Calidude6 Posted June 27, 2015 Share Posted June 27, 2015 I'm sorry brother I feel exactly the way you do. You create an amazing bond with an amazing girl and what do you get in return...time while they get freedom. Yeah man it blows. I made some minor mistakes but not to give me a chance and for her to go out and meet new guys and date just sucks. A slap in the face but it's her loss. You can't find as many good guys as you can good girls. They'll realize one day in their lives. Link to post Share on other sites
Thistooshallpass21 Posted June 27, 2015 Share Posted June 27, 2015 You can't find as many good guys as you can good girls. They'll realize one day in their lives. Amen brother amen. Link to post Share on other sites
ird Posted June 28, 2015 Share Posted June 28, 2015 Oh boy Jordan, We started talking again and I've come to realize I was happier when we weren't talking than I have been since we've started again. When we're texting and talking and whatever I have a constant fear of you never speaking to me again (a fear that you've set in stone by now.) Yesterday or the day before I tried to tell you off, to never speak with me again, threatened to block you. You kinda freaked out and called me and we talked it out somehow. You promised to call later. You never did. We texted a bit and made plans to see eachother today but you stopped responding to my texts and calls last night and I didn't hear from you until I got mad and sent you one last goodbye message and blocked you/told you im blocking you. Then I had a moment of regret and unblocked you now I can't block you again because you're not a contact. Damn it. Anyway I know you won't message me and you'll assume I have you blocked, which is good. You are not healthy for me. You don't care about my emotions, I am just another toy for you to enjoy when convenient to you, and put me away when you don't feel like dealing with me. Anyways I hope that we can stay separated from one another since anything we had is a dead horse that i'm just beating and beating over again. Bye Jordan, don't contact me or else i'll probably have a breakdown. See you in hell in 60-some odd years. Link to post Share on other sites
ssandeepsingh02 Posted June 28, 2015 Share Posted June 28, 2015 Hey P Im missing you missing you like crazy..i want to talk to you..hear your voice..days are getting is the 5 th day since i talked to you..i still love you even after all that you did..n hope you realize how much you mean to me..n cime back to me..i know it's not going to happen but a man can dream..honey i love you so much..give a few months n i will make everything right..don't go for one can love you the way i do.. Link to post Share on other sites
StrangerThanFiction Posted June 28, 2015 Share Posted June 28, 2015 I miss you today. Why, I have no idea. You were a terrible boyfriend and when I was with you I didn't like who I became. I was weak and pathetic, I just wanted you to love me like I loved you. But you never did. I was your meal ticket, your free place to live while you paid for nothing and saved all the money you did make so you could take the OW on vacations while I was stuck paying the rent and bills on my own. You are a liar and a cheater and a user. So what's there to miss? Maybe I just miss the illusion of love that you put forth so you could continue leeching off me. God, am I really that pathetic? I am so ready to be over you already. Link to post Share on other sites
Bing Posted June 29, 2015 Share Posted June 29, 2015 I wish you would have just talked to me. It's been 5 months since you ended it to be with the married man I trusted you to spend time with. Seems like you've moved on to someone else now, since I see your car parked just a few blocks away from me a couple nights a week. I hope you're getting from them whatever it was you felt I couldn't give you. I wish you would have just talked to me. I wasn't perfect, but neither were you, and every decision I made was for the best for both of us. I thought you wanted a family with me, and I loved you and treated you like family. I stuck by you when you were down, took your drunken rages, and gave you the best I could- but when I told you I was going to need you to be patient while I sorted out my health because I wanted to spend my life with you, you bailed. Or did you check out before and were just too scared or cowardly to tell me you didn't want a future with me? After you asked me to marry you the night I cleaned the vomit off you from a day-drunk? Maybe you could have told me the night you had a panic attack after the party we attended where I made small talk with the man you were seeing behind my back? I always said if you weren't happy you could go, but you had to do it in the most dishonest, hurtful way. It feels like you stole a part of me that I'll never get back. I see you in passing and we say hi to each other and it is so much bull****. I don't want to carry this anger and hurt with me anymore. Especially for someone who doesn't even care, and can't acknowledge that maybe she didn't treat me well, even if she wasn't happy with me. It's not worth it. You're not worth it. The funny thing is, I did what I told you I'd do when you said you were done. I'm healthier and better off than I've been in years. I've done the work on myself to be a better person, and have addressed my part in things not being great between us. I've done great things since the breakup, Things that I would have done sooner if you'd just talked to me. I'm the man you wanted me to me, perhaps too late, but I did it. I wish I could share this with you, but as you said when you ended things, it's too late. You'll never apologize, but if you'll do, it'll be long after I've had to deal with all the hurt on my own and it won't make any difference. I don't even know who you are anymore, so much time has passed. I'm not sure I ever did. But I still care for you and wish we could start over. Guess I'm still broken if I'd do that after the way you treated me. Link to post Share on other sites
