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It still hurts and will hurt for a long time. But I am glad that I am free from the lies and the chaos of your life. I'm sorry you are sick and demented. But that is your problem...a problem in which you will never get help for. Poor bastard. Poor, poor bastard.

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I can't do this anymore. I can't continue to try to believe you are someone you are not. I can't give you the benefit of the doubt any longer. You have lied so many times, I wonder if you can even decipher what is true anymore. Every day for two years, following a lifetime of friendship, you asked me to carry hurt, anger and blame, and I tried because I love you. That's what love does. It shields, and protects, and lifts you up. It doesn't shut down, deceive, and run away. You always run away. You've always run away. And you will always run away. It's the pattern that has become comfortable for you. Instead of looking within, you run towards what you think is happiness, only to find, you are still you.


I'm glad you're gone. I'm glad you won't be welcomed back. I realize, I'm not grieving for what I have lost. I am grieving for what I gave to someone incapable of receiving love. I am grieving that I cared more for you than I did for me. I am grieving that I could not see my own worth because I was so busy trying to prove my worth to you.


We are, indeed, different people. And I'm going to be ok. I am. Because when you left, the burden lifted. When you chose to give up, redemption enveloped me. While you waste away the hours, pining for a past you cannot redo, letting the present slip through your selfish fingers, I will be better, and stronger, and wiser... and someday, loved as fiercely as I love.


And you will still be running... and it makes me sad for you.


Wow this hit me hard. It's like you took my thoughts and put it into words. And yes you will be ok. :)



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Wow this hit me hard. It's like you took my thoughts and put it into words. And yes you will be ok. :)




Thank you to you, and the many others who have shared that this resonates with them. It feels comforting to know I am not alone. And we will ALL be ok! We will be better than ok!!

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I wish you were dead, mainly so that in the future I don't have to wonder 'what you're up to these days'


It is fun to know that you have to put up with your psycho-bitch mum for the rest of your life. Other than that I don't give a **** what you are doing.


I'm getting better day by day. Right now I'm excited about my future, a future that will never include you, a future where I will surround myself only with positive and lovely people.


When I see you to get my stuff back, I'll be indifferent, and I won't even be faking it, it's amusing how you still think I want you back. It doesn't make me angry, doesn't give me fake hope, it doesn't make me sad. It's just so funny that you are so deluded.


I can't wait to cut all ties from you, to actually consider you dead in my head. Because knowing that I never have to see or talk to you again will truly set me free.



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Talked with your cousin the other day. She said you were back in town with your brainwashing friend. Said you totally blew off your family because she was there and left your sisters grad party after 20 minutes....to go to the beach? Your sister-in-law and cousin wanted to kick your ass. What happened to that girl who was considerate? What the hell...this isn't you.


Another mutual friend saw you the other night at the street danc and said you looked right at him and completely ignored him when he tried to say hi. I found out you were with your group of 'Mean Girls'.


Went out to have pizza and beer with our old friends and we were reminiscing about the beautiful soul you used to be and how happy we were a couple years ago. They said it's like a switch flipped in your head and you turned into someone else. Almost made me cry. I miss those times when things were simpler. I wish you didn't reject reality. We might still be together.


I was unpacking things I haven't touched in years and found the cards you used to send. I couldn't stop smiling. You used to be so sweet and I always looked forward to those cards over the summers when we were apart. We did have a great time, didn't we?


Saw you posted on our friends picture of her being pregnant. You said something along the lines of "You look great! I would be jealous". Not sure what that means, but why would you be jealous? We were in the process of starting a family. I was in 'Dad' mode because I thought that was the direction we were going. I didn't party as much and wasn't as fun as I used to be for a reason....I was getting ready for our family we were planning. We could have tried again after the miscarriage. I know that's what you wanted to do...that's what we wanted to do.


