpark out of the girl." Beautiful, isn't it. Well, gotta go. Unitl next time, f*** you.

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you got me.

You my dear are crack cocaine.

Im addicted. Going crazy for a hit. But your bad for me.

Your out having fun with this new guy. No doubt you will leave him too.

I thought you were different from your mum. I thought wrong.

I know deep down your a nice person. i know it. i know it. i know it.

But you have me broken, battered and bruised. I am a better man without you. Yes better. You may have all the friends and guys etc you need. thats awesome, im happy for you. But guess what. There will be a void now i am gone. Yes im not perfect. But believe me this void I doubt any man can fill in your life, because no man will give you his heart and accept nothing in return. I know i made mistakes, i know i let things get boring. For that im sorry. But what you did does not excuse my failures. You are a good person, but you are not kind, your not open to new experiences, you hate other cultures and as such your not the person I want. You always moan. Why? llife is amazing! I really wish you the best. I really do. I know you are seeing this dude and hes taking you out to so many amazing places. It wont last. You cant go out forever. Sooner or later you will realise just what we had and how no one else allows you to appreciate all the small things this world has to offer. Im glad I havent called you. I finally feel like the man in this relationship. Granted its over. But damn it, ive learned so much about myself the last 2 months. I am a good person, people I stop talking too always come back, always, but once I lose my respect for someone, it can never return. When you so come back, in 1 yr -20 I wont care. I finally see the bigger picture.


I will always love you baby, always. Your smile, your kisses, our jokes, our walks. But I want someone that appreciates all the effort I put into making them happy and reciprocates my efforts. You my dear lady are not that person. Thank you for trying, and thank you for showing me just how selfish you truely are.


Yes your lovely, but this jeckle and hyde thing doesnt do it for me.


Take care and thank you for staying out of my life.

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