OldSoul86 Posted June 29, 2015 Share Posted June 29, 2015 B, I have one very big regret in this whole situation - I wish that I had the foresight I had way before I finally came to the realization that we were not compatible in the long run. Even though you made it clear that you weren't moving to Washington just for me (you wanted to escape the heat, you didn't like the desert, wanted to be closer to your good friend N, and you loved the rain that is abundant in Washington) - I still feel partly responsible for you being there now. If I could tell you one thing and one thing only for the rest of my life - it is that you should move back home to your sister and family. I am sorry that I disappointed you and that we're no longer together. I just want you to know that I had every intention of staying with you (I am sorry that I now want a family and that you can't help me make one, I am sorry that you are in Washington, and I hope that the reasons you gave me for wanting to move are still valid and that even though we're not together, that you still like it there and are taking steps to ensure your happiness and that you're trying to build a life out there.) I still love and care about you more than you can ever hope to understand. M Link to post Share on other sites
Familia Posted June 30, 2015 Share Posted June 30, 2015 Polly I so wish I could hold you one last time and just get everything off my chest with my personal issues, well once personal issues. I am now 3 months without any alcohol or cigarettes in my life. Much to you despise I now attend a Christian life church and feel brilliant within myself and have lost that 5-6 kgs I always dreaded. The only thing missing now is you, I just wish I could have got myself in order as I am now many months ago before you cheated on me for another man (with less hair lol) and showed you that my issues were temporary and that I could sort myself out. I know you have moved on, I have also moved on although deep down I still have so many feelings towards you and Micko and still dream of that future that we should have had. Polly (Anni) and Micko I love you and always will. Love you both so dearly, I know we will not ever be together again nor speak one word to each other, but I do really wish you well with your new relationship and I hope mine can someday over shadow my thoughts I have for you within my heart. Love you Anni xoxoxoxo Polly Link to post Share on other sites
CopingGal Posted June 30, 2015 Share Posted June 30, 2015 Dear buttwipe, How are you tonight? Did you finally, finally go out and get a conscience? I don't think so, buttwipe. You're girlfriend is going to find out what an azz you are. It took the woman you cheating on me with only a few months to learn what a loser you are. Why she went back to you, I don't know, but did you all even make it to a year? At the most, you made it to a year and a half. That was big talk for a jackazz like you to brag about marrying her. You two couldn't even make it to 2 years. That's because you are a super-sized, vanilla scented buttwipe. Now you went out and got yourself a woman who looks mentally challenged. She'd have to be, in order to be with you, you filthy low-life. Go stick your head in the toilet and save us all from you moronic existent. You are a waste of oxygen, a waste of space, and an overall waste of life. Screw you, you bugaboo. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
RileyPayne Posted June 30, 2015 Share Posted June 30, 2015 G, I miss you so much, I'd do anything for you to be with me again and anything for you to be my side. I'm so scared that you've replaced me and you're speaking to someone who can make you happier than I did. I hate knowing that you probably don't care about me as much as you used to and that I'll never again have what we had for over 2 years. I made 1 mistake, breaking up with you, and I tried to rectify it. Why won't you accept that I made a mistake and come back to me? I still love you, although, I doubt you love me anymore. Link to post Share on other sites
NomiMalone Posted June 30, 2015 Share Posted June 30, 2015 Did you, at any time in all this, ever wonder how I might feel? You had every right to make that call, but did you really have to do it the way you did? Link to post Share on other sites
OldSoul86 Posted June 30, 2015 Share Posted June 30, 2015 (edited) B, I have some questions for you: 1.) Why were you so standoffish towards my friends and family? People are a package deal, if you ever want to have a lasting relationship with someone - you're going to need to learn how to be respectful and friendly to people other than your significant other. You want to know why people are off put by you? Look at your behaviour around others. Just the fact that I had to point out your rudeness blows my mind. How are you not aware that you have no idea how to be jovial? My friends and family were nothing but kind to you, your response - cold and indifferent. You couldn't care less about the people that I care about - there was no way in hell that I would let you take me away from the people I know and love dearly. 