It's like you're letting this b*tch run your life and you're adjusting your personality/life to match hers. Why? What's so great about her/their group of friends that made you act this way? Did you find comfort in them after your miscarriage? I tried to talk to you and get you to open up, but its like you never wanted to be reminded. You NEED to grieve. You've never done that in your life and it's destroying you. You need to start getting your sh*t together...seriously. Life is too short to rely on other people for your happiness, and if you do, you'll be seriously disappointed for a long time.


I was that person you could rely on. I just wish you could have put forth more effort in getting our dreams on track instead of thinking you're missing out on fun. You could have had the best of both worlds babe...you really could have.

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So I thought about you earlier today. About some of the fun memories we had. I don't know if they were real or not now because you could have been forcing yourself to live a lie. I wish you hadn't. I wish you knew how to talk to me. I know I am doing a lot of new things and learning alot of myself. I have a much wider range of people and possibilities than you. So I worry about you. I worry you might just find whatever you can and hold on to it because you don't know any better. But that's exactly what you wanted. You wanted to struggle to do the wrong thing. To just fail on your own. That is kind of what makes this difficult too. I always loved taking care of you. Of knowing you didn't have to struggle, worry, or fail. I always just wanted you to be happy.


But this is what makes you happy, so I guess its ok.


Also one more thing, there was no need to treat me like you don't even know me anymore. If you didn't want to talk to me ever again you could have just said. you didn't need to leave me hanging.


I am starting to realize the old kind, good hearted, sweet, you is gone, and I don't know who this person is, but so far I don't like her cold heart.

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Today was just a day for the most part. I visited xxxxxxxx at his caregiver's and he was so happy to see me. Hadn't seen him since Tuesday, I was really missing my boy. We have the best kid in the world. I hope your selfishness doesn't **** him up.


You'll probably give me **** for not calling you first before dropping in on him but you'll find out it's allowed. You're just a control freak.


Kind of happy I didn't see you today. I'm realizing that's not such a bad thing.

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Im not ashamed to admit that you have been on my mind. It's fine, I expected it. one thought occurred to me about how you handled things once you decided that you didn't even like me. You could have stopped seeing me. You didn't owe me anything and I didn't owe you. Why didn't you? Why did you decide to tear my life apart instead? It was totally uncalled for since the easiest option with the most integrity would have been to just say you weren't interested. I asked you many times and you chose to lie and string me along instead. Why? Why didn't you just take the high road and just walk away? I didn't deserve the abuse and humiliation you dished out. Not at all...no one does. It was just plain mean.


I wish I could say I hate you right now! I really REALLY wish I could. I am looking forward to the day when I feel indifferent about you. I cannot wait! It can't come soon enough.

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Its 4am, I've been out, had some drinks, chilled, talked to women...


And here I am, on my bed, thinking of YOU. It's your youngest sons bday tomorrow. What do I do? Text you? Remain silent?


I miss you so much, I think this love is unconditional. Yet you still won't open up.....


I hate it. When I wake tomorrow, I hope I feel better. I deserve it Betty

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It rained today and somehow my mind wandered to you. The thing is you were never the right person for me, I had completely been blinded by the idea of love. I doubt you regret ever losing me. That's fine. Somday if you ever happen to see me again, you'll see I'm actually happy without you.

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It makes me sad to think about how inauthentic you have chosen to be in living your life. Or maybe it's not a choice at all. You have lost yourself and your way of trying to right that is to cut me out of select pieces of your life.


I just don't get you. Money and power went to your head and you've detached from all sorts of things that used to make you happy.


M, you said I should go work on me and you'd go work on you. I'm doing my part, I'm seeing an awesome counsellor and I've lost 14 lbs and I'm working out 3 times a week. Are you doing anything to help you? I would bet you aren't. You're afraid to take a true look at yourself and admit you have faults. You never take ownership of anything, it's always someone else's fault.


This is so sad. Your elusive search for happiness always leads you nowhere. And now you've destroyed your family in this pursuit.


It hurts to not have you here anymore. If only you could listen.

