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and your sex was bad. so ****K YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




That statement kinda reminded me of my ex...

HAHA! He was also a sucker in bed. :lmao:

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He sounds confused.


he does need help, I have never ever been though anything like this, it's crazy:mad:I consider him some kind of a bastard, he was in a F***k up relationship,his ex girlfriend liked women, and not him, I felt like he missed her for crazy reasons, and thought he could use me in her place, I told him to go to h**L, and eat S**T and die. my mind was F**ked up for 4 days behind that S**T. what is the matter with people you can not people who want to love you like that, he needs to wake up.:mad:

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You broke my heart 2 months ago today. I tried so hard to reconcile. You didn't want to know. Who knows what you think, you never showed it to me after.


I know it's going to be a tough day for me today. Knowing you, you're probably happy as larry with your new fix.


Thanks Betty, thanks for making me feel this way.

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I thought of you again as I usually do. *sigh* I even accidentally stumbled on funny old pics of us. I find them to be fond memories of the past. But I ended up crying because not of loosing a jerk-off ex and figuring out your true personality which sadly you can never change. But I cried over our friendship that died a long time ago with you. I remembered at one time you were just a friend that would comfort me every time I was down. You used to make me laugh and smile alot. I remember one time a guy really hurt me and I was chatting with you online and you just rushed to call me. Its sad really that you have to put your mind to it to be a generally nice person.


You just changed one day. It makes me sad to know I lost you that way and the kind giant friend who would defend me against any guy who hurt me ended up breaking my heart. Its funny to know I am crying over this but Idk when you died inside. I'm sad for the both of us because in my heart I wish you were still that nice guy that defended me and would never hurt me. All I did was love to the best of my ability. But still...I wish you well and I hope you change for the better. I'll be fine and I know I'll move on eventually. But what I know for sure is I appreciate the years of good memories and that you taught me to love....even through the painfully bad memories.


I just wish we never dated and maybe just stayed best friends. =/

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You broke my heart 2 months ago today. I tried so hard to reconcile. You didn't want to know. Who knows what you think, you never showed it to me after.


I know it's going to be a tough day for me today. Knowing you, you're probably happy as larry with your new fix.


Thanks Betty, thanks for making me feel this way.


I'm sorry....my heart was broken 5 months ago. It always feels alot better with time. When I first kept hearing it I didn't understand but after time has passed the heart does heal. Good luck.

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Do you miss me? Do you realise what you did yet?


Probably not, but that's ok, because even though it hurts like hell, I know I'm much better off without you.


I hope when reality smacks you in the face it kills you.

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Today I listened to a song that reminded me of you. I listened to that song over and over again when you left me for a woman the first time. How I wanted you back them...thinking you were a victim of circumstances and wondering, if I could just be your girlfriend, I would be so incredibly happy. I never ever wanted anyone as much as a wanted you. And then 3 months later I got you...and you turned out to be the worst boyfriend I ever had and in the end, left me again for another woman, although you tried to make it seem like it was my fault because I official left you. I told you I was alone in the relationship. You said "you were not alone, it's how you interpreted it." At that time, you just push everything on me. You neglected to admit that you were cheating on me and spending all your time with another women while I barely saw you...but it was my fault right? So many things you did to me over the years---your blatant disrespect, your cruelty, your manipulations...but it was all my fault right? I suppose it was also my fault that you lied to me consistently and played all kind of tricks behind my back. Yep, it was my fault that you lied over and over again and cheated on me.


I don't understand how someone who lied to me over and over again, played tricks on me, had a hidden facebook page, cheated on me, threw other women in my face, manipulated me and showed no remorse for his cruelty can refer to himself as a martyr. You really are a very, very sick man.

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I didn't sleep very well last night. One of the numerous effects our BU has had on me. As each day goes by, I hope and pray it gets better.


Is it wrong to think about you, and how you are? Is it wrong to think what might have been? The pain is all gone. All the memories from holidays, functions, "our" time come back from time to time. I do miss them moments dearly. We were good together. Not even you can deny that. Your friends even said to you, you were the happiest they had ever seen you.


But here we are. In to week 9 of our BU, and apart from your message to me last week, which was no doubt driven by your ego and guilt, we're almost at 2 weeks NC.


I hope you're doing well. See....even now, I don't put myself first. It's quite sad really that you couldn't do the same for me.

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I got through another weekend without you and without peeking at your pathetic facebook page.


I wish...wish...wish that you had not done those things to me. I wish...wish...wish that you were not pure scum. But no matter what I do, I can't change the fact that you are an *********. No matter what I do you are an ********* and will continue to be one.