2.) Why are you so intransigent? Life is not black and white, it is many many shades of gray. While ultimately it is your choosing to not have kids, you went and did the most extreme thing you could do - got yourself sterilized. You do realize that you need to find a man who has no desire to have kids (and if you're smart, you'll make sure that he has had a vasectomy so that he won't change his mind on you.) You were so angry that you had to go to numerous doctors because you were getting turned down for the procedure - I wonder why they were so reluctant? What's worse is that you haven't even told your family about your sterilization. Why haven't you? By doing this, you have denied any future man's point of view. Just know that by doing this, you've created a large deal breaker for many men. 3.) Why did you email me hurtful things post breakup? I asked you to respect my wishes to stay NC. You hurt me dearly by saying the things you said. You are still refusing to take some responsibility for the situation. Being a victim is not going to help you heal and move on in whatever capacity you choose. You are a manipulator, your words told me that. You tried to get me to march to the beat of YOUR drum, instead of having the opportunity for us to find a rhythm that works for both of us. You knew I felt guilty already for hurting you - so what do you do? You email me telling me that you'll never feel well again and that you're doing as awful as a person can be doing - whilst you're still breathing. Thank you for making me feel even more guilty. 4.) Why didn't you make an effort to celebrate my birthdays with me? I know that we were a three hour drive apart, but still - if the shoe was on the other foot, I would have done anything I could to make you feel special for your birthday. It didn't even have to be on the day. You could have come up even for one day (a day off from work would have been more than acceptable to me) and spent some time with me and I would have been elated. You never made an effort, you never even gave me a card - whilst I busted my ass for both birthdays that you had when we were together. God forbid I inconvenience you with something special like a birthday. Even when we broke up and I brought it up, you got really defensive and nasty towards me. I'm sorry but I deserve better than that. I gave my all, right until I had no more to give. M P.S. - I just wish I could get mad at you, I really do. Edited June 30, 2015 by OldSoul86 Clarity 1 Link to post Share on other sites
15Love Posted June 30, 2015 Share Posted June 30, 2015 The things you said today... They make since. On another note, I understand you are content with just those four things from me...but I'm a human. No human should admit to another humans face that that's all they want from them. Not without shame. And I reward you for speaking to me like that. That's ****** up on every level imaginable. I have no one to blame but myself at this point. I love you...but that's no excuse. You're unforgivable. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
OldSoul86 Posted July 1, 2015 Share Posted July 1, 2015 (edited) B, One thing I will never understand about you is how you can be so unappreciative. I busted my ass to be the best boyfriend I could have been. Every time we saw each other I gave 110 percent. Going to your place? I made sure to cook you a really nice dinner (often with little recognition), made sure to massage you (especially after you came home from work), gave you my undivided attention, and rocked your world sexually. When you came to visit? I took you everywhere that I thought that you'd enjoy (hiking, site-seeing, showed you around my city, and tried my best to introduce you to my friends and family.) I showed you the best time I could, and in return - I spent most of my time hanging out at your apartment, when I was asking you to show me around your city. Now that I look back - I was the giver and you were the taker. I was a fool. What did you do for me? All of those times I visited you, all we did was hang out at your place and go out to eat once and a while. I never met any of your friends. Oh we went to a park once, and that's it. Your life is pretty sad - you go to work, come home and then sit in front of your computer until it is time to go to bed - only to wake up and do the same thing over again. Oh, and your room smelled awful - maybe if you did your laundry more than once every couple of weeks and didn't leave the dirty clothes hamper in your room - that could have helped the smell. Your kitchen was always a mess - don't leave dirty dishes in the sink, they smell. You constantly complained about having to do housework - guess what? That's a part of life. No one enjoys doing it, but we still do it. Come to think of it, you are a chronic complainer. Work, coworkers, housework, parents, sister, news - I could go on. You really dragged me down in the gutter - I had to listen to your negativity day in and day out. You think I need to grow up? Take a look in the mirror, and take a look around your living space. At least I am clean and am trying to keep my life interesting - which is more than I can say for you. M Edited July 1, 2015 by OldSoul86 More venting Link to post Share on other sites
DinnerForOne Posted July 2, 2015 Share Posted July 2, 2015 (edited) "J" Finally my eyes have been opened and I now realise that you are a Narcissistic, Misogynistic, Emotionally, Psychologically, Financially Abusive Drunk who is a Deceptive, Lying, Cheating, Infidel all wrapped up in Sheep's clothing. Good luck to you and "Z", you suit each other. Buh-Bye. Edited July 2, 2015 by DinnerForOne 1 Link to post Share on other sites
RileyPayne Posted July 2, 2015 Share Posted July 2, 2015 G, I'm missing you, I'm still waking up thinking about you and going to sleep wondering about you. Wondering if you're thinking about me, thinking that just maybe that buzz might be you asking for it all back with that cute little smile on your face. I sit here crying because I miss you so much, it's just that you don't understand how much you mean to me. I came really close to checking in on you and I feel like I'm coming closer to doing so, I wish I could fight it but the urge and desire feels like it is winning. Link to post Share on other sites
