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I miss you.


I really, really miss you.


I just want you to be happy. No matter how much it hurts me, I want the best for you.


I thought I was in the Bargaining stage of the breakup, but the stages have jumped all over the place in the past 11 days, so I don't know where I am.


I sucked at showing it, I know that. But you were the only one I ever saw a future with and since you said the same thing, I had no reason to doubt you.


I miss you & I love you.

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I hope you're out there learning everything you need to learn about yourself. I hope you realize everything you need to realize. I hope you know that the things we said and did during the break-up were just side-effects of the stress of the situation. I know you still love me deep inside and that you got scared, ran away, and sought something you think will make you happier inside. Truth is, the happiest both of us have ever been, is with each other. You know that. I know that. Your friends know that. Find yourself out there. When you find yourself back here. Reach out to me. It will take time to forgive and forget but I am willing to do that because I know we are meant to be.


I wanted to move in and I wanted to spend forever with you. I just wanted to make sure we did things the right way so that we couldn't fail. In doing so, I failed, we failed. If it weren't for second chances we would all be alone. Let's take this second chance, harness it and make a beautiful forever together. We know the mistakes we made the first time around and we won't make them again.


I know it will take months if you ever come back to me. Each day is painful but it could be one day closer to us reuniting. I miss you like the ocean misses the moon. I don't want the mistakes I made to be the reason why something that should have been forever. You mean the world to me. You were the miracle I wished for on every candle and shooting star. Know that I love you more than any man could. That I stood by you when no one else would. You'll see it. I know you will. I can't wait to cuddle with you again.

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It has been 2 weeks we broke up. He seem totally unscratched and unaffected because of break up. Although I shouldn't, I kept calling him and msging his blocked number. Why am I so pathetic? I am hating myself for being like that. How do I overcome it? Holidays are like hell to me because he used to be the one I always spend my holidays with. I really want to be confident and happy again. I really don't want to be so pathetic like now. I want to be like him, totally happy and unaffected.

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It is Easter and I hope you are home sick. I hope that piece of **** you are with didn't even bother to get you a cream egg or any mini eggs. I hope he is ignoring your needs and is just using you like the type of man I know he is.


I hope the shine is starting to wear off Ontario already. I hope you are seeing it for what it is. A different background for the same old ****. I hope you're just bored watching netflix, watching vines on your phone, missing your friends and family. Realizing that the best thing you ever had is me and you threw it all away for this stupid faery-tale that won't solve any of the issues you have.


I can't wait for his true colors to shine. I hope you learn the lessons you need to learn. I don't know if I will still be here waiting for you when you finally come to this conclusion. I want us to be together but it won't work unless you truly discover yourself, lament what you've done and truly identify the cause of everything here. I need to be able to trust you again and so much of what you did in the end was completely selfish, bull-headed and incredibly stupid. I don't know what happened to you. That's not the person I loved and that's not the person you want to be.


I wish I had done so much differently. Maybe we could have avoided this train wreck and still been together. We would be living together today. Everything we wanted would be in place and ahead of us. Instead, we're two disasters trying to figure out if we will ever cross paths again.. that is in your hands and that scares me.


Please learn your lessons. Please remember I love you. Please remember how great we are together. Please remember we are supposed to be forever. Please reach out to me when this experiment ends and clarity comes

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Dear Ex,

You broke my heart more than u will ever know. I wanted to be ur support and be there for as long as i could, but u didnt allow me too bc i was just not that important to u i guess. It really really hurts me sooo much. But i know now that i could never force or change u to be something that u clearly are not. I know that if u cant be who i thought u were n fell in love with, you will never be that ever. It does not exist. I learned a lot from this relationship...i learned to never ever chase a man. And to never act desperate n beg for him to give u the attention u desperatly want from him...he will never be able to give u it the way u deserve. I learned that if he does not want u, u can do better. Somewhere out there is a guy who will shower u with attention n never take one second of ur time for granted like he did. Just be patient n you'll find him. But u know what really hurts the most? It hurts realizing that u are probably talking to some girl every night which u could have continued doing with me, and i just sit here wondering what i did wrong ...

Edited by Iluvsushi11
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When you talk about your current WIFE as if she's something amazing because she was a good f*ck in bed. It makes me angry.

I know I can't judge.

I know I can't say ANYTHING.

God and you know I aren't no saint.


But, it boils my blood every single time.

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I miss you.


The simple fact that you haven't tried to contact me in 10 days hurts so much. It makes me wonder if you have completely forgotten about me. If you cared for me at all, you never would have let me go.


Always and forever. Three words you've always said to me.


Why was I just so easy to throw away?