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dear xxxxxx


i built a life for the both of us, blood sweat and tears


things fell apart i now looking back seee were i made mistakes


just know that im still maintaining that dream, i can take the easy way out and give up most of what ive aquired for us and our upgraded living standards, but you know what i will continue for the sake of me and my future


you arent in it anymore and i will not think or even notion the thought of you coming back


i will not dangle the progress im still making for that dream life in your face, im just going to live it, you inspired me to make leaps and bounds from were i was first at when we met


that alone im thankfull for


love you



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You are on my mind so much today. Maybe as its little ones birthday. Maybe as I still miss you and your company.


I can't believe it's nearly been 3 months since I saw you. Where has that time gone? And what's changed since then?


Not a lot. Even after all the pain and hurt which is gone, I can't help but think we were so good together.


Bad day.

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I'm starting to see you so differently. I think the anger that covered the hurt is lifting. I see now that you came to the relationship completely broken, already shattered from decisions you made in the past. We were good when you stayed in the present, but when you went searching for ghosts, you'd get angry at the reminders. You weren't ready for a new relationship. I can see that now.


I hope, for your sake, and for anyone who might love you in the future, that you face the demons. I know you well enough to know you won't choose to do that on your own, but I hope they hunt you down and force you to look at them because it is the only way you will be free to receive love.


I still love you. Always have, always will. But, I love me, too. And I will purposefully lay your memory to rest every day until you no longer haunt me.

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its saturday and gorgous out, by this time we would be getting ready to be beach bums for the day with some cold brews, radio and tanning oil and just sit on beach and relax all day




i miss you dearly

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There is nothing you can say or do to make me feel bad about myself anymore because you are and always have been in a comitted relationship with someone else. All your jealousy and put downs online are pure projections because of what were doing to someone else. I have no desire to be a part of that kind of life because frankly, it totally sucks.


I will be fine. I am not looking to the past or chasing ghosts; I'm going to live. Say what you want if it makes you feel better. At last I'm free and I have no doubt I will find someone who is decent kind and loving...and I will give them the same in return.

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The truth is, until you "truly see," from the bottom of your heart, how much your actions back then were a HUGE betrayal that HURT me very deeply, you will never see me for who I really am. Anything you say or think about me until that point comes from a place of pure denial. I already know that you will never take responsibility for your own actions. That's fine because that's who you are as a person.

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I can't believe you've been on my mind so much today. It's crazy. Every good memory came flooding back, and it's been terrible. I've smiled, cried and been angry today.


I hope your sons birthday was good and he had a wonderful day.


I miss you all like crazy right now. Hopefully this subsides so I can get a good nights sleep.


Maybe I'll take out some frustration from this all on the football pitch tomorrow.


Whatever you're doing right now, night Betty

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I'm sorry we could never get on the same page about our relationship. Why was it so hard for you to be honest with me? I treated you with respect, admiration, and love. The way I wanted to be treated because anything less didn't seem right to me.

I wanted you to understand I wasn't about to do everything I did for you for just anyone. Why couldn't you respect that? I tried to give you what you wanted and then some. You said that you didn't feel cared about or even liked in your relationship. I know how awful that feels. I've been there. I wanted you to feel differently when you were with me. Maybe it might mean something even if we only saw each other once in a while.


I see how one sided it was and how you needed to be in control the whole time without any regard as to how I might feel. If i did something wrong I wish you would have told me because the last thing I wanted was for you to be upset with me.

I understood the nature of our relationship and didn't want to alienate you which is why I approached you first about breaking it off. I knew feelings would complicate things which is why I tried to break it off for the both our sakes. I foolishly believed you when you said you'd change. I let you convince me otherwise.


I'm not so much mad anymore as I am sad because I laid my heart out there for you and got nothing in return. I never thought you'd treat me the way you did and now it hurts so bad I can't sleep at night. I blame only myself.


I'm seeing the truth now for who you are and that makes me sad because I thought you might be different. I'm working thru it though. I'll always love you no matter what but guess what? I love myself more than to be treated the way you treated me.