DinnerForOne Posted July 2, 2015 Share Posted July 2, 2015 (edited) (Could not edit my post above) so this is actually how it goes: "J" Finally my eyes have been opened and I now realise that you are a Narcissistic, Misogynistic, Emotionally, Psychologically, Financially Abusive Drunk who is a Deceptive, Lying, Cheating, Infidel all wrapped up in sheep's clothing. You are a pathetic excuse of a "man" (and I use the word "man" lightly) who is deviod of emotion, compassion, remorse, love, honesty or empathy. Good luck to you and "Z", you suit each other. Buh-Bye Edited July 2, 2015 by DinnerForOne 1 Link to post Share on other sites
OldSoul86 Posted July 3, 2015 Share Posted July 3, 2015 B, I got woken up at 5:30 AM because of a stupid confirmation email from US Airways. You changed the itinerary of the trip we were supposed to go on in late August. I just wish you had the decency to give me the ticket that I bought so that I could try to get my money back or at least try to get credit from the airline for a trip in the future. The sensible thing to do would be to give me my ticket, but you won't, I know you too well. I guess I have no choice but to eat that 300 dollars. It is reminders like this that are going to propel me to move forward with my life. Like I said yesterday, you're a taker - and I am a giver. If I find out that you decided to cancel my ticket and keep the money I gave to you to pay for it - well that just goes to show how shallow a person you truly are. I am already pissed that you never even offered to give me my ticket so I could try to get a refund. I don't want to contact you about it either - to me, the 300 dollars is worth the silence. You are not a nice person - you project it, but deep down you are broken and angry. I wish you'd do the right thing, but I would be kidding myself if now of all times you would actually do something nice for me. Please do me a favour and stay out of my life - I have too much to look forward to, I have goals to achieve and there is not a snowballs chance in hell that I will let you run me down into the ground again. Get lost, M Link to post Share on other sites
Tone Loc Posted July 5, 2015 Share Posted July 5, 2015 Well, what do I write on here... I haven't been on here for a while. I hope you never stumble upon my account here on this forum. I really hope and wish that we can finally commit to permanent NC! After months of dancing around and playing silly games, I really need to move on with my life because you're a really bad influence. You're a terrible friend and an even worse girlfriend. You're literally never available to speak to, if I'm lucky I'll get one or two texts from you a day...that is not enough for me. You are useless, I have no more use for you. I wish I didn't waste so much money, time and effort on you because you're not worth it. You're a sewer rat, that's what you're always going to be. The only reason why I went dumpster-diving was because I was desperate for a woman. I scraped the bottom of the barrel in search of companionship and I found you. There you were, scruffy and dirty, as useless then as you are now. I wasted almost an entire year on you, I could have spent that money on a VERY decent car and then still have some left over for a huge party! I'm really going to go for it this time, NC I mean. I genuinely regret ever meeting you or finding out about you. You really suck. Be gone Link to post Share on other sites
OldSoul86 Posted July 5, 2015 Share Posted July 5, 2015 B, I haven't really felt the need to use this for the last couple of days. Maybe I should take this as a sign that I'm moving on. I still think about you a lot and wonder what you're doing, and if you're doing well. I am still extremely disappointed that it did not work out - at the very least I am free to pursue others that I am more compatible with. I am coming to grips with the fact that it is really easy to misrepresent yourself online. Factor in the long-distance aspect, it was really easy for you to put up a false front. I am disappointed that I did not know some of the things I know about you now, sooner. I definitely would have ended things earlier if I could have. One thing I do know, is that I am working through my guilt - even though countless people say that I have nothing to feel guilty about. Everyone has a right to leave something behind that isn't right for them. This is true both professionally and personally. Now that I look back, I was very unhappy, but the thought of our next visit kept me going. I am disappointed that you decided to get sterilized (it is probably a good thing though, because you realize deep down that you would not be a good mother - I swear I heard you say that at some point in our relationship.) I am disappointed that you could not be warm, respectful, and friendly with the people I care most about - despite me trying my best to warm you up to them. I am disappointed that you took my love for granted. I am disappointed that you did not reciprocate all of the effort I put into the relationship. I really can dust my hands off, knowing that I did the best I could (even though I stumbled and made some mistakes along the way - I recognized those mistakes, and rectified them and became a better lover for you.) You simply aren't the right woman for me. I want a woman who is warm, loving, and willing to be a part of my extended family and my wonderful friends. I want a woman who loves