I wish you had informed me yourself that I was dating a loser. I really deserved to know what kind of scum I was letting kiss me. You're a very filthy man who has no morals. You are trash and all of you exes know it.


How could I have fallen for someone as perverse and disgusting as you are? You are just complete and utter trash. You are very, very nasty and depraved.


I wish I could steralize myself with rubbing alcohol. I can't believe I let you put your filthy hands on me. You nasty, disgusting bastard.

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Still missing you, not sure why could be side effects of nightshift work idk, but defo still missin you.

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Woke up this morning feeling sad. I'm going to focus on other things today. Not you. I know I'm lucky you are out of my life. I have to focus on my happiness, not my sadness.

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I'm tired of thinking about you. Why are you constantly in my head when it was only a one sided relationship.

You really fooled me, I confess. Funny thing that I was the one that initiated the break up but I allowed you to convince me that you'd change. I actually believed you when you said you'd stop being so selfish and we'd change things do I could get what I needed to feel satisfied. Maybe you meant that at the time but overtime you showed it was only to continue our relations.


I feel like an even bigger fool that I grew to love you over that time even though you only showed real interest when you asked to see me. Nevermind when I tried you either ignored me or blew me off. I felt so stupid and sad when you did that.

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Someone else posted that their ex said, "why do you hurt me a 1000 times more when I hurt you?" If you said that to me this is what I would say. "There is no way that I can EVER equal the amount of hurt you caused with your despicable actions back then. You know when. Sure, I made some stupid mistakes, but they PALE in comparison to what you did to me. I took full responsibility for my mistakes and was truly remorseful for how I handled things during that very low period in my life. At least my actions unintentionally hurt you because I had no idea you changed the f*****ng rules without telling the one person who needed to know - ME! Your actions on the other hand were calculated and 100% designed to HURT me intentionally! There is no way on this God green earth that anything I did, unknowingly, could hurt you as much as you did me. My ONLY regret is that it took me two years to finally get angry about it and seevyou for who you truly are! I am glad that I am FINALLY truly angry about it all and have the balls to tell you, unlike YOU!


At least I can sleep at night knowing that whenever I had an issue with our "whatever the h*ll we had", I came directly to you about it. Unlike you. You NEVER came to me directly and chose to go and talk to others about it instead and then proceeded to play God and tried to rip my life apart to feel good about yourself. And so you could play victim to my "so called" evil ways. I may have made mistakes, but at least my intentions were always pure where you were concerned. You said you didnt want any commitments and conveniently left out the fact that you were diligently working to reconcile with your ex. So it's not a far stretch to say that you conveniently left out many important details about us when you spoke with your friends. You did't tell them that you were cheating on someone else and told me that you didn't want a relationship with me...did you?! Yeah, those were important facts that you conveniently left out to make me look like the villian in this whole situation. I cant blame your friends because you are the one who consciously made the choice to

tear me apart. That one is on you and no one else!


It feels so good to finally tell it like it truly was.. You have NEVER apologized to me directly, you have NEVER shown any true remorse for what you did to me back then and more importantly, you have NEVER taken any responsibility for YOUR actions. My only fault regarding that is allowing it to continue as long as I did, while you were conveniently sweeping it all under the carpet. At least I admitted my mistakes (and yes, people make mistakes), took responsibility for them and diligently worked on myself to find out why I made them and CORRECTED them. Can you say,the same? No way...at least not to me anyway. I apologized for everything and yet you continually put yourself above me and never once even as much as whispered an "I'm sorry."


A true friend would have never handled things the way you did. It was cold, calculating and down right CRUEL!"

Edited by chelsea2011
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Honestly, i was there for you when you needed me the most. Not once did i ever walk away from you during your darkest times. I encouraged you and brought your confidence back up. However, when the rolls are reversed, you kept taking note of every depressing story i had to tell and eventually got fed up with everything and left me. It hurts knowing i gave you everything about me and you only looked at my current status in life. Yes, you are more successful than me, but you didn't earn it. You lucked out and somehow believe it was what you planned all along. I don't have the drive and determination to be successful? are you kidding me?!?!?! I gave up my sleep and my social life just so i can go to school, work, and cater to you on the damn weekends...


You hated how i made plans with friends and you didn't have any plans. You also hated how we wouldn't see each other if i did homework on the weekends or went out with my own friends. When we broke up, you stated you don't love me anymore and aren't attracted to me. Im calling your bluff right there because you needed to kiss me every damn day and wanted me to hold you every night we slept together. so BULL!!! You were trying to find every damn reason you could find so you could break up with me and live life, according to your damn standards.