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Easter has come and passed. You didn't reach out to me and I knew that you wouldn't. It hasn't even been a month since you've moved out there. I hope being away for the holidays made you home sick and you missed home. I hope the shine off Ontario is already starting to fade.. I hope that all the things you thought it would improve are only making it worse. I hope that you realize it is far more boring than you thought, that you feel alone, like you made a huge mistake, I hope I come into your thoughts and regret sets in.


I know in 3 months, the honeymoon phase will be over, it will be the same old thing.. Home watching Netflix. He's boring, a push-over, not supportive, he hasn't done half the things he promised you and you know you never really wanted him, you just wanted to move to prove to everyone they were wrong, but you were wrong. You'll realize no one ever loved you quite like I did, that you never loved anyone like you loved me, that we were just getting comfortable, not that the relationship wasn't going anywhere.. you'll feel ashamed for what you did, think about contacting but knowing you can't while you are out there.. you'll think about moving back and eventually it will happen. Will you reach out to me then?


I know now the next opportunity for you to contact will be on my birthday. The end of June. Maybe then.. I know now there will be so much silence between then and now.. I love you, but I'm ****ing angry at you.. who will it be who contacts me.. will it be my beautiful babygirl with a golden heart and soul who's just a little confused and immature or will it be the selfish, lying cheat that you turned into in the end.. I can't talk to that person. I can talk to you. Hope to hear from you again, hope to hold you again..

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Never thought I'd be back.




I thought you were the one. You thought I was the one. After 5 months of our relationship, I was ready to marry you. The beginning of our relationship was the most passionate, loving thing I was a part of. And that's where it should've ended...


We split because you were scared....scared of your past. Scared of making the same mistakes again. Scared to be vulnerable. Scared to admit that this was real.


Because of that, you made the rest of our relationship harder than it had to be. You never felt safe, your insecurity drove me away, and in turn, made me insecure. I fought for your love and affection. You fought for me to move faster even though I knew we had things we needed to work on. I'd do things right 99% of the time and you'd focus on the 1% that I did wrong and question our relationship.


We needed to understand how to love each other our way....not the way we used to be loved in past relationships. You never let your guard down because you were afraid. Your divorce messed you up and it's a shame. You compared me to your prick ExH and it's a shame. We had something initially.


You never put your guard down. You never saw my point of view. You never considered how your attitude towards me made me feel. You said I invalidated your feelings when I didn't. I just wanted you to see that you didn't have to be afraid of me or us. You said when we fought it reminded you of your divorce. You didn't feel safe....because I wasn't as handy as your ExH. I need to type that again so I don't forget it...YOU DIDN'T FEEL SAFE BECAUSE I WASN'T AS HANDY AS YOUR ExH. He treated you like crap, degraded you, cheated on you multiple times and yet you felt safe with him and not me. I gave you my 100%. I always made sure you had a kiss before you walked out the door, I always tried to show you how attractive you were to me, I always tried to make you feel good, I always supported you. And even though I was good to you, I was never going to do anything right in your eyes. You were always short and bitchy with me when you didn't need to be. I tried to do things your way to avoid fights and you still found ways to be critical and opinionated. You always had an opinion even when you shouldn't have had one. You drove me into an emotional depression. I never felt good enough


You complained we didn't have sex but you never initiated. I had to initiate everything and when I did you acted cold. I know you were insecure, but I loved your body the way it was. We both needed to work on our bodies but I never let it affect how I felt about you. I just wanted some affection, respect and appreciation...that's all I asked and it was a chore for you. You were afraid. I never turned you down.


You didn't communicate your intentions. You said one thing and somehow, through a string of other fights we finally got to the bottom of your intentions. If you would have been open with me I wouldn't have had to guess and pry things out of you. You called me oblivious yet I had to jump through hoops to get anything out of you.


I still can't believe you said you could be selfish and have extremely high standards because you were divorced. I still can't get over that. No one could ever live up to your standards.


I know I needed to be more proactive with planning. I know I should have been more organized. I know I should have tried harder towards the end. I didn't because I was waiting on you to figure it out. I know I should have done a ton of things differently, but I also had my reasons to do so. You wanted to feel safe, right? I never felt safe after those initial 5 months. I know I shouldn't have walked out, but you pushed me right out of your life after you pushed me to move in. When you broke down in the grocery store about strawberries I knew it was over. That's why I walked out. I knew that nothing was going to change and no matter what I/we did it was never going to work out. I could have rebuilt your entire house exactly how you wanted it and you would find things to complain about.


When your sister in law found out about us, she knew you were the reason because it was always something with you. That's why this has been so tough...I know I did everything I could and everyone but you see's how bad you treated me.

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If you want to meet new people, and date new people, then please do that. I'm not holding you back.