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Tonights one of those nights where all i feel is sadness and hate towards you.


I let go of so many important people in my life..i gave you what you wanted and you threw it all back in my face. I miss them and its all because of you.


I really F**king hate you sometimes!!!

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I love days like this. The days when I can see I will NOT crawl back to you and grovel. I can see light at the end of the tunnel!


YOU treated ME like *****. You did. For most of these almost 3 months I have been sitting here feeling bad for how I came up short in our relationship. Feeling like if I just improve myself maybe you will take me back. What in the f_ck was I thinking? Why do I want my control freak wife to rule me again???


Yes, I am lonely, I cannot deny that. But I must separate that from the feeling that I need that cured by you. I don't. I will move on.


You are a selfish, controlling person. You are beyond reproach. Any criticism at all is greeted with silence. You simply may not be criticized, even in the slightest. And that is your control point. You make me think this was all my fault, simply because you bailed, it must be me who was the one who made it go all wrong. But it takes two? Your happiness is your responsibility. If you fled from me, like you've fled from everything else in your life, it's because that's how you deal with everything. You've thrown away friends, jobs, you name it, and now you've thrown away your family. You are a great starter but a brutal finisher - you don't finish anything.


Since you have started earning far more money than you've ever had you've really changed. The penny-pinching bride that I admired so much, who made her own wedding dress, and centrepieces on the tables at the reception - that woman doesn't exist anymore. The woman I see now throws money around any time there is work to be done...hire someone else and sit back. You lazy b!tch. You give me most of the contents of the house instead of coming to help me move out because you are a lazy, self-centered person, and it's easier to just give possessions away than to actually have to work.


I hate you, I really do. Why would I want you back? You have never expressed any remorse for leaving and breaking up our family like you did. Did you ever ask me how *I* was doing? How was *I* handling things? Did you ever say sorry for not trying a bit harder? Did you ever take ANY responsibility for our marriage? No. You just said "I have been trying for years, there is no more try left" and walked away. How convenient, you can just issue yourself a free pass to not care and not try any more. And if that's not enough you'll throw some money at me in a settlement so you don't have to get off your lazy ass. You have every passive aggressive tactic down cold.


I really worry for xxxxxxxxxxx because I have to work with you for the next 15-20 years to ensure he grows up strong and well-adjusted. I'm tied to you forever. Well, I will be sure *I* show him how to be a man. I won't let him get trampled and taken for granted by someone like you.


When I started this diet I am on I thought I was doing it to win you back. I thought, if I just earn more and get the weight off you will see the new me and come back. You know, today I told you I've lost weight, and what do you do? YOU take credit for it! Oh yes, if you'd only left me sooner I'd have taken on more of these healthy habits earlier you say. Unreal. I have chosen to live instead of die. I could have ended it all I felt so bad for the first month. But I chose to make positive changes, meet new people, work out, eat better. I am going to live. You are not going to kill me. But you don't get the credit for it, I do, because I am doing the work. You are just sitting there on your lazy ass, as usual.


I am losing weight for me. For my son. And maybe I will attract someone who gives a **** about me and doesn't throw away almost 7 years for nothing. I have a checklist of things to look out for now in a potential new mate so I can avoid another you.


I am so glad I see you for who you are. I was blinded by love. I knew some of these things but I loved you so much that I didn't care. I love you a lot less now and it's getting easier and easier to pull away. I can't wait for the day I am completely ambivalent about you.


It's getting easier. I will get through this. You can do whatever you want, increasingly I don't care.

Edited by BigBear
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I miss you. I miss your touch. I miss your smile and your laugh. I wanted you to know how much you meant to me and how I would have done anything for you even letting you go.


I did because you gave me no other choice. I'm sorry I meant nothing to you. I see now how you could just take me or leave me. I would have taken you any day of the week.


How could I let myself love someone who was himself incapable of real emotion and honesty.


Excuse me while I crawl into the covers and cry

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