It sucks knowing I'm still improving my life, but you're not willing to wait anymore ever since you got friends that go out all the damn time. When you had no friends, i was there for your 24/7. Now that you have them, i guess I'm nothing but garbage now that you can discard because your friends are worth more since they provide your fun/entertainment/experience.


Im seriously hurting here and you're out there partying it up, drinking your heart out, and flirting away with every damn guy you meet. I know you probably found a rebound already or some guy to replace me because thats how you are. You need distractions from your negative emotions to feel like your life is complete. Well guess what, you're only hiding the negative emotions and not dealing with them. Eventually the negative emotions will come at you hard. I hope you can handle it or have a guy that can be there for you during these times because you are very emotional when it comes to your own depression. I knew how to handle you during these dark times and i doubt many guys you'll meet can aide you.


yet, even with all of my negative emotions towards you, i still love you because i knew this was who you were from the beginning. I hate that i love you to this extent. Im not a doormat, i just know i love you. You've seen how i talk to girls and how cruel i am to them. You, however, have always been the one girl i treated with the utmost respect and love. Good luck in life because i know you will never ever reach out to me ever again due to your pride and stubbornness.

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Yes I thought of you this morning when I got up.


It's a shame I did. I doubt you think of me. Another day, another emotion.

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I've been staight NC for over 2 1/2 months. Someone called my house today and let the phone ring only once. This has happened 4 times. Is that you? Are you being stupid again?


Probably not. I'm sure your too wound up in girlfriend no. 2,000.


Glad I'm stronger than I was before. Thanks for showing me what a filthy slut you are. AT least I don't pine about wanting you back.

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I'd just like to add, I hate finding your hair all over my place 9 weeks on.


It's a reminder I don't need. Trust you to have hair which stood out, making it more obvious for me when brushing my teeth, coming out of the shower or taking a piss.


Great, my mind is now on you again. **** this already on to work to flush the thoughts out.

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I really look forward the day when I stop thinking of you so much.

I'm getting better at acknowledging the negatives about you and I remind myself of them regularly so I'm not thinking of you positively.


"Being friends is the most pointless thing you'd want from someone who didn't want you anyways"


This struck a cord with me because unless your intention is to sit down and talk with me then I don't need you to message me. In fact I'd appreciate it if you didn't. I have nothing to say to you. Two weeks ago, hours before you saw me for dinner why did you tell me you were looking forward to seeing me? Why? What's the point? Is it to make me feel better? You don't want me. You only want me to want you. There is no need to flirt with me when we have to see each other. Keep doing what your doing even though we're around each other. Pretend like I'm not there and I'll do the same




I loved you and gave you so much of myself and the only thing I got was ignored and blown off.

You were nothing but fake in the end and I'm better off knowing it

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You said you loved me and you wouldn't hurt...but you did.


You were by lover, my best friend, my support. Why did you suddenly leave me? You got angry and just like that, you drop me. Didn't I mean anything to you? Or was I really just a past time?


We suited each other so much. You laughed at my corny jokes and I did yours. We share so many of the same values. I wish one day, you would see that we would've been good together and come crawling back to me. But this time, I won't let you come back. Because I didn't deserve to be treated that way.


I loved you, you know. I truly did. I thought we talked and that you listened. But it seems, we talked but did not communicate. You never told me how you felt and then you just blow up like that.


I hate that you made me feel like such a disposable item. Now I remembered, you told me that you had dropped a former gf because she wanted proof that you really were divorced. I should have taken that as a sign. Now, you've dropped me as you did her and appear to be moving on.


But really, you won't find anyone like me here. You are now going to have higher standards because of me, and you won't find me so easy to replace. Oh yes, you can find another girl easily. But will they be as smart as I am? Will they laugh at you jokes? Will they understand what you say? Will they cater to your needs? Will they care for you as much as I did? Will they be as independent as I was or ask you for money?


I won't find someone who suits me as you do probably, but I will get over you, eventually. Yes, I will.

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I wish i knew how you felt. Are you happy? do you think about us like i do? do you miss me? obviously you don't since you have never tried to contact me. Reality keeps smacking me in the face about this. And I realize, i think you might have some regrets about us, but not enought to take action. We left the door open to talk, but i left it for you so you can feel comfortable to reach out to me. you haven't. I wish i knew how to just go a day without thinking about you. you did what you thought was best for you, and i can't argue that. I just have to live without you.

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you are smelly !!!...ner ner...der ner ner...childish i know but its nothing compared to what you came out with .....:D

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oh I forgot your car always smells like a fart that's why I always drove myself!!!!

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oh I forgot your car always smells like a fart that's why I always drove myself!!!![


LOL....i think ive gotten to the stage where i just dont care anymore....i can still smell her though & it smells like spam.

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