Just stop coming back to me, and pretending you want me back. You're either in or you're out. I'm not going to wait on the sidelines while you f*ck every guy on campus to see if anyone of them are willing to put up with your garbage as long as I did. (spoiler alert: they won't)

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If you want to meet new people, and date new people, then please do that. I'm not holding you back.


Just stop coming back to me, and pretending you want me back. You're either in or you're out. I'm not going to wait on the sidelines while you f*ck every guy on campus to see if anyone of them are willing to put up with your garbage as long as I did. (spoiler alert: they won't)


They most certainly won't.

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This won't work for you.

You'll come back home.

You'll analyze and mature.

You will see the mistake you made.

We will fix this.

We will be together forever.


I must keep telling myself this. This has to happen.

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I am so on the fence about seeing you tomorrow night. You seem to be open to reconcile, but I'm not sure. We both seem scared of each other, which sucks. You're probably going yocancel, just as I'm contemplating the same thing. You say that you wished I didn't contact you, but you know deep down you're glad I did. Why are you so friggin confusing?

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I am so on the fence about seeing you tomorrow night. You seem to be open to reconcile, but I'm not sure. We both seem scared of each other, which sucks. You're probably going yocancel, just as I'm contemplating the same thing. You say that you wished I didn't contact you, but you know deep down you're glad I did. Why are you so friggin confusing?


You got this, man. Go in there confidant, better than you've ever been. She will see you smile, your posture is taller than you've ever been, she'll look you over and that spark will hit her again and she won't be able to believe how stupid she was.



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It has been two months of NC. I haven't called you, I haven't even dared, and yet I still think about you all of the time. I've tried being angry, I've tried releasing my tears, I've tried to forgive you silently and let you go, but you are still in my mind.



All of that time, effort, care, and patience on my end, and you moved on two weeks after the long walk. It hurts me knowing that you simply don't care when I cared so very much.



I still pray for you, and I always will but I'm praying for myself too and hoping that one day I'll get over this mental hurdle, the thoughts of you living your life, the thoughts of with someone else, the thoughts of wanting you back and lying about it, and hopefully, I'll find peace.



I love you.

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Today's a day of anger.


You should be coming with me to see my brother's 8th grade project like you planned on. He's doing a presentation tonight and he's so nervous. I wish you could help him out. You were one of the only guys he could really count on.


It's been two weeks and I still don't understand how you can say "I want you and no one else. It's always been you. I want to marry you. Forever and always." so on and so on and yet two days after you reiterate this, you say "I want to date others. I think I'm holding you back. Maybe someday we can get back together." The man I fell in love with would NEVER have hurt me like this.


You have broken my heart into the tiniest of pieces.


I know I struggled with expressing my feelings about you. I know I wanted to take things slowly. You never gave me ANY indication that you were frustrated with that. I was scared to open up to anyone, but with you I always felt safe & happy. I trusted you completely.


Until, one night you ended it. Completely out of the BLUE.


I will never understand that.


God, I miss you. So, so, so much.

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Hello, you good for nothing bastard. Stolen anything lately? Or have you just been wreaking havoc again?


Yes, asswipe, it's been a long time. I'm glad I no longer have to deal with your funk and your stupidity.


Bye worthless. Keep lying. That's all you know how to do.


By the way, soap is NOT a bad thing. Get familiar with it. Try using more of it, azzhole!

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Hi. I wonder how you are doing and if you have noticed by now that I blocked you from Whatsapp. It's been 3 days so I suppose you would have seen it by now. I wonder if you actually care about it or if you're just relieved to finally be done with me. I'm not too sure and there's a knot in my stomach when I realize I'll have to likely deal with bumping into you again at some stage on campus. I've been lucky that I had this one week mid semester break to deal with things but i won't be so lucky forever.


What just sucks is that I never had a chance to say goodbye. I know it wouldn't have changed much but I'm sure if you were in my shoes you would understand why I couldn't deal with it. Once I saw that picture of you and her... I know you'd tell me that I'm worried about nothing and that you're over her and that I'm the first girl you've chased and all that crap but truth be told when I saw that on your Facebook and I saw the pictures you guys took together on your holiday in January with your friends I realized I could NEVER be her. You obviously loved her very much and I know you've told me over and over that you're done with her BUT I cannot help but wonder why if you truly wanted me you couldn't just make a commitment.


See it all boils down to that. I don't give a crap about her tbh. I care more about the fact that YOU kept saying how much you want me and this and that but yet you cannot find a space for me. I believe you when you say you have issues and I know you've been hurt. I believe you when you say you haven't hooked up with any other girl in the time we dated, I really do. I trust you as well. God I trust you more than most people for some reason but the reality is that till you sort your personal issues out you told me you can't commit to a relationship. I cannot wait for you. I'm sick and tired of waiting and waiting. I don't care if there's not other girls or not. I care about the fact that I deserve a guy who wants me and won't put me on the side line till he feels ready. I think you are selfish. VERY selfish. You think you can just leave me like some toy and then come back when it suits you.