children too and wants to have them. I remember reading some of the things you wrote online about motherhood and fat people - some truly shuddering stuff. You are really judgmental and I believe you have a superiority complex because of the choices you make in life. Someone on LS wrote some really enlightening stuff a couple of days ago about people who refuse to participate in family events. He locked himself in a room and wished that others would do the same. My fear is that you will become one of those people. Your actions point to being like that down the road - you were a non-participant when I tried to integrate you into my family and circle of friends. How long would it take for you to shut them out of your life? How long would it take for you to say to me that I couldn't see them anymore? These are all things I am glad I will never find out. People with social anxiety get worse with age if they don't address it. When we broke up you said that there was nothing wrong with you at all. People who often need the most help, will never seek it. I feel bad for you. I hope you realize that your stubbornness will eventually turn you into a total recluse. I do not want that life. I want to be with someone who I can enjoy life with - not someone who is a shut in, someone who sits at a computer from the moment she gets home from work, until the time she goes to bed. There is more to life than that. M Link to post Share on other sites
Throldur Posted July 5, 2015 Share Posted July 5, 2015 L, Let go and come home. Stop searching for something that doesn't exist. What you wanted and what you needed have always been right here. The grass is not turning green on the other side. But it was always in bloom here with me. Please, baby. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
StrangerThanFiction Posted July 6, 2015 Share Posted July 6, 2015 It's been a few days since I've felt the need to come on here. I think that's a good indicator that I'm healing. I'm no longer scared of being single but man I miss being touched. I always thought of myself as an not very touchy person, and I'm not for the most part, but when the human contact is gone...I'm really noticing the absence and it's depressing. Sure, I hug my family and stuff, but it's not the same as cuddling up the couch to watch a movie with a boyfriend. Damn, now I'm depressed. I wish I had someone to hold my hand. Link to post Share on other sites
OldSoul86 Posted July 7, 2015 Share Posted July 7, 2015 B, As I was working today, one thought pervaded my mind all day. I just can't believe how little you reciprocated my love and effort in the relationship. Remember when you were REALLY sick with a head cold and flu back in March? I felt so bad that I could not get down to visit you because of work stuff that I went and bought you flowers online and made sure to get them to write a lovely card for you too. I tried my God damn hardest to be the best boyfriend I could. There was nothing I would not have done for you - maybe that is my problem, I am too eager to please. I remember how I asked you to come celebrate my birthday with me this year. You could not have made it on the day of my birthday, but I would have been more than happy for you to come and visit me any time after the fact. I just wanted you to come and celebrate with me. I put a stupid amount of effort into planning both of your birthdays. You didn't even give me a bloody birthday card, let alone a gift. Even when we broke up, I brought this up to you because it was eating me up. You were so nasty to me when I brought it up, and you got even more angry when I said that e-cards were free. **** like this makes me wonder if I was near the top of your priority list. You love to take and take, but you never were the giving type. I would have been more than happy to just chill out with you, it didn't even need to be anything elaborate or expensive - I just wanted my significant other to celebrate with me. You could not give that to me, period. I hope that I just wake up one day, get fuming mad - and leave all of the hurt behind me. All I wanted from you was some reciprocity - instead all I got was heartbreak from being the forced dumper, because I clearly deserve better than you. M Link to post Share on other sites
DK666 Posted July 7, 2015 Share Posted July 7, 2015 V I'm so sorry about everything that happened, from the end of our relationship to the incident over the weekend. I feel so betrayed that you would tell your sister about all of my personal insecurities that I have only ever told you about, thinking it was in confidence, that is why I said the things I did, I still feel guilty as hell though. I still lub you so much and miss you so much, I would do anything for us to be back together but I don't know if we could ever get past what has happened. I miss your hugs, kisses and touch so much, life without you seems unbearable. D Link to post Share on other sites
StrangerThanFiction Posted July 8, 2015 Share Posted July 8, 2015 Ex, I don't remember what you look like anymore. I don't remember what your voice sounds like. What you smell like. Well...come to think of it, that last one isn't entirely true. I was driving by the meat packing plant today and the rank scent of death wafting from it reminded me of the massive, disgusting farts that you seemed to always take so much pride in and it gave me yet another vivid reminder of why I'm so much better off without you. Dude, seriously get that checked out. It's not healthy. Anyway, besides that, you're fading from my mind and will soon only be a distant memory brought on by a whiff of death/a$$ on the breeze. Link to post Share on other sites
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