So there. That is why I blocked you. I had enough okay? I had enough of sitting by my phone all the time waiting for you to tell me you miss me. I had enough of wanting you to look into my eyes and tell me you want to be with me. I've had enough of it all and I've had enough of you and your weed & cigg addiction, your drug addict brother, your laziness and the fact that you have no ****ing idea what you want.


At the end of the day I just hope you have the decency to realize how selfish you are for going through all the romantic **** just to throw me away. Don't ask someone on dates if you don't want a relationship right now. Don't make them meet your family, friends and then go and hold hands with you publicly but then claim you don't want anything serious right now. **** that and **** you.

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Something inside, please let me die these are strange times

How come I never made it?

Maybe it's the way I played it in my heart

I knew one day I gotta be a star

My hopes and all my wishes

So many vivid pictures, and all the currency, I'll never even get to see

This fast life soon shatters

Cause after all the lights and screams

Nothing but my dreams matter

Hoping for better days

Maybe a peaceful night, baby don't cry

Cause everythang gonna be alright

Just lay your head on my shoulder

Don't worry bout a thang baby

Girl I'm a soldier

Never treated me bad, no matter who I was

You still came with that, unconditional love


In this game the lesson's in your eyes to see

Though things change, the future's still inside of me (unconditional love)

We must remember that tomorrow comes after the dark

So you will always be in my heart, with unconditional love

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You left. You left me and Nina behind. You left your family and friends behind. You did this because you believed the story behind the magic beans you were sold by him and your friends. You were bored and you thought this would solve so many things.


I wonder if you realize what you missed out on. You could have been there celebrating my Mother's birthday, we could have had so much fun together with our friends on St. Patrick's Day like we always did, we could have gone around and ate at the best places on Burger Week tried all the different burgers and milkshakes together. You could have been there with me while my team advanced to the finals, we could have cuddled and embraced how close I am to accomplishing something I've always wanted to accomplish.


We could have seen your Dad's, and your, first NHL game. We could have seen the Raptors play at the ACC and I would have taken you to the OVO store so you could get some Drake merchandise just to parade around the apartment in for fun. We would have had those memories to cherish for the rest of our lives. Today we would have been going to the Tragically Hip concert together with your father, he would have finally met my family, which would have been awesome as I think they would have gotten along really well. We would be cheering the Habs together in the Stanley Cup play-offs. By now, I would have been moved in, off probation at work, and we would have been building something really special together..


In May we could have saw the Counting Crows together. So close to doing all the things we wanted to, the summer trips, a trip down south, I would have taken you to see Ed Sheeran in concert and instead of sharing it with no one, just some guy you're using, you would have cherished the memory with someone who loves you without condition, without question. We would have gone to the Beach.. you would be progressing well in that great job you have..


And I know somewhere out there, you're bored, your missing home, your missing me and Nina though you won't admit it to yourself.. I know you're already sick of him and his emotional abuse/defection from the promises he made are beginning already. I think you know you made a huge mistake. No doubt you'll realize what you could have been doing today, with me, instead you'll be sitting on a couch, on your phone, doing nothing, while he probably hangs with his friends and ignores your very existence until the end of the night when he wants you comfort.


We could be having it all.. instead we're fractured.. miles apart.. and I don't think either of us are truly happy. At least I don't have to live with cheating, lies and the fact that I ran away from something amazing.


You know that I'm the best guy you could've dreamed of. Why did you go? It's so stupid. The more I think of it.. its ****ing stupid. Why did you have to be stupid and so ****ing immature, so dishonest and untrustworthy in the end.. why couldn't you have a stronger grip on reality? Really, a bag of magic ****ing beans is what you threw this all away for.. Unbelievable.

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Could it be my destiny to be lonely?

And checkin for these hoochies that be on me cause they phony

But you was different -- I got no need to be suspicious

Cause I can tell -- my life with you would be delicious

The way you lick your lips and shake your hips got me addicted

I'm sittin here hoping that we can find some way to kick it

Even though I got your digits gotta struggle to resist it

Slowly advance and miss my chance not to miss it

You blow me kisses

when he ain't lookin, now your heart's tooken

My only wish is that you change your mind and he get shook

Wanna take you there but you scared to follow, come see tomorrow

Hoping I can take you through the pain and sorrow

Let you know I care -- that someone's there for your struggle

Depend on me, when you have needs or there's trouble

I wanna give you happiness and maybe even more

I told you before, no time to waste we can hook up at the store

Can you get away?

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